Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 721 Professor Babuling’s Warning

It had been more than a week since Dumbledore last left the Headmaster's Office. During this period, he had returned to give Harry a lesson and then disappeared again.

As for the content of their class, Kyle didn't know, but he could probably guess it...it was nothing more than a frank conversation with Harry.

The content may be about the Order of the Phoenix, or it may be about Horcruxes... After all, when Harry didn't learn Occlumency some time ago, many things were hidden from him, and Harry was still worried about this.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of this class was to let him untie his knot. The specific extent of this would depend on what Dumbledore wanted Harry to know.

But this has nothing to do with Kyle.

On Wednesday afternoon, after the ancient rune class ended, Kyle found Professor Babling who was about to escape with a piece of parchment filled with magic formulas.

Yes...run away.

Ever since Kyle asked a few questions about the arrangement of magic symbols in the first class of this school year, she didn't want to see this student that much.

It's not that she's afraid of being embarrassed and losing face. Professor Babling's knowledge of ancient runes may be higher than Dumbledore's. Kyle's problem is nothing to her.

Professor Babling just doesn't want to work overtime. Normally, she leaves right after class and never misses a minute.

But if Kyle's question is answered, it won't be a matter of wasting a minute, half an hour is considered a small amount.

Unfortunately, Kyle was sitting at the door, and Apparition was not allowed in the castle. Her plan to get off work on time had failed as soon as she stepped out of the classroom.

Professor Babling lowered her head and glanced at the parchment handed over by Kyle, and her face suddenly fell.

"Original magic text..." She said almost subconsciously: "What do you think this useless thing is doing, a waste of time?"

"Huh?" Kyle blinked. He thought about the possibility for many minutes, but he didn't expect Professor Babling to say that, and the tone didn't sound like a perfunctory one. She really felt that Kyle was wasting his time.

"That's right." Professor Babling explained: "In the view of those medieval scholars led by Rowena Ravenclaw, the original magic text has great disadvantages. I don't recommend that you waste it on it. time."

"What do you mean?" Kyle still didn't understand.

"That's it..." Professor Babuling was a little more patient and said: "The so-called original magic text is, to put it bluntly, just a kind of magic text that the ancient wizards themselves worked out.

"But due to the limitations of the times, these words have not been effectively unified and planned. In other words, they are too confusing. If you do not understand its correct meaning, even a slight mistake may lead to the magic runes being broken. collapse.

"It is precisely because of this that the great Rowena Ravenclaw summoned all the scholars at that time to jointly plan and organize the original magic texts into a volume. This is what we have learned now."

When talking about this, Professor Babling gave Kyle a meaningful look, "I remember that more than fifty years ago, I once said something to a student, and now I also give this sentence to you. …

"There is naturally a reason why certain things will be eliminated. Don't pursue the so-called power too much, because when you are immersed in the invincible joy, you often unknowingly bring about more terrifying things, dragging you down. Into the abyss of magic."

Looking into Professor Babling's light gray eyes, Kyle subconsciously took a step back, scratched his hair and said.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I wanted to learn this because I read something written in original magic script."

"Oh?" Professor Babuling raised her eyebrows, "Original documents from at least 1,300 years ago are rare... but there is no need to go out of your way to learn them."

She grabbed it at the side and instantly had a thick book in her hand, and then threw the book to Kyle.

"This is the original magic text comparison table. Just compare it and see for yourself. There is no need to waste time learning it.

"Let me make it clear, even if you insist, I will not waste my time teaching you... No one can take up my time, not even Dumbledore!"

Professor Babling's patience was basically exhausted here. When Kyle was checking the comparison table, she had already left the classroom without looking back.

By the time Kyle reacted and chased him out, there was no one in the corridor.

Kyle sighed. Professor Babling did not have an office, or she never went to her office. In this situation, no one could find her unless it was the next class. What stood out was that she was a professor who would never be a procrastinator.

Kyle stood in the empty corridor, thinking again about what she had said before.

Fifty years ago, I reminded a student, who was that person, Tom Riddle?

It was just right in terms of time, and more importantly, Riddle also had a deep understanding of magic texts, which Kyle had a say in.

But Professor Babling didn't want to say more, and Kyle couldn't ask.

He glanced at the book in his hand, then stuffed it into the box without a care in the world.

At least this trip was fruitful. He knew that he didn't need to study in depth the original magic texts that seemed mysterious but had actually been eliminated. This could be regarded as saving him a lot of time.

After Kyle left the corridor, Professor Babling, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom.

She looked in the direction where Kyle left, and her eyes, which had always been calm, gradually became more curious, as if she had seen some interesting plot.

