Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 51 If I had never seen the light, I might be able to endure this darkness

"What?" Harry Potter's expression was very shocked. He didn't understand what the friend in front of him was talking about.

Charlie frowned and took out his wand: "Is it the change caused by the mixing of potions?..." He thought, and the wand in his hand was vaguely pointed at Ron Weasley.

Suddenly it became tense.

Hermione Granger was a little stunned and didn't know what to do.

He quickly retracted his reconnaissance eyes, pulled out his wand, and pointed it vaguely in the direction of Ron Weasley.

Ron Weasley's expression was cold and he whispered: "I said...defeat me...otherwise...he will leave you..."

Deep down there is some joy.

I finally...came back...back to...this world...

As he spoke, he shook the wand in his hand: "I don't know why he... would trust you so much... think you can defeat Voldemort... and me..." As he spoke, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If it's true Just like what he said... Maybe I will also have some expectations... But I want to make sure... whether you have the qualifications to make me expect..." As he spoke, he laughed weirdly, as if he heard something funny. joke.

In fact, Ron really didn't know at this time.

In other words... even Ron himself was curious about this question.

For some reason, Harry Potter felt that Ron Weasley in front of him looked particularly like Voldemort.

"Who...areyou?..." Harry Potter's expression became solemn.

Ron Weasley tilted his head slightly, "Myname?..." and closed his eyes: "I don't know... I am Ron. Of course, there are big differences... Maybe you can call me Clem. [crime] or, in other words, evils." He waved his hands, and a strange black flame burned brightly.

His expression became strange and cheerful.

The moment the black flames burned, all three of them felt cold all over.

Then Harry Potter felt that something was wrong.

Hermione Granger and Charlie next to them suddenly smiled strangely, and made a sound that seemed to echo in the deep valley: "I am the evil thought of all mankind throughout the ages..."

Their expressions were dull and impassive.

He stared blankly at the two of them.

The shock in his heart was indescribable. The corners of Harry Potter's mouth squirmed slightly and his teeth clenched together.

He knew Ron Weasley wasn't joking.

Ron...what should I do? …

There was some confusion. The friends who had just pulled out their wands and stood on their side suddenly became uncomfortable and instantly surrendered to the enemy?

Among them, the change in Ron's brother Charlie is the most disappointing.

Generally speaking, although Ron Weasley's Avada Kedavra has an instant death effect, the main reason for the group's sense of security is Charlie.

After all, Charlie, who can cook, build tents, and knows various defense and concealment magics, immediately gives people a sense of worry-free logistics.

Coupled with the fact that he is the prefect of the seventh grade, it is simply...prestige and popularity are all in his hands.

But now there is no resistance at all, and he has become the enemy's puppet...

He was extremely angry in his heart: "Give me back my friends!!!..." He roared angrily: "PetrificusTotalus [all petrified]"

Waving the wand, a red light flashed out.

Ron Weasley took a very casual step to the left.

The red light just passed by.

Ron Weasley's lips curved into a smile, and with a wave of his hand, a stream of fragments shot out, hitting Harry Potter's body.

"Ahhhh..." Harry Potter screamed in pain, looking down at his palm, and saw bright red blood flowing out from scratches.

Ron Weasley's voice was cold: "Don't lower your head...even if you are riddled with holes!" He seemed to be roaring to teach the other party: "Diffindo [fall apart]"

A flash of red light flew towards Harry Potter again.

In fact, at this time, Ron really wanted to control the two guys next to him to join the fight and push Harry Potter to the ground and beat him into a pig's head.

But something prevented him from doing so.

This couldn't help but make him very irritable.

Damn it...why...why did you stop me? !

And the situation in front of me always has a sense of immediacy.

It seems like it happened before?

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that I have never experienced anything like this before.

This made Ron Weasley feel even crazier and angrier now.

Harry Potter took a deep breath, took a step to the left, and also avoided Ron Weasley's attack.

Ron Weasley's smile grew huge.

The hands are constantly accelerating.

One after another, it was torn apart and shot out continuously.

And the power also became huge.

"Why do you want me to defeat you?!" Harry Potter roared in confusion.

He walked while roaring, his eyes warily looking at the carapace man in front of him.

Ron Weasley tilted his head in confusion, dodging the two shots thrown quickly by Harry Potter and falling apart.

"Why? Maybe because... you were supposed to be the savior of this world, right?..." Ron Weasley's voice was calm, and he blocked all the petrification of Harry Potter.

Looking at the extremely carefree young man fighting in front of him, Harry Potter's mind was very confused.

He wanted to figure out what the other party meant, but felt a little baffled.

"Savior? What do you mean?" Harry Potter gritted his teeth and found his throat swallowing saliva involuntarily.

"Well~ it's a long story, maybe you haven't known it yet." Ron Weasley's voice was ethereal.

Suddenly started to accelerate: "Let me see your potential!..."

The two began to exchange quick blows.

Harry Potter kept looking for cover, and then released the spell on Ron Weasley.

But as a young wizard, his magic was too weak and had almost no effect on Ron Weasley's attacks.

Harry Potter was confused for the second time: Ron, what should I do?

It seemed that there was a voice in the dark that was responding.

Just like usual.

Just like those in training.

Harry Potter took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were shining with light.

He put a layer of iron armor on himself and walked out slowly.

Harry Potter's eyes met Ron Weasley's.

The two men started waving faster and faster.

The red light crisscrossed back and forth, its position constantly moving.

Harry Potter kept accelerating, and the wand in his hand no longer looked like what was taught in school. He began to follow whatever movements and waving angles he wanted.

