Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Ch.22

“Come on, see you off. +++ The latest Danmei novel ranking: ”

An understatement, the attitude of the visitor is very casual.

Gu Xi’s pupils shrank slightly.

Did he recognize me?

Or… deliberately scam me?

Wu Hanqi is a person who knows language art very well, and Gu Xi noticed that there is no subject in that sentence.

Gu Xi was full of nervousness, forcing herself to calm down and analyze as soon as possible.

He used to form an international special effects team in Neon, and that was one of the teams that participated in the character design of “Avanya”. Although he was only playing at the edge, he also learned some real skills.

Even if you want to change your facial features a little someday, it’s not too difficult, but most of the time it’s not necessary.

Today, because of time constraints, the makeup is a bit perfunctory. But no matter how perfunctory, it is not recognized by ordinary people. Rongjing only suspected it after close observation. Gu Xi paid attention to the surrounding environment. The black lights were blind, and there was still a large forest below the mountain road. Only the scattered street lights glowed faintly.

In this dark environment, can Wu Hanqi see him?

“Thank you, I want to go on by myself.” Gu Xi decided to take a gamble, betting that the other party did not recognize him.

“It’s not close to the city. When will you go alone?” Wu Hanqi nodded, only to persuade him.

It’s a bet.

Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and squeezed the palm of her hand that had been sweating just now. Fortunately, she did not confess.

I don’t know if Wu Hanqi said that on purpose, almost fooled.

Wu Hanqi doesn’t look like someone who can force someone, he is very gentleman.

I want to come, too. There are too many people like this big guy every day, and he doesn’t have to (strong qiang) to force anyone.

“If you walk on your own, you can exercise your body.” Gu Xi smiled, but still refused.

Keep your head down and continue walking. If you look closely, Gu Xi’s (body shen) body trembles slightly.

Seeing that the other party’s car hadn’t left, he always followed behind him slowly, his heart lifted up again.

Gu Xi couldn’t help wondering why this mountain road was so long.

At this time, he especially hopes that his mind-reading ability can be online again. No one knows that he has the ability to hear other people’s voices, but this ability is the same as his estrus, very unstable, and goes online and offline without warning. .

A few years ago, he was kidnapped into the villa and tried his best to preserve his innocence. He burned the hemp rope and fled the villa in a self-destructive way. On the way to escape, Wu Hanqi rescued him, and Wu Hanqi put pressure on him. The news of the **** was suppressed, and the lunatic was sent to the nursing home again.

Wu Hanqi helped him three times at a critical time. It stands to reason that he should be very grateful, but he was just grateful but didn’t want to come close.

Why is it so coincidental, this person will appear when he has difficulties.

At that time, his mind-reading ability had not been offline, so he concentrated on trying to listen to Wu Hanqi’s voice.

But I tried several times and failed.

No, this person has no voice.

What kind of person thinks about nothing in his heart.

It’s not a person, it’s a **** or… a demon.

Approximately seeing Gu Xi’s nervousness, Wu Hanqi did not insist.

“Then, you pay attention to safety, now beta is also dangerous when going out.”

It’s like a real passer-by, seeing him walking alone on the mountain road, kindly help me.

Since I don’t appreciate it, I won’t be entangled, and I’m very free (off tuo).

Watching Wu Hanqi’s car leave, Gu Xi’s tense spirit slowly relaxed.

Really left, did you misunderstand him?

In fact, Wu Hanqi didn’t do anything bad to him, because he didn’t hear his heart, he always suspected the other party, it seemed a bit too much?

It is not the first time that Wu Hanqi has seen Gu Xi dressed up in disguise. He can also be seen at several banquets in the Shanghai Stock Exchange before.

He has a very high principle (sexual xing), and he is loyal and persistent to his relatives. This is a little orchid that is never willing to compromise no matter how oppressed by others. Only by cultivating slowly and carefully can the most beautiful (yanyan) flower bloom.

