How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 111

What the hell reason is this?

Charles is going crazy. The Sky Sword has a great reputation. Even on Earth, this person is famous enough to be a household name.

His team once sorted out and analyzed the large-scale war information received for three consecutive years, trying to figure out what kind of tactical style this interstellar-famous marshal is.

"Marshal Rennes, has no one ever said that your behavior is really like an omega who has been unsatisfied for a long time?"

Charles was so angry that he spouted out their private discussions behind their backs, and what made him even more angry was——

"Well, someone said it." The white-haired marshal said with sincerity, "My doctor said it if nothing happened, oh, the Secretary General of Cancer of our Federation often said the same thing."

The punch didn't hit the cotton, it hit some kind of rebound material, Charles almost fainted.

Ren showed him a sinister smile: "Do you know what happened to them after they finished talking?"

Charles: "...So your Excellency is not going to give up and insist on going to war?"

"That's not true." Ren's lazy look made Charles' teeth itch. This man didn't seem to be a serious commander of the battle. Those who didn't know thought he was here for a spring outing and picnic, and he had to bring a group of people with him. The kind of rich omega wife who serves.

The rich lady curled her lips and said, "Earth is the hometown of all human beings after all, and I am called a wanderer returning home."

Charles' expression cracked, no need, the town doesn't want you to return.

"War is not an easy topic." Ren still said with a half-smile, "I have three requests. If you do it, I will withdraw my troops."

With a big tone, he rushed to the door of someone's house and pointed the main gun at it to make a request. What kind of interstellar robbery is this?

The command center of the moon base was filled with eruption, and the roof of the space station was almost blown off.Only Charles took a deep breath, and said calmly and dignifiedly: "It can be said that if it is reasonable, it can be regarded as a gift for the establishment of diplomatic relations from our earth. After all, when a wanderer returns to his hometown, his hometown can't be too stingy."

After he said this, the excitement of the crowd was successfully suppressed. This is equivalent to placing the earth in a high position of giving and even giving alms. An excellent commander is often good at speaking skills. The power of language should not be underestimated. En this type of players can rely on their own madness to make the entire fleet look like wild wolves that haven't eaten meat for hundreds of years.

But Ren didn't confront each other verbally at all, and suppressed all the negotiating language that Charles had prepared, he just stretched out three fingers bluntly, "First, return all my people to me. "

Then he paused and added a classic line: "Not a single hair is missing!"

Charles thought to himself that sure enough, Lin Jing is really a warrior of the Sword of the Vault of Heaven. To make the Marshal so violent, he must be not an ordinary person, at least he must be a captain.

He is naturally not the only one who came to such a conclusion. In his private communication, he linked to the committee members of the entire Earth Space Defense Headquarters, and one of them really suggested: "Since those few people are so important, maybe they can be used to contain one or two!"

No need for Charles to speak, someone has already retorted: "Then we are on the same level as the kidnappers and extortionists? Ren is a famous interstellar lunatic, and you are the one whose wife threatened him. He might even blow up his wife and bury the whole earth with him." .”

"Tch... If that lunatic can have a wife, do you believe that his wife can blow up half of the world by herself without Rennes!"

"At present, the Sword of the Vault of Heaven is not an unkind person, at least he is not an unreasonable person. He has gone from being unknown to being well-known, and he has never provoked wars without any reason. We have reasons I think that this person can communicate, isn’t he not doing anything to our citizens now, there is some misunderstanding if the guarantee is not complete, if this kind of lunatic is an enemy, it is really..."

Charles ignored them, just took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes, but it's difficult to lose a single hair, and it will fall out after washing."

He seemed to be joking, but he was actually laying the groundwork, because other people are okay, that female alpha was captured by a star bandit, and although torture is forbidden on Earth, she will not be made comfortable with this kind of prisoner. It's hard to say, let alone that woman escaped, who knows if she will get hit or miss on the way!

Ren raised his eyebrows: "It's okay to wash your hair off, don't worry, but if it falls off a lot, it means that you didn't take good care of it and caused a lot of psychological pressure. It's also on your head. Don't worry, I won't blame the earth, just you Own."

Damn it, Charles was shaking with anger.

He suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice, "What about the second one?"

"I heard that your medical level is very good. I have also admired your name for a long time. I am looking forward to the skills of elite medical scientists who can rejuvenate. Seeing that your emotional management is so poor, you can be the highest command. Your earth must be very good at stabilizing mental power. I don’t want anything else, just give me a copy of the research materials and results.”

Charles gritted his teeth. If he didn't manage his emotions well, he could pounce on him and eat Ren alive right now!

His concentration is the best in the world, it's Ren, a lunatic who is so irritating!There was already a little military doctor hiding behind him, and he was secretly poking inhibitors on his waist, and two more shots of his susceptibility period would make Renn angry.

But indeed, Charles squinted, the intelligence network of Sky Sword is really amazing.

"What about the third?"

"This is the easiest." Ren bared his teeth, and his smile was clearly malicious, like a dark wizard who was about to cast a curse on the poor victim, he said, "You shave that golden hair."

Charles: "???"

Charles exploded instantly.

"Ren Chu————————————— You are playing me!!!"

Lin Jing also walked through the long corridor and bypassed the noisy hall. From time to time, poor passers-by were stuffed into the tool room, under the table, or in cardboard boxes. Without exception, they were left unconscious with nothing but underwear.

A young man in the white coat uniform of the research institute flashed out from the corner and whispered to the locker that was just filled with people: "Sorry, the temperature of the air conditioner is a bit low, I guess you need to take cold medicine when you wake up."

