Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 115: Magical Genius! A Great Mage From A Muggle Family!

Manny's expression was a little hurt, but he still said stubbornly:

"I can see that this girl's fate is a mystery."

"And your fate is also a mystery."

"Mr. Constantine, please don't stubbornly fight against your fate, as that will only lead to more fate.

While talking, Constantine rolled up the car window impatiently.

Being said like this, Liz was a little confused:

"What fog?"

But Manny had long since disappeared into the rain.

The raindrops continued to fall, and the rain and fog dissipated invisible.

Liz couldn't help but feel curious, and she knocked on the back of Constantine's chair.

"Who is that person? What exactly is the fog he is talking about."

"A nosy angel, they can see people's destiny, but most of them are not accurate."

Liz was a little surprised. In her impression, angels were all murals in churches, or they were purely fictitious words.

But she never expected that she would actually encounter an angel in the real world.

"Mr. Constantine?"

Constantine stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Edgewood Avenue.

Wizards are mostly accustomed to prophecies and destiny, and every wizard will basically encounter a prophecy once or twice.

However, except for Professor Trelawney, the wizards at Hogwarts do not quite recognize the prophet.

Seeing the angel delivering the prophecy in person, the teachers collectively looked at Trelawney, hoping that the queen would say something quietly.

[Trelawney, no comparison, my prophecy is a noble art and an answer to destiny, but to see destiny in person? 】

[Trelawney: I guess only angels can do that. 】

[Ronald: Professor, what did the angel mean when he said that Anton’s destiny is full of fog?]

[Trelawney: First of all, Mr. Weasley, there are about forty answers to the fog, of which twenty-eight are bad, two are good, and about ten are ambiguous. 】

[Trelawney: But judging from what this angel said, Anton's fate is very bad. 】

[Trelawney: It's very bad, so bad that even an angel can't see it. 】

[Harry: Then Professor, what does it mean that one fate will lead to more fates?] 15

[Trelawney: Generally speaking, a huge fate will involve many small fates, just like you, Mr. Potter. 】

[Trelawney: Your fate has changed many small fates, such as Mr. Weiss. 】

[Trelawney: The same is true for Anton. What he insists on doing may affect many, many people, so this is called big destiny, involving small destiny. ]

【Harry: Is that so?】

[ Harry: Then in the future, Anton will meet more people? For example, that girl named Zed? 】

[Trelawney: From my understanding, that's the case, but unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball or a teacup for divination, otherwise I could have seen some more interesting things. 】

[Dumbledore: Thank you, Trelawney, then let us pray for Anton, and pray that his intelligence and magic can solve everything. 】

On the top of the building, the heavy rain had already poured down, and the lightning was hidden in the heavy rain and dimly lit up.

No matter how stupid you are, you know that you can't go out in this kind of weather.

But the security guard from the Power Supply Bureau looked embarrassed. He looked carefully at the man and woman in front of him, and then looked at the weather outside.

"Sir? What kind of meteor shower are you going to observe on a day like this?"

Constantine said:

"Yes, we are fans of the astrology club. This kind of weather rarely interferes with aviation equipment, so it is very suitable for looking up at the stars."

The security guard laughed.

"No, sir, even if I never went to college, I know it's impossible."

"It's a thunderstorm and no one will want to go to the top floor.

Constantine sighed.

He lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It was expected that the thunderstorm would reach its peak for some time.

Fasser will definitely show up at that time.

"Then what do you think we want to do up there?"

The wizards looked anxiously.

You must know that casting magic requires the right time, place and people.

Obviously, in the world where Anton lives, there are no confusion spells and Muggle shielding spells.

Otherwise, this matter would be much easier to do.

The security guard looked at the man and woman in front of him, and his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

"You must be CIA agents testing the latest equipment, right?"

Constantine smiled and tightened the collar of his windbreaker.

"You guessed it right."

The security guard tightened his legs and saluted

"I have also been in the army, I know.

"The way you people dress is a virtue."

"Sir, if you need any help, just ask."

Constantine took out a light bulb from his pocket and handed it to the security guard.

"Remember, if this thing lights up, let us know."


Under the gaze of the security guard, Constantine pulled Liz to the top floor. This building was an old building from the Twin Towers period.

Even the elevator is an old-fashioned wooden-cased elevator. The squeaky elevator goes up to the top floor of the thirteenth floor.

