Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 4 – Hot Springs Brigade vs Princess Aurora?!

Mornings for the Royal Cassun was the busiest time of the day. In recent weeks since Orcus refugees had been pouring in, the staff found even less time for pleasure and savored the short breaks they had.

This morning, fewer guests than usual have arrived and therefore provided the staff a much needed respite. Two members in particular would not waste their time lounging. Instead, they have taken a short trip just beyond the north gates to let off some steam.

In a clearing hidden behind a barrier of thick oak trees, Vic and Deena came to blows. It was a bare-knuckle showdown between two trained combatants whose ancestral bloodlines saw a history of battle. This was as good a time as any following their incident with a demon and ogre where they were each humbled by defeat.

Deena was all smiles. It was a rare opportunity for her to drag Vic to the ground. In a contest of pure strength and stamina, the half-dragon had her superior beat. All she had to do was keep on the offensive. Punch after punch, kick after kick, feints into swipes… Deena could keep this up all day.

And Vic knew that.

All it would take is two good hits from Deena to knock her out. Deena hadn't changed since her Academy days using brute strength to drive her way to victory. She was made more deadly by her refined close quarter combat. Anyone else would be on the ground with a bloody nose, but not Vic. She trained Deena after all.

While on the defensive, Vic counted no less than two dozen openings in Deena's onslaught. That being said, it didn't matter if she could throw a few punches past her subordinate's guard. Half-dragon scale possessed the same thickness as a true dragon's hide. Fortunately for Vic, she was faster, more dexterous, and therefore capable of dodging and blocking every single one of Deena's strikes.

"It ain't too late to pull out your swords, Captain!"

"I won't need them."

Deena threw a wide left hook. Vic raised her right arm to block, and stepped forward. She saw the uppercut coming. She caught the fist before it made contact with her chin.

"Not yet!"

Deena reeled her head back, but instead of cracking their skulls together, she saw a flock of birds fly across the open canopy. Vic walked into her field of vision, hands on her hips.

"You left your leg open for a sweep." Vic extended a hand to help her up.

"Ahhhhhh! Damn it all!" She punched the ground and uprooted a fistful of weeds.

"You use your body like a powerful weapon, but someone can just as easily make that your downfall. This time, quite literally."

"One more time!"

"We've been at it since morning."

"I'm still raring to go! Lemme at ya!"

"Taisha and Piper can't hold down the fort all day. We're going back after a rest."

"Fine," Deena took a swig from her waterskin, then poured the rest over herself. "I'm glad we got a chance to do this, Captain. The other two wouldn't even humor me."

"It wouldn't exactly be a fair fight."

While Deena didn't inherit their cunning, her green dragon ancestry rendered her impervious to most offensive magic. It was also why she refused to use any physical weapon besides her fists. A prudent choice, seeing as magic could easily turn the weapon against her.

The two of them took rest under a withering oak. A thousand year lifetime has seen its overgrown branches gnarl over each other under their own weight. Deena dug her claws into a brittle limb, breaking off pieces of bark to chew on.

"You know, Itsuki's situation got me thinking about my own problem."

Vic knew exactly what she was referring to. She was reminded of the day Deena was placed under her command. At the time, the half-dragon had only just a month prior witnessed the brutal destruction of her homeland. She was inconsolable, full of spite and short-tempered. Unrecognizable from the… more or less composed Deena now.

"We've talked about this. Royal Cassun is what we need to focus on."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course I'll be giving it my all here." She spat out charcoal and grinned. "I'd just like to settle the score before something happens to me."

"What do you think will happen to you?"

"We live next to cliffs! I could fall down Arabor tomorrow or something. But seriously, the whole demon and ogre thing reminded me how dangerous our job is. Anything could happen."

"You were nearly squashed by an ogre and that made you want to fight a dragon now?"

"I get it. Dragons are in a league of their own. I know first hand. It's just doing nothing doesn't sit right with me."

Vic grinded her teeth to come up with response. She scratched her horns and then stood up.

"I told you the day we became a squad, remember? One day, I'll go with you."

Deena's eyes lit up. "Heh. You're damn right, I remember. I'm holding you to that."

