Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 740 Heading to No. 12 Grimmauld Place

The Yeqi carriage passed through the large clouds, speeding all the way, and soon left the village buildings below far behind.

Probably because they were familiar with the journey, the return journey was much faster than when they came, and soon they left the area where Devon was located.

"Do you want to go back to Hogwarts now?" Kyle suddenly asked as he approached London.

"What do you mean?" Kangna looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going to go back?"

"I have something to go to Diagon Alley." Kyle said.

"Go now?" Kang Na frowned.

"Yes, now." Kyle paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something.

If we return to Hogwarts first, we still have a long way to go, and it will be too late to go to Diagon Alley by then.

And now it happens to be near London, so I can just stop by.

But Kyle was not very comfortable letting Kang Na ride the carriage back to school alone.

After all, in the magical world, Thestral carriages are rare and considered the top travel means. Kyle is worried that it will be noticed by the increasingly rampant Death Eaters.

"If you have nothing else to do..." Kyle thought for a moment and said, "How about coming with me? We can go to London for lunch on the way."

"Okay, of course." Kangna said with a smile, without any hesitation.

"Then it's settled."

Kyle came outside the carriage and whispered a few words to Yeqi.

The Thestral, which was flying towards Hogwarts, suddenly turned around and flew towards London with the carriage.

"Wait a minute..." Kangna thought of something, "There are a lot of people in London. What if Muggles see the carriage?"

"Don't worry." Kyle said: "This is another benefit of the Thestral carriage. Muggles can't see this special magical creature, just like they can't see dementors. As for the carriage, it's even simpler. ”

Kyle took out his wand and tapped on the carriage. The surrounding area of ​​the carriage was immediately blocked by a layer of something.

"The hiding spell is a bit rough, but this is London, it's enough."

The carriage passed through the gray clouds over London and reached its destination in less than half an hour.

In a square that looks a bit dated.

"Be prepared." Kyle said to Kangna: "This place is also protected by the Loyalty Curse."

Connor nodded slightly nervously.

When the carriage stopped, before the two of them could jump off, a cold voice came from outside.

"Who's here? Come out and don't get your wand."

The voice sounded familiar.

"Don't be nervous Charlie, it's me." Kyle put his hand out of the car first to show that he was not holding a wand before leaning out.

"Kyle?" Charlie said in surprise: "Why are you here?" He ran over quickly, but did not put away his wand.

"I should have thought of it earlier. This carriage looks like it belongs to Hogwarts. They haven't changed it in decades."

"Then you point your wand at us," Kyle said.

"No way, it's your responsibility, no matter what, you have to confirm it." Charlie said with a smile, "Then there is another question, where are you going."

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place." Kyle said, "This should make sure that I am not someone else using Polyjuice Potion to disguise myself."

"The Death Eaters don't know this address." Charlie and Kyle hugged.

At this time, Kangna also walked out of the car.

Charlie was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and said nothing, just looking at Kyle teasingly.

"We just happened to be passing by." Kyle said as if he didn't see his expression, "Are Fred and George here?"

"Just came back half an hour ago." Charlie nodded, but immediately he hesitated a little, pulled Kyle aside and asked in a low voice.

"I don't want to spoil the fun, Kyle, but this is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix after all. Does Principal Dumbledore know if you brought this girl here?"

"I haven't had time to tell him yet," Kyle said, "but I can guarantee that Connor is on our side."

Dumbledore agreed to allow Connor to go to Nico's manor, which actually showed his attitude. Even if Connor has not yet joined the Order of the Phoenix, she is qualified to know about it because of Snape's relationship.

"Well, I have no doubt about this." Charlie agreed with Kyle after only a slight hesitation.

"Follow me." He waved to Kangna and took the initiative to walk to the front.

"Mom would be very happy if she knew you were coming."

Then, in Kangna's shocked eyes, a house expanded out of thin air, squeezing out the houses with numbers 11 and 13 on both sides.

"Let's go, hurry up." Charlie said. He took the lead up the stone steps, pushed open the door, and shouted inside:

"Mom, look who's coming!"

"Keep your voice down, Charlie!" Mrs. Weasley walked out of a room, "Aren't you supposed to be on guard outside? Why are you back suddenly? It's still a while before lunch time."

"No, mom, it's Kyle." Charlie explained.

"Kyle?" Mrs. Weasley was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked behind Charlie.

"Oh, Kyle, honey, this is such a surprise."

She walked over quickly, glanced at Charlie first, and immediately gave Kyle a hug after getting a positive answer.

"Why did you come here at this time?" she said. "I asked Dumbledore before, and he said that you had other things to do during the holiday and couldn't come here."

