How To Be Misunderstood as a Villain in a Zombie Apocalypse

chapter 64

Chapter 8. The lives of others (6)

No matter how good you look at it, this is a zombie with wings on its back. Or a zombie angel. An angel zombie or something. It is not a statue of a goddess that naturally evokes faith.

The next moment the screen went dark. It appears that the cell phone has fallen deep into the front pocket. Still, the sound was good.

「Nice to meet you. My name is Joanna Mustaine. Looking at the students in the front row reminds me of the times when I studied at Römer… 」

Good voice, clear pronunciation, and good delivery. There’s a lot to say.

The professor seems to have been given the role of explaining about this hideous statue. However, the presentation was poor.

‘There are so many things I don’t know.’

It is estimated that it was created approximately 1,000 years ago. They said the material was similar, the appearance was similar, and they were found buried in the ground.

But there were too many unanswered questions. It is true that the people of Erza believed in a goddess, but there is no information about who created the goddess statue and how.

Even the discovery locations are all remote.

Generally, statues of gods are found in crowded places. Temple. Like the center of a city or village.

However, the statue of the Goddess of Hunger appeared in remote places such as dried riverbeds, cemeteries, and rocky valleys hit by landslides.

「But I found one more thing in common here. This would not have been possible if it had not been for the full support of the Elsa government. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. President.”

There were only boos, but Dr. Mustaine continued to say what he had to say.

「What our team found. That is, countless white bones were discovered around the statue. Humans and beasts were mixed together, and swords, armor, and weapons were found in large quantities. It’s all old stuff. “It was a time when there were no countries called Römer and Minsk.”

People were buzzing. They said they saw light in the cell phone camera or not. It looks like the owner of the phone is somehow trying to pull the camera up into his front pocket.

「I would like to put forward a bold hypothesis here. Since time immemorial, the people of Elza have fought against foreign enemies. No matter how weak I was, I did not surrender, and no matter how disadvantageous I was, I endured.”

The rumbling sound got louder. The owner of the cell phone also tried to say something emotional. No one stopped him.

「Why was the statue discovered in such a rough place? Because people moved it. In fact, there are traces of the statue being transported.

Elsa, everyone. Our ancestors never stopped fighting. We fought and fought again, on the banks of rough rivers and in the valleys of stony mountains. We are not weak. Even though you have been invaded so many times, haven’t you lived as an Erza person all this time?”

There were half cheers and half boos. There was heat in the professor’s voice. Just as moisture dries from paper before it catches fire, her voice gradually cracked.

“Liar and hypocrite.”

Camilla muttered.

「You already know! Whether you believe in him or not, you’ve probably heard it at least once. Why did the goddess become like this?

The Goddess was originally a beautiful goddess of abundance. But she gave away her own body and gave it to the land, creatures, sky, and rivers of Elsa, who were starving and starving.

When we are abundant, the Goddess is hungry. When we procreate and multiply, Her Goddess’ body becomes weak and crumbles.

We who grew up in this way, we who grew up eating the blood of the goddess and her flesh! At the moment of death! Return to the embrace of Mother Earth! She feeds our sick and aged bodies back to the Goddess!

Come, my sons and daughters! This mother is fine. Take my life and enjoy it, and give me back death!”

The camera suddenly soared upward. The owner of the cell phone, unable to contain his excitement, jumped up.

It wasn’t just this person. The people below the podium cried, shouted, booed, and sobbed as one.

「Look! So we finally did it. We repaid your faith and love with the form of an independent nation! To our mothers, who have been blind, deaf, torn out, and torn to pieces as they fed, raised, and clothed us, I say! Elsa, an independent nation, Elsa, an independent nation! Live forever! Live forever! 」

「Long live forever! Live forever!”

The people who had gathered so that there was no end in sight stretched out their fists and shouted. The same was true for those sitting on the podium.

Those who shouted boos and those who were excited all spoke with one voice. Even Roemer’s delegation took notice and followed suit.

But only one person.

Dr. Joanna Mustaine herself seemed indifferent. Her eyes flicker and she slowly scans her audience. She is quietly watching to see what kind of reaction there is to what she said.

She seemed good at these things. It is the image of a fraudster.

At that time, some movement was seen.

As it was an official event where many VIPs gathered, in addition to the national military police in uniform, there were also bodyguards in suits and sunglasses. Those people whose holster or part of a submachine gun is visible through the gap in their suit.

Usually, such bodyguards have somewhat similar postures. But one person who looked somewhat clumsy caught my eye. The gaze was not directed at the general audience but at other security guards and National Military Police soldiers.

“Is this person by any chance?”

Camilla nodded her head to my question.

“That’s right. He must have been a member of the Capital Liberation Unit. “That person set off the bomb.”

Mr. President stepped forward to the podium again. Until then, the statue of the goddess was kept in a glass case. At that time.

「There is only death for Erza’s traitor!」

A person wearing a performance staff vest ran out. He held a bomb in one hand. A loud explosion broke out. The world turned sideways.

Fortunately, the owner of the cell phone does not appear to have been hit by any debris. Instead, he launched himself forward. It was near the goddess statue. Ta-ta-tang! A person wearing a staff vest collapsed.

The fallen people groaned. The glass case of the statue broke and shattered.

The large dome-shaped cloth installed above the stage tilted and collapsed on top of the people. Iron bars and frames poured out.

The dome-shaped screen fell on the stage.

Now the people on stage have become like ants trapped in a paper cup. At first, bodyguards and national gendarmerie officers tried to move the VIP.

But gunshots and bombs could be heard everywhere. Those who decided that it was not unusual made the VIPs squat down and surrounded them.

