How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 113: The Last Part 4; Hustle

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

While under heavy fire, Rito and Jin land in a clearing surrounded by oddly designed buildings; explosions occur left-and-right from the relentless volley. The ground cracks and trembles underfoot of the light dragon. As the leaf ninjas jump off Rito’s back, in a puff of smoke, he reverts back to his human form; the group quickly takes cover in a nearby building.

*tssew* *tssew*

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

“Ayanami and Hanabi are in that tower,” Jin points toward a tall building in the distance. “You guys go rescue them. Shikamaru, Naruto, and I’ll deal with Toneri.”


*tssew* *tssew*

Heading for multiple destinations, the group separates into two smaller teams with Rito’s making a mad dash for the steeple; the constant barrage of blasts are really starting to get on the genius’ nerves.

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

“Oi, everyone, keep close to me!” Infusing chakra, Rito claps his hands together. These puppet-wankers ‘re really starting to make me go crook…!


The engineer has a blue crystalline dome--a sapphire dome--form over them; it hovers over the group as they make their way through the enemy-infested compound. Thanks to the refractive properties of sapphire, the dome easily reflects the projectiles, sending them right back at their wielders; their foes are ironically done in by their own attacks.

“Rito, is it?” Neji Hyuga speaks up. “I sincerely pray the day never comes where I have to fight you.”

“HUH…? Come again?”

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

The branch family member clarifies with, “It’s not just your Crystal Style, but how you use it; the application of your jutsu, it’s different from how shinobi usually fight. You might even be far more dangerous than Jin.”

“Uhh… Thanks, I think…” Raising a brow, Rito awkwardly scratches the back of his head; he is unsure if he should take that as a compliment or not.

*tssew* *tssew*

“Jin said they were in this building ahead, right?” Ino asks.

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

“Yeah, that’s the one!” The genius reaffirms.

*tssew* *tssew*

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew--*

The team escapes the artillery fire by rushing into the tower through its main entrance, making their way down the corridor; the plaid (tartan) pattern used to paint the floor, walls, and ceiling, oddly enough, remind the engineer of Scottish kilts with the primary colors used being shades of blue and purple. Once inside the lobby, the group is greeted by a menacing menagerie of marionettes; their rows of razor-sharp teeth and lifeless eyes remind the genius of a game he played just before his death back in the real world.

I had to fight vampire zombies, cyborg zombies, and a creature from the bloody black lagoon… The now shivering engineer feels his skin crawl while he forms a crystalline ax. …But that house, with those puppets, and the monster fetus--Wha…?


Rito maintains the barrier as he and the rest of the group are alerted to the lobby’s ceiling collapsing in on itself; large boulder-sized debris plummets from way on high and crashes into the ground, crushing the entire small army of puppets; a thick dust cloud is kicked up in the process.

“What just happened?” A perplexed Rito asks, cautiously peering into the smoke.

The dust gradually clears away, revealing Ayanami, standing tall atop of a mound of debris; the kunoichi is piggybacking Hanabi, who has her Byakugan activated. The raven-haired genius snaps his fingers, reducing the dome to a pile of sand before excitedly running up to his friend; his elation quickly morphs into horror and disgust once he gets a closer look at her, spotting the bandages around her eyes.

“Oh, my God… That bloody wanker really did take your eyes!” Rito gasps, enraged.

“We can worry about that later,” Ayanami quickly changes the subject. “Right now, we need to destroy the Tenseigan Vessel. That will stop the moon.”


Charging into the altar, Naruto roars, “Hinata! What did…”

The pair of cousins have chased Toneri Otsutsuki down into a dark chamber where his and Hinata’s wedding will be held; the room is lit by a faint glow coming from a patch of orbs just beyond the “betrothed.”

Tuning the hero out, Jin silently channels chakra into his right hand and prepares himself; he takes a battle stance best suited for counterattacks. The storm ninja narrows his eyes, staring daggers at the Otsutsuki.

“Alright… have her!” Brimming with confidence, Toneri gestures to Hinata.

