House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Little Fatty's Promotion To Uncle Guo

Mo Fei didn't stay long. Afterdrinking her coffee, she left in a hurry.

After all, she brought Xixi herebecause she was going to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities toparticipate in commercial activities. She couldn't go home for two weeks! Helpless,she gave Xixi to her father to take care of.

Yang Yi naturally couldn't ask formore. With the little girl around, there will be less loneliness and more fun!

However, their happy moments arealways short. The little fatty came back with a sad face, and cried sadlydownstairs, "Big Brother Yang, open the door for me. I'm somiserable!"

Finished! The chatter came back!

"What did you do? Didn't do wellin the exam?" Yang Yi had to go down and open the door for him. He asked puzzled,why did the high-spirited little fatty come back with a depressed look on hisface?

"It's not that I didn't do wellin the exam. They had a prejudice and felt that I was fat and short." GuoZiyi complained, "My mock performance and sketch show are the best. As aresult, during the individual talent show, two judges said I was too young andit would be better to come back next year!"

"Is there such astandard?" Yang Yi could not help frowning.

Guo Ziyi is a little fat, and… notso handsome, but Yang Yi thinks that this boy is really talented, and he isstill young, only 16 years old. Perhaps he wll grew taller in the future, and cutdown on his figure. He also has a good skin!

One must know, every fat man is apotential stock!

Guo Ziyi sighed and said, "Ican't do anything about it. Teachers all pay attention to handsome boys andgirls. I'm afraid it's difficult to enter their eyes how I'm doing."

Yang Yi was silent. Just as he was tryingto figure out how to comfort the little fatty, Guo Ziyi himself cried out in afuss: "Ah? How could there be a little girl? "

Yang Yi looked back and saw therestless Xixi had come to the stairway entrance, peeking out her lovely littlehead and looking down! But was startled by Guo Ziyi's call, and Xixi shrank herhead back.

"She's my daughter!" YangYi was speechless about Guo Ziyi's fuss.

"You have a daughter?" GuoZiyi was even more surprised. "And that old already?"

In his opinion, Yang Yi is only 27or 28 years old. How could he possibly have such a 4 or 5-year-old child infront of him? Do soldiers get married early?

"Isn't it normal for me to havea daughter?" Yang Yi didn't explain. After going upstairs, he called thelittle girl over and introduced him to Xixi, who shyly got behind his father'sthighs. "This is Guo Ziyi, Uncle Guo, who lives in our house for the timebeing. This is my daughter, Yang Xi. You can call her Xixi."

Xixi was too embarrassed to sayhello, while Guo Ziyi called out dissatisfiedly: "What Uncle Guo? Call me BigBrother Ziyi. Calling me uncle make me feel old."

"Greet Uncle!" Yang Yipatted Xixi's little head, and then gave Guo Ziyi a sidelong look, "Sinceyou call me Big Brother Yang, isn't it only right for my daughter to call you Uncle?"

Xixi still listened to his father'swords. With a soft voice, she whispered: "Uncle Guo."

Guo Ziyi's heart is crumbling at themoment, but under by Yang Yi's tyrannical power, he can only be an uncle intears.


Because of Mo Fei's status, Xixi hadnot had much contact with strangers since she was a child, so she was very shyin front of strangers. Even when her father was preparing lunch, she insistedon staying in the kitchen with her father.

Poor Guo Ziyi, originally saw Xixi isso beautiful and lovely, volunteered to help take care of Xixi, but now hisself-esteem was hit once again.

"Am I really too fat and ugly?The examiner teacher didn't like me, and even Big Brother Yang's daughter dislikesme…" Guo Ziyi lay on the sofa in the living room, feeling that he wasalready a loser.

Fortunately, Yang Yi's sumptuouslunch saved Guo Ziyi.

"Tomato fish fillet soup, Papaknows you don't eat spicy, so he uses your favorite little tomato, sweet and sour,and eating fish will make you smarter!" Yang Yi introduced the dishes toher daughter one by one with a smile, and heard Guo Ziyi swallowing anddrooling on one side.

"This is Sautéed King Oyster Mushroomwith Meat Sauce. This is Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce. This ismore special, it is called Pot Collapse Tofu, a special dish of Shandongcuisine, with stuffing in tofu…"

"Stop talking. I'm unable torestrain myself from wanting to eat!" Guo Ziyi said with red eyes, while holdinga bowl and chopsticks.

Originally, Xixi was still smilinghappily, but Uncle Little Fatty's hungry appearance made the little girl feelthreatened. She pouted her little mouth, stretched her little arm to stop him,and said reluctantly, "No, Papa made these for me."

"But you can't finish them all."Cried Guo Ziyi.

In fact, Xixi is quite willing toshare with others, but today Guo Ziyi's attitude made the little girl unsatisfied,she played a small temper: "I will not give you to eat!"

"All right, it's all Xixi's.Xixi, taste the pot collapse tofu first." Yang Yi pampered his daughterand gave her a piece of tofu and sat down beside her with a smile.

Guo Ziyi didn't mean to quarrel withthe little girl, but it was sad to watch Yang Yi not speak up for him, and thetable of food seems to be far away from him!

"Delicious!" Xixi waseating the crisp pot collapse tofu, which was so delicious that she couldn'thelp but say it to his father.

However, she did not forget GuoZiyi, who had been rejected by her. The little girl blinked her big eyes andlooked at Guo Ziyi's depressed appearance. She pulled her father's sleeve andmotioned to his father to lower his head. She leaned in her father's ear and whispered,"Papa, uncle is so pitiful, why don't Xixi let him eat it?"

"Yes, your Uncle Guo failed theexam today. He was very sad!" Yang Yi smiled and whispered to herdaughter, "But with so much delicious food, is Xixi willing to give it tohim?"

Yang Yi, of course, will not be unclearabout right and wrong, and will not tolerate Xixi small temper play, butperhaps because of his tragic childhood in his past life, he did not know howto reason with his daughter, so it seems that his way of education is quitespecial.

However, what makes Yang Yi happy isthat his daughter is too kind, and her small temper play is only for a while, andnow she is worried about Guo Ziyi.

"Was uncle unhappy before? ThenXixi will share with him. Xixi can't eat so much." The little girl said inher father's ear.

"Then tell him, I'm sorry,Uncle Guo, let's eat together." Yang Yi encouraged her.

Xixi was a little nervous, but shestill mustered up the courage, and said: "Uncle Guo, don't be unhappy,let's eat together!"

The voice of the little angel wasvery beautiful, and it reached Guo Ziyi's ear, just like the sound of nature.

"Thank you, Xixi!" If hecould enjoy delicious food, Guo Ziyi's grievances can be thrown away. He smiledhappily at Xixi and began to eat eagerly.

"Ohhh! This fish fillet isdelicious, this tofu is delicious, and this Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet BeanSauce is even more delicious! " Guo Ziyi picked a spoonful of SautéedShredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce, mixed the sauce and rice, and wolf themdown.

Looking at Uncle Little Fatty's eating, Xixi's appetite also got bigger!

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