She never thought that a second student would notice the original magic text when they were in school. At the same time, she was also curious whether Kyle's choice was the same as the previous one.

Of course, no matter what Kyle chooses or decides, she will not intervene and will only quietly be a bystander, just like she did fifty years ago.

On the other side, Kyle jogged all the way to the Charms classroom, but despite this, he was still ten minutes late.

"Sorry, Professor Flitwick, I asked Professor Barbling some questions and didn't pay attention to the time." Kyle explained standing at the door.

"Remember to come early next time, at least not to delay other students' class." Professor Flitwick said, and also gave him a moderate punishment.

"One point from Hufflepuff, okay, come in."

Kyle nodded and walked into the classroom.

"Where did we just talk about..." Professor Flitwick clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to him, "By the way, cast spells without a wand."

He continued: "This is also an ability that a wizard needs to master. Now can anyone tell me the benefits of casting spells without a wand."

"It will prevent the wizard from being trapped after losing his wand." Qiu raised his hand and said.

"Yes, that's it, Ravenclaw plus five points." Professor Flitwick said, "For a wizard, nothing is more terrifying than losing his wand.

"At this time, wandless spellcasting became the last resort. I remember the battle when I became the champion of the duel competition, but my opponent took away the wand due to a moment of negligence.

"He thought he was sure to win, so he couldn't wait to celebrate. However, he was hit by a wandless stun spell from me and lost the game."

Professor Flitwick showed a nostalgic look on his face, "So casting spells without a wand is also a wizard's last trump card."

"By the way, how many times has Professor Flitwick won the duel competition?" At this time, Mikel asked in a low voice: "Why do I remember that in the spell class before, he said that he used a swamp curse? You win."

"As far as I know, Professor Flitwick has won three duel competitions." Kyle thought for a moment and said, "If he hadn't come to Hogwarts later, this number might have increased."

"Three-time champion..." Mikel smacked his lips, "That's okay."

"We'll start with the simplest levitating spell." At this time, Professor Flitwick had already begun to teach them the key points of wandless casting.

"You must concentrate." He said: "Keep your eyes on your feathers at all times, and imagine that you are holding a magic wand at this time. Now, everyone starts to chant the spell..."

"Wingardim Leviosa!" There was a commotion in the classroom.

The feathers on the table were floating wildly, but none of them were normal. Ryan's feathers were swaying left and right, and Mikel's were spinning in the air, like a top.

Even Kangna's feathers were trembling slightly and falling a little from time to time.

The Charms classroom seemed to have returned to the seventh grade in an instant. Everyone was still in the first grade. The situation at that time was the same as now. Everyone was trying to control their feathers to float.

However, Professor Flitwick was quite happy with this result. He originally thought it would be good if half of the students could make their feathers float. This result is already much better than last year.

"Not bad, not bad." He clapped his hands and said loudly: "Concentrate and imagine your fingers as magic wands. You can do it..."

Under his reminder, some people gradually became familiar with this feeling, and more and more feathers began to stop steadily in the air.

Being able to cast magic without a wand is, to be honest, quite amazing and gives me an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Ryan liked this feeling very much. After successfully stabilizing his feathers, he soon became dissatisfied with this little fuss and set his sights on the "Standard Spell: Level 7" on the table.

"Wingardim Leviosa!" Ryan pointed to his textbook.

The thick "Standard Spell: Level 7" shook violently on the table, and flew directly to Ryan's head the next second.


Along with a heavy impact, a big bump appeared on Ryan's forehead, and he was knocked unconscious.

"I told you to start practicing with feathers first." Professor Flitwick said sharply: "Someone will help send him to the school hospital."

Mikel immediately gave up his top-like feathers and took the job without hesitation.

Mikel did not dare to let go of the use of magic power due to his own reasons, and wandless casting required precise magic power control, so for him, this was simply an impossible task.

"How's your question?" Kangna directed the feathers in front of her and asked, "Has Professor Babling promised to teach you?"

"Not really." Kyle moved his fingers, and the feathers moved back and forth. "She said it was a waste of time."

"What do you think?" Connor asked, "Maybe you can ask Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore. They should be able to teach you."

"Forget it." Kyle shook his head after thinking for a moment, "Actually, I think what Professor Babling said makes sense..."

After class, Kyle was going to the school hospital to visit Ryan. On the way, he also met Hermione and Harry.

It is not difficult to judge from the movement direction of the two people that they should also be going to the school hospital. After all, this road can only go there.

"Is anyone in Gryffindor hurt too?" Kyle asked.

"It's Ron." Harry sighed. "When he was participating in a Quidditch training match, he was hit in the head by a Bludger."

