How I became the Empress of Hell

1.4: ❤️❤️Master’s Cruelty

Content Warning: This chapter will contain scenes of coerced/forced consent.

While the armory may have seemed impressive, the treasury was sparse by comparison.

“While we may have plenty of weapons and armor to spare, we don’t have a lot of gold. Although… I’m not too worried about it. Now that I have a ravishing demonic servant, we’ll soon have plenty of wealth. But that’s not the only use for this room. This is also where we can make castle improvements using gold, or other varied resources. Right now, we only have enough for one improvement. Normally I’d make all the decisions, but given that you live to serve me, I know you’ll make choices that I approve of.”

I looked at the available options and smiled at my master. I decided to go with something I was familiar with and chose [Increase Defense Force. According to the description, it would enhance any summoning skills for any servants of the castle by doubling the maximum number of available summons and drastically improving their stats, all while completely removing the all MP cost of summoning spells

“A fitting choice. As we gain more gold, I’m sure you’ll make this castle into an impenetrable fortress of death and destruction. Now that we’ve finished all the improvements both to you and to the castle, is there anything we need to go over?”

I nodded and gave him a guilty smile. I knew the game was capable of making users feel certain ways, but the closer I got to the immense demon lord the more it felt like my body wanted… No… Needed him. I felt a gnawing hunger in the pit of my stomach that could only be sated one way. I let my instincts speak for me as I looked up at him.

“I really want you to fuck me again.”

He gave a throaty laugh and smiled.

“Insatiable, are we? It’s hard to believe that I had to force myself on you the first time.”

He stepped closer to me and snapped his fingers. My armor and clothing disappeared instantly.

“Bend over the table there. I want that tight ass of yours.”

I stuck out my lip and looked up at him as he removed his own armor instantly.

“I have no problem doing anything you want me to do, master, but can I please watch as you fuck me? I love seeing that massive cock of yours sliding into me.”

He narrowed his eyes and lifted his lip into a sneer.

“You’re forgetting your place, slut. You are my servant. My slave. You exist for my pleasure. Bend. Over. NOW!”

He growled the last word at me as I quickly turned and bent over. I felt the cool sensation of lube being poured onto my sensitive hole, and I quivered in anticipation. He thrust into me without warning and started slamming deep into me. I was grateful he had altered my body to accept his massive rod without pain, but still shocked at the ferocity of his strokes. He smacked my ass hard and pushed my head forward onto the table. This angle allowed him to push deeper into me, and I groaned as he fucked me savagely. Despite the brutality of it all, my new cock was rock hard and my arousal flowed from my pussy down my legs. It seems that in addition to all the bodily changes I had undergone, he also made it so that no matter what he chose to do to me during sex, my body would love every second of it. As he thrust into me completely, he suddenly stopped and spoke with his cock still buried deep inside of me.

“Summon two of your Demon Warriors. I think I’ve come up with a better way to put you in your place.”

“Y-yes, master.”

I did as he had commanded and summoned two Demon Warriors. They appeared instantly in full blood-red plate-mail, and stood at attention, awaiting my command. My master turned slightly and spoke directly to them as he lifted me off the table for a moment.

“Both of you remove your armor, and then one of you fuck her pussy while the other fucks her mouth. You may cum as many times as you wish.”

I was surprised when they followed his command and stripped out of their heavy armor. I thought I was the only one who could command my summons, but apparently given the control my master had over me, it only made sense he also had command of my army. He pulled out of me for a second, leaving me feeling achingly empty. He set me down on the fully erect member of one of my demon warriors, and I moaned as he sank all the way into my pussy with one stroke. My master pushed back into my ass again, and I started to moan from the overstimulation of having both of my holes filled. The second demon warrior grabbed my head and pushed his cock into my mouth. I moaned loudly around the mouthful of demon flesh as they all started fucking me ruthlessly. My master was the first to cum, and I felt his seed coat my insides. He pulled out and ordered both demons to stop. I thought he was going to dismiss them, but instead he knelt down close to my face and spoke directly to me.

“Summon the maximum number of warriors you are able. Don’t forget that your maximum is doubled while you’re in the castle.”

He laughed an evil laugh and stood up. I did as he commanded and summoned 22 more Demon Warriors.

