How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 10

I can’t believe the Zero-Tails is gone which begs the question… JIn broods as he rides the summoning hawk, Tsume back to one of Orochimaru’s hideouts. The peace and quiet and cool breeze help relax Jin, but he can’t help but think. Who the fuck stole it? It can’t be Ayanami, she was on the Search for Tsunade arc when she died and It’s not Rito because he didn’t watch any of the movies…

“Well, at least I was able to help the prisoners the sky ninja captured…” Jin says trying to cheer himself up as recalls helping them while his clone dealt with Shinno. One prisoner stood out, Amaru, the girl who became Shinno’s apprentice doctor, being extremely grateful. “Tsume, fly faster.”

“Yes, Master Jin.”


Habataitara modorenai to itte, Mezashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo… Jin sings in his head as he enters the hideout and makes his way to Orochimaru’s quarters. ...Aoi aoi ano sora, Aoi aoi ano sora, Aoi aoi ano sora...

“Here.” Jin says as the door opens. He walks over to the bedridden Orochimaru and hands him the scroll containing the Body Activation Jutsu.

“So, this is the scroll in which the forbidden regeneration jutsu is written.” Says a lamenting Orochimaru as Jin takes a few steps back.

“You weren’t able to bring Shinno back alive. Such an uncharacteristic failure…” Remarks a chastising Kabuto.

“Hmph, if that’s all, I’ll be taking my leave.” Jin says as turns towards the door. I’m glad my skills at lying have gotten much better and who the hell cares about Shinno? That dick dies at the end of the movie anyways.

“Jin..” Orochimaru says, causing Jin to stop where he is. “Head to the hideout near Tenchi Bridge in the Hidden Grass Village, Sasuke will be there as well. As soon as I recover, we’re going to kill the Akatsuki’s Sasori of the Red Sand.”

“No rest for the wicked, I suppose…” Jin sighs as continues on his way.


Sometime later, Jin arrives at the hideout near the Hidden Grass Village. As he walks through the dimly lit halls, he makes his way to the Snake Grotto where he is greeted by an old “friend.”

“Where is Orochimaru? He’s supposed to be training me.” Asks an annoyed Sasuke, steadily growing impatient by all the waiting. He stares at Jin with a cold glare as he sits on the large snake statue.

“Orochimaru and Kabuto won’t be here for a few days.” Jin casually states as he pulls out a kunai. The red-haired rogue ninja exhales wind-infused chakra onto the kunai, creating a Vacuum Blade. Jin points the wind scimitar at Sasuke and continues. “That’s why they sent me ahead. After all, one of my jobs is to be your sparring partner. Let's go a few rounds while we wait.”

“Hmph.” Sasuke responds as he activates his Sharingan, draws his Sword of Kusanagi, and channels his lightning chakra into the blade. “Very well…”

Both young men then take their stances. After a brief moment of pause, they both dash towards each other with their chakra enhanced blades. As their swords clash, blinding flashes of light shine each time the two blades collide.


Days later, both Jin and Sasuke are patiently sitting In front of the snake statue in the Snake Grotto while they wait for Orochimaru to arrive.

Not much longer until the big reunion. Jin thinks as he sees three silhouettes walk out of the hallway, into the grotto. Sasuke even opens his eyes with the Sharingan activated. So this is how I get to meet Sai? I’m whelmed…

“You’re late.” Sasuke states with a cold glare. Orochimaru simply responds with a smirk “Weren’t you supposed to be here to help me hone a new jutsu, Orochimaru.”

“Try not to be too upset, I thought we’d do something different today, so I brought along a gift for you.” Says a somewhat amused Orochimaru. The Sannin turns his gaze to the pale skinned young man beside him. “He’s a leaf ninja, just like you. I thought you three would like to reminisce, swap stories of home.”

“I for one am not interested.” Jin explains with casual indifference. “And if I know Sasuke, he isn’t either.”

“You do know me.” Sasuke curtly agrees as he turns his attention to Sai. “Get lost.”

“It’s funny, Naruto also disliked me when we first met.” Sai remarks with an obvious fake smile, breaking the silence. “I feel like I can get along better with you two.”

Pretty sure Sasuke just him under genjutsu, that fucking guy… Jin thinks to himself when he notices Sasuke’s eyes open wide for a brief second. Sai then falls on his rear, shaken by what has happened. YUP, just like in the anime.

“Sasuke!” Kabuto shouts in a scolding tone.

Silence fills the room once again. Sai wipes the sweat that has begun to form on his brow. Sasuke continues to glare at Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sai while Jin just closes his eyes and waits for the next event to occur.

“It’s not a good idea to provoke Sasuke too much, he’s even more difficult than I am.” Orochimaru warns, breaking the silence.

“I don’t care about this guy.” Sasuke says with cold indifference as he gets to his feet. “Come on, Orochimaru, let's go...”