An agent of the Capital Liberation Unit reached out his hand through the gap between them.


People couldn’t scream properly even once. Pieces and fragments spread everywhere, sliding and sliding. It felt like I dipped paint into a tissue and threw it at the wall.

Blood and flesh were attached to the statue of the goddess. Members carrying automatic pistols and submachine guns tore the fabric and stormed the stage.

The bodyguards, who had injuries all over their bodies, fired their guns. The body of the member who received the concentrated fire crumpled and hit the base of the goddess statue.

The marble statue of the goddess fell backwards. She fell and crushed the dead member’s body. The dead man’s flesh and blood poured down on the owner of the cell phone.

「Woo, wow!」

A loud noise was heard and the cell phone was locked. The owner appears to have fainted. In the meantime, the cell phone in the front pocket steadily reflected the scene on stage. Although it turned upside down.

Siren sound. Rifle sound. The sound of commands and helicopters flying. The frequency of pitiful screams became more frequent. Terrorists were being suppressed. The liberation team member covered in blood stood up.

「You must go!」

I was rummaging through a pile of t-shirts, then grabbed someone’s hand and dragged them. It was Dr. Joanna, bleeding from her forehead.

The doctor’s glasses flew off, but her wig was still there. The doctor had his hand in her arms.

「It was successful. It’s a huge success! Polcrum, we did it! All the leaders of Erza’s government have been punished! “As expected of you.”


The liberation team member has fallen. Dr. Joanna fired the pistol in his hand a couple more times. Confirmed kill. He approached the people who were moaning and shot her again, once in the head and once in the chest.

Joanna approached the cell phone. Tilting her head, she heard a moan next to her, so she turned towards him and fired her pistol.

“… “Falcrum!”

Camilla moaned in her astonishment.

Dr. Joanna threw her pistol among her corpses. She muttered, looking at the fallen statue.

「Goddess. “It is harvest time.”

The loudspeaker rang loudly. Dr. Joanna rolled over on her floor and collapsed. Soldiers and medical officers rushed in, tearing the cloth. People were carried out one by one on stretchers.

「I’m alive! Move quickly! “I’m in shock!”

Now the mobile phone illuminates the sky. The lower jaws and noses of the people carrying the stretcher were visible. I heard a crunching sound and saw the ceiling of the ambulance.

「Patient, patient! Come to your senses! Patient! “There doesn’t seem to be any bleeding, but it looks like it’s in severe shock!”

「… “I’m hungry.”

「Yes? Patient, what do you say?”

One of the medical staff put his ear close. The owner of the phone spoke more clearly.

「I’m hungry.」


The world shook again. The cell phone fell to the floor. Scream. Shout. Gun sound. Vibration. Abalone. The ambulance flipped on its side. The cell phone that had been rolling around fell into the empty gap.

The video has ended.

* * * * *

Camilla stood up. She washed her face, drank water, and then she came back. She turned the video back and played it again and again. She seemed much calmer than I expected.

Soon she stopped the video. Dr. Joanna’s face was floating.

“John. “I never told you all about the mission I was given, right?”

“Wasn’t the bag secured?”

“That wasn’t all. Did you say it? Hans knows you’re a Western spy. “He was trying to contact a company in Minsk through you.”

No, I’m not a spy.

But Camilla did not have the slightest doubt.

“The liberation group lacks industrial facilities. In fact, Elsa’s overall industrial technology is underdeveloped. So I was thinking of placing an order with Minsk and producing bag bombs in large quantities.

Everyone in the Central Branch thought that in itself was plausible. At that time, I didn’t know there was a virus in my bag. “I just thought it was a disguised explosive.”


“But that was beyond Hans’ abilities and authority, and it was not Hans who designed the bag.

The liberation group is operated in the form of a branch organization. And as far as we know, the person at the top is ‘Falcrum’.

No one knows the identity. Whether it is a group or an individual. “I don’t know if Hans knew.”

Falcrum. A high-ranking individual or group among the Elsa Troupe terrorists, operated as a branch organization. Dr. Joanna Mustaine was Falkrum.

“But this woman….”

“… I even shot all my colleagues. And that last one. That… “It is clearly the work of a fanatic.”

With the support of the Elsa government, he is a stooge who carries out national research and is a shadowy manipulator of the secret organization Elsa Troupe terrorists, but his true identity is a fanatic of the goddess. No, maybe there is more.

Camila turned the video forward. A scene where the owner of a cell phone bites a medical staff member in an ambulance, saying he is hungry.


Camilla said, looking back at that part again.

“Hans said this virus was released from Römer. He says he did an experiment on Erza’s land that shouldn’t have been done and the virus leaked out. She also claimed to have a deep connection with Cybele.

But the zombie virus… To be more precise, it was said that this thing called the Cro virus could be controlled by humans at any time. The zombie virus can be contained by simply following basic hygiene rules. Zombies are no match for humans.

Nevertheless, Roemer deliberately spreads this virus and tries to completely put a leash on Erza… That is the reality of human non-protected areas and human protected areas. That was Hans’ argument. However.”

But. Now, that has been completely overturned.

“… According to this video, the first zombie outbreak occurred four years ago. Long before we knew it. And the virus was not related to Römer, but had a deeper connection to the statue of the goddess. And Folcrum, who was considered the leader of the liberation group, was a fanatic. “They shoot and kill even their fellow comrades.”

An expression appeared on Camilla’s face. Like something that has sunk beneath the surface rises.

“We were all played by that woman. All the members of the Liberation Corps. At the hands of that crazy fanatic.”

I know that expression. It resembles the expression I made when I looked in the mirror every morning.

Feeling of emptiness.


I closed the laptop.

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