Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

31. Oblivion days

Over the next few days, Claudia's appearance underwent a shock that prevented her from speaking about what happened on Sunday night, and she sought refuge among a close group of friends who surrounded her like a thick shield. This process repeated itself again and again.

-Make sure to hand in your reading report on the Industrial Revolution tomorrow, -  the teacher repeated aloud.

I saw Claudia's friend avert her gaze when Billy locked eyes with her. It had been a week since there had been any sign of life from his best friend, and things had become a bit complicated since their kiss in the projection room. He still didn't understand what the problem was, what the issue was with Claudia, and despite thinking that Claudia was a mature woman, she still acted like a child. Even in two lifetimes, he couldn't understand women.

As he made his way to the art room, Claudia was nowhere to be found. He searched the dining hall but couldn't locate Claudia anywhere. He spotted her group of friends sitting and chatting at a table. As soon as Billy approached, the laughter ceased.

-Hey, girls, can any of you tell me where Claudia is? - Billy interrupted.

-She doesn't want to see you, - commented the blonde girl in the corner.

-Well, I still want to see her. Can you tell me where she is? - he repeated, feeling a bit embarrassed.

-It's not about what you want things to be. She's depressed, give her some space, - responded Hanna, a brunette and part of the group of friends.

-I'll decide only when I talk to her, -Billy insisted.

-You're unbearable. Look for her on the terrace, that's where she has lunch. Now we have to eat without anyone watching us, - Hanna murmured.

Billy could only smile as if he had just played a prank. -Thanks, girls, - he said as he went to the terrace to find Claudia.

On the way, he pondered how to calm her down. Claudia's temperament was usually very direct, and her charm lay in that. But now it was the complete opposite—she had been evasive, avoiding conversation, and at best, she would give him a hateful look accompanied by words that shut down the conversation entirely.

There she was, holding her notebook in her hands, biting into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She was muttering something unintelligible to herself. The sun cast a white curtain of light onto her smooth hair from above. He saw her notice his arrival and try to stand up to escape, but she slipped on her suitcase beneath her feet, falling to her knees on the rooftop grass and cursing.

He couldn't help but laugh at Claudia's sorry state. However, it was not well received by her hunched posture. Her back was poised to explode. Her body language indicated that she would hit him if he laughed again, or maybe not. God, it was impossible to tell.

-Claudia, how are you? - Billy asked.

He received no response, but he heard Claudia's sniffles in the distance and regretted once again for laughing.

He approached her back, which hadn't moved in the meantime, that's maybe... well, he kept getting closer and gently touched her back.

Her back tensed like a cat.

He fell silent for a moment. The words weren't coming out completely. - All or nothing, - he thought.

-Hey, I've missed you. I don't want us to stay apart. My classes have been boring without my usual companion, and... I haven't found anything. I've lost my sleep schedule because I can't stop questioning if I did something wrong. Sometimes it depresses me not being able to tell you about my day, and if I keep this up, I'll go crazy. If you don't want to be with me, I understand, but come back, Claudia, - he whispered, almost pitying himself. Speeches weren't his thing. It had been a shitty week, and he had few emotional supports in his life. He had grown accustomed to hearing words of scolding or her bossy way of making him do things she felt were important for his life. He hadn't enjoyed the affection of a woman for a long time. His mother had left early in this life.

His father, though reserved, had shown some gestures of affection, but he expressed his feelings in other strong, rigid, and lacking understanding ways. He was demanding, tough in all his forms. He used to take him to the movies and buy him whatever he asked for, but it was different. The warm feeling that a mother produces is different from the warm presence that Claudia provides.

-So, what do you say... can I be with you again? -

Claudia's bright eyes were red from tears, with sleep in them and a bit of peanut butter on the side of her mouth.

-Of course, you idiot. I've missed you too, - Claudia said.  -But you're a cold-headed empty vessel, and I hope the next time you come to apologize, you bring chocolates. - Her tearful voice trembled considerably.

-Of course, I'll buy you chocolates for the whole week, - Billy said.

-Don't waste your money on silly things. -

-For two days then, how about going for ice cream after school? - Billy suggested.

-I have homework to do and I need to organize my room. Mom will kill me; the last time, she grounded me for a month, - Claudia said.

-Well, then I guess it will be another day. What are you drawing? - Billy asked, picking up Claudia's sketchbook.

-You have some peanut butter on your cheek, - Billy wiped away a bit of peanut butter from her face. They were very close, almost a hand's breadth apart. Their breathing quickened slightly. He leaned in and gave her a tight hug. The last time he kissed her, he earned her contempt for a week... he hoped not to make the same mistake again. Time would give him an answer if they allowed kisses.

When you start liking someone, you can't understand why suddenly everything about that person appeals to you—from their particular scent, warmth, and voice, to even their teary eyes for an unknown reason. It's their sensitivity that attracts you; everything about that person feels comfortable because it's genuine. The deep and reserved side is always kept for special moments and accumulates until it explodes only when it's right. He felt a shy happiness, almost unforgettable, holding Claudia in his arms.

-Stop squeezing me, you're going to make me disappear, - she said.

-That's the last thing I want, -  Billy replied.

Her legs weakened, God, this damn guy does it on purpose. How can he say such sweet things and be a robot with everyone else? This must be what the books describe, something so strong and magnetic that you forget your sadness, she thought. "But why doesn't he kiss me?"

The young woman raised her eyes and saw Billy's smile. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and could feel him kiss her crown. The electricity surged through her body again, a strong shiver ran down her spine, and she looked up once more. She moved closer, stood on tiptoes, and placed her hands beneath his armpits. She couldn't reach his mouth, so she stretched even more. But then she felt his lips on hers. The air shattered in her lungs and escaped in a surprised moan.

Billy paused and gave her another kiss, a small one like the pecks baby chicks give while picking crumbs on the sidewalks. It was delicate and sweet, and a nervous laugh escaped her, which was met with another tight embrace.

-You're an idiot, - Claudia said.

-I am, and I can't help it. We have a class to attend. Shall I meet you outside? - Billy asked.

-You can, in the front courtyard. Mom will pick us up. I'll ask her to give you a ride. -

-After class, -Billy affirmed, smiling. Renewed by having Claudia by his side once again.

The next few days would only get better.




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