Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 10, interesting ideas

At this time, the fields passing by outside the car window seemed even more desolate, and a neat farmland had disappeared.What follows is a forest, a meandering river and dark green hills.

"I don't know," Mesa said flatly, "I've never seen them."

Lilia Shafiq was stunned again. After a while, she whispered: "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

Mesa shook his head and signaled to Lilia that he didn't have to worry about it, as he who didn't know was not guilty.Lilia shrank back as if she was worried, even her long golden hair had lost its luster, and she was no longer interested in the licorice wand on the table.

However, the children's worries disappeared as quickly as they came, and soon the little girl regained her energy and started talking again.

"Lilia, what do you think I should do?" said chubby Sean, who kept rubbing the empty bag of multi-flavor beans in his hands.

"What's wrong?" Lilia asked, "Are you worried about the sorting?"

Sean Hart replied: "Yes. Although Slytherin... I still want to go to the same house as you."

"What's wrong with Slytherin? There are just a lot of dark wizards!" Lilia was a little dissatisfied. "This is their own choice. What does it have to do with Slytherin! It's like there are no dark wizards in other colleges!"

Then, Lilia said: "My parents are also Slytherins. How come they are not dark wizards?"

During his time in Diagon Alley, Mesa had also looked up information about Hogwarts, and he still knew some basic conditions of the school.

Mesa only agreed with half of Lilia's ideas.Regardless of whether Slytherin is the cradle of dark wizards, the environment does affect a person's growth. After all, those who emerge from the mire untainted are a minority in this world.

"You know, that's not what I meant," Sean explained. "I just wanted to say that I would probably go to Hufflepuff."

Sean looked a little depressed, as if he really felt sorry that he couldn't go to Slytherin.

"Hufflepuff is also very good!" Lilia comforted, "Don't listen to their nonsense, Hufflepuff is not a place for idiots. People who say these things are idiots! As long as you don't go to Gryffindor good."

Hearing this, Sean suddenly laughed and said, "I won't go to Gryffindor, and they won't want a coward."

At this time, Lilia looked at Mesa again, and she asked: "You know the four colleges, right?"

Seeing Mesa nodding, she continued: "I think it's best for you to go to Hufflepuff, the people there are very nice. If you are smart enough, Ravenclaw is also good. But don't go to Glen. Findor and Slytherin.”

"Why?" Mesa asked knowingly.

"Gryffindor is a group of reckless people, and I don't like it." Lilia said, "And Slytherin is mostly pure blood... If your parents are not wizards, Slytherin will be the worst for you. There is no other place like this.”

"They don't like Muggles, nor do they like Muggle-born wizards." Sean explained helpfully, "My mother is a Muggle-born wizard, and she was bullied a lot in school."

Mesa nodded and looked at Lilia, wondering what she thought of this problem.Judging from previous remarks, pure-blood Lilia Shafiq is certain that her house will be Slytherin.

"I don't like Muggles either." Lilia said matter-of-factly, "But I like wizards. Doesn't being a Muggle-born mean that you are not a wizard?"

Unexpected, reasonable answer.

Mesa didn't know exactly what the students in Slytherin were like. If half of them were like Lilia Shafiq, this house with a bad reputation wouldn't be too bad.

What age is it? If we are talking about bloodline, why don’t we start from the era of Homo sapiens?How funny.

Seeing Mesa's disinterested look, Lilia added: "I'm not joking with you. If you are a Muggle-born wizard, some Slytherin students will be extremely unfriendly to you, and they will even call you scornful For the Mudbloods!”

After saying that, Lilia made two obscene noises at the ground, as if she had just been fed dead flies.

She continued: "Merlin, this vicious curse word is simply unreasonable!"

"Thank you for your kind reminder." Mesa said. He thought Lilia looked very cute. "But I can't decide the sorting, right? I can't just say I go to Hufflepuff and be sorted into Hufflepuff." Chipachi, right?”

"Uh..." Lilia was suddenly stunned. She also thought that it was not the students who could decide the sorting.

Sean on the side began to sigh again.Mesa could tell that no matter which college he went to, Shawn Hart just wanted to be with Lilia Shafik.

"Okay." Lilia said dejectedly, "Although I don't know how the school will sort them, it's really not something we can decide."

"What? You don't know how to sort them?" Mesa asked in confusion.

He read a lot of books about Hogwarts and learned a lot about the school, but he didn't know how the sorting was done.There seems to be this tacit agreement among all the authors to keep silent about the sorting at Hogwarts.

"I don't know." Sean shook his head, "But I heard that he was fighting wild beasts..."

Although he could imagine that Hogwarts would not allow freshmen to fight wild beasts, Mesa was still startled. This sorting ceremony sounded too dangerous. Or were children from wizarding families really more powerful?

"Stop it, Sean, can you beat the beast?" Lilia asked, "I can't beat it anyway. If that's the case, I won't participate in the sorting ceremony. In order to go to school, I have to catch up with It’s a life that cannot be spared.”

Sean scratched his head in embarrassment and showed a shy smile. He said, "That's right! If you really want to fight a beast, you can stay one night today and board the return train tomorrow morning."

"I'm afraid not, Sean." Lilia said, "I'll probably have to lie in the hospital bed for a while."

Unknowingly, the sky outside the window had darkened. Under the deep purple sky was a patch of mountains and woods, and the speed of the train also slowed down.

Suddenly, a sound came from nowhere and echoed on the train.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train. We will send you to school."

After hearing this announcement, Mesa and Sean walked out of the box and stood guard at the door of the box.

Lilia stayed in the box to change clothes.After Lilia changed into her school uniform, it was Mesa and Sean's turn.

When the three of them changed into their black school robes, the steam locomotive became slower and slower, and finally staggered to a stop.

The students were pushing and shoving, and they rushed to the car door and got down to a dark and small platform.The three people from Mesa followed the crowd and squeezed out. The cold night made Lilia wrap her robe tightly.

A lamp swayed above the students' heads, and a rough voice shouted: "Freshmen! Freshmen come over here!"

After passing through a sea of ​​people, Mesa came to the light. Only then did Mesa see the person calling clearly.

The man was at least eleven feet tall and stronger than Chairman Omen. O'Neal also turned into a small shark in front of him, and his bearded face looked a little fierce.

As more and more freshmen gathered around him, the mighty and rugged man shouted again: "Come on, follow me. Are there any freshmen? Watch your step, okay! Freshmen, follow me!"

After saying that, the man held the lantern and walked ahead, heading towards a steep and narrow path. Behind him were a group of little beans slipping and stumbling.

Mesa looked around and found that he, Lilia and Sean were separated at some point, and he didn't recognize anyone around him.However, Mesa didn't pay much attention to it. Compared with the two people, the rugged and difficult path under his feet was more important.

"When you turn this corner, you will soon see Hogwarts for the first time." The rugged man shouted again.

Then there was a loud "Oh--!"

Ahead is no longer a narrow and rugged path, but a black lake.On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with towering spiers and windows twinkling under the stars.

"That's Hogwarts, where you will study and live in the future!"

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