Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 129: Constantine Eliminates Three Evils! Explode And Kill The Soul Demon【Please Order In Ful

This reversal was somewhat unexpected by the wizards.

[Ronald: Wait, that is to say, the woman mentioned in the prophecy is Phil’s wife, not Phil?]

[ Harry: Phil is a surname. After marriage, a woman takes her husband's surname, so she is called Phil. There is no problem. 】

[Ronald: So, this person who made a deal with the devil and made a murder record is a real witch?!]

[Ronald: It’s so disgusting, I was almost deceived by this woman’s appearance!]

[ Flitwick: Who would have thought that this guy named Phil didn't have the guts to bear the consequences of his deal with the devil, and actually asked his wife to take action in such a big way? What a scumbag. 】

[Furong: Anton, use a magic spell on it! Such a man is so abominable! 】

The wizards were excited, and Phil's wife also walked out of the darkness. Constantine only felt a little familiar.

This woman looked like someone she had known before.


Constantine said:

"Oh, Audrey, or something, you often come out when we sing."

"What kind of fan is that?"

The woman's expression was stern, and the muzzle of the gun in her hand was raised an inch. Then Zed took advantage of this opportunity to duck and snatch the pistol from her body.

Constantine praised:

"Good work, girl."

"But don't worry, there are no bullets in that woman's gun."

Zed opened the magazine and found that there was no bullet.

She looked at Mrs. Phil doubtfully, but Mrs. Er said bluntly:

"I don't want to kill anyone, especially my childhood idol."

"John, I really liked your old songs."

"Thank you."

"So you liked it so much that you exchanged your soul with the devil and became the devil's little slave."

"Then you become famous by relying on the talent you bought from hell?"

Constantine asked coldly.

Mrs. Phil suddenly lost control of her spirit. She covered her face and sobbed, whispering: "Zero 27" "No! No! That's not the case. What I exchanged is not some bullshit talent, it's Phil's life!"

"I exchanged twenty years of Phil's life!"

Phil and Zed were both confused.

The wizards in the live broadcast room were also confused.

What the hell? How could anyone make such a deal with a demon, exchanging lives for lives?!

[Ronald: Is this woman an idiot? Who doesn’t know that the devil can cheat in transactions. For example, if you want to exchange one day of your life, it will exchange the day of your success! 】

[Ronald: She actually replaced herself for twenty years! She must have been tricked. 】

[ Snape: Shut up, what the woman said seems to be true. 】

[ Flitwick: How do you explain this? Mr. Snape, I just feel that there is no truth in this woman's whole body. Look at her eyes, she seems to be lying every moment. ]

[ Snape: Pay attention, she is right, there is something wrong with her muscles. She is in her thirties at most. How could she have age spots on her muscles? 】

[ Flitwick: It seems like this. Look at her arms. 】

Constantine lit up a cigarette, and Phil beside him was even more excited than him now, and his eyes almost came out of their sockets.

He couldn't understand why he became like this?

"What? What? How is it possible? How could you do it for me."

Phil said coldly:

"Do you still remember that a few years ago, you were hospitalized in a car accident and the doctor said you had at most three or four months to live?"

"That night, a man was found."

"It said its name was Antan."

Constantine took a deep breath of cigarette and said casually:

"Antan, it sounds like the name of a soul trader. This kind of low-level devil will look for desperate people and then make deals with them.'

"He promises to give you everything you want, but in the end, he takes it away."

Phil covered his face and cried bitterly.

"I even thought he was joking, but my husband really got better.

Constantine stood up impatiently.

"Can you show me the contract?"

Phil opened an old book and Zhang Contract came out of the book.

The contract was in the shape of parchment, with words engraved on it that no one could understand.

Constantine only glanced at it and frowned.

"Tellluia script, the language of the devil.

"You've been fooled, Phil."

Phil was stunned.


Constantine raised the contract and placed it in front of Phil's eyes. The words on it were gradually eroding away.

And the row that symbolizes numbers corrodes very quickly, from tens of thousands, to thousands, to hundreds.

"The devil played a little trick on you. Your life number will shrink every day."

"When your life span shrinks to the minimum, the demons from hell will come and take away your soul."

Mrs. Phil's expression turned grim.

"Sure enough, that devil has no good intentions."

Zed said:

"All demons have no good intentions. Making a deal with the devil is letting your own destiny be trampled on."

