Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Part 19

Wu Fuyu froze, almost crushing the wine glass in his hand. +++Popular Tanmei novel: He hasn’t heard that some a is interested in a nowadays, there are also some in the circle who want to experience different pleasures, and think that the real man is to conquer a.

But he felt that it was all abnormal, and he never thought that he would encounter a small abnormality.

That’s why Godzilla caught my attention again and again?

And Godzilla succeeded, it really caught my attention!

Rong Jing only took a glance and looked away. Just now, Rong Jing was a pure melon eater, a little curious.

According to this logic, the omega that hit him may be Gu Xi. Rongjing once thought about the soul-smelling fragrance, and his nose was a little itchy. The ten bottles of Erguotou, especially the upper head, might be unforgettable forever.

Don’t think about it, it’s poppy.

And that was a man, yes, man.

When he thought that Gu Xi was a man, Rong Jing’s flamboyant anger that had just come up instantly calmed down.

In the original book, Wu Fuyu’s Ding Ding should have been there afterwards. Gu Xi was very weak during the estrus period, so he took a few stabs, and only one stabbed the key. Although there was no blood flowing in the river, in the novel he was full of blood. Now in the hospital, a group of medical staff have also been frightened, and they almost made the headlines, all of which were suppressed by the Wu family.

Gu Xi completely offended Wu Fuyu, a man who is so solemn, and no man Ding Ding could be calm when he was damaged. After a series of frantic revenges, Wu Fuyu provided the sidekick several times.

No one knows what Rong Jing and Wu Fuyu were thinking about, they just looked at each other, and the wine glass Wu Fuyu was holding was not taken by Rong Jing.

Wu Fuyu felt embarrassed and angry when he thought that he was spotted by an a.

But thinking of Godzilla’s violence value, he was in a dilemma.

Xie Ling also noticed that Wu Fuyu’s face was wonderful, and his eyes signaled Zhou Xiang: What’s going on.

Zhou Xiang was still thinking about how to organize the language and tell his boss the news of the thunderbolt. There was a commotion outside the door, and many people around rushed over, and soon there was one after another greetings. In particular, some stars who obtained admission tickets through special means, seeing Xie Ling’s unbreakable attack for a long time, naturally wanted to shift the target.

The extra expressions on Wu Fuyu’s face all receded, walked quickly over, squeezed away the others, bowed a little and shouted respectfully, “Dad.” Wu Fuyu, who was not afraid of heaven and fearless, faced the incoming person. Be as good as a little quail.

Xie Ling thought that the younger brother’s matter would be resolved later, and took Rong Jing, who was in a daze, and arranged his tie: “Go, go and say hello.”

Rong Jing realized that what Xie Ling could pay attention to might be a big man.

Most of the guests are already in place, but this one is late. Looking at the surprised expressions around, it may be very difficult for the other party to come.

Seeing Xie Ling also came, the crowd rushed out.

The man is tall, dressed in a well-tailored suit, and meticulously care of his hair. His facial features are 50% similar to Wu Fuyu. The most different is that his eyes are gentle, and only a fine line at the end of his eyes indicates his age. There is a pair of golden western glasses on the bridge of the nose, revealing an air of elegance and wisdom. Like a pot of tea brewed in the warm winter, it is long and full of mellow flavor, and he smiles like a spring breeze.

“Xiao Ling, I have grown taller. I have seen several acquisitions you have done recently. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward.” The visitor touched the top of Wu Fuyu’s head, and he loved it. “This kid in my family will add you to it.” Trouble.”

Few people can call Xie Ling Xiaoling, even if many people are older than Xie Ling, this is not the case. Social status determines attitude.

Xie Ling also rarely smiled: “Uncle Wu, thank you.”

Rongjing’s pupils shrank, and he knew who it was.

Wu Feiyu’s father, Wu Hanqi, is taken from Liu Xiang’s “Nine Tans” in “The Songs of the Chu”: worrying and sorrowful, sorrowful, sorrowful, sorrowful, sorrowful, etc. Br/>

Why should you be carefree, because Wu Hanqi is a beta, and in everyone’s common sense, beta only needs to be carefree for a lifetime.

