Hogwarts: more magic than magic



Keiz, who was lying in the school infirmary again, endured the meaningless wailing of Ron lying next to him, held the "Daily Prophet" just delivered by the owl in his hand, and quietly looked at today's headlines.

Another big headline, "Shocked!The special investigator of the Ministry of Magic turned out to be a remnant of the Death Eaters! ", the subtitle is "The savior Harry Potter once again sees through and prevents the dark wizard from stealing the Philosopher's Stone! "

The dynamic image in the newspaper is that Mr. Kuhn, who has no hands or feet, is wrapped up into a dumpling and lying on a hospital bed in St. Mungo's Hospital.The only remaining hand was handcuffed to suppress the magic power, and it should not have woken up yet.On the left and right sides of the hospital bed, two Aurors sat meticulously, probably sent by the Ministry of Magic to watch him.From the window of the ward, Umbridge can still be seen being surrounded by reporters.

Chiz also saw his name in the specific news content, but it seemed that he appeared as a hostage.But he didn't care that Harry stole his limelight, this was a tacit understanding of working with Dumbledore.

Thinking of the two Aurors who came to understand the situation before, Keiz smiled. It was obvious that they knew him, the little wizard who had scolded their boss.Of course, there was not too much inquiry, I believe Dumbledore has already dealt with it.

Dumbledore had visited them once to remind him not to worry about Kuhn revealing the details of what had happened that night, he had already taken care of it.

Keez believed in Dumbledore's tricks, either Kuhn would never wake up, or he would lose the memory of the night when he was subdued after waking up.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Keiz recalled what he saw in the Mirror of Erised at that time, and began to think about something.

It has been a long time since he came to this world, and he has been reflecting recently.

"Regaining another chance at life for what?
What kind of person are you?

What kind of person are you going to be?

Can I go back to the world I used to be?
Do you still want to go back to the previous world? "

These questions already had some answers after he saw the picture in the Mirror of Erised.

I can't go back, and I don't want to go back. I want to live well in this world, and live as Chizzy Burton!

Because of the help of the simulator, power, wealth, and status are at his fingertips.As long as he wants, there is basically nothing he can't get.So, what kind of person will he end up becoming?Do you follow in the footsteps of others, wandering with the tide, or create a new world, wear everything recklessly, and do what you want to do?

Keez had the latter in mind, of course, and he had put it into practice.

In the simulation, in fact, the talents, skills, etc. obtained in the end are not the most important, the most important thing is that he can see a corner of what may happen in the future.

Although based on previous experience, what happens in the simulator does not necessarily happen, and what does not happen in the simulator does not necessarily not happen!But the simulator provides a big trend in the future, as long as you find this context, you can go to a higher level, no matter what you want to do!
The simulator had just finished collecting a little energy as he rolled over in the hospital bed.

Just right!Qiz reflected on the previous battle with Kuhn and the process of his own injury. He had some ideas, and he planned to use up a little energy he had just collected, and do another simulation to see if he could create a more practical and suitable combat magic for him?
"Simulator, according to my idea just now, start the simulation!"

【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

[Day 0, you lie on the bed in the medical room and start to conceive and create a new magic that suits your own fighting style.

Due to the double blessing of talent (unyielding) and potion, your injury healed very quickly, and you can already apply for discharge from the hospital.

But Madam Pomfrey insisted that you lie down for an extra day, and you had to spend an extra day in the school infirmary with the howling Ron. 】

[On the first day, you began to collect information on the study of magic spells such as copying spells, iron armor spells, and summoning spells. 】

[On the second day, you started to organize the manuscripts left by Ravenclaw, but the manuscripts were seriously damaged due to the erosion of time, and the progress was extremely slow.

You scour everywhere for information on creating new spells. 】

[On the third day, sort out the manuscripts left by Ravenclaw, but the manuscripts were seriously damaged due to the erosion of time, and the progress was extremely slow.

Search around for information on creating new enchantments.

