Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 126: Tabloid Reporter Clark Kent? Anton Actually Knows Such A Person! 【Please Order In Full】

Cooper's tone gradually became weaker, and every sound seemed to come from the empty hell.

"In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a singer named Murphys who sang blues for a while."

This name was not unfamiliar to Constantine, he said lightly:

"I know, I heard that he died in an accident."

Cooper said hoarsely:

"It was not an accident, but the punishment of the devil, or something else."

"He died after recording this record. Some people say that this record records his experience before his death.

"Some people even say that this record is attached to his soul."

After speaking, Cooper's tone was a little choked, obviously completely affected by this incident.

Zed looked unpredictable, but Constantine smiled, and his smile was quite stern.

"What kind of international joke is this? I can tell you clearly."

"This is just an urban legend. Every city has similar things.

"Haunted records, videotapes that will kill you seven days after watching them, and aliens living among us.

"Believe me, these things are just ordinary legends, and there is no universality. "But Kubo's tone was more resolute. "You don't understand, young man, you have never been exposed to those dark worlds. "Those legends are not just legends." "I have listened to the record with my own ears, and I heard the whispers of the devil in it." "I sealed it up!" Zed asked in confusion: "But, if you have listened to this record, why are you okay?" Kubo lifted his hair, and half of his ear was already black and distorted. Any normal creature would not have such an ear. And any kind of trauma would not turn a human ear into this. Kubo whispered: "I only listened to half of it." "Besides, young man, you are not the first smart guy who thought of this." "Last week, a reporter and a private detective wanted to come here. Hearing this, Constantine asked: "Really? Who do they work for?" "The reporter is Clark, a reporter for the Daily Planet, and the other works for Phil. "

These two names are very unfamiliar to Zed.

Let's put Clark aside for now. That Fei'er is also an unfamiliar name.

They all look like pseudonyms, but Constantine is very satisfied.

The two walked out of the ward, and Zed asked:

"So, what are we going to do now? Find this reporter named Clark? Or that Fei'er?"

Constantine said:

"I will go back to find this reporter. As for you, Miss Zed, I suggest you go to the cabin now and help me get my old pick. '

Zed fainted.

"Pick? What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about it."

The two parted ways, and the wizards understood the whole picture of the whole thing.

Obviously, the second demon that Constantine dealt with was more hidden and insidious than that Lei You kid.

Not only did he commit crimes on the run, but he also obviously affected the safety of the entire area.

He even influenced some Muggles through records.

In terms of treachery, the previous demon son Mammon was simply child's play.

【 Flitwick: Now, at least three forces are looking for this record, and there must be others investigating the record. 】

【 Flitwick: Things are getting more and more complicated. 】

[Snape: It's quite normal to say that, Mr. Flitwick, there is not only one wizard in the magical world, and there are not ten exorcists in Anton's world. 】

[Snape: So having an exorcist come to investigate this phenomenon is actually the right phenomenon. 】

[ Snape: But I'm just wondering why no one has come to Anton until now. 】

[Snape: Also, who hired Anton to investigate the case? 】

[ Snape: There seems to be some thread connecting these things with Anton, including him and Zed. 】

[Flitwick: It seems that we need to pay more attention to the following content. That tabloid reporter Clark may know something. 】

[Ronald: What can a tabloid reporter know? Even for the Daily Prophet, the information he knows is second-hand. 】

[Flitwick: Journalists are very important intelligence agents. Never underestimate them. 】

[ Flitwick: Don’t forget, they were rushing ahead of Anton to investigate this matter. Anton went to them for this reason. 】

[Ronald: That’s why Anton went to such trouble to find a tabloid reporter? 】

[Flitwick: I think this reporter named Clark is not simple. 】

Outside the Daily Planet building, Constantine got on the elevator.

Since it was late at night, he climbed to the top of the building effortlessly.

There are no security guards, but the Daily Planet is still brightly lit.

In an empty office, reporter Clark Kent was writing all night long.

Even when Constantine pushed the door open, he didn't react at all.

Constantin looked at the employee photos on the wall and asked questions.

