Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 34 Ravenclaw's Treasure

Chapter 34 Ravenclaw's Treasure

In the next few days, Qiz went to the 'Room of Requirement' to test the two new Animagus abilities. Generally speaking, this was of great help to him. If he had these abilities when he met the 'Divider', he would have given him a silent death collision as soon as he met him. I believe that even if the 'Divider' did not die, he would lose half his life.

It is worth mentioning that Keiz also tried to use magic while transforming silently.For some reason, although he could feel the magic power in his body that was countless times stronger than normal, he couldn't cast any spell, even the simplest "fluorescence flickering".

At first, Qiz thought that he couldn't cast the spell in the (mechanical heart) state, but after trying a few times, he found that as long as he didn't change into the obscurant form, he could cast the spell no matter which talent he opened.

Only then did he determine that the problem was caused by silence, so he gave up trying in this regard, and started wandering around the school every day after class, hoping to find the treasure of Ravenclaw.

But after several rounds of searching, nothing was found, not even the secret room where he was hiding in the simulation.

He thought that maybe only the silent person's special senses could discover what Ravenclaw was hiding, so he planned to transform into a silent person once and take a look around the school.

certainly!It must be when the professors and students are least.

So what better option than a night tour of Hogwarts?
After spending a long time figuring out the time and route of Filch's night patrol, figuring out the rules of Peeves' night wanderings, and excluding other dangers, Keiz made a plan to find the treasure.

On Saturday night, he stayed in the "room of request" early and didn't even return to the common room.

When the scheduled time came, he came to the corridor.First, I added a phantom spell to myself, then turned into an obscurant, opened the (mechanical heart) to prevent the obscurity from running amok, followed the route set before, and started to tour the castle.

Fortunately!During this period, he didn't encounter Filch or other situations, otherwise he would really be afraid that his silent behavior would get out of control and blow up half of the castle.

In the (mechanical heart) state, he can hardly think about any problems, and can only mechanically execute the pre-set programs, so he just records everything he 'saw' along the way, and returns to a safe place to analyze and check.

It took him almost half of the night to walk through every corner of the castle, and it was almost dawn when he returned to the Room of Requirement.

He stiffly came to the door of the "Room of Response", the (mechanical heart) automatically closed, Qizi's mind quickly returned to his body, and before Moran lost control, he hurriedly exited the Obscure state.

"Hoo!!!" Chiz returned to the Room of Response, and as soon as he looked at the pictures obtained by his memory, he was startled by the scene in his memory.

In the memory of the Obscure, he 'saw' a completely different Hogwarts. This ancient castle was densely packed with traces of various spells running. On the ceiling, inside the walls, and under the stone slabs in the corridors, there were runes that he had never seen before.

Forget about the ubiquitous runes and charms, only look at the hidden secrets.

"I didn't expect it! There are so many things hidden in familiar places!" He discovered many secrets that the naked eye had never seen before.

In my memory, almost every corridor and every classroom that Chiz passed through would hide some little secrets that cannot be seen with the eyes.

For example, he saw the entrance to the Slytherin Chamber in the girls' bathroom on the third floor.

There are also secret passages and their entrances that are ubiquitous in many schools.

He even found an unknown bone in the wall of the Transfiguration classroom.

Behind a portrait in the corridor, I saw a secret laboratory that has never been opened, etc.

In addition to these, there are countless other unrevealed secrets.

Most importantly, he saw a huge basement that he had never seen before under the corridor near the Potions classroom, and Keiz had no memory of an entrance nearby.It seems that there is also a big thing covered with runes and spells hidden in it, and is tightly bound by thick iron chains covered with runes protruding from all directions in the room.

It swelled and shrank, as if it was still alive, and the faint breath made Mo Moran floating above Qizi's body become unstable.

Keiz guessed that this was the monster in the simulation that could destroy half of the wizard's secret realm.Its existence may be the real reason for the anti-apparition spell at Hogwarts.

In fact, he really wants to explore these secrets, but he is afraid of getting into trouble, so he should play it safe and explore one by one in the simulation!
But the most important thing is that he did not find the so-called 'Ravenclaw's treasure' in any of these places, at least there is no secret location that can be seen as Ravenclaw's treasure at a glance in the simulation.

There are a few places that look like treasures, but it is more appropriate to say that they are garbage dumps than treasures.

After Keiz ruled out the possible locations one by one, none of them fit the name 'Ravenclaw's Treasure'.

He was puzzled, "Except for the principal's office and the teacher's office, the entire Hogwarts has been transferred."

"No! There is also a common room!" Qiz immediately reacted, "Yes! Also, if you stay in it for most of the day, who would have thought that the common room that is most likely to be explored by little wizards will have hidden treasures!"

Keez immediately left the Room of Requirement and returned to the Ravenclaw common room.

He first cast a silent spell on himself before carefully entering the lounge. He walked around the activity room in the common room, but found nothing.

Then, after he roughly gave (Mechanical Heart) an order to go around the activity room, he became an obscurant.

"It really is here!" Kez looked at the three-dimensional image formed by the senses of the Obscure in his mind. Not only did he find a tiny secret room nearby, but he also found a small metal door with Ravenclaw's exclusive eagle logo printed on the wall not far away.

If nothing else, the treasure location should be inside this small metal door.

Keeze walked to the wall and cast a silent spell over a large area with a wave of his wand.

Then he pointed his wand at the wall, and a ball of fire shot out from the tip of the wand and landed on the wall, blasting a big hole in the wall.But even so, he still hadn't seen the small metal door behind him. He waved his wand again, and the sharp blades slashed fiercely at the wall without a shadow.

