House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

Chapter 80: The Traitor, Trevor of Claw Isle II

[A/N: Final chapter of the rotation. 

Have fun ;) ]

(Third Person POV)

There was more gasps of outrage, in response to the sudden thing that Trevor said. Everyone looked at each other and a few seconds after, all eyes were on both Rhaenyra and Baelon. Rhaenyra had a surprised look on her face, trying her best to keep composed while Baelon had no reaction to this. The Heir said nothing, merely stared at Trevor, his eyes had a strangely calm look in them. 

Alicent looked at Baelon, a frown appearing on her face. She was going to say something when Helaena grabbed her hand and whispered something to her. 

"It is a lie." Helaena whispered

Alicent looked at her, "What?" 

"It is a lie." Helaena whispered again, a serious look on her face

There were murmurings among the lords of the court as Trevor faced the King yet again, a slight smirk on his face as he stood there. 

"Now, do you understand?" Trevor asked, "Why I had to do what I did? I could stand the insult of my own wife cuckolding me!" 

Rhaenyra wanted to say something but no words came out, her face covered with nothing but shock. No matter how hard she wanted to defend herself, it did not help that no words come out of her mouth. She felt the gaze of her own daughter as Aemma was looking at her with a confused face. 

"Why would Uncle and Mother.....?" She said

"They did not." Aemond told her, "Ignore him." 

There more murmurs among the lords, they began speaking among each other in pure confusion and surprise. They did not know what to think about this sudden "revelation". 

Suddenly, Baelon raised his hand and the entire hall went silent. The Heir was staring at Trevor, his eyes not leaving him. Even so, the Prince did not speak a single word, he was still silent. 

"A valiant effort to try and justify your crimes." Viserys spoke up, "But I am afraid that it is a lie. After countless hours of questioning both the Princess and the Prince on that matter, we have concluded that no adultery has taken place. My daughter is not that kind of woman and my son? He is only loyal to his wife, the woman he is married to. But as for you...we cannot say the same...." 

The doors opened and more guards were escorting a dark-skinned woman with white hair, who slowly walked in and looked around with a nervous look on her face. Rhaenys, who was standing amidst the crowd with her children next to her, looked at this and immediately recognized who this woman was; Corlys's bastard daughter. 

Trevor saw this, "Ada..." He said softly

"You were intimate with this woman behind my daughter's back, Trevor of Claw Isle." Viserys said seriously, "And you dare accuse her of adultery? Another crime to your name. Frankly, I should have you gelded." 

Ada was brought up next to Trevor as two guards stood between them. 

Otto looked at her, "State your name." 

"I....I am Ada....of Hull...." She said as she looked down

"Ada...." Viserys said as he gestured at her belly, "You are with child?" 

"Y-Yes..." Ada said nervously

"Whose child is it?" Viserys asked

"H-His..." Ada pointed at Trevor

There was a gasp among the crowd as everyone looked at Trevor who merely stood there, a calm look on his face. Then, their eyes shifted to Rhaenyra who had a surprised look on her face that slowly changed to a pained expression. She was not aware of this, that her husband had gotten a woman pregnant with a bastard. 

"You bedded Trevor of Claw Isle in his own bed, when the Princess Rhaenyra was not present." Viserys said, "Why?" 

"I..." Ada said, "It is not a crime to fall in love." 

"Love?" Viserys asked, "Is that it? Do you think this man loves you? He who sought you out because you descend from a Targaryen Bastard? You, who are the Late Lord Corlys's bastard? All this for the sake of ambition and desire to overthrow the crown. And yet, you love him?" 

She nodded, "Please...." 

"No harm will be brought to you nor your child." Viserys continued, " know what to do in order for that to be true." 

"T-Trevor...." Ada started as a tear came down her cheek, "Trevor wished to raise children with dragon's claim dragons and attempt to overthrow House Targaryen.....if Lord Corlys were alive, they would have used House Velaryon's dragons in the start a Civil obtain Balerion." 

"Ah...." Viserys said, "Yet....that would require my son's death, hm?" 

"Right...." Ada said

Trevor looked down and said nothing. 

"Well, my son is not dead." Viserys said, "So Balerion is still House Targaryen's dragon. Which mean that any foolish attempt to attack our house would only result in the Black Dread's flames! And yet, you still stand here before me, Trevor, a traitor....all for the sake of your ambition." 

Trevor looked at him, "You would say that...." He said, "Ambition.....what is wrong with ambition?! What is wrong with wanting more?! You dragonlords know nothing of what it means to be on the bottom!! Our House is also Valyrian!! Why can House Velaryon have Dragons but not House Celtigar?! That was the entire point of having Rhaenyra!! Of having my children!! Is it so wrong to try and restore Old Valyria's glory?!" 

"Old Valyria's glory?" Viserys asked, "Last I checked, House Celtigar was not a Dragonlord House.....only House Targaryen was...." 

"It does not matter....a new era, a new beginning...." Trevor continued, "Old Valyria is gone but we can restore her glory by simply expanding our power....our blood!!! You are to narrow-minded, you Targaryens....we could reach out back to Essos and reclaim what was ours!! By ensuring that the Dragons are expanded throughout the Lands, not just confined to House Targaryen!! But no! All of you wish to keep such power to yourself!!" 

"And you wished to claim it for yourself?" Viserys asked, "You wanted my son dead for what? One of your children, your bastards, to claim Balerion? What for?" 

"To fly across the Narrow Sea and bend everyone to their knees!!" Trevor said as he pointed at Baelon, "He calls himself the second-coming of the Conqueror? Rider of Balerion? I am more Conqueror than Baelon Targaryen would ever be!!! I wish to conquer those that deserve to be Conquered!! Yes, I attempted to kill him!! Would I do it again? On a heartbeat!!!!" 

There was a loud gasp and many began to speak in outrage, angered by his words. Baelon still said nothing, merely watched this. 

"Oh, so you confess your crime?" Viserys said, "Well, that settles it...." 

"Do you seriously think I would allow a mere man decide my fucking fate? So what if I committed treason?! It was for the greater good!! And the gods themselves know it!!" Trevor shouted, "The same gods that I will allow to decide my fate, King Viserys Targaryen!!!" 

Otto frowned, "You are not saying-" 

"I demand a Trial of Seven!!!!" Trevor shouted, "Surely, the King will honor that!!" 

There was an even louder gasp, the lords were completely shocked to hear this sudden demand. 

"A Trial of Seven?" Viserys frowned, "Are you mad? Nobody has demanded for that since the Trial of Seven that Maegor the Cruel fought in!" 

"If the Gods favor your son which everyone claims to be so, well, so be it..." Trevor said as he pointed at Baelon again, "Let them prove it!!! Have him be one of the champions!! If he wins, not only would I be declared guilty and will die a traitor, but he can have my wife for all I care!! Do with her what you wish, King Viserys!!" 

"A Trial of Seven....." Daemons said with a smirk

"Ridiculous." Viserys said, "I will not...." 

Baelon took a single step forth, "I accept." 

Everyone looked at the Prince, baffled at this. 

"Baelon, no!" Alicent said with a scowl, "What are you saying?!" 

Baelon gave Trevor a serious glare, "You traitor filth...." He said, "I will enjoy cutting you down after I kill the six fuckers that dare fight for you." 

"I'll take you on." 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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