However, Wu Hanqi was a man who changed his fate against the sky. At the moment when the Wu family was about to go bankrupt, he stood out from a group of alpha brothers and won the Wu family through all obstacles. He promulgated a series of reforms, raised funds, persuaded regional leaders, and reaped the country Appropriation projects, such as omega’s suppressive stickers covering glands, were invented and improved by his family.

Wu’s family originally started on the road, and after being completely whitewashed, the path is very wild, revealing a **** smell that is rare in the market.

And Wu Hanqi was the biggest contributor to saving the Wu family when the building was about to fall. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Wu family is his empire alone.

Wu Hanqi did not ignore Rong Jing beside Xie Ling like others, with a little gentleness and nostalgia in his eyes: “Xiao Jing, can’t recognize me? I haven’t seen him for so many years, don’t you give uncle a hug?”

Wu Hanqi opened his arms and seemed to miss Rongjing very much.

Wu Fuyu looked at Rongjing in shock. Why would his father know Rongjing, who is not even known as the younger generation.

Rong Jing didn’t move, looking at Wu Hanqi blankly. The original owner’s memories lasted more than 20 years, and it took time for him to digest it. Rong Jing did not specifically remember the memories that the original owner thought was not important or did not want to recall.

Rong Jing pulled out a memory from the corner of the corner. The original owner followed his mother to the Xie’s mansion and was very uncomfortable. For the original owner, he was a beggar who entered the palace by mistake and did not belong here.

At that time, Xie Ling discovered that his younger brother liked small animals, but he never raised him because he was prone to allergies. Xie Ling chose a sphinx cat, which is often referred to as a hairless cat.

Unexpectedly, the allergic symptoms of the original owner have become more serious. It is not the cat’s hair that makes the original owner allergic, but the protein that exists in the cat’s saliva and sebaceous glands. Xie Er Shao said that Xie Ling bought it to him deliberately because he wanted to play Rongjing, and he was a fool to believe that they would like extra oil bottles.

The original owner believed it to be true, and while sad and sad, he did not give up raising a cat. He still likes this cat very much, this is his only friend in the empty mansion.

Until the cat was tortured to death by Xie Ershao and his friends, he saw the kitten with burns all over his body lying dying on the ground, and when large drops of tears fell, the original owner seemed to have heard its desperate calls and requests, shaking his hands. , Personally ended the kitten’s pain.

While crying, he buried the cat’s body in the garden. This day was also a banquet for the Xie family. When Wu Hanqi came out for a walk, he saw Xiao Rongjing who was crying too hard with the cat’s body buried.

Seeing that the child was out of breath, he took the crying child back to his residence for a few weeks to play. It was not until Wu Hanqi finished his work that he had to return to the Shanghai stock market to send the child back to Xie’s home.

But the original owner was very, very sticky at that time, the only uncle who was gentle to himself.

Chasing behind the car, wanting Wu Hanqi to take him away.

Rong Jing covered his face and felt ashamed when he thought of Xiao Rongjing’s tears in his memory and let Wu Hanqi take him away.

Tong Yan Wu Ji, Tong Yan Wu Ji.

The original owner did not like this memory because he felt that he was abandoned by his favorite Wu Hanqi.

But Rong Jing analyzed Wu Hanqi’s micro-expressions from his memory. Wu Hanqi didn’t care about such a child at all. He just raised a small fruit and teased him for fun.

Rong Jing saw that everyone around him was looking at him, Wu Fuyu’s eyes flashed fire, as if he was insulting their Wu family by refusing.

Rong Jing stepped forward and hugged Wu Hanqi very politely. The extremely elegant cologne smell was dyed from the exquisite diamond cufflinks, elegant and not overwhelming, like a gentleman from an ancient family, not at all like a master. Origin.

Perfume is generally only used for beta, and it does not contain any pheromone smell.

Wu Hanqi let go of Rong Jing, and patted Rong Jing on the shoulder with his big palm, as loving as he did to Wu Fuyu: “I haven’t seen you in nearly nine years. At that time, you were still with Uncle, and in a blink of an eye you were almost as tall as Uncle.”

“Uncle Qi hasn’t changed at all, he is still very young.” Rong Jing is also telling the truth. Wu Hanqi looks very young, standing next to Wu Fuyu like an older brother.