As pieces of earth and rocks fell, the wall gradually receded, leaving a bigger and bigger hole, and after a while, the small metal door in the wall was exposed.

The reason why it is called a small door is because this door is shorter than Qizi, and it can only be entered by one person sideways.

The door is covered with rust spots, and there is an eagle head embossed in the center of the small door. This should be the living spirit that guarded the door before, but it has lost the ability to move due to too long time or some other reason.

He tapped the iron head with his wand, but didn't get any response, so he waved his wand and cast an unlocking spell. There were a few light clicks on the small door, and there was a gap between the small door and the door frame, and a puff of smoke and dust came out from the gap.

It took Keez a lot of strength to push the heavy iron door open, and the hinges of the door creaked, making his ears hurt.If it weren't for the large-scale silent spell, the sound would not be able to pass through, and everyone in the common room would have to be woken up.

Keiz endured the flying dust and squeezed himself through the door.

It's dark inside!

"Fluorescent flashes!"

A bright light instantly illuminated the entire narrow space. It was even narrower than the secret room that Qiz discovered just now, and the ceiling was only one head higher than Qiz.The approximate area is less than two square meters.

There was nothing inside except a dusty box.

As a 'treasure' left in the simulator, it doesn't seem to be worthy of its own identity.

He stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the box, trying to pull the box out, but he didn't expect that with just a slight force, the box fell apart. Once the box fell apart, a whole box full of old books was revealed.

Keiz was taken aback, "Restore as before!" Hastily cast a restoration spell to return the box to its original appearance.

Then he used the floating spell to gently move the box out of the small space and put it on the floor of the activity room. Keiz used the repair spell again to repair the wall that he had damaged.

Then he carefully used the floating spell to gently transport the wine box back to his room.

After casting a silent spell in the room, the box was gently opened, and with the help of the fluorescent flashes, the contents of the box began to be sorted.

First of all, a letter was placed on the top. Qiz carefully unfolded the letter, which seemed to be broken at any time. The text used on it was slightly different from the modern one, but Qiz could still understand it.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Rowena Ravenclaw

Dear little wizard:
I may be long dead by the time you read this, but that doesn't matter!Originally, this door could only be discovered ten years after my death.

Whoever you are, it is my pleasure to congratulate you on the wealth I have accumulated throughout my life.

If you've seen what's in the box, don't be surprised, and don't think I'm lying.

Because knowledge is my most precious wealth, this box contains the manuscripts and research results I have accumulated throughout my life.

Dear little wizard, once again congratulations on passing the kitty test. This proves that you are an extremely smart child and qualified to inherit my inheritance. Although I have left most of my knowledge in the library of Hogwarts, I have left some interesting things in this box that I cannot disclose.

If you have a strong desire for knowledge, then explore these manuscripts I left you first!I hid a surprise inside, if you can study all these books thoroughly, you can get it!

Hope you enjoy this gift, try it!Little wizard!

Head of Ravenclaw House (female)
Sincerely, Rowena Ravenclaw

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Who is the little eagle? What test?" Chiz looked at the contents of the book and was very puzzled. At first he thought he had read it wrong, but later he realized that the little eagle should be the eagle head statue on the door, but it was damaged for some reason and lost its magic power.

"Time really can take away everything, even the things left by the mighty Ravenclaw will be obliterated by time!" Qiz sighed in his heart.

"No!" He quickly remembered that both the basilisk left by Slytherin and the Chamber of Secrets have always existed without any wear and tear from time.Even the basilisk has become more powerful in the process of shedding its skin again and again.

It doesn't make sense that as something left by Ravenclaw at the same time, it will be worn by time, and Ravenclaw said in the letter that the door could be discovered ten years after her death. It is impossible for such an obvious secret room to be hidden behind the wall of the common room for more than 1000 years.

There is only one explanation, someone must have tampered with it.

Qiz recalled the scene recorded in the silent state in his mind. When he focused his attention on the wall and swept across it, he didn't immediately find the small door. Instead, he 'saw' the small door behind when he focused his attention on the wall again.

"Sure enough, someone has tampered with it! Fortunately, just to be on the safe side, I set it to check twice, otherwise I would really miss it." Qiz was very puzzled, why would someone discover what Rowena left behind and not take it, instead destroying the guardian's living spirit and then hiding it?
"Slytherin! Is that you? I'll count to three, if you don't answer, it's you!" He groaned in his heart and gave a little skin.

No clue, can't figure it out!
Don't think about it if you don't understand it, first look at the things in the box.

Qiz looked through it carefully, indeed!There is no real treasure in it, because it is basically the manuscripts left by Ravenclaw, and some ancient solitary magic books that have never been seen before. Under these things, there is a slightly smaller wooden box, which is also a non-marking expansion box.

There is a small space inside, and there are also many old and worn-out books, some of which even turned into a pile of ashes when touched.

This should also be the reason why the magic protecting the book was destroyed, but it's not impossible to fix it, it's just a matter of time.

Keeze didn't have time to ignore them just yet.

Instead, I looked at the books outside first. It may be because the materials are better, and there is not much damage.

But Qiz also used several restoration spells to sort out the damaged old books outside.

When he was almost done, the sky outside the window gradually turned pale, and he yawned, twisting his sore neck.

I sighed in my heart: "Maybe for Ravenclaw, gold antiques or precious magic materials are not real wealth, only these manuscripts that condensed her life's hard work are real treasures."

And these are what Chez needs most.

Of course, what he needs more now is a good night's sleep, otherwise he will really lose his hair!

 Ask for a ticket! ! !
  The moon doesn't sleep and I don't sleep, I'm a bald baby.

(End of this chapter)

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