"I won't pass up the opportunity to slay some dragons."

"Now we're talking! Heh. Haha!" Deena couldn't contain her laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"It's ironic. A half-dragon and a half-demon go around hunting dragons."

The two of them shared a laugh.

The irony wasn't lost on Vic. Dragons and demons had long since worked together to conquer the world. They came close many times, and had nearly succeeded in the last war were it not for the dark elves' and succubi's timely rebellion.

She chuckled.

"So, you've been thinking about Itsuki?"

"Not like that! Argh. W-what about you, huh?"

"What about me?"

"You and Taisha are awfully close."

"The two of us are simply very good friends." She said, getting to her feet. "On that note, let's not keep them waiting."

"Don't dodge the question!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Piper saw her companions approach from the watchtower. She pulled the lever and slipped underneath the palisade to meet them.

"Welcome back!"

"I'm beat!"

"She was beaten."

Deena nudged Vic in the ribs. "Gonna hit the bath before getting back to work."

"Run into any trouble while we were away?"


Piper led them to the steps of the Royal Cassun where Theradis Slain awaited.

"Master Vic, Lady Deena!"

"Theradis?" Vic was surprised to see the bespectacled dark elf soon. Then she was reminded of what his presence heralded. "My father is on his way, isn't he…?"

"Yes. I was sent only a moment ahead of them. They should be arriving shortly."

"We're expecting a guest from the capital. Do you know who that might be?"

"Mr. Theradis said it's supposed to be a surprise."

"Why's it always surprise visitors from you?"

"A-about that…" Theradis began. "We, uh… Master Victor is…"

Taisha came barreling out of the Royal Cassun in a panic. "Vic!"

"What's wrong?"

"Don't tell me you don't feel that?"


In that moment, she did. Everyone did. A dense aura of mana had crossed the threshold of their senses. Their eyes turned to the southern road just as the howl of dreadsteeds pierced the air, their fiery manes leaving embers in their approach.

Victor Luciferon's obsidian carriage grinded to a halt, but who came out wasn't the master himself.

"Ohohohohohoho! Be blessed, my beautiful ladies." An earsplitting laughter all too familiar to the ladies of the Royal Cassun echoed across the canyon.

"Princess Aurora has arrived at last!" The young elf announced as she kicked open the carriage door.

"PRINCESS?!" All four of the Royal Cassun staff exclaimed in bewilderment.

The heiress of the Kingdom of Cassun threw out her arms to accept their astonishment as a triumph. The long, golden curls appear to dance against her fair skin to a fanfare only she can hear in her head.

Aurora repeated with more gusto. "Princess Aurora has arrived at last!"

Vic had to fight off the shock to return to her senses. "What are you doing here, Princess?"

"What does it look like? I have come to see my lovely ladies. I heard you were in trouble, so I came as quickly as I could."

"...Who told you we were in trouble?"

"Why, by Lord Victor, of course!"

"Father, I know you're in there. Explain this!" Vic raised a fist at the carriage.

The Demon King peeked out of the carriage. "Uh. Nice to see everyone is doing well! I'll be in here if you need me." Then retreated back inside.

"You should be rejoicing that your beloved Princess has graced you with her incandescence!"

Piper squeezed past her colleagues and jumped into Aurora's arms. "Princess, I'm glad to see you're doing well!"

"My! How you have grown, Piper! Your oh-so-chubby cheeks are as pinchable as ever. Taisha, my dear vixen. Prrrrr! Your services have brought great wealth to the kingdom. As always, my thanks. And, Deena? I understand you kept one of the gold ingots?"

"Pleasure to be of service, Princess."

"I, uh… Vic gave it to me! We sent you four, so I'm not handing mine over!"

"Ever the hoarder, I see…"

Vic felt another headache coming. "If you're here with my father… does that mean he knows…?"

"About our operation up here? Yes, I have informed him."

Victor dove out of the carriage. "That's right! Why didn't you tell me? I was so proud to hear you had come into such an important position!"

"Gee. It's not like you aren't the leader of the empire we escaped from or anything."

"Fortunately, the history between Cassun and Orcus shall begin anew as we move forward. Due in large part to Lord Victor's audacity to contact out to me."