“Each of you strip. Then choose one of you to fuck her in the ass. You will each take a turn in one of her holes until you’ve cum twice in each one. When you’re done, escort her to her room and make sure she stays there until tomorrow. We’ll speak again tomorrow, Allexus. Hopefully you’ll have learned your place by then.”

He laughed cruelly and walked out of the room. The next couple of hours was nothing but a stream of my own demons taking me over and over again until they had fulfilled my master’s command. The worst part of the entire experience was that the moment my master left, the overwhelming thoughts of guilt and helplessness returned in full force. While the changes to my body made it so that I was still physically enjoying what was happening, my brain hated every second of it.  I realized now that although he may seem like he was caring towards me with all the changes, the gifts, and the experience points; my master only cared for himself and the pleasure I could bring him through sex, blood tithes, or filling his treasury.

When they finally finished, my Demon Warriors helped me to my feet and took me down the hallways to my room. They opened the door, pushed me inside, and then slammed the door shut. I was about to collapse onto my bed when I saw Judas standing before me wearing a deeply concerned look on his face. Instead of saying anything to me, he helped me clean myself up and helped me climb into the large plush bed. I looked at him gratefully and he smiled warmly at me. I felt exhausted, but before I let sleep claim me, I spoke softly to Judas.

“Judas, tomorrow, can you show me the fastest way to get to level 50?”

He blinked his red eyes at me and nodded in understanding.

“Absolutely, Lady Allexus. Have an excellent night.”

“You too, Judas.”

I logged out and sat up on my bed. My forehead was beaded with sweat, and my jeans and panties were soaked from my real life arousal. I swung my legs over the side and wiped my forehead with my sleeve. I scrolled through the leaderboards, but I was dismayed when I couldn’t find my name on the list. Surely all the levels I gained had to put me somewhere near the top. As I reached the top tier, I gaped at seeing my name at the very top of the list. I was ranked #1 in the entire world out of millions of players worldwide! The next highest level was 15. I had seen reports that stated that the game was more challenging than any other game prior, but I had at least expected someone to have surpassed my accomplishment with some trick or something. At least I didn’t have to worry about getting killed by another player. As long as I stuck to challenges I could handle with my enhanced stats, I would stay in the top tier.

“As long as the fucking demon master doesn’t kill me first. Jesus that was fucking intense.”

I searched on my phone for reports of other players who had taken a similar route as myself, but none seemed to mention it. There were a few low-level Angelspawn players who were dismayed that their character died from over-corruption, so I guess I was still glad that I chose what I had. I was still slightly taken aback by the sheer depravity of just what my master had put me through… and what confounded me even more was why I seemed unfazed by it when I was logged in. I let out a long sigh as I reminded myself that it was all a game, and… it seemed to help a little.

I made my way downstairs and scrounged up some leftover pizza from the fridge. I scarfed it down and switched on the television. After flipping through a couple dozen stupid TV shows, I turned it back off. Despite my attempts at staying away from the game for a little bit, I found myself longing to jump back in. I looked at the time and decided I would have to wait at least two more hours to log in until it was considered “morning” in the game. I stripped in my bedroom and hopped in the shower.

The hot water felt wonderful on my skin; but it wasn’t doing anything to curb my arousal. I slipped one of my hands between my legs and ran it along the edges of my outer lips. I moaned from the contact and spread myself with my fingers. I used my other hand to play with my clit, rubbing the sensitive bud back and forth vigorously. An image of the demon master’s cock flashed in my mind, and I groaned in exasperation as my building orgasm quickly ebbed away.

“Of all the things to picture when I’m fingering myself. Shit...”

I tried to clear my mind a bit as I washed and conditioned my hair, but my thoughts kept drifting towards the muscle-bound demon who called himself my ‘Master.’ I dried off quickly and toweled off my long brown hair. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked nothing like my character… I was only 5’2 while she now stood well over 6 feet tall. Her tits made my small A cups look almost non-existent, and her hourglass figure made me look like a tomboy by comparison. The longer I looked at her face on the screen of my phone, the more I realized I was staring at my own twisted reflection. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but looking at it now, there was no denying that her striking beauty was very similar to my own, down to the little scar above my eyebrow. I had initially thought that my master had just given me all new body and facial features, but the more I studied Allexus, the more I realized that she was me… just incredibly exaggerated and enhanced. As I stared at the hypersexualized version of myself, I let out a long sigh as I thought about the sheer amount of control the game used to influence my character and her emotions. 