And Ron Weasley was getting faster and faster, always suppressing him.

Sometimes he even shows the speed and power to crush him.

With a sudden and fierce swing, Ron Weasley looked in the direction of Harry Potter, and a large area under Harry Potter's feet exploded wildly.

Fall apart, multicast!

Harry Potter was startled.

This... how to fight this?

But no matter how hard it is to fight...you have to fight!

Take a deep breath, eyes flashing, and keep accelerating.

Ron Weasley also began to show no mercy.

Suddenly, a split hit Harry Potter's body.

Harry Potter felt a little desperate. If he was seriously injured again, he would not be able to get it at all.

But when he was desperate, the light shone on him, reflecting the damage back.

Ron Weasley was stunned for a moment, watching his spell hit the armor given by Voldemort, but it had no effect.

"Tsk..." Ron Weasley smiled: "The magic of love... People always like to describe and say that love defeats evil and defeats sin. But the reality seems to be the opposite." As he said, His expression became serious.

"Do you still remember your agreement?...Maybe he means...that he wants you to kill me..." While murmuring, Ron Weasley's lips curved into a smile.

This sentence is indeed true.

From very early on, Ron Weasley made up his mind.

This determination also had strange consequences.

Determination is very important in the world of Harry Potter.

Ron Weasley's determination caused a dramatic change in his magic and mentality.

"Ron!!! You must...come back!!!" Harry Potter roared.

The wand kept waving.

In despair, Harry Potter exploded with faith.

Want to protect, protect someone.

It seems that this belief made his spell become stronger.

Although Harry Potter doesn't know too many big things.But Harry Potter also understands that whoever treats him well, and he treats him well, he is also willing to treat him well.

In the Muggle world, everyone treated him with horror and disgust.

When he came to the wizarding world, most people actually treated him the same as Hermione.

In this environment, the good friend who has been trying to protect him is the light of his inner world.

The only trace of...

If I had never seen the light, I might be able to endure this darkness...

Harry Potter gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "Give it back to me!!!..." The wand in his hand waved wildly.

Ron Weasley looked at Harry Potter in regular script with some surprise.

His expression was shocked, and the corners of his mouth sank slightly.

Start taking it seriously.

With constant swiping, rows of ground exploded.

Ron Weasley suddenly uses the knowledge contained in the library books.

When it is torn apart and advanced, the things hit will turn into wounds like dense spider webs.

Unlike Ron Weasley, who was standing still and outputting, Harry Potter was constantly moving and getting angry, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

Gryffindor's natural trait is rage.

In a rage, Harry Potter's attacks became more fierce and from tricky angles.

This was something Ron Weasley taught him when he was sparring with Ron Weasley in his spare time.

Most people would target their spells on the torso, but Ron Weasley taught Harry Potter to target the head or some weak points.

The head, throat, and lower three pathways.

It turns out that Harry Potter is very talented in this area.

His aim was accurate and he had already begun to predict.

Both of them are playing with predictions.

They seem aimless to each other, but in fact they are counting each other out.

Ron Weasley looked at Harry who actually suppressed him in terms of number of attacks, and smiled.

A quick multi-step petrification completely immobilized Harry Potter, who was completely unable to dodge.

"I saw... your potential... I'm very satisfied, so... he's back..." Ron Weasley smiled calmly, and then shouted loudly: "You will become me!!!" …”

He instantly lost his energy and slowly fell to the ground.

Harry Potter was stunned for a moment and quickly waved his wand.

The plant transformed into a python and rolled up Ron Weasley.

Place it gently on the ground, and the python instantly turns back into a plant.

Charlie and Hermione were helplessly ignored by the busy Harry Potter, and could only come back after it was over.

A whisper came to Ron Weasley's ear: "Remember, you need to come again..."

Charlie frowned, opened his eyes, and gently covered his head: "It hurts...what happened?..."

Harry Potter recounted the situation with surprise.


two hours later.

Ron Weasley slowly opened his eyes.

Facing three nervous-looking people, they all pointed their wands at him.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Um...what's wrong?..."

Harry Potter asked nervously: "What's wrong with you? Are you Clem or Ron?"

Ron Weasley was a little surprised and closed his eyes.

His voice was strange: "Of course I am...Ron..."

He opened his eyes suddenly: "I don't know why, but some pictures appeared in my head... We will confront those armies. I still remember... a sentence..."

Need to come again...

What means?

Ron Weasley's head was a little heavy.

In the midst of constant thinking, a word suddenly appeared in my mind.


future? !

He didn't know why this word appeared in his head, but it left a deep imprint on his mind.

When the time travel brought about by the first time turner, something seemed not quite right.

After hearing Ron Weasley's doubts, Harry Potter and the others were also stunned for a moment.

But after thinking about it several times, it was to no avail.

But with the memories before time travel and the chaotic thinking now, Ron Weasley had a bold guess.


Evil thoughts...


And Dumbledore's disappearance...

is it possible……

Is it related?

His arrival changed history...


It was obvious that the time he traveled to was when he was entering school at the age of 11.

No matter how……

You can't think too much now, you can only continue walking along the journey.

While thinking about it, he waved it casually and used a shot to split it apart...

Something horrifying happened.

The ground in front of him cracked crazily.

Harry Potter swallowed.

He moved away from Ron Weasley: "What do you want?! Give Ron back to me!"

Facing Harry Potter's roar, Ron Weasley looked very confused: "Huh?..."

Three question marks almost appeared above my head.

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