Deena tilted her head. "Sounds like you guys had this planned all along."

"We did," Princess Aurora began. "His coming to the capital had been planned months in advance."

"And you didn't tell us about it?"

"Like how you neglected to tell me about your father's entry into my borders?"

"Now, now. I'm the one who encouraged her not to say anything. And you knew I was coming, so it's fine!"

Taisha continued in Vic's stead. "What fruits came of the meeting?"

"Lord Victor and I have set in motion plans to move against his opposition."

Theradis interrupted their conversation. "Perhaps this discussion is best continued under private accommodations?"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Everyone had gone downstairs to the servant's quarters. Theradis elected to remain at the top of the stairs to keep an eye on the lobby.

Victor sat with his arms crossed. His greatsword propped against the backrest, towering over him. "The threat of the Loyalists, my opposition in Orcus, is still very real. The tides of the civil war could turn at any moment."

Aurora nodded and continued, "This sudden alliance is not meant to impede the Loyalists for long. Its true mark is the Republic of Darcie."

"But Darcie is our ally? We've accomodated many minor and major lords at the Royal Cassun." Vic interjected.

"Do not be fooled, my dear." Aurora's face convulsed in disgust. "It is a kingdom led by cowards."

"They've professed to side against the Loyalists, but make no mistake— they have taken a neutral stance."

"What do they get for staying neutral?"

Piper and Taisha were the first to come to the answer, but neither wanted to say it. Vi answered the silence instead. "Restoration of the slave trade."

"If Orcus were to fall to Lord Victor's opposition, we cannot count on Darcie to come to our defense." Aura concluded coldly.

"What about Felucia and Grennadier?" Vic offered. "Your allies from the war against Grandfather?"

Aurora bit into a biscuit and placed the half-eaten morsel on the table. "Felucia is in a famine. It is so bad they have started eating their prized horses. And Grennadier's people are in open rebellion against the crown."

Taisha and Piper, both of whom had lived in Orcus at the start of the war, remembered clearly how effective the Felucian cavalry were in mowing down scores of lesser demons. Grennadier's famed Alchemist's Guild were also indispensable in concocting an acid strong enough to liquefy dragon scales.

"The concern remains with or without our allies. We must take the initiative and stamp out the Loyalist threat." Victor stood up and affixed the greatsword to his back.

"Uhm!" Deena leaned over the table. "Mr. Victor, do you know if the dragons are involved with the Loyalists?"


"I have to know."

"I'm not sure. The dragons seem content in their occupation of the Gilded Peaks." Victor rubbed his chin when realization struck. "However, we would be fools to think they weren't up to something."

Theradis descended halfway down the stairs and said, "Pardon the interruption, but a guest is in need of assistance."

"I'll take care of it." Taisha got to her feet. "Shall I prepare a room for Theradis and Lord Victor?"

"No need. The dragon-girl has given me a lead to look into."

"Oh, such a shame. I would have loved to hear more stories about Victoria from you, Lord Victor."

"Haha! We'll have plenty of opportunities to."


"Oh. One more thing, Victoria."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Victor reached into his carriage and pulled out a large black stone the size of his chest. It had grooves of molten magma shifting all over its rugged surface. The two dreadsteeds whinnied and licked the egg affectionately.

"Is that… what I think it is?"

"That's…! A dreadsteed egg!!!" Piper shouted ecstatically.

"It turns out one of my dreadsteeds gave birth! I want you to take it." He handed Vic the enormous stone egg.

"Wait, what?! Don't just—"

"Take care now, byyeee!" The Demon King yelled back as he and Theradis rode through the north gate.


Vic lowered the boulder-sized egg to the ground and rubbed her temple.

"Our very own dreadsteed!" The dark elf embraced the egg, barely getting her arms around half it. "It's so warm. Hehe!"

"I can't believe…"

"Dang, Captain. Now that we have a dreadsteed, you're like a Demon Queen. I'm kinda jealous."

"Don't be. Raising a dreadsteed takes a lot of work."

"Can we please keep it, Captain Vic? I'll take really good care of it!"

"It's not like I'm going to get rid of it. Do you even know the first thing about taking care of dreadsteeds?"

