Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 10 This is, war

Prefect conference room

Looking at the seats of seven grades arranged from high to low, and a man sitting opposite.

Ron Weasley took a deep breath: "Let's go, Potter..."

Both of their faces were abnormally red, and their cheeks, ears and neck were all red.

His breath smelled of alcohol.

Both eyes were a little dazed.

Harry Potter also looked a little nervously at the scene in front of him.

Each prefect did not enter alone, they all brought one or two followers with them.

Ron Weasley strode into it.

The tapping sound drew attention to him.

A row of seniors in green clothes raised their eyebrows.

A girl shaking a glass of red wine glanced at Ron Weasley.

"Tsk...this year's freshmen...are not very good. They were defeated by guys from other colleges in just two weeks..."

As he spoke, the people next to him nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it's just embarrassing."

"Don't worry, we will supervise them well and love them when we go back..."

"There will be no next time..."

"Next week, this little lion can go away."


Ron Weasley felt less nervous after hearing the words that seemed to be said to him deliberately, and raised his head and chest.

Go to your seat and sit down.

Although I don’t know what it is like, I pretend to be very skilled.

Harry Potter also came and stood behind Ron Weasley.

Voldemort suddenly appeared and sat down slowly.

Everyone stand up.

Ron Weasley stood up immediately.

"Hail to you, our king..."

"The glory of Slytherin shall live forever!"

"I would die for you!..."

"I will follow your footsteps..."


Seven grades, starting from the seventh grade, say the following sentence one by one.

The prefects of each grade, accompanied by their entourage, swore loudly as if chanting slogans.

When it was Ron Weasley's turn, both of them were a little at a loss.

Ron Weasley pursed his lips and thought for a while: "Glory to...the wizard!!!..."

Harry Potter was stunned for a moment, then seemed to be infected, and shouted loudly: "Glory to wizards!!!"

Everyone was shocked and happy when they saw Voldemort's face...

Glory to the wizard...

This is the slogan of the Supreme Council of Wizards.

"Yes..." Voldemort's voice was very ethereal: "It's... great, isn't it?

Today we welcome a new face.

Weasley, I knew you were different.It starts with... the first lesson, no... on the train, right? …

I would wonder what kind of slogan you would have.Even, like other idiots, they couldn't think of it at the moment.

Your slogan... really surprised me and made me happy... Glory to the wizard! "

chanted, hands raised.

Everyone looked at Voldemort quietly and respectfully.

Voldemort was very satisfied with this order, and then waved his hands and spread them out: "So... let's start... the prefects' meeting!..."

Everyone sat down slowly and started chatting.

I hope some rules will be improved.Targeting a certain Muggle, you don't like him, and you want him to be expelled or killed.

Regarding the adjustment of school curriculum and the teaching of professors.

One process after another continues to pass.

Each grade level provides its own insights and expectations regarding a certain part of the process.

Ron Weasley listened to their report in silence.

The intoxication caused by alcohol continues to pass.

Behind him, Harry Potter was swaying unsteadily.

Voldemort didn't care because there were two drunk people in the last class.

"Let's go... Let's start today's big show..." Voldemort suddenly said and stood up.

Ron Weasley, who had already begun to nod his head, opened his eyes and stood up quickly.

Harry Potter also stabilized his body, and then walked with everyone.

"Where...are we going?" Ron Weasley said a little confused.

Voldemort smiled and said: "Go to a very interesting place. I believe you will like it..."

When Ron Weasley heard this, he didn't ask any more questions and walked together.

Go through the other door to the Prefects' meeting.

Ron Weasley looked at the huge bloody hell-like magic circle in front of him in surprise, and everyone stood up.

"This mission... is to kill all enemies. The location is in the Deux Sèvres province, and the mission is relatively difficult. There are at least [-] Muggles. I will guarantee your lives. My troops will also participate in the battle. But accidents may happen at any time..." Voldemort's voice was ethereal, with a long ending.

"Are we on the front line this time?! Hahaha... I must kill a hundred Muggles!!!" The girl drinking red wine in the prefects' conference room showed an extremely crazy expression, with the corners of her mouth almost split to the base of her ears.

"This idea is so crazy, Nia, you are such a genius." The girl's entourage praised her wildly.

"Deux Sèvres? It's the Muggle frontline. Although the number of people is much smaller, there should be a lot of Holy See troops and Muggle troops there, right?"


"I will use the heads of Muggles who will not surrender to build a beautiful skull throne!"


Their crazy whispers and exchanges made Ron Weasley feel that something was very wrong.

But as Voldemort waved the wand in his hand, everyone laughed wildly and turned into a flash of scarlet light, appearing in another place.

Some looked at the surrounding scenes in horror.

Ron Weasley discovers it's in a...Muggle town.

Many camps are arranged.