On their foe’s orders the possessed kunoichi dashes toward them, but the Onikage is ready for her; the two quickly pivot, evading to either side of her with Jin grabbing her shoulder and with one quick thrust, plunges his hand into the side of her torso. Without causing the Byakugan Princess any unnecessary harm, the storm ninja reaches for the green orb, composed of foreign chakra, that which is controlling her and rips it out.

“How dare you…! Hinata’s not your puppet.” The Child of Prophecy growls.

“Hinata belongs to me now,” A pompous Toneri says while holding up one hand. “I’ll take her back.”

Utilizing the Tenseigan’s control over attractive and repulsive forces, the Otsutsuki pulls Hinata back toward him. However, Jin raises his left hand and uses the Rinnegan’s Universal Pull to take back the leaf kunoichi.

“You’re not the only one wielding the power of the Otsutsuki Clan, kid.” A pretentious Jin sneers. “Don’t underestimate me.”

“Huh?” Hinata gasps, waking up.

Caught in the middle of their gravitational struggle, the kunoichi awakens, perplexed as to what is currently transpiring before her.

“Urgh…! Aagh!” Toneri collapses to the ground, reeling in pain.

The Otsutsuki’s jutsu is disrupted abruptly, allowing the Storm Village leader to successfully pull Hinata back and hand her over to the smiling Naruto, who then princess carries her.

“Naruto!” The Byakugan Princess says.

The Child of Prophecy replies, “Hinata!”

“I’m sor–”

“Sorry to interrupt, but we need to destroy the--Wha…?” Jin detects the movement of chakra. …Huh… Well, I’ll be damned.

“What is it, Jin?” Naruto curiously asks.

“I sense Rito and Ayanami. It feels like…” The Onikage pays close attention to their movements. “It feels like they’re on their way to the Tenseigan Vessel.”


“This is the place, right?” Rito queries.

“I dunno,” The kunoichi replies with a question. “Is there a giant, glowing golden-yellow orb in the room?”

The two reincarnations find themselves in the temple where Hamura Otsutsuki’s creation, the Tenseigan Vessel, is held. The vessel is a large, brilliant, golden sphere made to resemble the Tenseigan-dojutsu; its power is what allowed Hamura’s sect of the Otsutsuki Clan to colonize the moon in the first place; the orb’s light irritates the genius’ eyes, forcing him to avoid making direct eye contact with it.

“Nah yeah, this is the place, but… How’d you know where to go?”

The blind kunoichi answers with, “Hinata’s chakra told me. To avoid detection, we used Ninshu through fist bumps to share information.”

“So, what’s the plan?” The engineer questions.

“Even without my Byakugan, a Sage Mode-enhanced Lightning Blade should still do the trick.” Ayanami smirks.

The genius watches as his friend concentrates lightning chakra into her hand; the purple electricity coating her hand takes the form of a razor-sharp blade. Taking a running start, Ayanami leaps toward the vessel, her jutsu pierces the Tenseigan’s shell, destroying it; the countless Byakugan eyes housed within the vessel scatter, floating aimlessly all throughout the room.

Seeing all these eyeballs makes Rito cringe with disgust. …Gross! All these eyes remind me of a movie I saw once…!


“…Will blow up the moon next.” Ay, declares.

“Are you out of your mind?!” A shocked Kakashi exclaims.

Meanwhile, after a volley of meteorites were very suddenly and very ominously destroyed, the Third Raikage, Ay, had just called for a Kage Summit where he has just announced that the Hidden Cloud Village will destroy Earth’s lunar satellite with their newly invented Chakra Fusion Cannon; the summit is currently being held long-distance via a series of cameras and computer monitors.

The appalled Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake, is left stunned and speechless at such a declaration; he can’t even begin to count the ramifications of such a drastic action.

“But it’s too dangerous to blow up the moon!” The Leaf Village astronomer argues.

“As long as the moon’s out there,” The Raikage stands firm on his decision. “Threatening the Earth like a cannonball, we will never be truly sa–”

“Fire that weapon and we will be at war.” An unfamiliar voice says ominously.

