Hogwarts’ White Lord

01: The Orphanage

In the early morning in London, the fog was hazy. A boy about 11 years old walked in the wet courtyard. His name was Ivan, Ivan Ambrosius.

"Should it be coming?"

Ivan had been looking forward to this day for ten years since he came to this world.

He walked to the mailbox, took out the letters inside, and then checked them one by one with the expectation of winning the prize.

"Still nothing?"

Not long after, Ivan sighed slightly, and a hint of loss appeared between his eyebrows: "Hogwarts' admission letter..."

Yes, the Hogwarts admission letter.

Ivan is not from this world. He is a transmigrator. Ten years ago, he traveled to this world and became a baby abandoned in front of an orphanage.

Mrs. Mena, the director of the orphanage, took him in and used the inscription "Ambrosius" on a ring left in the cradle as Ivan's surname.

This ring also became the only clue to the identity of the child that Ivan traveled through.

Of course, Ivan was not so interested in his own life experience.

Because this is exactly the identity that the system arranged for him when he traveled to this world.

That's right, as a traveler, Ivan has a system.

"System, open the attributes."

As Ivan silently thought, a virtual panel appeared in front of him:

[Ivan Ambrosius]

Age: 11 years old

Race: Wizard

Gender: Male

Bloodline: Ambrosius Family

Talent: Transfiguration Mage, Seer, Silent Casting


Soul: 3 (Outstanding)

Magic: 5 (Legendary)

Constitution: 1 (Ordinary)

Thinking: 3 (Outstanding)

Mind: 2 (Excellent)

Will: 2 (Excellent)

Current Potential Points: 0

Ivan's system has no name, no intelligence, and will not answer any of Ivan's questions.

To this day, Ivan has not even figured out how to obtain potential points.

The only thing that makes Ivan feel a little relieved is that the system gave him a novice benefit at the beginning of his journey.

[Wizard Blood Extraction Scroll (Unique)]

Effect: After use, you can randomly obtain the blood of an ancient wizard family and help complete the host's identity information in the current world.

In this way, Ivan used the "Wizard Blood Extraction Scroll" and extracted a lineage known as "Ambrosius".

At the same time, the system also "thoughtfully" helped him complete his identity, ensuring he was no longer a person who appeared out of thin air.

However, Ivan was not interested in the parents, family, or reasons why this body was abandoned. He is himself, and only himself.

Even if the system arranges an identity, Ivan will not recognize two strangers as parents.

For Ivan, things are fine as they are now.


A feeling of loss momentarily surged in his heart, causing the mist surrounding Ivan to begin trembling slightly. Even the ground under his feet started to fracture, revealing red, magma-like cracks that emitted steaming vapors.

'Calm down!'

Almost at the same time, Ivan took a deep breath: 'Stay calm, calm down...'

Gradually, the disturbing vision disappeared, and the looming, terrifying power was soothed by him.

"It's getting stronger and stronger."

As indicated on the system panel, a formidable power known as an Obscurus was growing in Ivan's body.

What is an Obscurus?

Ivan, who had watched the first and second films of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", had researched the settings of this potent magic.

When some young wizards experience significant psychological trauma due to their magical abilities, they might suppress their magical power out of a self-defense instinct. Without proper guidance, these young wizards fail to learn how to harness and control their power, thus giving rise to a parasitic dark magical force known as an Obscurus.

Over the years, whenever Ivan's emotions fluctuated, whether from joy or sadness, the Obscurus within him would become restless, attempting to burst forth from his body and recklessly release the magical power that had been suppressed for many years.

To be honest, Ivan had no idea why he had become an Obscurial.

The director of his orphanage, Mrs. Mena, was a kind and gentle old woman who took exceptional care of Ivan.

Having lived two lives, Ivan exhibited a level of intelligence that set him apart from other children. This distinction fostered positive relationships with his peers, sparing him the tragic childhood of bullying and isolation typically associated with Obscurials.

But even in such a nurturing environment, Ivan still manifested his abilities as a Silent at the age of 5—the only explanation he could fathom was his excessive magical power.