Constantine rolled the contract into a cylinder, put it on his body, and then said coldly:

"So, Mrs. Phil, why do you regret it?"

Phil was stunned for a moment, then asked:

"You? Where did you see it?"

Constantine said:

"Because Phil is still alive, according to the habits of those demons, they will take him away after he endures the pain and torture."

Mrs. Phil's voice trembled.

"Later, that Antan came and told me that he could help me and that he could take away his soul."

"Give me everything back, including my husband's life."

"As long as I give him that record."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Phil couldn't help but choke up, and even Mr. Phil next to her couldn't help but shake his head.

"Mrs., ma'am."

"What can I say? Even if I die, it won't be more painful than it is now."

Phil shed tears, and Constantine turned away.

The next second, Mr. Phil knelt in front of Constantine.

"Please! John, for the sake of us being on the same stage in the past!"

"Help us! We know you have the power and the connections!"

"I can give you money, I can give you 90% of my assets, I just ask you to help me."

Constantine took a deep breath from his cigarette.

"It's agreed, 90%, and you owe me a favor."

Seeing Constantine agree, Mr. Phil's eyes welled up with tears, and he kept thanking him:

"Thank you! Thank you! Mr. Constantine!"

Constantine stood up and asked Mrs. Phil.

"When is that demon planning to come?"

"It sent me an address and asked me to deliver this thing tonight."

Constantine puffed on his cigarette.

"Tonight? That's fine too."

“It seems like I wasn’t given much time to prepare.

Mrs. Phil hurriedly asked:

"Do you need any help? Mr. Constantine, we can provide you with any amount of money.

Constantine raised his hand to interrupt Mrs. Phil.

"I didn't say it couldn't be done, it's just a little troublesome."

"By the way, a hug for good luck."

Mrs. Phil was a little confused, but she didn't hug Constantine.

During the embrace, Constantine put something into her pocket.

Afterwards, he walked out of the building alone.

There were night lights on outside the city suburb, and Zed asked strangely:

"what sound."

Only then did Mrs. Phil realize that there was some music playing in their mansion.

It's an old song, one that people of their age will never listen to.

The two jumped up like springs and said to Zed:

"It's that blues! That killer record!"

The three of them quickly went upstairs and followed the sound, only to see their little daughter Hannah listening to the murder record in the innermost part of the room.

Dancing to records.

The girl's limbs are extremely weird, as if every joint on her limbs has been nailed, and her limbs are as stiff as a puppet.

Even when her parents called her name loudly from behind, she turned a deaf ear.

Continue to sway her branches along with the weird music.

The Phils were frightened by this strange scene and screamed.

The wizards were amused by this strange scene.

[Ronald: Oh, dancing spell. Wizards who can't dance often use this spell on themselves, but it has little effect. 】

[Flitwick: Five points from Gryffindor for making a malicious joke. 】

[Ronald: Professor Flitwick! For the sake of the two of us chatting often!]

[Flitwick: Mr. Weasley, stop making jokes like this. It's not smart and it's not funny. This girl is in total disaster. 】

[Flitwick: Pay attention to her eyes. Her eyes are in a coma, which means that her mind is being controlled by other creatures. 】

[Snape: Only a small record can release the Imperius Curse. The demons in this world are obviously more dangerous! They are also more greedy! 】

【Ronald: Then Anton will be fine!】

[ Snape: Instead of worrying about Anton, it is better to worry about this little girl. Pay attention to her arm, which has lost its strength. 】

The little girl was still twisting her body to the music. Suddenly, the music paused.

The little girl turned around strangely, and the three people outside the door saw that the girl's eyes had already turned into demonic amber.

The girl's mouth curved into a terrifying arc, and then she started laughing crazily at the two of them.

This laughter filled the whole room, and even the other people in the room felt hairy all over.

This girl is crazy!

At the critical moment, Zed stepped forward, pulled the girl away, and quickly turned off the damn record player.

After being pulled away, the girl gradually regained her consciousness. She looked at her parents in front of her blankly and asked:

"Dad? Mom?"

"What are you doing here?"

Mrs. Phil cried with joy, and then hugged the girl.

"Johanna, my baby, you are okay. Mom is worried about you."

Zed warned in a low voice:

"She's just okay for the time being. It's best to keep a close eye on her, otherwise she's likely to become like that again."

Mrs. Phil nodded repeatedly, then asked as if she suddenly remembered something:

"So, where is John?"

Zed smiled slightly.

"He went to your creditors."

