Hogwarts: Who hasn't collected a Horcrux?

Chapter 65

For some reason, maybe because Dumbledore was watching the game, Snape looked annoyed.

Ron noticed this and said to William,"I've never seen Snape look so grim. Look, they're leaving. Ouch!"

Someone poked Ron in the back of the head. It was Malfoy.

"Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there."

Malfoy grinned at Crabbe and Goyle.

"I wonder how long Potter will be able to stay on his broomstick this time? Anyone want to take a bet? How about you, Weasley?"

"Noisy!"William snorted coldly.

Before Malfoy could react, a"tongue-locking throat-sealing" hit him.

In an instant, Malfoy's tongue stuck to his upper palate.

He grabbed his throat and choked. He couldn't speak, and could only hear a whimper.

Goyle and Crabbe hurriedly supported Malfoy, turned around and ran away, not daring to say a word to William.

This was not the first time William had taught them a lesson, but they never seemed to learn their lesson.

Snape had just awarded a free throw to the Hufflepuff team for no reason.

William was a little angry, so he took it out on Malfoy.

Who made him buzz like a fly, so annoying.

William even controlled the smoke lion in the sky and spit a puff of smoke (spit) at Snape.

Harry circled the sky over the field like an eagle, looking for the Golden Snitch.

Suddenly, Harry made a beautiful dive, and the audience exclaimed and cheered.

William still recognized Harry's flying skills and felt that he was born to be a seeker.

""Hurry up, Harry!" Ron shouted, jumping onto his seat. He saw Harry rushing straight towards Snape.

In the air, Snape just turned around on his broomstick and saw a golden object whizzing past his ear, just a few inches away from him.

Then, Harry stopped diving, raised his arms in victory, and the Snitch was tightly held in his hand.

The stands were boiling: this would be a new record. No one could remember in which game the Snitch was caught so quickly.

""William! The game is over! Harry won! We won! Gryffindor is leading!"

Hermione screamed, jumping on her chair and hugging William tightly.

William held Hermione in one hand and held the wand in the other, controlling the lion in the sky, running around the court, and finally exploding into fireworks all over the sky.

Harry jumped off the broomstick a foot above the ground.

He couldn't believe it. He succeeded. The game was over, and it lasted less than five minutes.

Gryffindors rushed into the court. Snape landed on the court with a pale face and his lips tightly pursed.

He spat on the ground angrily and looked very upset.

A group of Gryffindors ran over, put Harry on their shoulders, and cheered.

Ron couldn't squeeze in, He was jumping up and down on the periphery, and was arm in arm with Neville.

William and Hermione were hugging each other, and no one thought there was anything wrong with it at this time.

An hour later, William and the others had already returned to the castle.

But Harry had just left the locker room, and he was going to return his Nimbus 2000 to the broom shed.

He was happier than ever at this moment.

He had finally done something that he was truly proud of - no one would ever say that he was just a person with a resounding name.

Harry was quite narrow-minded, and he had always remembered what Snape said in the first Potions class.

At this moment, he felt that it was the best counterattack against Snape, and he felt that even the air at night had never been as fresh as it was now. So sweet.

He walked across the wet grass and came to the broom shed.

Harry leaned against the wooden door and looked up at Hogwarts, the windows glowing red in the setting sun.

Gryffindor was ahead, he had succeeded, he had made Snape see... speaking of Snape... a hooded figure quickly walked down the front steps of the castle, obviously not wanting to be seen, and headed straight for the Forbidden Forest.

Harry watched, the joy of victory in his heart gradually fading.

He recognized the figure's furtive gait. It was Snape.

He was sneaking to the Forbidden Forest while others were having dinner. What was he trying to do?

Harry jumped back on his broom and took off.

He glided silently over the castle. Harry looked up into the sky and saw Snape running into the Forbidden Forest, so he followed.

The trees in the Forbidden Forest were so dense that Harry couldn't see where Snape went.

He could only circle, lower and lower, flying close to the treetops, and finally heard the sound of someone talking. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He flew lightly and landed quietly on a towering beech tree.

He climbed forward carefully along a branch, holding the flying broom tightly in his hand, and he wanted to look down through the leaves.

Below, in a shadowy open space, stood Snape, but he was not alone.

Quirrell was there too.

Harry couldn't see the expression on his face, but he stuttered worse than ever.[]

Harry listened attentively to what they were saying.

"……No, I don't know why you would... choose to meet here, Severus.……"

""Oh, I don't think this is appropriate to be made public," Snape said in a cold voice,"After all, students are not supposed to know about the Philosopher's Stone."

0Please ask for flowers

Harry leaned forward, Quirrell was muttering something, Snape interrupted him

"Did you figure out how to get past Hagrid's monster?"

"But, but, Severus, I……"

"You don't want me to be your enemy, Quirrell," Snape said, taking a step closer to him.

"I, I don't know...know you……"

"You know exactly what I mean."

An owl hooted so loudly that Harry nearly fell out of the tree.

He caught himself just in time to hear Snape say:"……Your secret trick, I'm waiting"

"But...but, I don't...no...no……"

Snape interrupted him:"Very well, we'll talk again soon, when you've had time to think it over and decide who you'll serve."

Snape covered his head with his cloak and strode out of the open space.

It was almost completely dark, but Harry could still see Quirrell standing there motionless, like a sculpture.

When Harry returned to the castle, Ron patted him on the back excitedly:"We won! You won! We won!"

"Harry, everyone's waiting for you in the common room. We're having a celebration and Fred and George have stolen some cakes and stuff from the kitchen."

""By the way, Harry, where have you been? Why did you come back so late?" William asked curiously.

"Let's not talk about this for now," Harry said breathlessly,"Let's find an empty room and listen to me.……"

William and his three companions found an empty room. Harry turned around and closed the door only after he was sure that Peeves was not in the room.

Then he told William and his companions what he had just seen and heard.

Ron spoke first:"So our analysis is correct. That thing is the Philosopher's Stone. Snape wants to force Quirrell to help him get the stone.""

"He asked Quirrell if he knew how to get past Lu Wei, and mentioned Quirrell's secret trick"

"I guess, besides Lu Wei, there are probably other mechanisms guarding the stone, probably a lot of magic and sorcery."

"Maybe Quirrell had cast some anti-dark magic spells that Snape needed to undo.……"

Ron's analytical ability was good. If William hadn't known the plot, he would have probably analyzed it the same way. After all, what Snape and Quirrell said was too easy to be misunderstood.

Moreover, Snape looked so strong, and Quirrell was stuttering and hesitant, and it was obvious that he was threatened.

Hermione frowned and said,"You mean, the Philosopher's Stone is safe only when Quirrell can resist Snape?"

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