How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 18

I know the Taka is aligned with the world’s most wanted terrorist organization right now, but I still think the black cloaks with red clouds are pretty fuckin’ badass! Jin rejoices, taking his mind off the coming battle by admiring his new cloak as Suigetsu subdues a cloud ninja by the chain link fence by liquifying his arm and wrapping it through the fence and around the cloud ninja's neck.

“So… where is this Eight-Tails guy?” Suigetsu asks while making a menacing grin.

“I won’t say anything! Not to the likes of you…!” The cornered cloud ninja reponds. Suigetsu tightens his hold upon hearing this while he chuckles. “We of the Yotsuki clan are much stronger than that…! We don’t betray one of our own… ever!”

“A fearful heart is more likely to crack.” Sasuke says as he activates his Mangekyo Sharingan, putting the cloud ninja under his genjutsu.

Courage, courage, Jin! Just do what Naruto did when he fights the Nine-Tails on the giant, island-like turtle…! A fearful Jin thinks as Sasuke interrogates the ninja under genjutsu. Even though Sasuke says we can leave, the Akatsuki isn’t a group one can just walk away from…

“Hey, Jin, you scared?” A concerned Rito asks as he tugs on Jin’s sleeve.

“No, I’m not scared, I’m terrified.” Jin whispers while slightly trembling. “We’re about to face Killer Bee, Bee is the strongest jinchuriki when he’s introduced and has full control of his tailed beast…”

“The Taka get royally fucked up and they don’t even win, Killer Bee just substitutes himself out of the fight.” Jin continues.

“Oh, then stay behind me.” Rito mocks, putting his fist over his chest. “I’ll keep you safe!”

“Heh heh heh… shut up, Rito!” Jin chuckles, now somewhat calmed down. As the Taka headout to face Killer Bee, Jin can’t help but think, I wonder what would’ve happened if I’d stayed in the Leaf?


“...on sukiyaki for lunch! Yeah…!” Says a man with dark skin and a muscular build, as well as blond hair and a goatee as he dances down the stairs from his training grounds. “Hmm?”

The man wears oval-shaped sunglasses and a white-coloured forehead protector. He also has his village's standard one-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket, and a long, red rope belt tied around his waist, the standard Kumo hand and shin guards, shinobi sandals, and a white scarf around his neck.

“Are you the jinchuriki host of the Eight-Tails?” Sasuke asks the man who stands before him.

“That’s Lord Eight-Tails Sir to you. No wait, you say ``Are you Lord Jinchuriki Sir, got it?” the man corrects as he points at Sasuke.

“We’re here to capture you.” Sasuke informs Bee.

“Nuh-uh, Now here’s what you say--freeze, let me capture you sir, please. You got it?” The jinchuriki continues.

Oh, yeah, all of his dialogue is in rap… that’s annoying! Jin thinks as his face contorts with cringe.

“Suigetsu, take the left and Jugo, the right.” Sasuke commands his team. “Jin, cover me. Karin and Rito? Watch our backs.”

“Hmm? Let’s see now.” The man mutters. “Fool, ya fools!”

Suigetgetsu runs at the jinchuriki and swings his Executioner’s Blade downward. Upon impact, the ground below them shatters and a dust cloud kicks up. The dust cloud dissipates to reveal the Bee caught the blade with both hands and Suigetsu is struggling to force his sword down, the jinchuriki disarms Suigetsu of his sword, puts his head through the blade's hole, and begins to twirl it around his neck as he raps.

Jugo activates his sage transformation and attempts to attack the man from the side, but is countered and knocked to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

“My powers are flash and still more in my stash! Eight-Tails that be me, the rappin’ Killer Bee.” Bee raps, introducing himself while posing. “This battle you initiated, but I’ll leave you humiliated! So, before you get disintegrated--OW! Bit my tongue…”

YUP, this guy’s intense, gonna have to get serious…! Jin laments, activating his sage mode as Killer Bee tosses Jugo back to them.

“Stand back, I’ll handle this.” Sasuke orders as he steps forward; Jin follows from behind.

“You’re gonna need help.” Jin says standing at Sasuke’s side.

“Just who in the hell are all yall? Fools, ya fools.” Bee raps. “Yo, who are you? Why you wanna capture me? What’s the deal, yo?”

“I’m under no obligation to answer that.” Sasuke replies as he draws his sword with Jin exhaling wind chakra unto his own kunai, making a Vacuum Blade. “We’re going to use the Akatsuki, not the other way around. Keep that in mind.”

“What a joke, not to mention that he has zero rapping talent!” Karin yells with frustration and annoyance.

“Hold up fool, no need to be cruel.” Bee raps, defending himself from the verbal assault.

Both Sasuke and Jin take advantage of the sudden opening and lunge at Bee in a flanking maneuver. As they each try to swing at the Eight-Tails jinchuriki, he parries them both, using Suigetsu’s own sword against them. Killer Bee proceeds to swing at a mid-air Sasuke, but Sasuke thrusts his sword down through the Executioner Blade’s hole, pinning it down and kicks Bee in the chest.