Looking at the rearview mirror, Gu Xi stayed tangled in place, then took out the phone and looked at the red dots that were farther and farther away.

With a faint smile, he put the phone back in his pocket.


When Xie Ling came to the parking lot, he saw a large silly dog ​​lying on the door of the car, barking, as if saying to open the door.

Xie Ling remembered that when this Labrador saw his little brother, they all took a detour, and the sun came out from the west?

Ask the servant to pull the stupid dog away, and when he entered the car, he saw his younger brother lying weakly in the passenger seat.

“Take it away, what are you afraid of?” Xie Ling looked angry and funny when he saw the little brother hiding in.

“I didn’t take anti-allergic medicine today.” Rong Jing said helplessly. It turned out that his house in the world, according to friends, is like an animal world, and most of them were not bought specially by him. They were picked up on the road. Go home with him.

After returning home, I couldn’t leave.

His family always laughed at him, always picking up weird things home.

Zhou Xiang consciously sat in the back seat, leaving room for the brothers who had been separated for a long time.

Rong Jing looked at Xie Ling, and suddenly thought that the original owner should be completely dead in this world. If he returned to the original world, this body would instantly stop his heartbeat, then Xie Ling would not even have his brother. .

“Brother, if I die…” In fact, I recalled the plot roughly just now. Rong Jingjing didn’t find the original owner in his memory. This wouldn’t be a complete passerby.

Xie Ling turned to look at him abruptly, her eyes motionless, staring dead.

Rongjing shut up immediately: “No, it’s nothing.”

Xie Ling frowned and drove a while before saying: “Don’t say such unlucky things in the future, I don’t want to hear it.”

Rong Jing saw Xie Ling’s mouth suddenly tightened, and slowly nodded, “Okay.”

From the beginning to the end of today’s banquet, the mother who was the original owner didn’t even say hello, let alone see the difference between him and the original owner, his original worry seemed a bit ridiculous.

Rongjing never expected, but Xie Ling, who was not close in his memory, cared more.

Humans are indeed creatures that can’t look at the surface.

When they went down the mountain, Rongjing saw a figure walking alone to the bus stop at the foot of the mountain.

It seemed to be the waiter who cooperated tacitly, but Xie Ling quickly turned the corner, and Rong Jing didn’t take a closer look.

Since Gu Xi decided to ask for leave, she received crazy phone calls from her agent. Gu Xi got on the phone and heard the other party’s verbal abuse: “Are you crazy? It’s just estrus, hypocritical, which omega doesn’t come out to work, you Treat yourself as a young master! Do you want us to provide for you?”

“I’m very tired, and I want to rest for just one week.” Gu Xi pressed his heartbeat and calculated that he hadn’t (sleeping in Shui) for more than 60 hours. He took out the accessory mold q10 from his portable medicine bag, gave himself one, took a sip of water and swallowed it.

“It’s still a week, not a day! You see if Party A and investors are willing to give you a rest!”

“The money I owed you before, I have already paid off.” Some time ago, the agent wanted him to go to the dinner party (gou) to meet the boss. After he refused, the other party bit him like a mad dog. In addition, his contract was about to expire, and the other party took the opportunity to pick him up, wishing to squeeze (gan) the last bit of value.

“Don’t forget the agreement that you signed with us at the time. Once you defaulted on absenteeism, the price paid will be 10 times. You just bought a house some time ago. Is your monthly mortgage enough? By the way, you have to provide for your brother to go to college. The tuition fee in country m is very high!” Agent Yang Qi sneered, knowing how to pinch a snake.

Gu Xi’s contract was signed many years ago. At that time, the family was in difficulties. The younger sister disappeared. His father jumped from the building (killing sha). After her mother took away all the money left in the family, she left the three brothers and sisters and ran away.

With huge debts on his back, he signed an extremely unequal contract. The company drew most of the remuneration, and the broker drew a part of it. In the end, he left him with less than one-tenth.

