Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

After reading some of the books left by Ravenclaw, Qiz has been thinking about something these days, and he himself can't figure out what he wants to do because he has no direction.

Maybe it's time for a History of Magic class!

The thought that was hidden deep in his heart seemed to come out at any time, but something was missing. It has been bothering him for the past few days, and he couldn't understand it, so he simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on dealing with the next thing.

Not to mention the troubles in her heart, Qiz had a pretty good life these days. Since she gave Judith half of the "stolen money", she would bring him a lot of snacks every day.

Of course, from time to time, he would share some of the endless snacks with Harry and the others, such as now.

"Kiz! Judith is so kind to you! I bring you so much delicious food every day." In the corridor of the transfiguration classroom, Ron stuffed his mouth with the snacks that Kiz had just distributed to him, and said vaguely, "If only I had such a rich and kind adoptive sister! It's a pity that my family has too many brothers and sisters. My parents won't agree to adopt another sister. My brothers won't treat me so well!"

"Eat yours! What's the use of having another adoptive sister?" Hermione rolled his eyes at him, biting the cake that Kizz gave her.

"I'm quite envious too, you know my cousin Dudley will always just take away my things!" Harry echoed, chewing on jerky.

"Thanks to Judith for that!" Keiz responded.

"By the way! Didn't you guys say you had some new discoveries before? Tell me, see if I can help you?" Chiz led the topic to the matter about the Sorcerer's Stone that they have been investigating recently.

"Like what I told you last time, Professor Snape seems to have a plan for something hidden in the school. Harry saw Professor Quirrell and Professor Snape arguing in the corridor that night, and Professor Quirrell disappeared shortly afterwards!" Hermione lowered her voice. "I guess Professor Snape is most likely responsible for Professor Quirrell's disappearance. He silenced a professor in order to get what was behind the door!"

"Wait a minute, not here!" Harry said carefully, looking around, "Let's find an empty room and go there to discuss..."

Harry was sure Peeves was not in the house before he turned and closed the door, and told Keez what he had learned.

"Well, I got a present for Christmas, and it was a." Harry began talking about his father's invisibility cloak, and it took him a long time to finish.

"We went to Hagrid's hut to ask Hagrid two days ago, and he accidentally slipped his mouth, which is why we know that thing is the Philosopher's Stone." Hermione added.

"When Harry visited Hogwarts on Christmas night, he overheard Snape asking Quirrell if he knew how to get past Fluffy - and mentioned Quirrell's 'secret little trick'", Keiz repeated along with the information they got. "So the thing in the door is the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape wanted to force Quirrell to help him get the stone?"

"Yes! That's it!" Harry nodded, "And after Professor Quirrell rejected Snape, he disappeared, that is, when you came back from Christmas and after your accident in the Forbidden Forest!"

Hermione went on to add, "We guess that besides Lu Wei, there are probably other institutions guarding the stone. There may be a lot of magic and witchcraft. Maybe Quirrell cast some anti-Dark Magic spells, and Snape needs to dispel them—"

Chez was a little funny. Although he had solved Voldemort and Quirrell, he would not tell the real inside story. After all, this should be part of the new test arranged by Dumbledore.

"You mean the Philosopher's Stone is safe only if Quirrell can resist Snape?" Harry asked in panic, thinking of something.

"Professor Quirrell has been missing for almost two weeks," said Ron.

"Did you tell anyone about this guess? For example, the professor, the principal, or the investigator?" Keiz asked back.

"No, it's not, they won't believe us!" Harry was agitated, "Like Hagrid! He keeps warning us not to doubt a professor."

"Okay! So what direction do you guys have? I mean how do you want to stop Snape's conspiracy?" Keez asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe it's a good idea to leave him alone!" Ron finally had a chance to say a word, but Hermione stepped on his foot immediately and let out a wail.

In fact, he, Qiz, didn't particularly want to participate in the wonderful adventure of these three people, nor did he want to appear in Dumbledore's sight, but because he had a moment of brain fever before, he did something to kill Quirrell and Voldemort's remnant soul.

He has now entered Dumbledore's eyes, and Dumbledore is determined to try him this time, so no matter how hard he hides, it's useless.

In the simulation conducted yesterday, he had already tried it. Even if he hid well, Judith would be clearly arranged by Dumbledore to drag her into this incident with various accidents.

Keiz thought about it for a while, and felt that since he would definitely be dragged into the water, he might as well jump in by himself. At least he had some autonomy, and at least he could get Judith out.

That's why I had a conversation with Harry and the others today.

"We may have to remind that investigator!" According to the solution obtained in the simulation, Keiz directed the attention of the three little ones to Mr. Kuhn, the special investigator of the Ministry of Magic. "Isn't he here specifically to investigate the disappearance of Professor Quirrell? Maybe his attention can bring a turn for the matter!"

"Maybe it's a good idea!" Hermione took Keiz's words and said thoughtfully after thinking about it for a while, "Let's do this! I'll write him a report letter, which one of you will bring it to him?"

"Maybe we can leave the letter by his office door!" Ron suggested.

I believe that the new BOSS that Dumbledore introduced to replace Voldemort's remnant soul and Quirrell will like the arrangement of Qizi.

He has already verified this in the simulation, which is equivalent to giving Dumbledore's plan a push, and then it depends on Dumbledore's reaction.

Soon, Hermione's report letter was written. Taking advantage of the lunch break, when no one was there, several people came to the door of the special investigator of the Ministry of Magic, and stuffed the envelope containing the report on Snape into the door.

After finishing these, San Xiao only walked forward with some guilty conscience, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

Keiz followed them leisurely, calmly waiting for the imminent response.

Not long after they had just placed the letter at the special investigator's door, the group walked to the corner of the corridor.