“Who…?!” The now tense Hokage blurts out.

“Lord Hokage! Our communication’s being hacked!” Inoichi Yamanaka, head of the Yamanaka Clan as well as Ino’s fathers, alerts everyone to the disturbance. “There are 3 unknown users on our frequency!”

Kakashi’s attention shifts towards the monitors as they are compromised; the three displaying Mei, Gaara, and Onoki now display static. After a brief five seconds, the monitors now show three different individuals: A woman Kakashi is all too familiar with, a man with green eyes and blond hair that features fringe bangs with upturned spikes in the back and a topknot in the shape of a crescent moon, and another man with straight red hair; the red-haired individual mysteriously has a Rinnegan in his left eye and a solid white eye on his right.

“For those of you who don’t know, I am Jaeger, the acting Onikage of the Hidden Storm Village.” Says the blonde man.

The woman greets everyone with, “I am Koyuki, Feudal Lord of the Land of Snow.”

“And I am Nagato, leader of the Hidden Rain Village.” The redhead informs the Kage.

“We’re supposed to be on a secure frequency, why’re you here?” The Copy Ninja squints his eyes with suspicion.

“We’ve come to present the Hidden Cloud, and ONLY the Cloud, with an ultimatum,” Jaeger calmly and clearly explains. “Refrain from destroying the moon or you’ll be at war with the 3 of us.”

“And why should I bend the knee to your demands?” Ay scoffs.

“Because Jin and Naruto are on the moon. And it's not just them… Ayanami. Hinata. Hanabi. Neji. Shikamaru. And Ino,” Jaeger explains the situation. “They’re all there with them, trying to avert this crisis.”

“What?!” Hidden under his mask, Kakashi’s jaw drops; a beat of sweat runs down the side of his face. This just keeps getting better and better…


“Ayanami,” Jin sighs with relief, pulling his friend in for a quick hug. “Oh, thank God you’re okay… relatively speaking.”

The Onikage’s heart sank the moment he saw the bandages wrapped around where his friend’s eyes should be, but shakes his head, choosing to worry about that particular issue later.

“I’m fine. Sorry for you w–” The kunoichi responds, reassuringly.

The Hidden Storm leader speedily shuts her down with, “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong.”

“The artificial sun just disappeared…” A perplexed Shikamaru informs the group. “What happened?”

After finishing their individual skirmishes, everyone has regrouped and are taking a moment to rest while they proceed to compare notes; Naruto and Hinata are off to the side, he just asked her for the shred of red scarf, and she obliges him.

“Ayanami is what happened!” The genius, Rito, eagerly explains the current situation. “She DESTROYED the power source for this place with a Sage Mode Lightning Blade. It was bloody gnarly! Oh, and… why are you staring at me like that?”

A strangely shy Hanabi swiftly turns away from the engineer; her cheeks turn red like roses as she hides behind.

After I rip ‘Nami’s eyes out of Toneri’s sockets, I’m gonna cave that genocidal asshole’s skull in…! Jin quietly mutters, counting down, “3… 2… 1…”

“...!” Startled, Shikamaru gasps, garnering everyone’s attention. “The Clock! It’s moving again!”


Everyone staggers, lurching from the precipitous tremor; the entire area darkens due to the mysterious appearance of a massive shadow. The shinobi all look up in awe to see a colossal golem looming over them, menacingly; Jin, however, is surprised by how underwhelmed he is.

I am… unimpressed. The smug Onikage simply stares at their foe with a cold fire in his eyes. “Hey, Rito? Didn’t you say you wanted to take the spotlight?”

HEADS UP! Big time superhero comin’ through!” A fired up Rito roars.

While the genius rushes at the Otsutsuki Golem, he grows in size, transforming once more into the Light Genryu; he knocks back the golem with a fierce headbutt to the creature’s rocky face.

Rito howls, “I’m gonna grind you into sand!!”