"That's right. We happened to pass through London when we were going back to Hogwarts, so we wanted to come and have a look." Kyle said.

"Us?" Mrs. Weasley noticed that there was a girl following Kyle.

How should I put it...For a moment, she was more excited than seeing Kyle.

"This... I guess you must be Kangna. Kyle often talks about you."

"Yes." Connor turned to look at Kyle who was as if nothing had happened, and then looked at Mrs. Weasley again, "Connor Prince."

"Welcome, dear." Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged her, "I'm so happy that there is someone new here."

"Newcomer?" Kangna was a little confused.

To be honest, she still hasn't figured out what's going on, and she doesn't know where she is.

The Weasleys? Probably not, she remembered that the Weasley family, Kyle and Cedric all lived in St. Catchpole Village.

Seemingly sensing her doubts, Mrs. Weasley asked: "Dear, didn't Kyle tell you where this is before?"

Connor shook her head.

Mrs. Weasley immediately glared at Kyle with dissatisfaction, but when she was about to explain, two excited voices came from behind her.


"Why are you here!"

Fred and George ran over one after another, almost knocking Ron over when he came out to check the situation.

"You know each other too?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Mom, we have known each other for six years." Fred said quickly: "And it's not just us, Dad, Charlie and Bill also know each other."

He was talking about the last Quidditch World Cup, when Connor was with them, but Mrs. Weasley didn't go there, so she didn't see her.

"She is the Connor we talked about before." George said, "She is also one of our best friends..."

"But her relationship with Kyle is obviously better."

At this point, the two of them suddenly winked and showed a tacit and lewd smile.

It was really obscene, even Mrs. Weasley couldn't stand it, so she twisted their ears and pushed them back into the room.

"Sorry, dear, please forget those two dirty things just now." Mrs. Weasley turned around calmly, "Where did we talk just now, oh, the Order of the Phoenix."

"Order of the Phoenix?" Kangna blinked.

"Yes, this is an organization established by Dumbledore to fight against Death Eaters, and this is the base camp."

Mrs. Weasley said, "Okay, stop standing at the door and come with me. I made beef stew for lunch. I just need to wait a little longer and you can eat it."

"Charlie, if you still go outside, Bill will come find you to change your shift during lunch."

"Okay, Mom."

Charlie, who was about to walk in, could only say angrily, walked out of the house again, and closed the door.

"This way, dear." Mrs. Weasley took Connor and Kyle to the kitchen.

At this time, Kyle suddenly noticed a few heads poking out from the direction of the stairs.

From top to bottom are Harry, Hermione, Ginny... As for Ron, he is right next to him.

"Why are you still here?" Kyle asked a little strangely: "Today is the last day of vacation. Don't you need to take the train to school?"

The Hogwarts Express left early in the morning. Under normal circumstances, they shouldn't still be here.

"It was originally used." Harry explained: "But Mr. Weasley said that Professor Dumbledore specially arranged a one-time Floo network connection. It only takes a second for us to return to school."

"I see, that's quite convenient." Kyle said.

"Yes." Harry nodded, "But Kyle, why are you here, and at this time."

"Didn't I just say that? I happened to be passing by." Kyle said.

However, his words could fool Mrs. Weasley and Harry, but they could not fool Fred and George.

While Mrs. Weasley was bringing Connor into the dining room, the two of them took action at the same time and dragged Kyle into another room.

"Be honest..."

"What on earth are you going to do!"

Fred and George surrounded Kyle on the left and right.

"Don't say anything along the way..."

"Such lame excuses won't fool us!"

"I never thought about it that way." Kyle shrugged, "I came here because I wanted to go to Knockturn Alley. Do you remember what I told you in my letter before?"

"Knockturn Alley?" Fred thought for a moment, "You mean, the thing where we watched Draco Malfoy?"

"That's right." Kyle said, "How about it, did he go to Knockturn Alley during his vacation."

The Weasley Brothers' shop is not far from the entrance to Knockturn Alley. Even from inside the shop, you can see the entrance through the window glass.

So when he wrote to the Weasley brothers before, he mentioned this matter by the way.

"We don't know." George shook his head and said, "You know, the Ministry of Magic has a lot of things going on right now, and we don't have time to watch in the store all the time."

"But we gave this task to the house elves in the store." Fred said, "Elves always have an extraordinary enthusiasm for work, so leaving it to them is the most correct choice."

"It makes sense." Kyle patted the two of them on the shoulders, "Then why do I have to tell you this."

After saying that, Kyle was ready to leave the room.

"Hey, wait!"

Fred quickly blocked the door and explained:

"We originally wanted to inquire in the afternoon and then write to you."