“Afu, Xiao Jing is a little older than you, so you should get along well in the future.” Wu Hanqi warmly asked.

Wu Fuyu smiled and nodded.

If you know that Xiao Jing in your mouth is a pervert and is interesting to your son, can you still laugh dad?

“Hahaha, Lao Wu, what brought you here, rare guests!” Xie Zhanhong laughed at the top of the stairs. Han Lianmei walked down with his wrist.

Xie Zhanhong has finished dressing up again, and Han Lianmei beside him is like a flower in bud, with the enchanting breath and red cheeks, it is not difficult to imagine what they did just now.

It is said that Xie Zhanhong has always been a veteran since he was young, and his desires are exuberant.

Everyone looked at the two brothers of the Xie family with meaningful expressions in their eyes.

Xie Ling and Rong Jingjing ignored these gazes. Rong Jing’s side was because of the interaction with Wu Hanqi just now. Everyone was like a wasp smelling honey. The original ignorance became enthusiastic, including the original feeling that Rong Jing was handsome but A few second- and third-tier stars who are not interested.

Rong Jing felt that Wu Hanqi had caused a lot of trouble for herself, and when another omega idol came to chat, he casually found an excuse to go outside to get some air.

Xie Ling looked around, her expression cold, and asked, “Where is Xie Jisheng, haven’t he arrived yet?”

Zhou Xiang: “The Second Young Master just called and said that if the Young Master is here, he will not come.” The Second Young Master has always been very disgusted with the Young Master.

Xie Ling’s expression became cold: “If something like that happened to him, he still thinks that we are all blind?”

“Where is he?”

“I heard the engine sound on the phone just now, maybe it was a mid-level curve.”

Half-hill corners, what can be done, only drag racing.

Xie Ling felt his temples painfully, signaled sorry to the surroundings, and walked outside the banquet hall to call Xie Jisheng in person.

From a distance, I saw Rongjing who slipped outside at some time and was in a daze in the garden.

That place… is the burial ground for the cat he sent. When he was young, Xie Ling only took care of his brother for granted. He didn’t expect that his allergies would become worse. After that, the little brother didn’t like to be close to him.

Suddenly, a happy Labrador rushed out of the corner of the villa and rushed towards Rongjing, as if he had seen the love in his dream.

Xie Ling’s expression tightened, and he was about to run over to stop him. He had already let his servants watch this silly dog. This was an old dog in the other hall. I didn’t expect this dog to be very clever, so he would unlock it by himself?

Rong Jing is in a daze recalling the plot. He doesn’t know if Wu Hanqi is considered one of the protagonist’s offenses. He is called 6x by readers. He is the most popular supporting role besides the five offenses. He is the only beta and invisible offense. The popularity is very high, because Wu Hanqi looks gentle, elegant and handsome, and is called Qi Meiren by his favorite readers.

He always showed up to help Gu Xi at critical times. He seemed to be interested in Gu Xi, and he seemed to be playing with Gu Xi.

Gu Xi is afraid and respectful of this person, and he stays away most of the time.

If the person he met in the mall was Gu Xi, then it hasn’t been long before the article started, and Gu Xi should be in estrus these days.

And his estrus period is very difficult. The dose of inhibitor will be bigger and bigger. Because of the instability, his pheromone is always aggressive. It needs the alpha matching the pheromone to help him make temporary marks to relieve it, but unfortunately There is no alpha in the text that matches him well, not to mention that any alpha close to Gu Xi wants to mark him, so how can he do a match test.

Rongjing was thinking about this, and suddenly he felt that something was hurriedly approaching it.

Ding Chu saw a Labrador with a long tongue and eyes full of excitement, followed by a running waiter behind him, Rong Jing already felt itching all over his body reflexively.

He was very fond of small animals in his previous life, and his family also laughed and said that he was a friend of the forest. Entering the forest and grassland was like a feast for animals.

But in this life, I have suffered from allergies, which is very unfriendly.

Fortunately, the waiter grabbed the reins at the very moment of his hair, and restrained the Labrador who wanted to rush over.

Rong Jing felt that the waiter was familiar, and almost didn’t recognize him after changing his clothes: “Ah, you are the one just now…Thank you, I am a little allergic to cats and dogs.”