"Yes! I took care of many in Orcus when I was a… when I was in Orcus."

"Then we'll all take care of it." Vic sighed.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

After Vic carried the dreadsteed egg into the stables, Taisha returned to join them in servant's quarters.

"Onto the next problem…" Vic began.

Princess Aurora hadn't moved from her seat since they saw Victor off. Her elegant lady-like posture was in stark contrast to her ravenous appetite.

"Mmmm! How I have missed Vic's delectable cooking!" She said between mouthfuls of biscuits.

"Princess, shall we arrange to have an escort accompany you back to the capital?"

"No. Prepare me a room here. I believe you have an extra room in the servant's quarters?"

Taisha protested. "It's dangerous for you to be so far north. If something were to happen—"

"I can entrust you four to take care of it. No?"

"We… we can, but…"

"Princess, we—"

"Your life could be in danger—"

"And we had an assassin not long ago—"


Boiling mana surge through their veins. Their eyes briefly shimmered blue. The staff were compelled to kneel, bowing their heads so low they were only inches from the ground.

Princess Aurora wiped the crumbs from her mouth and stood before them. Her voice had boomed louder than it was capable of, amplified by the magic of her ability. In reality, it was no louder than her regular speech. The Royal Cassun staff were the only ones to hear it because of their link to her.


It was a unique power born to those with the greatest affinity to magic, and required a tremendous pool of mana to utilize. In this turbulent age, only two had come to possess it. The fair-skinned elven Princess of Cassun, and the Demon King Septus Luciferon who nearly led their wold to ruin.

The ability created a mana link to supply a significant boost in magical and physical strength. Its connection can only manifest in the most earnest and loyal subjects. There was only one drawback— It demanded absolute obedience when called upon. An ultimate test of loyalty. One that the ladies of the Royal Cassun vowed to take in defense of their new homeland.

Aurora sighed. "You may stand."

Control of their bodies returned to them as the magic subsided.

"Uwah… haven't felt that in a while…" Deena said, unclenching her fist.

"Firstly, I am staying for the foreseeable future. Secondly, you will refer to me as Aura. Understood?"

Everyone was silent save for the light footsteps and murmuring of patrons upstairs.

Vic was the first to speak.

"Princess," She began.

Aurora's eyes shimmered blue. "Aura."

"Aura… given what was discussed, you would be in safer hands back home."

"Piper, Deena. Leave us." The order wasn't by Command, but it might as well have felt that way.

The two of them shot Vic a wide-eyed glance, and then went upstairs.

"As I understand it, you have lost the ability to use Legion."

"All the more reason why it's dangerous for you to be here."

"And you kept this from me? Hm?"

"No, I—"

"I had to hear it from Lord Victor first. What would have happened if we were invaded? Without Legion, the Royal Cassun has lost two-thirds of its manpower. By keeping this to yourself, you could have put not just your squad, not just my life, but all of Cassun in jeopardy."

Vic opened her mouth to protest, but could find no words to say. She gave Taisha a desperate look for help, but the succubus had nothing to offer.

"Piper and Deena do not deserve to see their commanding officer reduced to a mute. What happened to you, Vic?"

"Aura, please don't be too harsh on Vic. It was thanks to her, we repelled an assassin and ogre attack." Taisha tried to intervene.

"I thought better of you, Taisha. As Vic's handler, you should have informed me of her complications. Was I mistaken to entrust this task to you?"

"My shortcomings were a lapse in judgement. It won't happen again."

"No, it will not. I will see to that."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Deena and Piper were checking guests in when they saw Aura ascended the stairs looking exhausted.

"Whaddya think happen?"

"Auror— Aura probably gave them an earful again."

"Again? Were they always getting scolded by her in the past?"

"I almost forgot you were the last to join the squad, Deena." Piper handed the last guest in line the key to their room. "I think Aura just wants Vic to always be at her best."

"Ain't Vic always at her best?"

"It has more to do with these." The dark elf used her index fingers to mimic horns on her head, not seeing Aura had walked up to them.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Wha—, Aura! Nothing! Just work stuff." Piper stammered.

"Hmmm. Have you finished up here?"