"Why don't we ask Hagrid's opinion again? After all, he has been involved in this matter since the beginning of school, and no one knows the whole thing better than him!" Hermione suggested again.

Before anyone answered, a familiar figure appeared in front of them, it was Professor McGonagall!
The three little ones were startled immediately with a guilty conscience.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Only Chiz was not surprised, because he had already foreseen it in the simulation.

In the simulation, once he participated in the actions of the three little ones, Dumbledore seemed to foresee everything that would happen in the future, and also asked Professor McGonagall to invite him to the principal's office for an in-depth discussion.

"Ladies! Gentlemen! You don't have much time for lunch break. Do you want to waste it all in the corridor?" Professor McGonagall stood still in front of them, criticized the three of them, and then turned to Keez, "Mr. Keez! Mr. Dumbledore wants to see you again. He seems to have something to talk to you alone. Please come with me!"

"It's okay, I think Mr. Principal just wanted to chat with me!" Keiz showed a relaxed expression to the three, "Go ahead and do your thing, don't worry about me."

Professor McGonagall was walking quickly in front, her dark green robe fluttering in the wind, and the students who saw them in the corridor hurried away to both sides, and they all started talking after they walked not far away.

Soon, they came to the familiar door, and Professor McGonagall said today's password, "Mango ice cream!"

"Mr. Keez! Go in by yourself, Dumbledore is waiting for you inside!" As he spoke, Keiz followed the direction of her finger and walked into the door where a griffin statue was placed. Following Professor McGonagall's command, a set of stone stairs gradually stretched out from the ground, leading him to rotate up.

"Long time no see, Mr. Keez!" In the office, Dumbledore was working at his desk. He was writing quickly with a quill in his hand. On his desk, there were the same three quills floating, writing something quickly on the laid paper.

"Don't be nervous! Sit over there! Chez, I just want to have a brief chat with you. You should know, right?" Dumbledore stopped what he was doing, pointed to the sofa with his left hand, adjusted his glasses, and glanced up at him. "You're special, you can see that, right?"

"Of course, if you don't want to talk about it, it can also be a simple afternoon tea. Would you like some ice cream?" He continued.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Principal, um." Chez smiled, and thought for a while, "Give me a blueberry ice cream! The happiness brought by sweets can calm people's mood. Let's have a good chat after I finish eating!"

Dumbledore raised his left hand that was pressing the scroll, and a piece of blueberry ice cream appeared on the coffee table in the office, "Please take it easy, Mr. Keez, I still have some work to do, you can eat slowly!"

He ate neither fast nor slow, and about half an hour later, when Dumbledore stopped his work, the ice cream in his cup just bottomed out.

Dumbledore stopped what he was doing, put the four quills back on the shelf, rolled up the scrolls and handed them to the owl to take away, and began to look at Keez with interest.

"As you think, I can see it, and I'm still trying to change it!" Keiz took out a handkerchief that Judith gave him, wiped the cream around his mouth, and began to speak generously.

"Say something about Mr. Quirrell?"

"I think that's what I did, Mr. Headmaster!"

"So what do you want to do next?"

"Frankly, I'm...not sure!"

"Then Mr. Keez, I solemnly ask you, can I trust you?" Dumbledore suddenly became serious.

"Mr. Principal, you never have to worry about my position, at least I won't hurt Harry and the others!" Keeze sat up solemnly, looking straight into Dumbledore's eyes.

"Okay! I know, what you're seeing isn't particularly pleasing, is it?"

"Yes, Mr. Headmaster! As you might expect, it didn't appeal to me that much, so I took a shot and wanted to change something."

"Okay, I probably understand. I know you are a good boy, Mr. Keez. But sometimes you have to do what you can, don't you?" Dumbledore seemed to hesitate, but immediately changed his tone. "After all, you are still so young, so you don't have to take too much responsibility. I mean, if you want, go ahead and do it!"

"I'm already very old. As an old man over 100 years old, it seems that I should let go! But I'm still a little worried, so how about taking this as a test? It's for Harry and the others, and it's also for you!" Dumbledore's old eyes shone brightly, "Do you know? Mr. Keez, if you can do it, I mean let it go! Let me see."

"I see, Mr. Principal!" Keiz relaxed his straight waist, and then asked, "What about Harry and the others?"

"Don't pay too much attention to them, I have arranged a few small games for them, and they will gain something from these games!"

"May I ask a question? Why Kuhn?"

"The Ministry of Magic can't be trusted, it is, and it always will be. They need to have a memory."

Just such an old silver coin over 100 years old, and a small silver coin that is developing in that direction, reached a vague cooperation agreement in the principal's office.

"Mr. Principal! If there is nothing else, I will leave first. There are still some things to arrange later!"

"Okay, Mr. Keez! I wish you all the best!" Dumbledore nodded, then immediately raised his hand and tapped his head, snapping his fingers, "Look at me, it's not good when I'm old, I always forget things."

"Hold it!" A key appeared out of nowhere and fell on Keiz's shoulder.

"This is?"

"A door leading to the destination. After all, the front is a game for children. If it is destroyed, it will be bad!"

"Oh! That's it!" Chiz finally understood a question that has been bothering him, that is - how did Quirrell manage to only put Lu Wei to sleep, and then walked to the Mirror of Erised without destroying any levels.

"What's the matter?" Dumbledore was puzzled by Keiz's sudden exclamation.

"It's all right, Mr. Dumbledore, I just figured out something I didn't think of before."

"Then go! Be careful! Remember my words and do what you can." He urged again.

Keiz waved his hand, put the keys away, and walked out of the principal's office.

 It's easy to do things after registering with the official, isn't it?
  Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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