House of the wolf

chapter 69

On our walk to the godswood, I decided to take a detour to the glass gardens as it is always a good place to go.


Looking at my companion I take this moment to take a better look at her. Dacey Mormont in my opinion is a very beautiful woman, while there are no tales spread about her beauty around the kingdom, the reason for that I suspect is because of her height. And the fact that most have only seen her in warrior garbs.


Although I heard she dressed in beautiful garb and even danced with Robb during the wedding. But the tales of that day will forever be about the blood spilled instead of the dancing beauties.


But Dacey´s appearance in my mind has no faults so far. Her smile is wide and her lips are plumb. Her facial bone structure is strong but still feminine and symmetrical. 


And her body is also something that attracts me, she has curves but because she is so tall it hides the curves and she still looks a bit lanky despite her curves.


In my opinion, she is one of those women who will grow more beautiful with age because her body will naturally fill out more after pregnancy and the extra weight will fit her like a glove to hand.


Most men would not think of things like this as it seems far off in the future and my beauty standards are a bit different which makes sense since they are said to change with the times and I come from two different times. 


Sometimes when talking about women with my brothers, the women I mentioned were ones they never gave a second thought to. So they brushed me off as a little kid pretending to be one of the big kids… it irritates me just to think about it.


However, sometimes there are universal beauties once in a while that everyone can agree on like Cersei, Sansa, or Daenerys.


But something Dacey has over those three so far is her personality. 


While I love my dear sister and Dany has a place in my heart, I can´t say their personalities are the reason for my love. 


“What is it you wanted to talk about” I ask to break myself out of anylising my love for the women in my life.


“Hmm... oh yes, ehem, but first would you mind telling me what were you thinking about?” She asks looking up at me. 


“Me, nothing much just thinking about some headaches” 


“In that case, with all the new changes you are making to the army, I would like to know why you have not named a new battle guard” 


“New battle guard? I have not yet left Winterfell since my return so I have not been in a hurry to replace them and it´s not like it was an official order. Why? Are you and the others unsatisfied by this” 


She shakes her head.


“Harrion Karstark is just agitated because he is unhappy with being stuck here while his home is in jeopardy but it is Owen Norrey who is most on edge since the mountain clans gave their support to Stannis he is worried you won´t trust him”


“I have been thinking of forming a new order but as for the members… what about you Dacey, you fought with them do you trust them? And do you want to be part of my “Battle guard” or are you just asking on their behalf?” 


“They won´t betray you if that´s what you´re asking me, and yes I want to be part of your guard if you´ll have me,” She says as we reach the hot springs in the godswood.


“Why?” I ask as I strip off my sweaty clothes and sigh as I take a seat in the hot spring water. My sore muscles and bones felt euphoric thanks to the hot water. 


“Eh, wh-what do mean why, to be part of the battle guard is the highest hon-”


“I know why a man would want that position! But why do you? Forgive me for sounding arrogant but soon enough all my vassals and allies will bring forth their prettiest daughters, sisters, or hell even their mothers if they are pretty enough. All to get a chance at marrying their houses to the King of the North.


And here you are, a beautiful young woman and heir to house Mormont with the chance to further your house standing, offering to guard my door instead… I want to know why” 


She just looks at me with no change in her expression “What business is it of your-” 


“A King can´t ask his guard why he guards him? If you want a chance to be a part of it you will have to answer my question”


This time she glares at me but I just lay back in the water and wait.


“Are you testing me because I am a woman?” She asks with a bit of bite to her words.


I raise my eyebrows at her words “Do you think you should not be tested? That anything is owed to you? If you think I am treating you differently, worry not, no one will get a place on my guard without being tested in some way by me”


I see the tension in her body fade a little but she still speaks a little unsatisfied “So your questions about why I´m not jumping at the chance to be your wife has nothing to do with me being a woman?” 


“It most certainly does, but that´s just my curiosity. So please, answer my question, does the reason why you would rather serve as a King´s guard than be a King´s wife have anything to do with why you denied all those… advances for your favor before and during the war?”  


“... There are many reasons some I can share and some I can´t,” She says her gaze becoming conflicted and even pained.


Some reasons she can´t share? I think about everything I know about the Mormont family and after a bit of thinking, I realize Dacey is the eldest daughter of Maege Mormont at about 19 years old.


Once I thought of that I remembered the news I learned years ago of Maege Mormont´s second daughter Alysane Mormont giving birth to a daughter, the father was unknown and not mentioned at all.


This news becomes a lot darker when you realize that Alysane would at most barely be a teen when she gave birth. 


I decide not to voice my speculation but if it is what I think, then Dacey´s lack of romantic interests makes much more sense.


I look at the sky and see it darkening. Soon the ones headed for the Wall will arrive with my stuff.


Before Dacey can continue with her answer I interrupt her dunking my head into the water and soaking my hair then standing up and reaching for a cloth to dry myself.


“You can give me the answer later,” I say as I dress myself. 


She looks flustered but manages to speak “B-but” 


“I am quite busy today so this will have to wait, the godswood is closed off so why don´t you take a soak in the springs and I will have a servant girl come here with some fresh garbs for you” 


She opens her mouth to speak looks at the hot springs with temptation in her eyes then ends up hesitantly bowing her head saying “Thank you for your time, my lord,”


I wave my hand as I walk away and out of the godswood. At the exit, a man is waiting for me among the guards he is Dom the new master of horses. Since the old master of horse Hullen was among the guards who came with us to King´s Landing.


He is a young man but I think he is reliable enough from what I´ve seen of him.


“M´lord there´s a problem, the unicorns are too unruly for the stables if they are kept there for much longer they will hurt the horses and each other”


“Sigh, I had a feeling something like this would happen” 


I rub my forehead at this conundrum. I definitely can´t let the unicorns roam around the Wolswood as there´s no way hunters will not take this chance to get themselves some unicorn horns to collect or sell.


Wait Wolfswood, I stop rubbing my forehead and look behind me at the Godswood. 


“Dom, after Dacey leaves the Godswood let the 50 unicorns stay in Godswood from now on, but if I ever see a piece of crap in the hot springs or the pond near the Wierwood tree I will make you my sole sparring partner for a fortnight understand”  


He gulps and nods fearfully.


I pat him on the shoulder and head towards my study in the great keep, once inside I spot Beth and call her to me and tell her to get a change of clothes for Lady Mormont.


She nods her head seriously and walks briskly away seemingly amped up after receiving a direct command from the boss. 


Finally reaching my study I see Catelyn and Sansa sitting together on a couch deep in discussion I nod to myself, it seems Catelyn took my advice to talk with Sansa while they help me with my tasks.


Looking at Catelyn she looks much healthier than when I first arrived her skin having gotten back her glow. And Sansa gets more and more beautiful by the day.


When I am halfway across the room they finally notice me “Ed! You´re back already” they say at the same time and laugh with each other seemingly in a good mood.


“Already? The sun coming down, haha did you get so lost in your work you lost track of time” I laugh as I sit down at the desk and start to read what they have written down. 


After reading half a page “… Where´s the rest?”


They share a look and laugh awkwardly.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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