"We checked in the last guest, so we're probably free until the afternoon."

"Then you two will join me in the baths now."

Deena and Piper stared at each other. "Eh?"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic hadn't moved an inch since Aura left.

"Hey," Taisha hugged the silent half-demon from behind. "Princess Aurora meant well."

"I know she did, but… did I?" She pulled away from the succubus' embrace to put some distance between them. "It's not enough."

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep it off."

"Let me help put you to sleep, Vic."

Taisha's wings went slack against her back as she watched Vic leave.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

"My! Deena, I had no idea you were so endowed underneath all those clothes!" Aura leaned in to check out Deena's assets as they undressed. "Buhihihihihi… a few more years and you may rival Taisha yet."

"How long are you going to keep staring…?"

"Is it so unreasonable to admire that which I do not have? It is simply unfair how you, Taisha, and Vic can be so gifted. Meanwhile…" She looked at her own chest, and then at Piper's. "I suppose some of us still have some growing to do."

"Vic says I'm fine the way I am…"

"You are! Never change, my dear."

"Ow!" Deena turned her head to see a bruise on her lower back.

"What happened there?" Aura asked inquisitively.

"Probably hit the ground a little too hard when I was fighting Vic."

"You two had a fight?"

"Ahh, we were just sparring. Hadn't had the chance to in a while, so it was a nice change of pace to throw down. Besides, something this small will heal in no time."

The three of them lathered and rinsed themselves off before taking a dip. Piper was the first to finish and ran off into the waters, leaving Aura and Deena behind.

Deena was going to join her friend when Aura grabbed her arm. "A moment of your time."

"What's up?"

"I wanted to ask about Vic. How has she been?"

"Well… same as always, I guess."

"My dear, you must have a larger vocabulary than that."

"Whaddya want me to say? Vic has been Vic for as long as I can remember." Deena picked up a towel with her tail and threw it over her shoulder. "I'd count on her to watch my back any day of the week."

"Hmmm. I must admit, I am envious of you three. Being able to spend your every waking moment with her."

"You miss her that much when we left, huh?"

"When you are in love with someone, it is only natural.."

"Yeah, I sorta get that— wait, in love?!"


"What did I just hear? Love? You… and… Captain?"

"When I look at her, I just want to cradle her in my arms and pet her head. Curse that succubus for having my precious Vic all to herself. Even I want to spoil her sometimes. If it were not for my status, I would not have to worry about decorum but noooooo…!"

Deena's eyes were spinning. The regal and ever-composed Princess Aurora she had known from Cassun Academy was gushing about Vic like a lovestruck schoolgirl. She couldn't remember a time when Aurora was ever like this until today.

This was big. She thought to herself. Should she tell the others about this? Wasn't there something between Taisha and Vic? Why did Aura have to go and drop this bombshell on her?

"Deena!" Piper called from the water. "You're going to catch a cold if you don't come in!"

When she came to her senses, Aura had already joined Piper in the hot spring.

"Oh, uh. Coming!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic came out to the stables and took a seat by the dreadsteed egg. She leaned into it to bask in its warmth. There was a subtle heartbeat, just strong enough for her to hear through its thick shell.

"The two of us are a lot alike." She traced a finger along its molten fissures and pulled it back singed.

Vic shut her eyes and slowed her breathing just enough to match the rhythm of her heartbeat to the embryo's.

It was cold out. Tiny specks of white dust drifted down from the sky. Some managed to slip past the stable windows and find their way onto the pair of demonkin before melting. But Vic would not feel Arabor's chill, for she had already fallen asleep.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

"Taisha, have you seen Vic?" Aura called out to the succubus encumbered with fresh linens.

"Check the stables. If she's asleep, please don't wake her."

"I wanted to speak to you"

Taisha adjusted her hold on the sheets. "Now might not be the best time."

"I shall help." She said, taking half the stack.

The two of them delivered the fresh sheets to the guests on the second floor. Much to Aura's chagrin, several of the VIP guests recognized her and sought an audience which she would not grant. One Darcien noble who was unaware of Aura's identity mistook her for an elven courtesan and tried to buy her services.