“Understood, are you naive? Get out and get back quickly. I’ll be waiting for you at your house right now. I will pick you up the cover of a magazine tomorrow morning. It’s a team from country D. There is a lot of shit. Let me tell you in advance. Claim.”

The agent’s voice was still reverberating in his ears, but Gu Xi took off the phone and covered his heart that was not beating so fast. The weakness of his body exacerbated his outbreak. He suddenly wanted to forget it and couldn’t bear it. .

“The house is no longer needed, I will sell it. The money should be enough to cover the liquidated damages.” The house in Shangjing has an inch of gold, and its value has been increasing. “Even if it is not enough, I can still pay the IOU. If you don’t want it, then Just sue me.”

After saying this, Gu Xi hung up and blocked the agent’s call.

At this time, the night bus came, and Gu Xi swiped his card to get on the bus, took a seat, no longer had the hard and chic on the phone, and looked a little confused at the receding scene (color). The densely foggy forest is as if he could be at any time. A behemoth that devours people.


Xie Ling also went to the mid-level corner to find Xie Jisheng, the second youngest of Xie’s family, and wanted to send Rongjing back to Xie’s home.

Rong Jing suddenly thought of the original owner’s pink (colored) room in the main mansion, and refused fearfully: “I’ll live somewhere else.”

Xie Ling thought that the younger brother would not have trouble with himself again. In the past few years, when he was so unhappy, Xie Ling was still a little worried that the younger brother would return to his old manner: “What do you mean.” Do you want to have trouble with your family?

When the original owner came to Xie’s house with his mother, Xie Ling always thought that his new brother was an omega, because seeing Han Lianmei is so weak, he instinctively thought that his brother would be very soft and waxy. He didn’t expect to be an alpha brother. He was a little surprised, but the room was decorated. It’s all installed.

He asked the original owner not to redecorate, but the original owner did not answer. Xie Ling thought that the other party really liked pink (color).

Xie Ling is a one-of-a-kind person who doesn’t understand the soft and sensitive mind of the original owner. In fact, the original owner doesn’t like it at all, but he doesn’t dare to express his opinions.

Rongjing said that like the original owner, he still prefers other colors (colors) that are more suitable for boys.

Xie Ling was also a little embarrassed. He used to think that his little brother was a mother, and this misunderstanding has continued to this day.

“If there is anything you don’t like in the future, just say it, don’t let me guess.”

Rong Jing nodded. If the brothers could communicate more, many misunderstandings would not be necessary.

Xie Ling sent Rongjing to the Cheryl Hotel, put him down, and poked his head out: “Your room at home will be refurbished. You will live in Cheryl during this time.” He was also worried about other places.

After speaking, he jammed his black diamond to Rongjing and drove away.

Such a (strong qiang) approach is very thankful to Ling.

Rongjing walked into a 24-hour convenience store. He wanted to buy some sweets. After being dumped by Qi Ying, the original owner became addicted to cigarettes and alcohol.

The alcohol addiction is better to quit. The (shen) body smoking addiction in the car just now happened suddenly, and his throat was a little itchy.

I am going to buy a few lollipops and give up that addiction.

After coming out, Rongjing waited for a red light on the sidewalk.

After seeing the green light, he walked forward without much thought.

Until he took a few steps, suddenly there was a force behind him pushing him away, and he fell to the ground.

The misty illusion ended. Rong Jing saw a car dangerously parked not far in front of him, only a few centimeters away!

The driver who drove was cursing, if the alpha behind him hadn’t pushed him, he would have almost been killed just now.

Rongjing looked at the traffic light ahead again. There was always a red light, but now it has just turned on the green light.

No, I just saw the green light.

what happened.

Rong Jing couldn’t understand what was going on, and thanked the kind alpha before he walked back to the hotel.

He was holding the hotel black diamond VIP card given by Xie Ling, and he was able to stay in the presidential private room. Rongjing is registering, and the people next to him are asking the front desk for the presidential private room. Because the last one is reserved for Rongjing, there are not many presidential private rooms in total. There are important events nearby in the past few days, and many rooms have been booked. Up.

