How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Side Chapter 2

It’s now the stroke of twelve, all twenty-seven members of Jin’s class are sitting down, waiting for their jonin leaders to arrive. Everyone is sitting with their respective team members. Naruto stands up and begins to pace back and forth with anticipation.

The door to the classroom slides open, the class turns to see a very tall man with a muscular physique and a strong jawline enter the room. He wears a white shirt with a purple collar that’s popped up and a pair of black pants, and his headband is wrapped around his shoulder. His spikey orange hair sways as he walks in, he has a calm demeanor, but his eyes shine with confidence.

With a big smile and wide eyes, Naruto shouts, “All right, are you our sensei?! I’m Naruto Uzumaki and one day, I’m gonna be Hokage!!”

Now standing behind the desk in front of the class, the man pulls out sheets of paper and says, “Jin Yamanaka, Yuno Tamaki, and Takeda Sarutobi.”

“Sir!” All three of Team 1 stand up.

“I’m Hanzo Mishima and I’m going to be the jonin leader of your squad. We’re going to have a meeting now, so follow me.”


“See ya!”

“So long.”

As Team 1 says their goodbyes, leaving the classroom forever, Jin thinks, So my team consists of me, a background character and 3 characters from a MMO-JRPG for PC that I’ve barely even played…?


Team 1 has their first meeting on the roof of a random building. Hanzo stands tall, facing his three new subordinates who’re sitting on a bench. The warm sun and the cool, gentle afternoon breeze makes Jin feel a bit nostalgic about his old life.

“Alright, let's introduce ourselves--one at a time, I’ll start: I’m Hanzo Mishima, things I like and hate? I don’t feel like telling you that… Dreams for the future? I never really thought about that… and hobbies? I have lots of hobbies.”

What is this? This sounds like something Kakashi would say… A yawing Jin thinks as he’s annoyed by his sensei’s bland introduction.

Jin looks to both of his teammates to see that they’re also not amused by their sensei’s introduction. Hanzo points at the boy on the right with the orange and black shirt with gray pants. “You there on the right? It's your turn.”

Takeda’s grin shows his arrogance. “Okay, my name’s Takeda Sarutobi. I like Takoyaki and hate milk… my hobby is collecting all kinds of ninja tools… and my dream is to become Hokage.”

“All right… next.”

“I’m Yuno Tamaki, what I like--uh, I mean the person I like is…” A coy Yuno gives Jin a giddish side glance. “...Uh, my hobby is… My dream for the future is…”

So I get my own Sakura? That sucks. Jin sighs, distancing himself from the situation.

“And…? What do you hate?”


“Waaahh?!” Tears begin to well up in a devastated Takeda’s eyes.

“Last one.”

Let’s get this over with… The red-headed genin sighs with disinterest. “ I am Jin Yamanaka, my hobbies are reading and art, and my goal is to become a powerful ninja, mastering all sorts of jutsu… that’s all.”

“Good, you’re each unique with your own ideas. We’ll have our first mission in two hours.” Hanzo crosses his arms, going through the motions.

“Ooh, what kind of mission are we gonna have?” Takeda’s eyes sparkle with excitement.

“It’s a task that the four of us will do together… a survival exercise.”

Jin’s expression becomes serious. “Don’t tell me… we’ll be sent back to the academy if we fail.”

Hanzo simply shrugs, responding with, “Caught on, eh? Meet me at the designated training spot in two hours and bring your ninja gear.”


Jin decided to head to the training grounds fifteen minutes early. After five minutes, Hanzo arrives, he greets the red-haired genin, but Jin pays him no mind.

Can you feel life moving through your mind, looks like it came back for more… Jin sings in his head as he sorts through his ninja tools while waiting for the exercise to start. …Live and learn, hangin' on to the edge of tomorrow…!

Ten minutes later, Takeda and Yuno finally arrive. Yuno tries to get Jin’s attention, but he simply ignores her and waits for the exercise to begin.

“Since everyone’s here, let’s get started.” Hanzo sets a timer clock on one of the nearby posts and presses the button on top. “It’s set for 7PM… Your assignment is very simple, you just have to take these bells from me.”

“Wait--but there are only two bells.” Yuno points out.

Because the whole point of this exercise is teamwork, DUH. Jin watches Hanzo twirl the bells with his fingers.

“This way, one of you will be tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy, then again… all three of you can fail as well.”

The air becomes tense as Jin becomes serious. Yuno gulps as Takeda quietly whines.

“You can use any weapons and jutsu. If you’re not prepared to kill me, you won’t be able to take the bells.”

“I’m ready when you are, sensei.” Jin cracks his knuckles with anticipation.

Hanzo smirks. “Hmph, get ready and… start!”

Jin and Yuno quickly disappear in a puff of smoke, leaving no traces of where they hid. Takeda on the other hand, proudly stares down the jonin with his arms folded.

“What are you doing, Takeda?” Hanzo is somewhat confused.

Takeda boldly charges at Hanzo. “You and me are gonna settle this, fair and square!”

Jin’s teammate throws a punch only to hit the air, Hanzo is seen crouching behind the young and naïve genin, weaving the tiger seal. As Hanzo is about to poke Takeda, Jin bursts out of the river, throwing five kunai. Hanzo casually evades them all and grabs the last kunai throwing back. Jin is hit, but in a puff of smoke, Jin turns into a log.

Takeda takes the moment to jump away in anger. “I didn’t need your help, Jin!”

Keep telling yourself that, idiot… Jin cautiously hides in a tall tree. “*sigh* …I should regroup with the others.”

“Jin, behind you.” A voice whispers from behind.

The genin looks back to see his jonin leader staring right at him from another branch on the same tree. Startled, Jin immediately drops from his branch, running down it’s trunk. On the way down, Jin creates two shadow clones.

SCRAMBLE!!” One Jin yells as he reaches the ground. Need to run, need to hide--there’s no point in fighting a losing battle…

All three Jins dart away in separate directions as fast as each of their twelve-year-old legs can carry them. Hanzo remains in the tree watching Jin and spotting where Takeda and Yuno are hiding.

Hanzo looks down on his students as he weaves signs. “Huh, he’s quick on his feet and already knows the value of teamwork... Earth Style: Lightened Boulder Jutsu.”

The jonin hovers off of his branch, taking flight. He resumes his assault, terrorizing his three new students from on high.

I HATE THE HIGH GROUND!! A now thoroughly frightened Jin thinks as darts across the training field.

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