Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-34: The Prince of Heaven

<Prince of Blazing Light> ! 

The source of this Divine Authority is rather interesting. 

Archangel Michael is mentioned more often than any other Angel in various religious scriptures, namely The Old Testament, The New Testament, and The Zohar. 

He is honoured in Catholicism, Judaism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Lutheranism and Anglicanism.

To make the things more interesting, Early Protestant Christians, The Seven-Day Adventist and Jehovah's Witness are of the firm belief that Lord Jesus Christ was Archangel Michael before Jesus Christ took birth on Earth to free mankind off their sins.

The Bible states that "Michael and his angels battled with the dragon…." (Revelation 12:7)

Michael is the Chief of all Angels and thus the leader of the army of Heavenly Hosts who waged a war on Satan and his dark forces.

However, the Book of Revelation also insists that Lord Jesus, The Christ is the Leader of the army of all faithful Angels. (Revelation 19:14-16).

So the Bible assigns the role of Chief and Leader of all Angels to both Archangel Michael and Lord Jesus.

However, in the Bible there is no mention of God saying that there are two separate armies of Angels that wage a war against Satan. 

Since, there is only one army, naturally, there can be only one Chief who leads the Heavenly Hosts in the battle against Satan.

Thus, this proves that Archangel Michael is Jesus Christ! 

Michael has a title–'Who is Like God'. Who can be like God; if not His Own Son, Jesus The Christ, The Holy Son. 

Since, God is the King of Heaven, Michael is naturally the Prince of Heaven. That's why Roy's Divine Authority has the word- 'prince'. 

The Archangels and Angels does not belong to any particular religion. Just as the word Aum or God, does not belong to a particular religion.

The concept of Archangels and Angels came about through the first known Prophet, Zarathustra. 

Thus, Zoroastrians have been praying to Archangels and Angels over thousands of years. Zoroastrians have seven Archangels and thirty three Angels.

Archangels and Angels have been there since the beginning of Creation; long before mankind was even born. 

Archangels and Angels are 'The Light of God'. If God is Fire, Archangels and Angels are the Light and Warmth that emanate from that Divine Fire.

Since, Michael is the both the Holy Son and the Archangel, he possess the attribute of Divine Fire and Holy Light. 

So, Michael is undoubtedly the— The Prince of Blazing Light. 

This Divine Authority mainly grants Roy 'Angelic Physiology of Michael' and 'Graced Wings'. 

Angelic Physiology is like equipping a weapon with all round buff in agility, durability, strength, vitality, etc. It also gives him wings~ with some 'special' effects. 

Graced Wings grants the power to move at the speed of sound.

Samael, Venom of God took hold of the wings of Michael, whom he wished to bring down with him in his fall; but Michael was saved by God who 'put strength into his wings'. 

So, when Roy activates the fourth <Holy Right> — <Prince of Blazing Light>, his wings gets 'blessed' which allows him to easily move at the speed of sound. 

Roy can even achieve speed that exceed the speed of sound and the limits of human reaction by channelling mana into his wings. 

However, this power is also limited. It can only be used once in twenty four hours, and the activation duration is only ten minutes. 

Among the Campiones there is a 'Prince of Black Lightning', Alexander Gascoigne. Like all Campiones, Alec's Divine Authority are also based on a theme of his personality.

One quality that Alec is noted for is that if he finds something interesting he'll simply take it, with no concern over what others think or desire. 

At most he might leave a note saying- "This is interesting, I'm taking it." 

So, Black Prince Alec's theme is thief, it can be seen from his first authority that is <Black Lightning>, enabled for quick escapes and robberies.

He slayed and usurped his first Authority from fallen Archangel Ramiel. Ramiel is both a fallen Watcher and an archangel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. 

Since, Ramiel also means the 'Thunder of God', <Black Lightning> grants Alec the power of 'Black Thunder', 'Lightning Avatar'

and 'Godspeed'. 

Among them, Godspeed grants the ability to shorten the time needed to travel from point A to B, allowing Alec to be as fast as sound. 

By infusing more magical energy, Alec can move at the speed of genuine lightining when he invokes the ability.

Gascoigne's Godspeed has no time limit, but when Alec uses godspeed in his human body, he will experience several physical abnormality if he spends his time in the accelerated state for far too long.

So the Campione can only use the Godspeed in an on and off way to reduce the load on his body. 