[Current Attributes]

Soul: 3 (Excellent)

Magic: 5 (Legendary)

Physique: 1 (Ordinary)

Thinking: 3 (Excellent)

Mind: 2 (Excellent)

Will: 2 (Excellent)

Five points in magic power, rated as legendary by the system, signify a tremendous potential for magical power growth in Ivan.

Over the years, Ivan concluded that these attributes did not represent his current physical condition but rather a direct display of his "potential" and "talent."

The so-called five points of magic power indicate that Ivan possesses a legendary level of potential in magical growth. Ivan had initially underestimated the potency of the ancient wizard bloodline of Ambrosius. He thought that five points in magic power were mediocre and that it would make him slightly stronger than average wizards.

But he was mistaken.

Ivan did not understand how the potential points were calculated in the system. However, the magical upheavals triggered by the five points of magic completely surpassed his understanding of wizardry in the Harry Potter world.

In his memory, the most powerful figure in the Harry Potter universe should be Aurelius Dumbledore from "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," also known as Credence Barebone, who harbored an Obscurus. The image of a magical explosion, strong enough to destroy half a mountain from miles away, is still vivid in Ivan's mind.

Ivan feels that if he were to fully release the Obscurus within him, he could easily match the destructive power of Credence as seen in the first "Fantastic Beasts" movie. It's notable to mention that Ivan is only 11 years old, while Credence in the first film is already 18.

Adding to his impressive capabilities are his two magical talents: Metamorphosis and Prophecy. These talents exemplify the formidable legacy of the Ambrosius surname.

Metamorphosis grants Ivan the ability to alter his appearance at will, without the need for spells or Polyjuice Potion. He can transform into any human he has ever seen, regardless of age, physique, or gender, and he can complete these changes in an instant.

The only limitation is that Ivan's transformations are confined to human forms.

This ability is somewhat similar to that of Nymphadora Tonks from the original books, who also possesses Metamorphic abilities. However, Ivan's Metamorphosis differs in that he can't adopt non-human features like Tonks, who can morph her nose into a pig's or her mouth into a duck's. Instead, Ivan can alter his body shape, height, and gender, making his human transformations more precise than those of Tonks.

Yet, Metamorphosis has its flaws. For example, if he attempts to become a half-giant or a half-Veela like Hagrid or Fleur, he can only mimic their appearances but cannot acquire their racial traits.

Nevertheless, Ivan senses that his abilities as a Metamorphosis Mage have not reached their full potential: "If I delve deeper, I might break this limit."


As these thoughts occupied his mind, Ivan's gaze inadvertently swept across the glass window beside him.

At that moment, through the blurred reflection on the window, Ivan glimpsed a vision.

It was a pure white owl with a letter tied to its feet, and a boy who looked exactly like Ivan was opening the window to welcome it in with a smile.

Soon, the images faded from the window.

"I have to say, being a Prophecy Mage is really convenient."

Another inherited talent of the Ambrosius family is known as Prophecy Mage.

Ivan knew of only one other person who possessed this ability, and that was Gellert Grindelwald, Dumbledore's infamous rival and one-time friend.

"Come to think of it, it seems Grindelwald also had these abilities of mine."

Ivan recalled that in the films, Grindelwald was capable of transforming his appearance without relying on Polyjuice Potion, a skill akin to Metamorphosis.

Moreover, he shared the gift of Prophecy, just like Ivan.

This led Ivan to speculate whether there might be a connection between the Ambrosius lineage and Grindelwald. The similarities in their magical talents were striking, and Ivan couldn't help but let his imagination run wild.

"Let's head back."

"Grindelwald and such matters are too far removed from me."

Though Ivan was a time traveler, his desire was to traverse this magical realm and uncover the mysteries and origins of magic, not to entangle himself in the tumults of the wizarding world.

Above all, Ivan needed to find a solution for the Obscurus within him.

This unpredictable force was like a ticking time bomb.

Ivan didn't want to become the next Credence Barebone, eventually succumbing to the erosion of the Obscurus.