He was walking out of this corridor dignifiedly, putting on a pair of white gloves, and before that, he rummaged in his right arm, and sure enough, he found a pair of gold-rimmed binoculars and a box of black-brown color contact lenses.He replaced things skillfully with his body, and then took out a rubber band to tie his long hair into a neat and smooth ponytail.

After shaking it, he felt that his scalp was a little tight. It should be a long time since he had tied his hair.

Of course, short hair is easier to manage in a long-term battle, but his hair is very long, reaching to the back, and it is not a barbaric growth that has no time to trim. It is carefully maintained and styled, and it is so smooth that it even splits nothing.

Lin Jing also reached out and touched the end of his hair, sighing, the hair quality is really good, is this embezzlement of military funds to buy hair conditioner?

So why does he keep such a gold thread made of a head of money?

But it seems he soon realized why—

Isn't that the reason now? It's convenient and comfortable to reveal the standard size of a frontline soldier's favorite when changing clothes, but then I can't pretend to be other identities.

Everything in his right arm can be turned out. For example, he has a fake gland attached to the back of his neck at this moment. I don’t know who made it. It’s so lifelike. It seems that there is really someone in the fake gland. Omega's glandular pheromone liquid has a nice chocolate flavor.

There are other smells in his arm, such as a whole row of rum-scented alpha pseudo-glands, and I don’t know which unlucky guy was smoked to the last drop, there are several plant-scented alpha glands, and several There are several other omega flavors, including the popular cedar flavor, among which the peach flavor is very familiar and gives him a very friendly feeling.

Lin Jing was also walking in the corridor, taking out the identity card of the unlucky experimenter from before, shaking it back and forth, and sighing impatiently.

Two people walked towards them, one was an alpha fighter from the base, the other was a researcher, it should be a beta, only a beta would have such a bland smell.

"what happened to you?"

When the two of them walked towards each other, they saw a restless young man wandering in the corridor. Hearing the question, the young man raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, biting his lip, and subconsciously hid something behind him.

"You...don't worry, what's the matter?" This look of weeping tears melted the hearts of both of them, especially the young man who was handsome and handsome. For some reason, his face was full of nervousness and anxiety. A palpable annoyance.

"I, I..." The young man's beautiful eyes flickered, as if there were tears in his eyes. After a while, he lowered his head and stretched out his left hand aggrievedly, "I was careless during the experiment and accidentally burned the card..."

The card is used to open the door and use the equipment. It has the cardholder's identity information, department, and photo on it. The card in the young man's hand has been blackened and is still smoking. It seems that some corrosion was accidentally sprayed. sexual things go up.

"The doctor will scold me to death if he finds out..." the young man muttered softly, "I still have tasks to finish."

The experimenter immediately came over and patted him on the back reassuringly: "Don't be afraid, Dr. Samantha is not so fierce, although she always looks businesslike, but you don't know, their bionic That’s it. There is a problem with expressing emotions, and it will seem a little oily and salty, but she will definitely not criticize you, don’t be afraid. How about this, I finished the task and I am going to rest. I don’t have any tasks this afternoon. Well, you use my card first, go ahead, finish the work, and then go to reissue your card."

Even the soldier said: "Hey, what is this? Didn't you see that the experts from the demolition office in the third district blew up the laboratory last month?"

"Well, Dr. Samantha was really angry that time, haha, she punished those unlucky guys for copying books."

"Yes, I also copied the sentence: forced demolition is immoral, I am a scientist, not a bomb monster." The soldier vividly made a gesture of writing in the air, "Copy it by hand ten thousand times, tsk tsk."

Compared to these gossip and jokes, Lin Jing certainly wouldn't miss that special word—bionic man?

Bionic, artificial human?robot?Clone army?

In an instant he had many different associations.

But there was no change on his face, with a look of surprise and panic, he took the researcher's card, thanked him in a stack of voices, and didn't forget to ask how to return it to him, which department he was in, and whether he could invite him to dinner What, the researcher looked very happy, and even the alpha soldier joined in the fun and left his contact information.

"Personal communication devices are not allowed in the tower. I will wait for your message when you get off work at night!"

"Okay, I will!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jing also pursed his lips and smiled embarrassedly, "I will try to get off work normally."

"Hahahahahaha, I understand~" The researcher showed him the expression of a poor overtime bald guy, and waved goodbye happily.

Very simple.

Lin Jing also turned around blankly, and he came to the conclusion that he must have done this kind of thing before, and he was so proficient that he had muscle memory.

He quickly called the elevator, and the place above the tower was the place he really needed to go in—there should be important information hidden there, and he had memory problems, but this intuition was not concealed, he wanted to know what the tower was doing What kind of research, why did he have memory disturbances, and...

Bionic man, what is this?

He entered the elevator, but felt uneasy for no reason, there was a kind of—

The illusion of being targeted by some kind of predator.

It's not the kind of nervousness that feels life-threatening, just... Lin Jing also frowned, it feels bad anyway.

On the bridge of the Wanderer, a row of soldiers shivered and stood in a military posture.

Everyone wished they were blind.

The field of vision of Captain Lin's lens was projected by the Marshal just now on the big screen, and now the picture is frozen on Captain Lin's perfect profile.

Good luck, Captain Lin.

Everyone mourned.

The murderous and awe-inspiring roar of the Sky Sword echoed in the space: "Army! Law! Deal! Deal!!! I will deal with him [-] times!!!"

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