Bee drops the blade and takes out a book and pen, unfazed by Sasuke’s kick and writes in the book while muttering something inaudible to the group. Sasuke throws the Executioner Blade back to Suigetsu and Jin creates three shadow clones.

“I’m feelin’ hella fine, I just wrote the baddest rhyme.” Bee raps as he puts down his book and pen, drawing all eight of his swords.

Bee jumps high into the air, launching himself at Sasuke engaging him in a sword battle. As the duel commences, Bee is able to nick Sasuke twice before he forces an opening and stabs Sasuke with six of his eight swords. The force of the stabs launches Sasuke a few meters away. The four Jin proceed to fight Killer Bee, one Jin jumps while slashing downward, but is blocked. The four Jins begin to circle around Bee and manage to land a few cuts and as their fight continues, Jin realizes he’s lasting longer than Sasuke.

YOU’RE SHITTING ME!! I’m actually holding my own against Killer Bee?! Well… I am in sage mode and Killer Bee only has two swords on hand right now, so his attacks are easier t--SWEET, AN OPENING!! An encouraged Jin thinks as he creates a large sphere of green chakra in one hand.

“Sage Art: Massive Gelel Rasengan!!” Jin shouts as he runs at Killer Bee and tries to plow the attack into him.

However, a tentacle-like tail erupts from Bee’s back and slams Jin away into a nearby mountain. The Jin that hits the mountain disappears in a puff of smoke, revealing itself to be a shadow clone and the rasengan leaves a decently sized hole in another mountain.

“Forget that guy, that idiot got cocky and paid for it!” Commands another JIn as he creates Purple Lightning in his right hand.

Killer Bee blitzes to Sasuke and performs a lariat, opening up Sasuke’s chest cavity. As Karin and Jugo go to heal Sasuke, Suigetsu and the three remaining Jin continue their fight with Bee. Bee kicks Suigetsu away into the lake and throws his two swords, destroying the two Jin clones that were shielding the real Jin. Suddenly, crystal walls begin to emerge from the ground to form a funnel-like, narrowing down the route for Bee to dodge Jin’s attack. For the briefest of moments, Jin looks behind him and sees Rito weaving signs.

Jin lunges at Killer Bee with the Purple Lightning, but Bee dodges by jumping back a distance. However, while Bee is still in the air, Jin aims his Purple Lightning hand at the rapping ninja and the lightning strikes Bee from a distance.

Because Kakashi hasn’t invented this jutsu yet no one knows it can be used at long-range… until now that is! Jin thinks, smiling with satisfaction as he watches Killer Bee being electrocuted. After a minute of feeling victorious, Jin begins to be consumed with fear.

“Disillusionment and destruction await. That will be your fate.” Killer Bee raps as he transforms into his tailed beast state, a giant octopus with an ox’s head. “When I transform into my true form, a beast you must meet, yeah. Cower to the power of the beast.”

“WHEEE!!!” Bee cries as he lunges at the group, but is halted by Suigetsu who has transformed into a giant demon-like fish made up of water.

“So you’re a Water Style shinobi? You think you have the advantage?!” Bee yells as he rams into Suigetsu.

“Run while you can, guys! I got this!!” Suigetsu calls out to his team as he holds off the Eight-Tailed Killer Bee.

Heeding Suigetsu’s warning, the rest of the Taka begin to flee. Suigetsu rams back at Killer Bee and manages, as Bee recovers, he notices the rest of team Taka retreating.

“Yo, I’m not letting you run away this late in the game, fools, ya fools!” Bee roars as he begins to condense a large amount of chakra into a black sphere.

“RUN!! HE’S GONNA FIRE A TAILED BEAST BOMB!!!” A horrified Jin screams in an attempt to warn his comrades.

Killer Bee fires the attack and it takes the form of a wave that completely decimates the entire area. A battle-damaged Jin picks himself out of the rubble and scans the area for his allies, he feels pain in his ribs when he breathes and coughs up some blood. Jin finds his Rito lying on the ground with blood covering his, Jin is unable to think and feels nothing but pain and intense, an all-consuming hatred.

MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!!” Jin yells, creating over three dozen shadow clones.

They all run towards the transformed Killer Bee and jump at him like a swarm of hornets, all managing to dodge each of the Eight- Tails’ tail swings. All the Jins use the remainder of their chakra to each form their own rasengans.

SAGE ART: MASSIVE GELEL RASENGAN MEGA BARRAGE!!!!!!!” All of the Jins scream in outrage and vengeance as they all plow their spheres of spiraling chakra, causing a massive, bluish-green explosion.

An exhausted Jin falls and all of his clones disappear, a damaged Bee burts out of the smoke for one final attack, but cries and spasms due to black flames suddenly appearing on his body.

Heh heh… choke on it you... bastard… A still falling and exhausted Jin thinks as he loses consciousness.

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