In a dilapidated monastery outside the city, the sound of chanting can be heard from time to time.

“Those who do not believe in the Lord are in trouble!”

"Before the Doomsday Judgment comes, everything will go to hell!"

"Listen up you mortals!"

Hearing these old clichés, Constantine showed disdain, but what he didn't expect was that disgusting devil...

It's actually hidden in this monastery.

The devil is hiding in the monastery, this kind of thing will make people laugh.

But it is a fact, there are indeed demons here.

The further inside, Constantine can feel the uniqueness of the devil.

A powerful force.

He put on the finger tiger and hung a communicator to contact Superman.

If this kid wants to get rough, he doesn't mind calling a friend.

Through a long corridor painted with an inverted cross.

Constantine arrived outside the devil's office.

At this time, the devil's pious sermons were heard in the office.

"You came because you have doubts."

A woman's voice came from inside.

"Sir, I have nothing and no idea of ​​my purpose.

The devil laughed and said:

"Isn't it bad to have nothing? That's a foolish thing."

"Isn't it nice to be able to live without a purpose?"

Constantine couldn't stand hearing it anymore and kicked the door open.

As the door panel fell, a very simple-looking man with gold-rimmed glasses stood out from inside the door.

His eyes were blank, and in front of him was a woman with even blank eyes.

Constantine said to the woman coldly:

"You're lucky if you trade with him later."

"Then you will become firewood in hell for the rest of your life."

The woman was stunned and looked at Constantine with disbelief, but Constantine seemed to have no intention of explaining to her.

He grabbed the devil's collar and walked towards the edge.

During this time the devil kept giving in.

"Let me go! You unbelieving villain! You are blaspheming!"

"You're going to hell when you die! You devil!"

Constantine simply grabbed the devil's neck, making it speechless, and pushed the devil all the way to an unoccupied room.

After entering the room, the devil changed his demeanor and started laughing.

"Look, what I said is true!"

"Hahahaha! You will go to hell after you die!"

"I'm from hell, it's so much fun there!"

Constantine said coldly.

"I usually don't care about you beasts who take advantage of others, but you must tell me."

"How did you lie to that woman?"

The demon laughed loudly again.

"Lie? I didn't lie to her! Wizard!"

"She did everything willingly. She was willing to exchange her husband's life for her own strength."

"Because that's the kind of woman she is."

As he spoke, the demon's body suddenly expanded and began to change from a human form to a demon's grimace.

It began to grow horns, as well as teeth and fangs.

In an instant, Constantine's body was lifted up by the demon, and the demon's neck he was holding was already more than three meters high.

The demon in front of him had a bloody mouth and kept sneering at Constantine.

"How is it, little wizard? Do you know what you got into?"

"For your damn bravery, I decided to eat all the flesh and blood from your 1.5 body."

"And then send your soul to hell."

"How about it?"

Constantine burst out laughing.

"Of all the low-level demons, you are the funniest one I have ever seen."

"Perhaps Hell has expanded its enrollment recently, and Lucifer has recruited a lot of idiots."

The devil was furious, stretched out his claws, and was about to disembowel Constantine.

But Constantine's movements were obviously faster. He swung out a punch and hit the devil's nose with the golden finger tiger, making a big hole in an instant.

The demon burst out with a shocking wail, and the pilgrims jumped off the cliff one after another.

No one thought that such a terrifying sound could come from this peaceful monastery.

Without any spells, rituals or instruments, Constantine used pure physical strength to punch the demon in the face.

After three punches, the soul demon collapsed.

The huge body shrunk into a human form again, and he said in an extremely frightened tone:

"You? Who are you?"

"It's impossible for a wizard to have such power?"

Constantine didn't say much. He grabbed the devil and asked again:

"Tell me, was it you who built the Conilworth mine?"

"Did you kill these innocent people?"

The devil's mouth was bleeding and he no longer dared to tell a lie.

"It's me! It's me.""

"But, I was ordered to cooperate. There are more powerful Libi and Hell to cooperate."

After hearing this exact answer, Constantine punched out without any hesitation.

The enchanted finger tiger smashed into the devil's face, dissipating the devil's last strength.

The old soul demons turned into smoke.

However, this kind of demon is useless to Constantine's collection.

He put on his finger tiger again and said to the wall:

"Mina, come out!"

Behind the wall, Mina slowly walked out.

"Unexpectedly, Constantine, you still found out about me.".

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