After harshly rebuking foreign and domestic nobility alike, including some bribes and blackmails to secrecy, she and Taisha finally delivered the linens with a few to spare and occupied an empty room to speak.

"Ugh! Such undignified rabble. Worse than those swine sitting on the Council! You and Vic deal with these people every day?"

"Yes, but it isn't so bad if you're a succubus."

"Geh." Aura choked on her own spit.

"There are some topics that can only come up during pillow talk. That's where I come in. Vic handles the inquest and subtle intimidation."

"You two are almost too suited to your roles. It is no wonder my pockets are so filled to the brim with favors.

"Then could you have been less harsh with your lecture?"

"To what end? Allow the commanding officer of a key defensive position to fall into complacency? How do you suppose that will do us any good?"

"No, but no good will come from berating her." Taisha walked over to the room's bed and smoothed out the bedding. She drifted into thought for a moment, or maybe lingered on a fond memory. "She's only just a girl."

"I am worried about her, as well. But our enemies do not have the patience to wait for her to recompose herself. I have a whole country to look after, not just one girl having a youth crisis."

"She's having nightmares again. We think it might be linked to why she can't use Legion."

"Why can she not tell me that herself?"

"What sort of commander wants to appear weak?"

Aura frowned. "You do not understand her as well as I thought."

"I'm sorry?"

"You said she was in the stables?"

"Y-yes, she is."

"I will be taking one." She grabbed the spare sheet of linen and left.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic was in the center of an ocean of fire. She couldn't see past the silhouettes of burning oak, and every breath scorched her lungs.

Was this a nightmare? Gods, she hoped it was. Suffering these nightmares were preferable over the idea that this could be real.

Something was different this time. Her horns weren't aching. She could think clearly where previously she was a spectator to her own rabid imitation of madness.

Vic climbed over collapsed trees, burning herself on each branch she latched on to. She tried to lower herself down on brittle roots and lost her balance, plunging and snapping charcoal limbs on the way down.

She raised herself from the ground only to collapse again. A piece of wood protruded from her calf. It must have pierced her on the way down.

"Kuh… it's just a dream…"

Vic staggered forward until she came across a writhing column of fire. She pried open her eyes just wide enough to see something underneath it— a dreadsteed foal. It looked to be howling.

The crackling inferno drowned out the infant dreadsteed's wail, but Vic knew it was crying. She pressed forward ignoring the splinters that dug into her leg. Living flames carved into her flesh and burnt her eyes.

At some point she had reached the foal. Or had it come to her? She lifted her face from the blistering gravel to sit upright and saw it licking the wound on her leg.

It was a beautiful youngling. Barely large enough for a child to mount. The foal rested its head on Vic's shoulder. She stroked its obsidian fur, brushing away cinders and ash. Her hands massaged the horns that were barely nubs compared to her own. 

"Look, we're alike."

It neighed quietly, trying to tell her something she couldn't understand.

"It's okay," She heard herself saying. Hot tears evaporated as they left her eyes.  "You're not alone."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic awoke to the sound of the stable door closing. A sheet of linen wrapped around her and the egg.

She chuckled at the needless but well-meaning gesture.

The other horses in the stable were already asleep. Their gentle snoring was an amusing comfort to wake up to. She peeked over the adjacent partition and saw a foal and its mother huddled together. Vic was beginning to understand why Piper and Deena often snuck out here for hours at a time.

By her side was the dreadsteed egg. It was only up to her waist when she stood up. She placed a hand on its molten crust.

"When you hatch," She whispered as she adjusted the blanket around it. "You won't be lonely anymore. I promise."

When Vic left the stable something had disappeared behind the treeline. She thought to follow but decided against it, passing it off as a small animal. 

Snow began to cake the canyonside. Fortunately for the Royal Cassun, the surrounding area would remain dry thanks to the geothermal energy emanating from the canyons. 

"Going to need to put warning signs up soon. Maybe I'll have Deena do that tomorrow."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Taisha greeted Vic at the door. She plucked a piece of hay from her superior's hair and asked, "Feeling better?"

Vic thought for a moment, and then lifted her head. "Where's Aura?"

"She went out to see you in the stable. Did you not see her?"