If you hadn’t guessed it by now, I am very very gay. Prior to me submitting to my master, my sexual interactions with the opposite gender were limited to kissing a boy when I was 7.  My own submission to a male master made me slightly sick to my stomach as I thought about it, but I again reminded myself it was all a game, and it would be worth it when I was strong enough to rip his head off his fucking body.  I glanced at my phone and saw that I had passed my two-hour mark. I stripped off my sheets on my bed, put down some fresh ones, spread several towels over top of them, and grabbed my gaming gear. I opted to stay nude and jumped on my bed eagerly. I pulled the visor over my eyes and pressed the button on the side.

“Good morning lady Allexus. I trust you slept well?”

I glanced around the room and looked up at Judas. He was fully clothed; wearing a pair of black pants, polished boots, and a simple white dress shirt. His long black hair was pulled back into a bun, and he smiled at me as I sat up on the bed.

“Yes, yes, I did Judas. Now then… about that thing I mentioned last night…”

He nodded wordlessly and handed me a rolled-up piece of paper.

“Might I suggest reading it outside the castle, m’lady. Perhaps on your way to the Hell Gate?”

At his mention of a Hell Gate, I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

“You can’t exactly go back to your Heaven Gate as a demon, you’d be killed on sight, m’lady. At least at the Hell Gate they wouldn’t turn you away. You may stick out a bit, due to not being human, but… that may work more in your favor if you ask me. But I would suggest heading that way to pick up various bounties and… anything else you might need.”

I nodded in understanding and equipped all my gear. I was about to walk out of the room when I turned back to Judas.

“Thank you, Judas. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it through last night without you.”

He nodded his head and smiled at me. I walked out of the room, and started heading towards the castle exit, until I felt like I was suddenly spinning. The room around me shifted, and when my eyes refocused, I found myself in front of my master, who was sitting naked upon his throne. I felt wetness start to trickle from between my thighs, and my skin prickled in goosebumps beneath my armor.

Shit. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy.

 My master narrowed his jet-black eyes and glared at me.

“Remove your armor. Then get over here and ride my cock.”

My nostrils flared in irritation, but I snapped my fingers and my armor instantly disappeared. I sashayed over to him, feeling my arousal build and feelings of submissiveness wash over me. I straddled his legs and mounted him quickly, letting his hard rod slip into me completely. He wrapped his hand around my throat and pulled my face to his. He pulled me into a crushing kiss and forced his tongue into my mouth. I knew I was powerless against him, and my body was more than happy to give in to the pleasure and I kissed him back passionately as I rode his shaft up and down. My walls fluttered around his length as I came, and they gripped him tightly. I moaned into his mouth, and my hand dropped to my rock-hard cock. I jacked myself off in time with my hip movements, and before too long, I leaned back, aimed my cock backwards slightly, and coated my belly and tits with cum. I scooped it off my body and licked every drop off my hand. I smiled at my master, and started riding him faster, intent on getting him off quickly so I could go about my day. Apparently, he had other plans though; with his hand still around my throat, he lifted me off of him and tossed me to the floor. I winced from the painful impact, but nothing seemed broken. I looked up at him as he moved off the throne and made his way over to me.

“On your hands and knees. I’m taking your ass again.”

I was thankful that I had coated his cock with my arousal and cum, because after I got on all fours, he decided to shove the entire length into me without any other lubrication. I would have screamed in agony from the pain, but I felt none; instead I moaned as he penetrated me and started fucking me relentlessly. He stabbed back and forth inside of me and grabbed my hips for better leverage. He didn’t last long, and soon I felt him push all the way into me and fill my bowels with his hot seed.  He pushed me off of his cock and stood up.

“Go. I’m done with you for today. It looks like you learned your place last night. Remember it well, Allexus, lest I put you through that again.”

He waved his hand, and I found myself sitting on the rocky wasteland outside the castle.

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