Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-32: Types of Heretic Gods

Roy was a little nervous from inside, but his expression was very calm, as if he didn't understand his "strangeness" at all.

He didn't know if Pandora was testing him.

In fact, even if Pandora becomes suspicious of him, and even no longer holds the ritual for for him to usurp the Heretic God's authority, Roy does not cares anymore.

He has already obtained the best and most suitable Authorities for himself. He has formed his own unique fighting style, so a new Divine Authority is not much desirable to him. 

He and Aiwass are nowadays researching how to increase the power of the <Holy Right>, rather than seeking more Divine Authorities. 

However, if possible, Roy still hopes that the Magic Ritual— Circle of Usurpation can continue.

Because every time Pandora holds the magic ritual, Roy and Aiwass can observe it once more, thus speeding up the progress of the analysis and research. 

While Roy was thinking about it, Pandora touched his lips with her tender fingers, and said in a doubtful tone: 

"...The only ones who can keep their memories from here are the 'enlightened ones' among the human beings."

"But such a person is absolutely impossible to become a Campione as they cannot embrass the 'foolishness'. How did my little Roy do it."

Pandora seemed to really regard herself as Roy's mother, calling his nickname affectionately.

The fingers that touched his lips fell on Roy's forehead, circled there, as if probing for something in his brain. 

She placed her other hand on his cheeks and said in a voice full of maternal love: 

"...Well, these matters are not important. It is a good thing for you to keep the memory of this place, little Roy. So, I can inform you about something."

Roy has no resistance to Pandora treating him as her 'son'. The parents of his past life have passed away a long time ago, as for the mother after his 'reincarnation', he has no memory. As for the father, huh. 

Anyway, these two lives added up together, Roy has only lived for about forty years.

Which compared to Pandora's age, which can be calculated in thousands of years, it is not a disadvantage to call her 'mom'. 

The only thing that made Roy a little puzzled was that the goddess who created the Campiones was that if she really naive or was she acting, this is a woman that Roy could not see through for the time being.

"What do you want to tell me, Pando..."

" 'Mom'!"

Pandora seemed to be very interested in this kind of mother-child game. She pinched Roy's nose with her slender fingers and said in dissatisfaction. 

At the same time, she adjusted her position to make Roy more comfortable on her lap.

"...Well, 'Mom'."

To some extent, Pandora is indeed his own 'parent', who gave him a new and powerful life, so Roy didn't care about it either, if Pandora wanted, he was even ready to call her 'Dad'. 

"Hehe~ My little Roy is really a clever and obedient boy."

Pandora giggled, her smile was coquettish, like a seductive lily, she seemed to be happy, so Roy was 'rewarded' by her. 

Pandora bowed her head and put a light kiss on Roy's forehead, then her face suddenly became serious: 

"...Mom really likes her this cute, little child."

"My dear child, mom doesn't want you to be in danger. So, she will tell you some important things about the Heretic Gods, so that you can prepare in advance."

"...Listen well, what I want to talk about is the source of the Gods and their 'specific nature' or 'element' to which they belong."

"In ancient times, human society was based on the matrilineal kinship principle. At that time, in the matrilineal descent system, an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as their mother."

"In those times, women were the main leaders of humanity as they had the ability to reproduce. Which lead to the status of women being higher than men."

"In that era, when humans were struggling for survival, reproduction was necessary to replenish new blood in tribes, so women were the default rulers."

"Because of this, the Gods born by faith were mainly females, and those with high status were all goddesses."

Roy didn't speak, just listening to Pandora's words, lying on the cosy thighs of his 'mom' who only looked like a thirteen or fourteen year old 'Lolita'.

He was comfortable listening to her 'bedtime story' with a soft 'pillow' under his head, so Roy had no reason to refuse this contact.

Anyway, he knew that he was only a spiritual body, and the time ratio was different from the outside world, so he was even less worried.

"With the development of human civilization, humans learned to make tools to assist them in their battle against 'nature'."

"Especially when the uses of metal was first discovered by the humanity it marked the doom of the goddesses."

"With the discovery of smelting, humans began to smelt metals for their uses, mankind had the weapons of the 'steel', the threat of beasts was reduced, the survival became easier."

"Men's have advantage in physical strength and fighting ability. In order to survive and develop, mankind adapted, the matrilineal society gradually became the patrilineal society."

"...In the Realm of Immortality, where the gods who have not rebelled against their myths dwell; the status of goddesses began to decline."