"...Okay." Kyle was speechless.

Fred and George were able to make Bludger more obedient than Puffin in third grade, but Ron was still getting smashed in sixth grade.

However, this may also be due to the difference in position. After all, Ron is a goalkeeper and usually does not deal with Bludgers.

"Are you starting training so soon?" Kyle changed the subject.

"Because the competition is fierce." Harry explained: "There are five people who want to become goalkeepers. Ron is very nervous and wants to practice in advance during the break. If I knew that this would happen, I would not All the Quidditch balls were lent.

"By the way, why are you going to the school hospital?"

"Visiting my roommate," Kyle said. "He got into trouble during class and got hit on the head."

"Speaking of this," Harry said with lingering fear, "I was almost hit on the head by a cauldron a few days ago, in Potions class."

"What's going on?" Kyle asked curiously, "Neville's grades shouldn't be enough to improve his grades."

"It's me." Harry's face turned slightly red. "This is the first time I know that putting the ingredients in too late can cause the crucible to explode."

"Although Professor Slughorn insists that I was negligent, I think he seems a little disappointed."

"Because of your Potions grade?"

"Yes." Harry nodded, "He thinks I should be a potion genius like my mother, but I can't even chop sleepy beans."

"Wait..." Kyle suddenly realized something. "Did Professor Slughorn reward you with Elixir in Potions class?"

"Yes, and Hermione got it." Harry finally felt a little better, "You know, there is no one better than Hermione in the sixth grade."

"Ah, I'm just lucky." Hermione said next to her, trying to look calm.

In fact, after getting the elixir, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep for several days.

"What about you, did you get the reward?" Harry asked.

"No." Kyle shook his head, "It's Connor."

Harry was suddenly enlightened, but he wasn't too surprised. He knew that Kangna had taken the assessment of the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists during the holidays. He also had some knowledge in this area and knew that it was the most authoritative Potions Association in the wizarding world.

Now that he mentioned this, Harry was still a little envious.

Others were able to join the most powerful potion organization when they were in seventh grade, but he couldn't even complete the tasks in class when he was in sixth grade.

"Let's do this..." Kyle suddenly said: "If you don't mind, I can lend you my notes from last year. There are some tips on brewing potions, which should be helpful to you."

"Really?" Harry's eyes lit up.

"Is this true or false? It's just a note." Kyle said with a smile, "I'll go back and look for it later, and I'll bring it to you during dinner."

"Thank you so much." Harry said gratefully: "To be honest, after Snape was gone, I suddenly discovered that potions are actually quite interesting, but my previous grades were too poor."

"Can I take a look too?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, no problem." Kyle nodded, "At that time, you can use the copy spell to make a copy, but some of the content on it may be different from what is in the textbook, if you can accept it."

"It's different from what's in the textbook?" Hermione frowned.

"It's a little trick from a potion master, and I wrote it down." Kyle said, "But I can guarantee that those tips are really useful... After all, the book "Advanced Potion Making" has been around for decades. It hasn’t changed over the years, and a lot of the content in it is out of date.”

Hermione opened her mouth but said nothing.

In fact, she preferred textbooks to so-called tips, but after all, it was recommended by Kyle, so she decided to give it a try first.

The few people chatted all the way and soon arrived at the corridor where the school hospital is located.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" At this time, Hermione suddenly said: "The announcement says that next week will be the first Hogsmeade visit day."

"I don't know yet." Kyle thought for a while, "If there is nothing else, I should go..."

As soon as Kai finished speaking, a ball of fire suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then Fox appeared in front of the three of them.

It looked directly at Kyle and chirped softly.

"Sorry Harry, Hermione." Kyle's face became serious, "Can you guys greet Ryan for me? I may have something to do, and I can't go to the campus hospital for the time being."

"Ah, no problem," Harry said.


Before he finished speaking, he saw Fox landing on Kyle's shoulder, and then disappeared again.

The two looked at the empty corridor and glanced at each other.

"Is that...Phoenix?" Hermione asked first.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix." Harry said, "I saw it before when I went to the Headmaster's Office."

"So Professor Dumbledore is looking for Kyle?" Hermione continued, "What do you think it could be?"

"I don't know either." Harry said, "It should be related to the Order of the Phoenix. Do you remember Professor Dumbledore gave me a class a few days ago? He told me that Kyle was actually involved in a lot of Things about the Order of the Phoenix. He also said that if he is not in school, I can go to Kyle for help if I have anything."

Hermione glanced in the direction where the Phoenix disappeared. "It seems that Professor Dumbledore trusts him."

"Obviously," Harry said.

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