"Could she still be outside…?"

Vic and Taisha rushed out of the Royal Cassun.



A terrible dread washed over them. Arabor's chilly winds suddenly became colder.

Taisha shut her eyes and focused her senses on Aura's mana field. "I can't pinpoint her, but she shouldn't have gone far."

"Past the treeline. I thought I saw something earlier."

The further they got from the Royal Cassun more snow began to pile over the ground. Any tracks they were hoping to find was lost.

"Should I get Piper and Deena?"

Vic didn't even hear the question. "Damn it. If only I had Legion, I'd find her in no time...'"

"Vic! Now isn't the time to think about what you can't do. What can we do?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Get Piper and Deena out here."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

"Iiieeeee!" Aura squealed to herself as she paced through the thicket. "Vic's sleeping face was soo cute! I wanted to kiss her so much, but it looked like she was waking up. I cannot believe Taisha gets to see that precious expression every night. Curse her— ah-choo!"

Aura shivered and realized that she had left her cloak back in the Royal Cassun. She turned around expecting to see the establishment behind her but saw only the stars above her. Not even torches or signposts to guide the way

"Oh, my…"

It dawned on her that she wasn't familiar with Arabor. She had only came once with her father during the construction of the Royal Cassun, but there was only so much to remember.

She did, however, remember that Arabor Canyons was a treacherous region to travel through. Especially at night.

"No problem. This is nothing to Princess Aurora! I was walking south, so I simply need to turn north." She whirled around and saw flickers of light in the distance. "There!"

She lifted her dress and started sprinting. Farther and farther she ran, but she came no closer to the lights. Eventually her vision began to blur. The thicket came to an abrupt end, and so did the ground beneath.


Aura reached out just in time to grab onto the ledge. Her nails split as they dug into the hard surface of the canyon. She reached up with her other hand but each time she tried to lift herself up, the layer of slush threatened to send her slipping into the abyss.

"Help!" She cried, but her plea was only answered by an echo. 

A nail tore from her finger. She didn't know which. The cold had rendered her hand numb. Worse yet, she couldn't tell through the numbness if she had any strength left. 

"Vic…help me!"

Blood slickened her grip on the canyon. What little feeling she had left in her hand, she knew she was losing her grip. Until finally, her hand came loose.

"I'm right here, Aura!"

A voice came through as she plummeted. It grabbed ahold of her wrist and hoisted her back to the surface and into Vic's arms. Behind her savior, she saw the relieved smiles of Taisha, Deena, and Piper.

"Everyone..." Aura, breathless and on the verge of tears, buried herself in Vic's chest.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

"How is she?" Vic asked, wiping the dirt from her horns.

"They just finished washing off. Right now Piper is helping Aura tailor one of our spare dresses to fit."

"So she's still set on working here…"

"Are you going to try to stop her? After that incident, it shouldn't be too hard."

"No," She relented. "I'm going to make dinner."

Vic stopped halfway, glanced down both hallways of the lobby, and threw her arms over Taisha.

"Am I weak?"

"Yes, you are. Especially… here!" Taisha tickled the small of Vic's back, causing her entire body to jerk.

"S-stop! You know I don't like when you do that!"

"Vic, it's fine to admit you're weak. Piper, Deena, and myself will be there for you."

"It feels like I'm always the one doing the helping."

"I'm talking about between your horns."

Vic fell limp against her arms. "I'm going to need a lot more help with Aura around…"

Taisha  pouted. In that instant, a pang of jealousy struck her heart and she leaned in for a kiss but Vic was quicker to react. She turned her head. "I-I-I have dinner to make! Someone might see..."

"Aww, it's fine. It's the thrill that matters.."

"Stop! Wait— mmph!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔


Oh's and ah's poured out from the staff seeing Aura come out wearing a Royal Cassun work dress.

It was a simple two-toned brown and white tavern dress that stopped short at the ankles. A darker brown corset belt emblazoned with the Cassun heraldry of a hippogryph held the dress together by a front lace.

Aura spun around and curtsied. "How does it look?"

"It's kinda frustrating how good it looks on you."

"We look like twins now! Hehe!"