The front desk said that he was sorry, but he was hesitant to change to a business suite.

In fact, Rongjing doesn’t care about the room. The infinite love of his family in his previous life made him less active in most things.

If you give it to others, Xie Ling can still make a fortune.

“Here you are, I want a normal room.”

The man turned his head to thank him, and immediately recognized Rongjing: “Ah, Master Xie, we met again.”

Rongjing didn’t know the other party, and the other party was not embarrassed. They just met at the banquet, but an identity like Rongjing would never remember a small person like him, so the other party immediately explained: “I’m Wu Hanqiwu One of Dong’s assistants, Wu Dong is staying at this hotel today. He is still talking about the project and has not come back. I came to book the room first.”

Just like Wu Fuyu would come to Xie’s to book a hotel, Wu’s family has its own hotel, but it’s not as professional as the Xie’s. The two maintain a long-term and good (guanguan) relationship. If Wu Hanqi comes to Beijing, Show this kind of friendliness, will also book the hotel.

Rong Jing nodded, it would be nice to be able to fish a little, so that your Wu family would have bleeding.

He greeted him and went upstairs. He was still thinking about the illusion of the traffic light just now. He was pretty sure what he saw was the green light. His eyesight was very good.

Rong Jing didn’t pay attention. The lobby manager not far away watched Rong Jing walk into the elevator and made a call.


Gu Xi did not go home, and now the agent is waiting for him at home.

He missed his family very much and wanted to draw a little motivation.

I couldn’t help but call the younger brother who was traveling overseas. After the call, I remembered that the younger brother was in class. It is daytime in country m. Gu Xi really heard the American conversation in the background. There are some professional terms, it should be. The teacher was talking on the podium.

Gu Xi rarely called at this time. Her younger brother nervously asked him if there was something urgent about calling at this time. His younger brother always felt so sharp. Gu Xi’s frustrated expression changed immediately and he smiled: “It’s okay. My brother is a big star, and he still has a little influence now. What can happen.”

Gu Xi also said that if the money is not enough, he will say that his brother has made a lot of money.

The younger brother is also very sensible, saying that there is a scholarship, but Gu Xi should not work hard regardless of her body.

Because his younger brother was still in class, Gu Xi hung up the phone after a few soft instructions.

Gu Xi called Guan Hongyi again. Guan Hongyi was on the set. There were a few night scenes to rush, and the surrounding voices were very noisy.

“Over there, the props can’t be put there, whoever is responsible for it!” After scolding, he asked Gu Xi again, “What’s the matter, call me so late, where are you now?”

Gu Xi was taken aback, and suddenly realized something, and smiled: “I’m going home soon, just make a phone call and chat.”

Friends also have their own careers and lives.

“Then Yang Papi is actually willing to let you go to rest?”

“I really don’t want to, he can still force me to fail.”

After chatting for a few words, Gu Xi hung up the phone, and her smile slowly disappeared.

He stood in the night breeze, looking at the surrounding high-rise buildings, the constantly changing sci-fi lights, the colorful light screens played on the buildings, and the busy roads, making him very small.

Suddenly I felt that there was no place in this huge capital that could make him feel at ease.

He seems to have never had a place to call home.

Gu Xi blinked, pushing back the heat in her eyes.

Suddenly, seeing Rong Jing’s back from a distance, Rong Jing walked into Cheryl alone, unlike at the Xie family banquet.

When he returned to his senses, he had already arrived at the front desk. Gu Xi looked at his surroundings in astonishment. Why did he follow up like this.

The front desk smiled at him, who had never responded: “Sir, what can I do for you.”

The front desk did not look down on him because he was wearing the clothes of a waiter, and was still very polite. This may be one of the reasons why this hotel was able to come back to life after it was acquired.

Gu Xi hesitated for a long time, and finally lowered the brim of his hat: “…give me a room.”

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