"I didn't expect you to come back suddenly."

"After all, we have helped a little bit. Just tell us what your plan is."

They both stared at Kyle and let him leave the room without saying anything.

They were so curious as to why Kyle suddenly stared at Draco Malfoy.

"Tell me quickly, are you going to attack the Malfoys?" Fred asked: "If so, please take us with you."

"We have been thinking about this day for a long time, really!" George said with hope.

The conflict between the Weasleys and the Malfoys is almost universally known in the wizarding world. Mr. Weasley and Lucius Malfoy even had a fight at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. At that time, the incident was reported in the Daily Prophet 》 has been hanging for several days.

A few years ago, because the platform was inexplicably closed, Ron had to drive a flying car to school... At that time, Lucius was obsessed with this matter and lobbied everywhere, which harmed Mr. Weasley. Almost lost my job.

Of course, there are many other things besides these. The struggle between the two families continues to this day and has never stopped.

Now they finally have an opportunity to add insult to injury, and of course they don't want to miss it.

Kyle naturally knew what they were thinking.

"Sorry, you are overthinking." Kyle said, "This time it's just because of Draco Malfoy."

"It doesn't matter, you can do it alone." Fred said, "Just tell us."

"Yes." George nodded repeatedly, "You are going back to school soon, and you have to prepare for the N.E.W.T. exam, so you won't have much time to care about things outside the school.

"Maybe we can help you."

Kyle hesitated for a moment, "You really want to know?"



Both of them had afterimages in their heads.

"Well," Kyle said, "Actually, I found out that Draco Malfoy was hatching a plan to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts."

The room suddenly fell into silence.

One second later.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it." Fred curled his lips, "Why did you make up such a story to lie to us."

"Also, even if you make up a story, why don't you put some effort into it?" George said disdainfully, "A Malfoy...can Death Eaters enter Hogwarts?

"Even if you tell Ron this, he won't believe it."

The two looked at Kyle again, feeling very disappointed with his perfunctory attitude.

But Kyle acted calmly.

"A Malfoy can't do it...what if I help him?"

"What are you helping him with?" George was stunned for a moment and asked tentatively, "Could it be that you were helping him transport the Death Eaters to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah," Kyle said, "What's the problem?"

The first thing Fred and George thought was that Kyle had been tricked with Polyjuice Potion.

But soon the two of them thought that Charlie was guarding the door, and he would definitely not make such a stupid mistake.

In addition, Kyle's appearance and tone just now didn't look like he was joking at all.

If you look at it this way, 80% of it is true...

The two of them immediately became excited. They excitedly moved next to Kyle and pressed him on a stool. One squeezed his shoulders and the other beat his legs, showing as much attentiveness as they wanted.

"Quick, tell me carefully..."

"We have long disliked Hogwarts, and we actually banned our prank products from entering the school."

"It's just destroying our dreams."

"It completely negates us!"

"We are incompatible with this school rule!"

The two of them were so impassioned, as if as long as Kyle spoke, they would lead the Death Eaters into the school without hesitation to overthrow Dumbledore and create a new Hogwarts.

"You are so brave...does Mrs. Weasley know?" Kyle asked calmly.

"Of course I don't know."

"Otherwise Mom will kill us..." Fred shrugged.

"Okay, hurry up and tell us your plan."

"It's not my plan, it's Malfoy's." Kyle didn't hide it anymore and said directly: "He planned to use the disappearing cabinet to create a new secret passage in Hogwarts."

"Vanishing cabinet?" Fred touched his chin, "You are talking about the kind of disappearing cabinet that can connect two different places together, right?"

"Besides this, is there anything else that can artificially create a secret passage leading outside the school?"

"Impossible." George frowned and said, "Isn't the disappearing cabinet gone a long time ago?

"I have read a book about alchemy before. It said that since someone used the vanishing cabinet to sneak into the International Federation of Wizards sixty years ago and killed an important witness, all this stuff has been destroyed."

"That's right." Fred said, "And the alchemists who had the ability to make the disappearing cabinet at that time were also forced to sign a magic contract, swearing not to make it in the future, let alone pass on the making method."

"Even the Malfoy family doesn't have the energy to get such a thing."

"That's true," Kyle said, "but coincidentally, there happens to be a missing disappearing cabinet in Hogwarts."

"Malfoy found it?" Fred's expression turned serious. "No, I have to tell dad."

"Don't worry." This time it was Kyle's turn to stop him, "Malfoy didn't find it, I found it."

Only then did Fred and George stop.

But before he could relax, he heard Kyle continue: "However, I have already given that thing to Malfoy."

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