It’s the waiter he rescued just now.

Gu Xi’s head was lowered, looking like a very shy person.

Gu Xi just noticed that Rong Jing took a step back when he saw the dog, so he immediately grabbed the rope, thinking that Rong Jing was afraid of the dog, but it turned out to be allergic.

He nodded lightly: “I will wash your clothes before sending them here, okay.”

“It doesn’t matter if the clothes are not returned. How about you, they won’t look for you again.”

“No, don’t worry.” Gu Xi turned around and wanted to leave. He knew that he was a troublesome physique. Even if he didn’t want to, inexplicable troubles would always haunt him.

The better this person is, the less he can get close, he wants to secretly return the kindness, not to get close and not to bother him.

Gu Xi wanted to return the leather bracelet that Rongjing had dropped, and he kept it with him, thinking that if he encountered it, he would return it to the owner.

He hesitated when he reached into his pocket.

There is too little goodwill in this world, and one thing is precious.

Gu Xi finally decided to be selfish and pay it later.

Gu Xi was holding the excited dog. The big dog looked at Rong Jing pitifully, but Rong Jing pretended not to see it.

After hesitating, Gu Xi reminded: “Don’t help people like this in the future. Not everyone will thank you, and not everyone is worthy of your help.”

Rong Jing was stunned for a moment, feeling that the young man before him was too mature and pessimistic.

Rongjing asked, “Are you saying you are not worth it?”

Unexpectedly, the young man hesitated and finally nodded: “…Yes.”

Because I am a troublesome person, anyone who gets in touch with me may be implicated and troublesome.

Maybe God looks at me especially not pleasing to your eyes.

The boy’s answer was a bit unexpected. Did he not want me to help him?

Am I being nosy?

Rongjing couldn’t help taking a step forward, but the boy took a step back. Rongjing felt something and didn’t approach anymore.

Rongjing could feel that the teenager was not malicious, nor was he really not grateful, because the person in front of him was lingering with a touch of sadness, as if he was remembering something.

“Actually, I can’t take care of it without seeing me. Besides, I have limited abilities and can’t help everything.” Rong Jing smiled, and believe him, sooner or later he can get rid of his nosy problems, “It will change, there will always be One day I will turn a blind eye.”

Rongjing looked at the young man’s back disappearing into the darkness, and was in a daze with the night breeze blowing.

He squatted down and touched the grass growing on the mound.

The first pet of the original owner is buried here, and it is also the most painful memory of the original owner. He personally killed his little friend.

A shadow fell, and if Rong Jing felt it, he looked up and saw Xie Ling.

Xie Ling realized at this time that Rong Jing actually liked the cat she gave away, not because he blamed him for his carelessness and hated him all the time.

“When I chose cats back then, I didn’t expect to make your allergies worse.” He was young and just took over the family affairs. He was too busy at work. He thought that the little brother must be allergic to cats because of hair. Why not buy hairless ones? Enough.

Throwing off these words, leave coldly.

This is the first time Xie Ling has explained his behavior, which is abrupt and twisted.

Under the dim moonlight, the brothers who once drifted away seemed to have a new starting point.

Rongjing smiled: “I know, brother.”

He still misses his former family, but now that he has come to this world, he has to look forward, and there are also people worthy of his stay.

The corners of Xie Ling’s mouth raised slightly, and then quickly collapsed into a straight line: “Yeah.”

When Gu Xi led the dog through the Tenghua corridor, he saw a caller from a distance.

If Wu Hanqi felt it, he nodded in Gu Xi’s direction, as if he didn’t care about the identity of the other party. He treated him equally.

It is this approachable attitude that has made Wu’s reputation better and better over the years, and many people have even forgotten their origins.

Even if Wu Fuyu doesn’t know how to tune, he has a tuned father.

Gu Xi speeded up the pace of leaving, clutching his fast-beating heart, she probably didn’t recognize it.

Rongjing returned to the banquet, and the waiter poured him another glass of orange juice.

Rong Jing looked at Xie Ling, who was surrounded by him, and Xie Ling glanced over, as if to say: What kind of wine to drink at a young age.

And not far from Rongjing, there was another Ji Leping who hesitated to speak and didn’t know if he wanted to come up.