"The status of male Gods rose. The goddesses who were at the apex of mythology in the past also become the wives, daughters and other appendages of male Gods."

"Among them the most miserable were the goddess who where even directly degenerated into a monster; a dragon or a snake."

"And why? Because in the power struggle between two groups, both blasphemed each other's faith, goddess into evil dragon or snakes; and gods into demons and evil beasts."

"Unfortunately, the matrilineal society was the one which lost, and goddess became the evil dragons and snakes 'slayed' and 'conquered' by male Gods in human myths."

"When a Goddess was assimilated into a new area or religion, she would be turned into a monster, who would then be slain, and her priestess would then marry the priest of male God in order to make her subordinate to the ruling gods."

"Little Roy should have heard of many myths and legends about male Gods killing evil dragons and snakes that terrorized common people."

"Marduk killed Tiamat, Susanoo killed Yamata no Orochi; Perseus killed Medusa, Indra killed Vritra, Thor killed Jörmungandr, Siegfried killed Fafnir, and even Michael imprisoned the Ancient Red Dragon Satan."

"These myths symbolized the rule of male power. With the 'steel' in their hands, the heroes defeated and suppressed the noble goddesses of the past, thus becoming the 'Hero of Steel'."

"... The gods are generally divided into three categories— "

"Gods of Earth, they embody nature like sky, sea, land, underworld, darkness and the cycle of life, growth, maturity, death, rebirth. The Mother Earth Goddesses consist of the majority of Gods of Earth, symbolized as 'snakes' or 'dragons'."

"Gods of Steel, they are those gods who embody the sword, their myths and legends containing veiled references to forging or tempering a sword."

"Huh, just the 'steel' hero who overthrew the rule of the goddess and possessed the attribute of 'steel'."

"And then comes Sun Gods. Sun gods are generally gods of light."

Pandora's fingertips gently rubbed Roy's cheeks, like mother showing her care towards her 'child's. 

The sadness and worry on her face became more and more intense: 

"...I created the Circle of Usurpation ritual that can give birth to the Campiones, the humans equal to Gods."

"However, the gods will not let 'the demon kings on earth' be too presumptuous."

"So, under the arrangements of 'fate', 'King Who Manifests at the World's End' shall be chosen. 'King Who Manifests at the World's End' is the title given to the hero who assumed the Godslayer's extermination fate!"

"The 'destiny' responsible for electing God bearer of the Sword of Divine Salvation selected the 'Strongest of Steel'."

"...He is the 'King of the End' and the 'Strongest of Steel', the enemies of all 'dragons and snakes' and 'Devil Kings'."

"Whenever the number of Campioness increases to a certain level, the 'King of the End' shall wake up, and he will absorb the essence of Mother Earth Goddesses, by which the King of the End can elevate himself as a sword god to become the strongest blade."

"The 'Strongest of Steel' has the mighty power to destroy all the devil kings. Many Campiones have been born in these thousands of years, but none of the ancient Campiones survived. They have all been annihilated by the 'King of the End'!"

"In today's era, there are already seven Campiones, more than any previous era. The awakening of the 'King of the End' is inevitable. My little Roy, you will soon have to face the 'Strongest of Steel'."

"Even if it's me, there is no way in which I can help you. All I can do is to wave the flag and cheer from behind for you."

"You must be careful of 'King Who Manifests at the World's End'. Though, I know that being careful has no effect, I had to convey this to you."

Pandora seemed to be looking at her child who was about to suffer, and the tone of her voice was extremely miserable.

At this time, Roy was thinking about Pandora's myths and legends. Perhaps Pandora was also a Mother Earth goddess, a goddess symbolizing dragons and snakes.

She hated the heroes of steel, and maybe, even hated all the Heretic Gods. That's why she will create the existence on par with Gods— Campione! 

"Why do you care so much about my well being?"

Roy blantly asked the question that totally puzzled him, Pandora seemed to be overly concerned towards him. 

"Because you are my child."

Pandora said with maternal love.

"You have a lot of children, right? There are seven Campiones in this era, in the past thousands of years, there should more than dozens, right?"

"That's different. A child who is smart, cute, obedient and not awkward like Roy, is the first one for mom~~"

"Come on, close your eyes and leave the rest to your mother. What I said must be kept in your mind. Since you listened so attentively, mom will also reward you."

Pandora spoke softly with full of maternal love, then she hugged Roy's head and lowered her head.

The ritual of usurping God's power starts! 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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