Li frowned at this unlucky number.

As soon as the two opened the elevator door, a heavy rain hit them.

In the dark night of Nuoyue City, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, even to the point where it could hurt people's faces.

Liz felt uneasy about this extremely abnormal rainstorm.

Recalling what Angel said before leaving, Liz became even more uneasy.

"What are we going to do?"

Constantine took out some paint-like things from his pocket and started painting in the heavy rain.

The effect of this paint is obviously very good. Even if there is deep water splash on the roof, the paint-like thing has not been washed away.

Liz took out her mobile phone to illuminate Constantine while observing the patterns drawn by Constantine with interest.

It was an irregular circle with a strange language written on it that she didn't understand.

Although Liz couldn't understand the patterns, she could still feel that there was some frightening power hidden in these patterns.

"This is?"

"The composite formation is composed of Solomon's three-phase coconut formation and Enochian formation.

"If Fasser wants to catch you, it will get caught in the formation."

Liz stood obediently in the middle of the magic circle, the heavy rain gradually getting her hair wet.

"Is this really not going to be washed away?"

Constantine smiled.

"Even the magma from hell cannot annihilate these lines."

Liz stepped on the words under her feet. Indeed, as Constantine said, even if she used a lot of force, she could not erase the words.

Even the very shallow parts of Constantine's paintings cannot be erased.

There is indeed magic in these words.

In the live broadcast room, the teachers were amused by Liz's behavior.

However, Constantine's magic circle opened their eyes. This wizard had never used any pure magic circle before.

Use only spells and magical rituals.

Even at Hogwarts, the study of demons is extracurricular.

Excellent students may dabble in some.

But that's only for top students.

[Flitwick: Yes, the three phases of Solomon are arranged very elegantly, and the characteristic of suppressing demons is retained. 】

[Flitwick: But I can’t see those Enochian words clearly, and I don’t know what they are for. 】

[Ronald: I, I have some doubts about my bloodline. Am I still a wizard? 】

[Ronald: Why can’t I understand this magic circle drawn by Anton? 】

[ Harry: It's okay, it's nothing to be ashamed of, and I didn't understand it either. 】

[Hermione: I, I seem to understand only a little bit. 】

[Snape: Magic circle belongs to the category of advanced magic. You will mention it when it comes to owl in the future, but you definitely can't understand it now. 】

[Snape: Compared with using a magic staff, a suitable magic circle is definitely a killer weapon that a wizard should have. 】

[Snape: Back then, the Witch of the Lake, Morgana, relied on the magic circle to trap Merlin. 】

[Hermione: I know this, but it’s not that I can’t understand Anton’s magic circle. 】

[Dumbledore: Miss Granger, you have always been studious. Solomon's three-phase array was used to seal the ancient demons. It was the three-phase array that was used to seal the seventy-two demon pillars. 】

[Hermione: That Fassser happens to be the ancient demon! But, what does that Enochian text mean? 】

[Dumbledore: Enochian writing is a type of demonic language, and the writing written by Anton is quite rare and quite readable. 】

[Grindelwald: According to Anton’s character, it should be something provocative. 】

【Ronald: Huh?!】

【Harry: Huh?!!】


[ Flitwick: This is too unstable! It’s too unstable! But it does fit his style. 】

[Grindelwald: I appreciate this behavior very much, and it is also a kind of courage. 】

The heavy rain has not stopped, and the Fasser they are waiting for has not yet arrived.

As they got along, Liz already had a lot of curiosity about this mysterious man, and asked:

"Where on earth do you know this? These, magic. Use them first?"

Constantine lit a cigarette. Surprisingly, the cigarette was not wet by the heavy rain.

"I am self-taught. Since I was a child, I have been interested in the occult, heaven, hell, and demons."

"We didn't have many of these things at that time, and we even had bookstores."

"When I was ten years old, I started smoking and made my first magic circle."

The wizards were also very curious about Constantine's past, and when they heard him tell these experiences, everyone took a breath.

There is no doubt that if Master Strange, who became a monk halfway, can be regarded as a true genius, Master Loki can be regarded as a genius with extraordinary talents.

In this life, Anton can undoubtedly be said to be a genius among geniuses!

Of the above two people, Loki was born in the temple, where magic is quite common, and Strange went to the best magic school in the East and received a pure magic education.

It can be said that it is destined that the two of them become great mages.