The dragon slams his mighty fist hard into, what is presumed, the golem’s torso, sending it tumbling down, away from the group and into the hole that shows the planet, Earth, in the distance; the tenacious genius hurries after it.

“Kurama!!” Naruto yells as orange markings appear around his eyes and a bright yellow chakra erupts from his body, enveloping it; the senjutsu-enhanced KCM2 chakra emanates from him reminiscent of flickering flames.

The hero has chakra blast out of his back and morph, transforming into a golden, translucent avatar of the Nine-Tailed Fox, fully independent of its jinchuriki; with massive strides, it quickly chases after the other two kaiju.

Shikamaru shouts, warning, “It’s Toneri!”

Alert, Jin whips his head around and it’s just as Shikamaru said; the blood lusted Otsutsuki flies toward them, wrapped in the cyan-green flames of the Tenseigan Chakra Mode; he produces several Truth-Seeker Orbs which all start rapidly revolving as they themselves ominously begin glowing green.

“Silver Wheel Rebirth Explosion.” Toneri unleashes a ruthless attack in the form of a silver typhoon.

Gritting his teeth, Jin takes a defensive stance and braces himself, his body emits a golden-yellow aura; a ribcage forms within the aura, around the Onikage.


Back on Earth, the leaders continue to deal with this new, potential crisis; the tension has become so thick one could literally swing at it with a hammer.

Regaining his composure, Kakashi tries to deescalate the situation. “Now let’s discuss this cal–”

“Speak for yourself,” Jaeger interrupts; he has no patience for the bureaucracy and is straight to the point. “The 3 of us are supremely calm.”

“But there’s no reason to take such drastic actions.” The Hokage argues.

“We have EVERY reason to take these measures.” Nagato snaps back. “Naruto is my sibling student.”

“Naruto saved me and helped me put my house back in order.” Koyuki adds.

Arms folded, Jaeger sighs, “Not to mention how all 3 of our nations have benefitted from Jin, Rito, and Ayanami’s innovations.”

“You don’t have to do this; we can still talk this out.”

“The cruel and unfortunate truth is that even if WE don’t want to go to war, our people will.” Shaking his head, Jaeger grimly explains the situation.

The Raikage fumes, “You’re their leaders. It is YOUR responsibility to prevent–”

Koyuki cuts Kakashi off. “Our people would simply depose us and elect new leaders that would want to go to war.”

“I get it, your hands are tied…” The Hokage pinches his bridge; he is frustrated, but fully understands the position they’re in. “Then… let’s agree to put our faith in Naruto and the others. They have to avert this disaster.”

“Bad news!” The concerned Astronomer informs the summit. “The Nine-Tails and… what appears to be a… white dragon have appeared on the moon’s surface!”



“Get OUTTA MY WAY!” Rito snarls, viciously, soaring over the moon’s surface.

The Light Genryu dives at the golem, slamming it with another headbutt, but the creature counters by bashing its own head into the dragon; the kaijus’ clash reverberates, creating a shockwave that splits the ground underneath them; their struggle has become a heated test of strength with neither side giving an inch.

What the…? The Golem isn’t supposed to be this strong…! The genius begins struggling but continues to stand his ground; he is perplexed by how much stronger it is than it should be in the movie. “Oi, Kurama! I could REALLY use a hand right about now!”

“Don’t order me around.” The Nine-Tails growls, appearing behind the golem.

The sly fox grabs hold of the clay figure with several of his tails, constricting its arms and head; he slowly raises the helpless golem into the air, relieving the pressure off of Rito; hairline cracks form on the areas being crushed.

“Thanks, Nine-Tails!” Rito gives his gratitude; four dazzling orbs of light materialize around him as he ominously growls, “Hold him for me…”

The dragon’s spheres each fire a very thin yet vastly devastating beam of condensed light; the beams pierce through the creature’s rocky hide like butter, and some of Kurama’s tails.

“AAARGH!!” The Nine-Tails yelps, releasing its hold on their foe. “Watch where you’re firing!!”

“Sorry ‘bout that.” The now flustered Rito cringes with embarrassment.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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