There are many soldiers wearing standard armor patrolling.

The moment Voldemort appeared, he waved his wand.

The soul comes out of its shell!

Each soldier rolled his eyes, then pulled out the firearm from his waist and rushed into the camp.

The sound of gunshots kicked off the scene.

Ron Weasley looked at the dead people, he was a little at a loss.

"It's the devil! The devils are attacking again!"

"Lord, protect us!..."


Amidst the roars, the military camp lit up with fire.

The guns kept firing.

To Ron Weasley's slight shock, almost everyone was unafraid.

Waving the wand, spells were fired one by one.

Among them is what Ron Weasley just learned today.

Rotten to disease!

There were bursts of painful wails, and a large-scale plague appeared among the Muggle army.

The rate of infection is abnormally fast.

Each soldier touched his rotting body in pain.

They fell one by one.

The fifth-grade senior, the girl who drinks red wine, has eyes as red as a wild beast.

There are words in the mouth.

Open your mouth suddenly.

Terrifying flames spurted out, flying across the ground, burning all enemies.

Human heads floated up one after another, and there was a floating sharp blade in her hand.

A head was cut off.

It quickly decays and turns into dry bones.

The head was laughing strangely.

Voldemort laughed wildly, waved his hands, and blood spurted out.

The blood is spreading crazily, like a snake or a dragon.

Crazy drilling out of Muggle bodies, and then entering other Muggle bodies.

Crazy, this is unparalleled crazy.

Pythons kept appearing one after another, screaming and swimming, twisting the Muggle soldiers into twists.

Voldemort fired a curse into the sky.

A green skull with a snake coming out of its mouth appeared in the air.

Countless smoke was flying.

Falling to the ground, they turned into Death Eaters.

"Have a party!" Voldemort laughed.

All wizards are going crazy.

The armor on his body reflected the bullets, and black magic was released one by one.

"Frenzy potion, powerful potion, iron bone potion, poisonous potion, oh, this is not for drinking, it is for throwing out." Ms. Enrico Ross waved her wand, collected the corpses on the ground, and kept distributing potions. .

Looking at Ron Weasley, she showed a very strange smile: "Hello, Weasley..."

Ron Weasley shuddered and came back from his daze.

Harry Potter was also startled, and his face turned very pale.

"War..." Ron Weasley spat out the word with some fear.

Voldemort laughed wildly and seemed to hear Ron Weasley's voice. He said: "Yes, this is...war!!!..."


Writer's note (too long)

I recommend to everyone a very good HP novel "Hogwarts: The Dark Arts Awakens"

This is a classic story about a young man who died suddenly within 24 hours and went to the world of Harry Potter to obtain the Azkaban Dark Arts Awakens mobile game.

The writing is fluent, much better than mine

To be honest, I was a little stunned when I opened this book for the first time.

Isn't this the title of my book?

Take a closer look, oh no, it’s the other way around...


About whether Voldemort can defeat Muggles and enslave Muggles.

In fact, I really want to say, yes...

When Voldemort was here, he united many dark creatures, and he himself was very smart and capable.

Words are a strange kind of magic.

Many times you don't need to use actual force, you can just use words to get the Muggles to fight with you.

What's more, there is magic assistance?

In addition, the abnormal temperature and snowfall in half of England after Voldemort's resurrection was accidentally caused by the research of a fifth-grade wizard.

For adult wizards, let’s keep it simple and double it.

One adult wizard can make half of England snow, what about two?What about three?What about ten?What about a hundred?

Many times people's mental state is very strange.

On the one hand, one loves something and constantly exaggerates its strength.

I am also a non-original fan who has watched a lot of fan fiction and movies.

In fact, I have a paragraph later that I want to write, but I can't find the right time.

Voldemort: "Who... can represent us wizards? You, Weasley? You, Harry Potter? Or, a Muggle wizard?! No, no, no..." His expression was strange and crazy: "It's me! Yes We! Purebloods...we are the representatives of the wizards...When we unite our goals, that's when the wizards unite their goals!"

"I don't understand...why do wizards hide?! Muggle persecution?! Hahahaha...so many wizards pretend to be persecuted and have fun...why...we have to hide?!"

"We are wizards, transcending all...the abilities we are born with, and a symbol of our...rights and abilities!"

"Look at your wand and think about your power! We are beyond all things!!! And Muggles are beyond all animals! We are the gods of Muggles! They should have been enslaved by us!"

In fact, the wizarding world is very strange.

Either extremely good or extremely evil.

In fact, it is hard for me to imagine that a group with powerful power would tie up its hands and feet and hide in a dark place.

Wizards are not materialistic, but idealistic.

Because of this, they tend to go to extremes.

I would like to ask, is everyone’s heart mostly filled with madness and darkness, or is it mostly happiness and light?

There is no doubt that black magic is very powerful.

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