"Are you Clark?"

The man adjusted his glasses.

"That's right, sir."

"can I help you?"

Constantine took a look at Clark Kent.

Clark's dress is very standard, with black-rimmed glasses and a suit.

He completely looks like a college student, but it is completely different from his elegant appearance.

His arms are extremely muscular, not like a reporter at all, but clearly like an athlete who works out regularly.

The long-term exorcism investigation made Constantine's attention very sharp, and it can be said that he saw this extraordinary difference at a glance.

He quietly took his finger from his pocket and asked:

"Are you investigating that murder record thing?"

Clark pushed up his glasses.

"I think I have no obligation to inform sir."

"If you want to know the news, buy a copy of the next day's Daily Planet.

"If you don't want it, please get out."

The wizards were a little surprised by the tabloid reporter's toughness.

[Ronald: I didn’t expect this big reporter, who looks like a nerd, to be so courageous. 】

[ Harry: Courage? Where did you come from? 】

[Ronald: Think about it, anyone standing in front of Anton would feel scared if he looked like this. But not only was this reporter not scared, he even rejected Anton. 】

[Ronald: If the Daily Prophet met Mad-Eye Moody, he wouldn't even be able to say a single word. 】

[ Harry: That's true, Anton looks a lot like the Silent Man, or an Auror, but isn't that what he does? Wanted dark wizards. 】

[Flitwick: Don't underestimate that tabloid reporter. I always feel that he is not simple, although there is no strength in him. 】

[Snape: The person who can make Anton wear a finger tiger is definitely not an ordinary person. 】

[Ronald: Stop making trouble, this reporter looks like a nerd, how can he be a powerful character. 】

[Hermione: Ronald, please pay attention to your wording. That's called being polite, not being a nerd. 】

[Ronald: Hahahahaha. 】

[ Harry: Stop laughing! Ronald, think about those birds. 】

[Ronald: Ah! Yes! This gentle reporter. 】

[Newt: I have the same feeling. There seems to be something about this man. This is a rare trait. 】

[Newt: I seem to feel something on him. 】

[Voldemort: You all say that, then I would like to know what is on him. 】

[Voldemort: Obviously, that guy has no magic fluctuations in his body and is completely a Muggle. 】

[Newt: But my intuition for so long tells me that he is not as simple as he seems. 】

[ Voldemort: What does that mean? If your intuition works, then the whole world will be a master of magic. 】

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, he immediately felt something was wrong.

This inappropriateness does not come from the group, but from his heart.

For some reason, this nerdy-looking tabloid reporter also gave him an uneasy feeling.

It seems to have more powerful power.

Behind him, Lucius and Regulus were already approaching the entrance of the castle. As long as they took one more step out, they could apparate to Hogmogg Village.

Thinking of this, Lucius was excited, and he knocked Regulus on the shoulder.

"Dude, wait until we get to Hogsmeade."

"We will go to that school immediately and find the wizard named Anton.

"And escape from this sinking ship."

After Lucius finished speaking, he looked excited.

His eyes were full of excitement, and he was obviously looking forward to a bright future.

But Regulus had no such excitement at all. His eyes were even blank and he said to Lucius:

"Is this wizard named Anton really as powerful as you say?"

Hearing this remark, Lucius couldn't even speak. That was Anton.

Just looking at Anton's life on the screen is already a hundred times better than the Dark Lord.

Not to mention, he has just entered Hogwarts and has shown such extraordinary talent.

Lucius just watched the video on the screen a few times and verified a truth.

This mage named Anton is definitely the future leader of the Ministry of Magic.

His talent of seeing the wind for many years has made him perfect at seeing the direction of the wind. He had already secretly made up his mind before other pure-blood families noticed.

Moreover, he wanted to be the first to take action and become familiar with this young and promising wizard.

Not to mention that he also brought a gift, Sirius's younger brother, the second in line to the Black family.

This is equivalent to two families joining forces.

The loyalty is doubled, and the rewards are doubled.

Thinking of this, Lucius's mouth almost twisted into a smile.

But Regulus's expression became hesitant.