However, Roy had no such worries. After equiping the 'Angelic Physiology of Michael', he doesn't need to worry about his body's bearing capacity even if there is a continuous ten minutes use of 'Graced Wings'. 

Michael's 'Angelic Physiology' is enough to offset it. The two's speed related Divine Authorities had their own advantages and weakness. 

Alexandre Gascoigne's outburst is stronger, and Roy's endurance is stronger.

Generally, in the battle between Campiones and the Heretic Gods, the battle is usually within a few moves. 

The victor is generally determined in few minutes, just like the battle between Metatron and Roy took less than ten minutes. So, for Roy, the duration of <Prince of Blazing Light> is temporarily sufficient.

Although, a Campione has a huge amount of mana, evoking a Divine Authority consumes considerable amount of mana. 

But, Campiones are not able to fix this 'flaw'. Even killing another Heretic God cannot increase the mana stored inside the body. 

So, after 'smashing' a few Divine Authority at each other, generally they are left with no mana to continue the fight. So, being 'long lasting' in a fight is not a Campione's forte. 

"Erica, that depressed look doesn't suit you."

Roy looked at Erica with amusement. Erica's beautiful blonde hair had burnt marks, and her fair and beautiful face was also stained with the dust and soot. 

The grime made her gorgeous red battle dress dirty. The dress was tattered in many placed, and steam burn located on her arm skin made her arm look revolting. 

"...But I'm not much better."

Roy looked at his clothes and laughed at himself.

He accidentally fell into the sea before when he was accepting Pandora's 'gift'. Although, he flew out of the sea, his body was still wet now.

"Are you worried about me, Erica... or worried that if something went wrong with me, your 'Copper Black Cross' will lose the backer it just found?"

Roy stared at Erica with his pupils, penetratingly, he could feel the panic and bewilderment in the girl's heart. 

After all no matter how smart, she was only a fourteen year old girl, she still has the anxiety of a young girl.

"It's my rudeness to let you see me in an unpresentable state, king!"

"...King, I don't know why you don't trust me. Although the reason you pointed out is also one of my concerns, it's a minor one."

"The major concern is of your well being. As your exclusive knight, it's my duty and obligation to worry about my liege."

Erica sighed with a wry smile. She had long discovered that Roy still distrusted her.

As if the relationship between the two parties was maintained only on Roy's strength and not on belief, she was like more of a employee than a personal knight. 

She secretly blamed herself, whether she had made any mistakes in her previous work, or she was too shrewd, making the King wary and distrustful of her?


"My exclusive knight...."

"Then Erica Brandelli, as my personal knight, what can you do for me?"

"If the 'king' commands, I am willing to give everything I have, without the slightest bit of hesitation."

The gorgeous noble girl said loudly to express her determination. 

Roy stared at Erica's eye deeply. Although the girl's bangs were messy which somewhat obstructed the view, her sapphire like, shinning eyes were clear and firm.

"It turns out that you are my committed and loyal knight, Erica Brandelli.... I will try to put my trust in you in the future."

Roy can feel Erica's sincerity. In addition to his powerful instinct as a Campione, Roy has recently also studied the magic of detecting lies.

"Thank you for your trust, my King! I will not fail your trust."

Just as Erica was about to do a knight bow, her body trembled, and the 'Boot of Hermes' she applied to her feet disappeared and she fell straight downwards in the air.

This flying magic spell consumes a significant amount of mana, and it was used by Erica to evade the aftermath of the battle. 

Such long-term flight in the air had almost exhausted her mana, now, as the mana was totally depleted, the 'Boots of Hermes' also dissipated. 

Fortunately, Roy directly hugged her soft and slender waist in his firm arms under the girl's soft exclamation, and said with a light smile: 

"...Then my personal knight, you have done a good job, now leave the rest to me. Your king will take you to a safe place."

As soon as he finished his words, the wings behind him unfolded, Roy directly activated the 'Graced Wings' and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

He needs to find a place where he can take some rest, and at the same time study his new 'loot'. 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

So, support and motivate me at P@treon with advance chapters~



Hi, it's your boy, Lore here. I am here to make an announcement, important or unimportant depends on you. My Exam month will be starting in November. 

The release of chapter were 2 chaps/day. Now it will be unstable. But, don't worry, I will at least release 1 chapter per day even if I have to lessen my sleep time. If I have time, I will drop 1 or 2 chaps more in each week. Today, I will like always release 2 chaps. Anyways, good luck to you and me! 🤞🍀🤞🍀

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