Taisha took a swipe at Deena's tail. "I always tell Deena and Vic they would look good in it."

"No way. It gets in the way when I work."

"Speaking of which, where is Vic?"

"Downstairs making dinner."

Aura led the way, eager to show Vic her new look. She made it downstairs only to be stunned by the magnificent feast before her.

Among the many dishes were corn potage, leg of pork smoked on cedar and oak, whole roasted quails marinated with with garlic, honey, and Darcien spiced wine. Aura recognized these recipes immediately because they were her favorite in the capital. The aroma reminded her of home despite being hundreds of miles away.

"Oh, you are such a dear." She choked out.

Taisha nudged Vic towards the princess. "Vic has something to say."

"Princess… erm, Aura. You were right. My actions of late put you and Cassun in a precarious position. More importantly, I endanger those closest to me by not being honest." She took turns looking at each of the girls. "I've been pretending to be strong for so long I'd forgotten how weak I actually am. I'm strongest with the four of us together. Five now."

Aura caught a lump in her throat, touched by Vic's gesture to include her.

"I can't use Legion anymore. I don't know for sure, but it might be connected to the nightmares I've been having. What I know for sure is that I need everyone's help to fix it. I'm not used to asking for help, so, uhm… will you all..."

Vic jumped from a sharp pain that struck her bottom. A green tail retracted and curled around Deena's leg.

"I'm there if ya need me, Captain."

"You're always helping me, so it's only right I help you!" Piper squeezed Vic's hand.

"Goodness, even now you try to put on a brave face." Aura extended a hand. "You really are the Vic I bestowed the rank of Captain to."

Vic, as well as the other girls, joined in taking her hand.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Over the next few days, Aura adjusted quickly to the less than royal accommodations of her new life at the Royal Cassun. Vic had her work alongside Piper and Deena on the first floor so as to minimize her exposure to any nobility that may recognize her.

The trio had gone to feed the horses when a courier arrived with a letter addressed to Vic.

"I shall take that!" Aura snatched the letter from the courier.

They took a seat around the dreadsteed egg for its warmth as Aura read the contents of the letter.

"My! It seems as though the Adventurer's Guild in Greenwick has received a number of able-bodied entrants."

"Greenwick… d-does it say anything about a black-haired boy having joined?"

"The one with porcupine hair and a longsword? That mousy fellow?"

"You met Itsuki?!"

"Was that his name? He made quite the impression pushing through a crowd of people just to proclaim himself a hero to me." Aura raised an eyebrow at the half-dragon. "Are you perhaps interested in that boy?"

"What?? No! Erm, I mean he came to visit and made an impression on us. That's all."


Piper whispered into Aura's ears, "She likes him."

"Oh, my. A maiden in love!"

"I'm not in love! Piper don't put weird thoughts into her head!" Deena fidgeted in her seat, and then asked, "So… what does the letter say?"

"Addressed to Proprietress Vic, please have the proper lodgings for forty prospective members of the Adventurer's Guild. Then it gives the name of said forty. Look here, Deena. Itsuki's name is in the list."

"Heh, so he did sign up." Deena caught herself and looked away. "N-not like I care or anything."

"Looks like you get to see him soon. Oh, will they do naughty things together? Buhihihihihi!"

"I hate when you laugh like that…"

"They're going to be lovey-dovey when they see each other!"

"Gaaah, stop it you two. We're not like that!"

"At any rate, we shall have to prepare a number of rooms to accommodate a week's stay. By then, the guild hall in Greenwick should finish construction."

"Just a week? Is it a small guild hall?"

"Of course not. It shall serve lodging at maximum capacity of a hundred members, furnished with a tavern, library, and of course, a royal suite. I have the best stonemasons and architects at work."

"Wait, royal suite?" Piper's hands stopped brushing the foal in the adjacent stall. She leaned over and saw Deena was just as confused.

"You cannot expect a princess to be seen living in anything less?"

"Why would you live there?" Deena dared to ask.

"Why, because I have been inaugurated as the guildmaster." Aura took note of their confusion and said as a matter of fact.

Piper and Deena blinked.

Thinking they had not heard her the first time, she repeated with greater enthusiasm. "Because I am the guildmaster—"



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