Having to sit through these scenes SUCKS…! Jin thinks to himself as Sasuke and Sai continue their conversation. As the conversation ends, Sasuke then disappears in a puff of smoke and Jin walks to another area with Orochimaru. After this training session, I wait for the fateful reunion in my room…

“I also met Ayanami and she’s determined to bring you back to the Leaf, Jin” Sai adds as Orochimaru and Jin pass by him.

“I’m not surprised nor do I care.” Replies a casually indifferent Jin as he continues walking.


Any minute now… Jin thinks as he lays in his bed, resting from training with Sasuke and Orochimaru. The only things keeping Jin company at the moment are his thoughts and the dim light from a candle. I wonder what Naruto’s reaction will be when they see me?

At that moment an explosion can be heard not too far away, the chair and table in the room fall over, and a jar shatters. Jin gets up and proceeds to step out and walks toward the commotion. Jin spots light down the hallway after a few minutes of walking.

I see Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Yamato, and two others. Jin thinks as he squints, peering into the light. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and continues walking. It’s showtime…

“...the bond of hatred, having too many ties in this world will only lead you astray.” Sasuke announces to his audience, frozen by his presence. “It weakens one's ambition.”

“No need to be so rude, Sasuke, these are our guests.” Jin interrupts, causing everyone present to look at him. “Hey, Ayanami, cousin Naruto, long time no see...”

“Jin.. is that really you?” Asks a shocked Ayanami.

“Yep and with this new jutsu, I’m unstoppable. It allows me to see through women’s clothing.” Jin boldly states as he then looks at the girls.

“DIE YOU PERVERT!” Sakura yells as charges at Jin to deliver a punch. However Jin instantly appears at her side and uses his fist to back hand her away.

Spider-Man had the right idea! Jin thinks as he pops his knuckles. Sasuke takes the opportunity to appear at Naruto’s side with his arm around his shoulder and continues their own conversation. Get your opponent angry so that they make mistakes.

“Are you using the Body Flicker technique or are you just that fast.” A leaf jonin with a completely bandaged face asks as he charges at Jin with a kunai.

Both actually, but I’ll never tell… I really should thank Shisui Uchiha for coming up with the idea to use the Body Flicker in combat. Thinks a smirking Jin as he deflects the attack and pins his assailant to the ground. “Who the hell are you?”

“Kazuya… Kazuya Sarutobi.” Kazuya replies as he struggles to escape Jin’s hold.

Kazuya is… a reincarnation like me and Ayanami, a member of Danzo’s Foundation, and… Jin thinks as he uses his Probe Jutsu on the pinned leaf jonin. Something throws Jin off however... What the fuck?! Why can’t I read any more of his thoughts…?

Ayanami activates her Byakugan and hurls an Air Palm at Jin, forcing him to dodge and let Kazuya go. Kazuya and the two kunoichi proceed to engage Jin in combat, but the rogue ninja casually evades all their attacks as if he was dancing.

Sasuke is done playing around. I should finish this up as well… Jin thinks as he continues to dance around his opponents attacks, watching Sasuke escape from Yamato’s Wood Style: Domed Wall Jutsu and jumps back up to the cliff. Jin begins to build up chakra and weave signs. “You. Can’t. Touch. Me. I’m. Out of. Your. League. Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!”

Water spews from Jin’s mouth, quickly forming into a dragon. The water dragon knocks Ayanami, Kazuya and Sakura away before melting into a puddle on the ground. Jin then jumps up to the cliff where Sasuke is.

“I’m done with the lot of you.” Sasuke exclaims as he begins to weave signs and puts his hand up in the air. Jin grabs Sasuke’s arm along with Orochimaru who appears out of nowhere.

“I wouldn’t bother with that jutsu.” Orochimaru orders, still holding Sasuke’s arm. “Be smart now…”

“Yeah, there is no need for you to take it that far.” Jin adds while also still grasping Sasuke’s arm.

“Let go.” Sasuke demands, glaring coldly.

“Watch your tone.” Kabuto warns as he suddenly appears on Sasuke's right.

“Give me a reason to stop.” Sasuke demands, growing irritated.

“The Akatsuki! If they get rid of more Akatsuki members, there’ll be less obstacles in your way.” Jin points out, trying to dissolve the tension. “Won’t it be worth it if it increases your odds of success by even one percent?”

Sasuke pauses and thinks. After a brief moment, Sasuke lowers his hand and Jin and Orochimaru release their holds on Sasuke. They all look down at the leaf ninja for a moment.

Heh heh heh… I almost died by friendly fire or rather frenemy fire Jin mentally notes with dread as he, Kabuto, Orochimaru, and Sasuke begin to disappear. While still visible, Jin smiles and waves at Naruto, Ayanami, and company. “See ya guys later…!”

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