Look at this Constantine.

Born as a pure Muggle, in a pure Muggle family, no one in the family believes in magic.

Suddenly, a great magician emerged who could fight with angels and demons.

The wizards couldn't help but look at Constantine with admiration.

You know, he is only thirty at most now!

Putting this age here, it is even more outrageous than the previous two methods.

[Flitwick: He is a rare magic genius. He has not received any systematic magic education. He is just a wild boy and has reached this level. 】

[Flitwick: It's a pity that I didn't meet such an outstanding student. 】

[ Flitwick: Wait, Anton. 】

[Flitwick: Each of Anton's previous lives was more talented than the last, and that's Anton now. 】

[Ronald: I no longer

Dare to imagine. 】

[Ronald: Speaking of which, I have seen Anton cast spells, and the silent spell was really great. 】

[Ronald: Several cups were conjured. 】

[ Harry: I remember there was quite a bit of butterbeer, when we were on the train. 】


【Flitwick: What a genius!】

[Grindelwald: Someone entered Hogwarts in the first year and was hailed as the smartest student in the school. Now this title has been given to others. 】

[Dumbledore: I don't mind that. 】

[Dumbledore: I am more interested in the magic array arranged by Anton. This array does not seem to be an ordinary Solomon three-phase array. It seems to have a deeper meaning.


A strange sound suddenly came from the screen, like the sound of electricity hitting the building.

The wizards immediately stopped their discussion and looked at the screen.

On the screen, the lights in Nuoyue City flickered on and off, as if the power of the entire city had been cut off by something.

On the second floor, the security guard stared blankly at the screen of his mobile phone. It was clearly 100% charged, but it didn't light up.

The next second, in his pocket, the light bulb that the man had just given him glowed, which was different from the yellow light of all light bulbs.

The light was blood red, so red it made him feel dizzy.

On the roof of the building, Liz was quite surprised by Constantine's experience and couldn't help but ask:

"You taught yourself magic?"

"Yes, no one taught me."

There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, as if someone was trying to go upstairs.

Constantine put out the cigarette in his hand and stood up.

Liz immediately looked panicked and took a defensive posture.

The door opens and the security guard walks out.

After seeing that the person coming was a security guard, Liz breathed a sigh of relief.

She carefully dissuaded:

"Sir, it's very dangerous now. This building may be attacked at any time. Please don't come up."

Constantine stood in front of Liz and said to Liz:

"Stop talking to him, Liz, he's not the same man anymore."

Liz still didn't understand what Constantine's words meant.

The security guard's eyes suddenly changed color, and the white part was swallowed up by black, turning into a terrifying total black.

The man had a wicked smile on his face.

Walking slowly towards Liz.

Constantine said:

"Really? I should have guessed it earlier. You don't even have a body, and you don't dare to appear in front of us."

The man frowned slightly, and Constantine's words undoubtedly stimulated him greatly.

And Constantine went on to say:

"You're here to see Liz, right?"

"Then come on.

He dodged, revealing Liz behind him.

Lizzie squealed in surprise.

"Mr. Constantine? What do you want to do?"

Fassser let out a grunt of satisfaction.

He rushed towards Liz without hesitation, but his feet had just stepped into the magic circle.

The magic circle began to glow.

Liz was surprised to see that the five-pointed star array originally painted on the ground suddenly became more stylish, and the colors in those arrays gradually rose.

It turned into shaped shackles, and these shackles were wrapped around the monster.

Like a cage.

The monster let out a low growl.

Constantine quickly pulled off the switch, and the next second, the power to the entire floor was cut off.

After the power was cut off, the monster's expression became even more painful, like a mouse whose tail had been cut off.

And Constantine had no intention of letting him go.

He began to chant a mantra.

The spell was like a sharp blade, hitting the demon word by word, and the demon kept roaring.

But it could never get out of the circle constructed by Constantine.

Liz looked at this one-sided battle between humans and demons in surprise.

I was so surprised that I couldn't say a word.

As Constantine's last spell came out, the monster roared and turned into a puff of smoke.

Liz was stunned.


Constantine suddenly stepped forward and said to Liz:

"Back off."

Liz didn't understand why Constantine said that, but she didn't wait for her to finish.

In the smoke, the monster's form appeared again.

And this time.

The monster's appearance actually changed into that of Constantine.

His lips moved slightly, as if he was thinking of something to say. .

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