Ji Leping hesitated very much. After thinking about it for a long time, he walked over and asked tentatively, “Rong, Rongjing?”

Is there really a wealthy young master in this world who will pretend to be a match boy in order to experience the sufferings of the world?

Ji Leping didn’t believe it before, but now he is not sure.

His family is an offshoot of the Ji family and is not taken seriously.

Although they are both surnamed Ji, their treatment varies greatly.

Originally, it was not his turn to come to the banquet today, but the Ji family is going to enter the film and television circle this year and opened a small company to test the waters. As a person who has been on the fringe of the entertainment industry for several years, he brought him on. It is almost like seeing the world, and it’s better to have a relationship.

Ji Leping has always been an active member in the class. Today, he came over to eat and drink and he envied a group of classmates. He coaxed him to set up a live broadcast room, so that everyone could feel tall.

The Xie family’s banquet was highly confidential, so Ji Leping opened a locked live broadcast room and only invited classmates.

Some students were curious about which level the Xie family is among the rich. There are too many rich people in Beijing, and it seems that they are all rich people.

Ji Leping took a bite of the cake and thought for a while: “Have you heard the idiom impeccable? It is a homophonic, used to describe the four families with the most stable assets. Generally speaking, the first-class families refer to Wu, Xie, Ke, and Ji. Home, in no particular order, there are always ups and downs. In the past few years, the Wu family has been the most prosperous, specializing in electronics and high-tech. The gland covering behind the omega neck is made by their family and is no. 1. So the heir of his family has a very special nickname, known as the prince prince. Yes, it is the national alpha who made many internet celebrities and celebrities scream. I want to see it. Let me see if he is here today.”

With that said, Ji Leping took his mobile phone and scanned the banquet hall. When he came back, he saw a pair of exclamation marks.

—Hurry up, look, does that look like Rongjing?

—How could Rongjing appear here! Just kidding

—Do you see if I am dazzled.

—I have already spent it, so I don’t know if you spent it or not.

Ji Leping just wanted to say that it was impossible, but thought that there was indeed a young master in the Xie family who did not appear all the time.

Because they don’t appear in the circle, everyone just hears the name but doesn’t see the person.

He keenly noticed that Xie Ling’s assistant Zhou Xiang, who had been with him all the year round, also walked out. He couldn’t help his restless heart. Under the urging of his classmates, he decided to follow him secretly. How could he have imagined that he could take such an amazing picture. He still had the impression that the yellow hair was a freshman at the film school, and he was very arrogant and domineering as soon as he entered the school. My family opened an entertainment company to integrate with Smecta’s trainee company. Young children were recruited as trainees every year. Ever since the prince came to Beijing, he has been serving as a tea boy.

But the man who was suspected to be Rongjing actually kicked such a second generation ancestor with a small family background into the water. The whole movement was smooth, fast and ruthless.

Damn, it’s awesome!

Is this Rongjing who they know, who can’t fight back or scold him? He still has two faces?

Lu Jin, who moved the book to the bubbling palm, just wanted to relax during work and feel the capitalism’s affair. I didn’t even think of seeing this!

He is more certain than anyone else, that might be Rongjing.

He is a person who has faced Rongjing directly. This person is very good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He looks at Wen Wen Tun Tun, but is actually overcast.

However, compared with Huang Mao, Rongjing treats him as gentle and drizzle. Is this also lucky?

He couldn’t help thinking, if he didn’t speak much at the time, would Rongjing not let him go?

It was because he thought that Rongjing didn’t do anything after he decided to fulfill his promise, that is, Rongjing has been observing him.

Can such a meticulous and observant person really let him be bullied for so many years?

If Rongjing’s identity is false, what else is true? Next, will I be greeted with double revenge?

A cold wind blew him, and he trembled. The administrator over there saw him being lazy, and looked at him coldly: “If you don’t want to do it, you can also leave.”

Lu Jin swallowed, “I, I do…”

And when Ji Leping closed the live broadcast room, the group almost exploded.

There was a fierce debate about whether it was Rongjing or not, if it was, whether Rongjing was a little golden mountain, and why it had to pretend to be a poor person all the year round, rain or shine.

It didn’t take long for this news to be stabbed in the school forum by someone who stabbed it.

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