Like Credence, he had survived past the age of 10, learning to suppress and control the Obscurus in his body to some degree, even harnessing it as a source of strength.

However, Ivan could also feel the strain the Obscurus placed on his body. Five points of magical power not only endowed Ivan with formidable magical abilities but also nourished the growth of the Obscurus.

"I will grow stronger, and so will the Obscurus."

If this continued, Ivan feared the Obscurus might eventually consume him.

Fortunately, Ivan had glimpsed some fragments of his future through his prophecies. The clearest vision was of him as a teenager, around sixteen or seventeen, sporting a prefect badge on his chest.

Knowing that one must be at least a fifth-year student at Hogwarts to be a prefect, Ivan inferred he could survive healthily until he was at least 15 years old.

"Five years should be enough for me to find a way to control the Obscurus."

With this thought, Ivan handed over a letter to the staff of the orphanage, exchanged a brief greeting with Mrs. Mena, and returned to his room on the third floor.

Knock knock knock.

About half an hour later, a knock came from the window.

Ivan turned his head and saw the owl he had foreseen, carrying his Hogwarts admission letter.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Ivan opened the window to let the owl in.

The snow-white owl flapped its wings inside the room before settling gently on Ivan's desk, extending the leg with the letter tied to it.

Ivan removed the letter, then broke up the half-eaten bread on the cabinet and scattered it on the table: "You're welcome, eat up."


The owls in the wizarding world are notably sentient. It turned its head and affectionately rubbed against Ivan's palm, then bowed its head to peck at the bread crumbs.

"Cute little guy."

Ivan smiled slightly as he turned over the envelope. The back of the envelope bore a wax seal featuring a shield emblem, at the center of which was a large capital 'H' encircled by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake—symbols representing the four Hogwarts houses.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Confederation of Wizards, Order of Merlin, First Class, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Ambrosius,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of necessary books and equipment.

The term is scheduled to start on September 1st.

In view of your special circumstances, Hogwarts will send a representative to your residence to address any questions you might have and to offer the necessary assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

After reading the letter, Ivan mused aloud, "I wonder which professor Hogwarts will send over."

[Ding! The host has received the Hogwarts admission letter and is awarded with free potential points x1]


The system prompt echoed in his mind, and for a moment, Ivan thought he was hallucinating.

"Blimey!" Ivan's sudden shout nearly startled the owl mid-meal, causing it to nearly tumble off the table.

"Uh, sorry."

Fortunately, the owl was professional, accustomed to such reactions; it wasn't the first time it had encountered outbursts from little wizards from Muggle families shocked by their admission notices.


Ivan called to the system in his mind, but unfortunately, received no response.

In desperation, Ivan silently recited, 'Open the attribute bar,' and sure enough, he saw that there was 1 new potential point added to the previously zero total.

Without dwelling on how to use this potential point, Ivan curbed his excitement to prevent any inadvertent magical outbursts and quickly wrote his reply.

"Are you full?"

Observing the owl nod and raise its head, Ivan stroked its head and carefully tied the reply letter to its leg.


The owl seemed to enjoy Ivan's touch, cooing happily a few times before it flew out of the window, disappearing into the morning mist.


With the task completed, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at his attribute list:


Soul: 3+

Magic: 5+

Physique: 1+

Thinking: 3+

Mind: 2+

Will: 2+

Current Potential Points: 1

"System, why can't I increase my magic attribute further?" Ivan questioned, grappling with the overwhelming magical power he currently possessed, which was becoming a burden due to its vastness.

[Magic power upgrade failed, insufficient experience points]

"Experience points?" Ivan was puzzled. He hadn't encountered this term before: "To increase the magic attribute from 5 to 6, experience points are required."

He understood little about the difference between 6 points of magic, termed as 'Apocalypse,' and 5 points, known as 'Legend' by the system. The names suggested grandeur and immense power, but the practical difference between them was elusive.

However, now wasn't the moment to delve into these distinctions.

The pressing issue was deciding how best to utilize the newly acquired potential points.

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