Spent the whole day at the Room of Requirement after class. 】

[In the first week, when sorting out the manuscripts left by Ravenclaw, you found a lot of extremely important knowledge about creating new spells in the manuscripts, and you devoted most of your energy to sorting out these broken manuscripts.

You spend almost every day in the Room of Requirement after class, except for Potions class days.

After Snape received Dumbledore's instruction, although he would still target you slightly, he would not deliberately hinder your actions. 】

[In the second week, Harry and the others were invited by Hagrid to watch the hatching of the dragon egg,

They invite you to come with them, and you decline.

Diligently research ways to create new enchantments.

You spend almost all your spare time in the Room of Requirement, and have finished sorting out a small number of Ravenclaw manuscripts. 】

[In the third week, you learned in the chat after class that the dragon egg hatched by Hagrid was sent to the protected area where Ron's brother was by Harry and others, but they were also fined to patrol the Forbidden Forest for visiting Hogwarts at night.

You have gained a lot of useful knowledge from the completed manuscripts, and you have some ideas for the creation of new magic. 】

[In the first month, you read in the Daily Prophet that the Death Eater Kuhn woke up from a long coma, and under interrogation in Aurorland, he confessed to his crimes and his identity as a Death Eater.

You have completed a small part of the Ravenclaw manuscript, and you have gained more knowledge from it, and you have the initial direction for the creation of new spells.

Because of working too hard, Judith can hardly find you during this time, and occasionally loses his temper with you every time he meets you at school. 】

[In the second month, according to the original research direction, you made a four-dimensional product and almost blew yourself up.

Most of the finishing work on the Ravenclaw manuscripts is done.

Because of your two outstanding performances in the Daily Prophet, many Slytherin pureblood wizards came to trouble you from time to time, and you responded with your fists and taught them enough lessons.

The Easter holidays are approaching, and Judith invites you to come home with her, but you decline. 】

[In the third month, the Easter holiday ended, and Judith disappeared while returning home.

You found Dumbledore and explained the cause and effect of the matter, but because there is no evidence, Dumbledore can't help you too much in this matter.

Grieving and angry, you crazily took revenge on those pure-blood students at school, and wrote to Lucia about your guess.

Research has made no progress. 】

"Again! It's really annoying! Didn't I just take one of your boxes? As for chasing them so hard?" Chiz was also very speechless about this organization, "It seems that I can only go back with Judith on Easter and find something for them to do, otherwise these people will always stare at themselves and the people around them.

Qiz remembered that in the last simulation, he went back and caused some trouble for them, destroying several of their secret hiding places, so they didn't come out to make trouble again. He didn't expect to come out to make trouble again this time.

It seems that they really can't be left idle, and they must not be soft on these people.

[In the fourth month, the end of the semester is approaching, and you don't even have time to review.

Blanca wrote to you to inform you that Lucia disappeared during the investigation.

You are even more angry, and decide to ignore the outside world and concentrate on researching new magic.

In an experiment, you activated the magic spell by mistake, and the powerful magic backlash seriously injured you.

Dumbledore sent you, who was in a deep coma and seriously injured, to St. Mungo's recuperation.

You are badly injured, there has been an irreversible magic eroding your body, and (Unyielding) cannot repair the damage in time. 】

[In the first year, you were in a coma for half a year in St. Mungo, and you woke up again after the doctors eliminated the rioting magic power in your body and the mutation caused by the wrong spell.

But you can't use any spells at this time, not even Animagus.

You become an ordinary human with a disability.

Research cannot continue. 】

[In the second year, with the efforts of the doctors, it took you a whole year to barely regain one-tenth of your former magic power.

Efforts to rehabilitate, research cannot continue. 】

[In the third year, you finally returned to Hogwarts.

You are determined not to pay attention to any external things, and concentrate on continuing to study the new spell, but you have lost most of your magic power, and it is even more difficult for you to study this new spell.

You finished sorting out Ravenclaw's research manuscript, and discovered the secret, or surprise, left to you by Ravenclaw.But researching new spells takes up most of your energy, and you don't have time to bother with it.

You find that Scabbers has left Ron.