"Mr. Lucius, I have something very important that must be handed over to a very important person."

Lucius said nonchalantly:

"Even if they are holding the Three Sacred Artifacts, Master Anton will not take them seriously, so you should be at ease.

"It doesn't matter what you take."

But Regulus shook his head.

"I need to observe, I want to know more about this mage.

So, the two stopped in a corner outside the castle gate and continued to look at the screen.

At this time, Constantine, who had been expelled from Clark, did not leave the office.

Instead, he chose a prominent location in the office and stood there, half-smiling at Clark.

As soon as he entered the door, he had already noticed that there was no magic fluctuation in this reporter's body.

But for some reason, this

The reporter brought him more oppression than the Archangel Gabriel before.

He had to ask clearly.

Seeing Constantine blocking the door, Clark said kindly:

"."In four hours, I'm going to get off work. Sir, if you want to stay here. "

"I won't accompany you."

This eviction order can be said to have written on his face, but Constantine has no intention of leaving at all.

"Sorry, I have a lot to ask before I ask everything I want to know."

"One hundred percent I will not leave."

Clark sighed, his tone gradually approaching helplessness.

"Okay, then look back."

Constantine did not move backward, and the next second, Clark suddenly appeared in front of him.

His windbreaker stirred up a wave of movement, and his movements were even faster than Archangel Gabriel's.

This speed shocked the onlookers.

You must know that this Clark didn't even appear as an afterimage. It was like teleporting, flying from the chair to Constantine's eyes in an instant.

Can a Muggle reporter have such power?!

[Ronald: Is this still a Muggle reporter?! This is not human at all!]

[Flitwick: Why do I sense so much danger in this reporter? He, he is so fast!]

[Flitwick: Just relying on one speed, all the magic spells can't hit him! 】

[Snape: Damn it, I've never seen this kind of speed on any Muggle. Who is this reporter? 】

[ Flitwick: I don’t know, it’s hard to say, there are already too many people with mysteries surrounding them, Zed, the one who gave Anton the money, and this reporter. 】

[Ronald: Then wouldn’t Anton be in danger? 】

[Ronald: Wait, isn’t this man the reincarnation of Gabriel? 】

Clark moved very quickly. He reached out to grab Constantine's shoulders, trying to make him dizzy by shaking him violently.

But Constantine bent down accurately and avoided his shaking.

This greatly surprised Clark. Although he had already calculated the speed and timing of his previous actions, he never expected that "the ten-term mortals in front of him could actually dodge.

This was the first time he saw someone other than Batman Bruce being able to dodge (Li Mo Zhao) his grasp.

Even with this grip, he used it very carelessly.

Superman said seriously:

"Who are you? Bruce sent you?"

"Or someone else?"

Constantine similarly asked:

"What species are you? A hybrid angel or a hybrid demon from hell?"

Clark said:

"I don't understand what you are talking about, I have nothing to do with heaven and hell.

"Now, I'm going to take you to Bruce to clear your memory so that you won't harass me again."

This sentence made Constantine a little confused.

Looking at the little reporter like this, it doesn't seem like he has anything to do with heaven and hell, but his speed is as fast as hell and his strength is simply unparalleled.

You must know that he has strengthened his body with medicine, and his body's various qualities are completely beyond human limits, even a hundred times higher than human limits.

But in his own eyes, this reporter named Clark is still extremely fast.

Are all reporters so fast?

Hearing that the reporter was going to send him to Bruce to clear his memory, Constantine asked:

"Who is Bruce?"

Clark didn't answer, but assumed a fighting posture.

"If you weren't sent by Bruce, you should be from another planet.

"It's a pity that you have good strength, but you have found the wrong person."


Constantine was a little confused by this conversation, just when Clark was about to pounce on him again.

He waved his hand to stop Clark's actions.

"Etc., etc!"

Clark actually stopped attacking and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Clark Kent, the Bruce you are talking about is Bruce Wayne.

"Gotham's millionaire, the playboy's playboy?"

Clark said:

"That's right."

Constantine began to laugh, and laughed without reservation.

"Okay, then I do know him.".

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