Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 Chaotic Camp!!

“The Allland team won!”

Bagman, who was acting as a commentator, was stunned for a moment before shouting, he did not expect the result of the game to be like this.

“Krum caught the Golden Snitch – but the Elland team won for a day, and I don’t think anyone expected this to be the end!”

“Win! We won! We bet right! ”

The Fred and George twins also cheered after a moment of stunned, this time they bet right, it was the Aylan team that won, but it was the Bogaria team who caught the Golden Snitch.

According to the odds, this time they pressed 100 gold gallons, but they could get several times, and they really sent it.

“Why didn’t I think to press a little!”

Ron looked a little annoyed when he saw Fred and George’s ecstatic looks, knowing that this would be the case, and he also put his pocket money on it, although it was not much, but he could always make a profit.

Toby seems very bland, for him, money is just a number, he doesn’t have to worry about money at all.

On the field, the Elland Goblins happily walked around the pitch, and Krum of the Bogaria team was surrounded by a group of doctors, but his face was rather gloomy, and his teammates were also dejected.

Not far away, the players of the Ayrland team danced happily in the clearing, and the ten goblins on their mascot also threw gold coins like showers.

Flags were waving everywhere in the stadium, the national anthem of Airland sounded from all directions, and the Veelas also restored their original beautiful appearance, but they all looked dejected and sad.

“Now, the players of the Ayrland team circle the field accompanied by their mascots, and the Quidditch World Cup trophy is sent to the top box!”

Bagman’s voice sounded again.

The award ceremony is the final part of the Quidditch World Cup, and after this session, the Quidditch World Cup will be over.

“Toby, hurry up, we should go get the money!”

After the award ceremony, when everyone left the room, Fred and George came to Toby’s side and said a little anxiously.

In their opinion, it is safest to get the money into their own hands.

“Okay, then let’s go get the money first, by the way, call Sirius, and the others will camp tents first.”

Toby said.

Soon, Sirius took Toby and the twins to Gringotts’ betting agency, and this time Sirius also made a lot of money, although he had no concept of money, but he was also happy.

Coming to Gringotts’ betting agency, there have been a lot of wizards gathered here, and the wizards who bet correctly are of course smiling and excited, while the wizards who lose the bet are dejected and angry.

“God, I pressed 20,000 gold gallons, this is my savings for several years, and now it’s all gone, it’s all to blame for the waste Bogaria team, let me lose so badly.”

“Damn, who said that the Bogaria team would definitely win, I lost 5,000 gold gallons, which I stole from my wife, this is miserable.”

“Bah! The useless Bogaria team, the useless Krum, the harmed Lao Tzu lost so much money! ”

Many wizards were cursing, the previous Bogallia team won so loudly, of course they pressed the Bogaria team to win, but the result was that the Aerland team won, and the score between the two sides was only 10 points.

“It’s really dangerous, the Bogaria team grabbed the Golden Snitch, fortunately the score between the two sides was big enough, otherwise the Bogallia team would have won.”

“What a stroke of luck, fortunately I pressed the Ayrland team to win, and the Bogaria team grabbed the Golden Snitch, which made me a big profit.”

“Hahahaha, thank you to the Bogaria team, so that I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking in the next few years.”

Some wizards who won the bet were very happy, knowing that the hope of winning the championship before the Allland team was not great, but the result was that they won.

Toby and they took the money and left in a hurry, and did not stay here for a long time, you must know that this kind of thing is applicable wherever it is, don’t think that there is no murder in the wizarding world.

“This time it really made a lot of money!”

On the way back, Fred and George seemed very happy, and they felt like they had eaten honey when they heard the sound of gold coins crashing in their wallets.

“Fred, George, don’t sleep tonight, there’s a big deal coming soon.”

Toby whispered.

“Big business?”

Fred and George were stunned, and then they remembered what Toby had said earlier, could it be that something would happen tonight?

“Toby, what’s going to happen tonight?”

Fred asked.

“There will definitely be a big riot at the camp tonight, and then it will be the best time for us to sell things, so we should be ready when we go back.”

Toby replied.

“There will be a riot tonight!”

Fred and George were surprised, but they also knew what Toby was capable of, and he certainly wouldn’t joke with them, which must be true.

“Will it be dangerous?”

George asked with some hesitation, although they want to make money, but they don’t want to take a small life for money, you must know that money can be earned, if the small life is gone, then there is nothing…

“Don’t worry, as long as I am here, keep you safe, don’t you believe in my magic?”

Toby asked.

Fred and George shook their heads repeatedly, of course they knew that Toby’s magic was very powerful, and he might be able to compare with the professors at Hogwarts.

After returning to the tent, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and they had all gone back to their rooms to sleep, and after a busy day, they were now so tired that they couldn’t even break their eyelids.

The time came in the second half of the night.

Fred and George sat in chairs, sleepily supporting their heads with their hands, and if Toby hadn’t said that there were still activities at night, they would have gone back to their room to sleep.

Toby walked out of the tent, and the moon in the sky had been obscured by a huge cloud, making the entire camp appear very dark.

“What’s going on over there? Who are they? ”

Toby looked to the side of the grove, where a figure was approaching.

“The action has begun, those Death Eaters have kidnapped some Muggles and some Muggle families born wizards.”

Jamie came out of the shadows of the grove.

“Those Death Eaters can only do this, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, not daring to attack powerful wizards, only daring to bully and bully Muggles who can’t magic.”

Toby said disdainfully.

“It’s almost time, so let’s add some ingredients to them!”

Jamie looked at the sky, raised his wand in his hand, and fired several violent spells into the sky.

The loud noise woke up the wizards who were sleeping in the tent, they didn’t know what was happening, they just felt that it seemed a little chaotic outside.

“What happened to Fa 2.5?”

The wizards’ drowsiness instantly woke up, they got dressed, and quickly came outside the tent.

“Let’s add some more ingredients!”

Jamie sneered, and with a wave of his wand in his hand, several fireballs flew out instantly, grazed those tents, and instantly set those tents on fire, anyway, these things can be blamed on those Death Eaters later.

“Oh my God, the tent is on fire, everyone get up!”

“What the hell is going on? How so! ”

When the wizards saw the tent on fire, they were confused, either yelling or running around.

“What’s going on?”

On the other side, dozens of wizards with hats and masks were a little surprised, who set fire to the camp?

“Hmph! Leave so much to it, isn’t that just right? ”

“That’s right, since someone started first, let’s make this camp even more chaotic!”

“Let’s start creating more chaos!”

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