Because Tom Riddle's diary has been destroyed by Harry using the basilisk's teeth, you can't enter Voldemort's Room of Requirement to find Ravenclaw's diadem.

Several other Horcruxes are also unobtainable to you in your current weakness, so you decide not to mind your own business. 】

[In the fourth year, after careful consideration, Dumbledore decided to personally take out the heirloom ring hidden in the Gaunt's old house. You reminded him before he acted, but he was still tempted by the resurrection stone embedded in it. . .

Dumbledore was killed by Draco Malfoy.

Through your dogged perseverance and assiduous research, you have made great progress in the creation of new spells. 】

"Oh, it's very annoying! Dumbledore is gone again, and the plot has returned to its original place!" Seeing this, Qi Zi sighed slightly, and then continued to look down.

[In the fifth year, the newly created spell has taken shape, but the magic power in your body cannot support the consumption of the spell.

You were expelled by the new headmaster, Snape, for breaking the unity of the students and harming the pure-blood students.

Voldemort seemed to sense a piece of his remnant soul, trapped in something by you, and ordered the Death Eaters to hunt you down with all their might.

You are hiding around in a wizarding mystery. 】

[In the sixth year, Blanca took you to the Muggle world to avoid the death eaters.

The mysterious organization has been watching your whereabouts, and after you finally settled down, they sent people to attack you.

Blanca tried her best to kill the attackers and send you away.

After optimization, the newly created spell has practical value, but the magic power in your body still cannot support the consumption of the spell.

You dare not go back to the wizarding world and hide around in the Muggle world]

[In the seventh year, you, who were hiding around in the Muggle world, received the news that Harry Potter had fought Voldemort and won.

You decide to go back to the wizarding world and collect information about the mysterious organization. 】

[In the tenth year, through natural growth and some potion supplements, the magic power in your body is enough to successfully cast the magic spell that created you.

Following the information about the mysterious organization you have searched over the past few years, you destroyed their strongholds one by one.

While their men were scattered all over the wizarding world looking for you, you stormed the three pure-blood houses.

When you were about to kill the last pure-blood family, the son of the demon god appeared.

You use the newly created magic to create a clone with all the power of your knight. You entrust your sanity to the clone, and the main body becomes an obscurant, and opens the talent (mechanical heart) to start a war with the son of the devil.

In the end, because the magic power to maintain the clone was insufficient, the clone automatically dissipated. The Son of the Demon God took advantage of your weakness of not being able to think normally in the (Mechanical Heart) state, and gave you a heavy blow. 】

[This simulation is over and the settlement is in progress. . . 】

"Another horrific simulation!" Qiz, who was lying on the bed, mourned for himself in the simulation, and then put his hands together and prayed to someone, "Simulator! Simulator! You need to give some strength! The reward this time must have the clone magic!"

[Settlement completed, please choose one of the following three rewards]

[1. (Iron Armor Clone Curse Lv2): A super-large special compound spell composed of copying spell, iron armor spell, summoning spell, etc., tailor-made for you.It can create an armor clone with the same physique and strength as the original body, which lasts for 25 minutes, and can attach thoughts to it.Each use costs at least 25 units of mana.Note that the clone cannot use magic power. The amount of magic power consumed when using the spell determines the duration of the clone, with a minimum of 25 units, but the knight rank obtained from training can be transferred to the clone.

2. A finger of the son of the devil was blown up: when it was blown up, it just flew into your arms. 】

"Great!" Keiz almost jumped up from the hospital bed in joy, "Choose one!"

Looking at the brief introduction provided by the simulator, and carefully feeling the knowledge that has been instilled in his mind, Qiz felt that this wave was really worthwhile. Although this spell is different from what he thought, it is already very good to be able to do so. After all, it can be improved and perfected in the future!

He happily looked at the memory of this new spell in his mind over and over again, this should be called real magic!

He can't wait to think about the Room of Requirement, and try the combination of this new spell and the Obscure form!
However, Madam Pomfrey's order was that he would not be discharged from the hospital until at least tomorrow.

Tonight is another sleepless night!
 Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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