Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 188 – For The Greater Good (1)

It didn't take long to catch up to Krum, getting ahold of him in front of the castle's front gate.

"I wouldn't do that." I said simply, keeping my right arm ready to flick my wand into my hand and fight him if I had to.

"..." At first, he said nothing, but then he slowly turned around and looked at me, his eyes traveling to my hand before tilting his head and looking into my eyes. "Defend him?"

"I will. Especially now because if you start a fight and screw this up for everybody, I will be more than angry."


"Also, what would your girlfriend say?" It had a visible effect because his eyes did flinch, bringing her up. Although he was looking like a block of ice or a boulder, he wasn't a machine. "Look, if you are suicidal, at least wait until we destroy the Hallows. Then, you can rush into your death for whatever reason; I won't stand in your way."

"You think I die?"

"I know. I have fought with him multiple times, and I am still not at the same level as he is when it comes to dueling. Go ahead and let me see your triumph if you think you have improved more than I have since the TriWizard competition. Be my guest!" I snorted, relaxing my hands, "But do it after we succeed with the more important mission."

"..." With a long breath, he finally nodded, taking a step towards me and the castle instead of trying to leave. "I wait."

"One more thing..." As he walked past me, I declared, "Write a goodbye letter to Hermione explaining your foolishness." I know my voice was cold and insulting when I said it, but I considered Krum a friend... And I was incensed he would do something this stupid. If he wanted to die, it is his choice, I will respect his resolve to go through it for his honor, but I won't accept the fact he breaks another's heart in the process. "Or break up with her first. Your choice, but don't make her turn against me because of your selfishness. I don't want to act against my friends."


As expected, he said nothing while leaving me alone, but not for long because it was Neville who had walked up to me the moment Krum disappeared.

"I'm surprised you could talk him down."

"You noticed it too?" I smiled, making him nod and patting my shoulders.

"The moment his name appeared."

"Are you here to tell me he should die for his past sins?" I asked with a shrug, but Neville shook his head.

"No. You see, I also don't want Dumbledore to die. I just wish for the Hallows to be destroyed and have him return to his senses. As you believe in Grindelwald's redemption, I also believe in Dumbledore's."

"Good enough. Maybe he needs to break like his old friend did to have a chance at rebuilding himself."

"You will still try to kill him." He spoke, but I didn't answer him because I didn't know. Maybe. Probably. Was I like Krum in this way? That may be why I was feeling so frustrated with how he acted. Damn, this is complex...

"You are smiling like you just heard the funniest joke, Conrad."

"I'm smiling because I don't know shit." I answered with a chuckle, "I just want things to be over and have a regular life."

"Yeah... that's something I understand..."




Up in the Headmaster's office, Snape stood silently before one of Dumbledore's cabinets. His eyes silently scanned its contents: the Sorting Hat, Gryffindor's sword, and the rare and old codexes signed by long-gone headmasters of old times. They were all rarities from different corners of the world. The two of them had been isolated up there for hours now, as Dumbledore only spoke one sentence when they entered and sat down at his table.

"Now, we wait."

As for what they were waiting for, he didn't say anything, and Snape was professional enough not to ask questions in this tense atmosphere. Spending decades with Voldemort taught him enough, so he stayed silent and looked forward without mentioning his thoughts and doubts. The only thing that told him about the passing of hours was the setting sun and crescent moon becoming visible in the night sky. It had to be around midnight when Dumbledore, who had sat in his chair until now, stood up and fixed his robes, making Snape turn towards him.

"It is time. You were a good agent, Severus; I just don't understand why you betrayed me."

Snape wanted to say something and ask what he was talking about, but Dumbledore's voice was full of conviction and factuality. Without hesitation, he flicked an old, worn-out wand, making the sword of Gryffindor fly out of the cabinet and impale Snape from the back, piercing his heart.

"I wasn't sure of it until now..." Dumbledore enunciated slowly, walking over to Snape's body, playing with a wand he had prepared for an emergency long ago, carrying it with him at all times. As he looked into Snape's eyes, watching life slowly escape his body, he let out a genuinely disappointed sigh. "But no person can lie when stepping through Death's door. I can see it in your eyes; my conjecture was correct. Goodbye, Severus." He whispered with calm indifference at the end while putting the Invisibility Cloak on himself, disappearing from view and from his office.




"What's happened?" Hermione spoke up, flinching and making me dart my eye directly on the Marauder's Map.

Of course, those who were present surrounded the table just the same. Quincy woke up immediately when she spoke, jumping to her feet from the chair and rushing beside me. We watched as Snape's name flickered twice, and then the next moment, it disappeared.

"Was he sent away? Maybe?" McGonagall asked, making Zevron question her sternly.

"Are apparitions possible from here?"

"With the Headmaster's permission... And Snape is strong enough to do so." She mumbled, but it wasn't convincing enough.

"He is moving." I said, pointing at the map showing where Dumbledore exited the office and was on his way down. "Let's split up! Half of us will head with the map to the wand. The other half, go, check the Headmaster's office!"

There were no complaints as we hurried out, and the map was entrusted to Neville. In the end, Lupin, Hagrid, Dimitris, and two Beuxbatons were heading to check on what happened at the Headmaster's office, while the rest of us went straight to the Astronomy Tower.

We didn't need to wait long to confirm the worst because as we walked, we watched the map that showed how the second group passed by Dumbledore. The moment they appeared, he became motionless until they passed by him, waiting patiently before continuing on his way toward us. My stomach fell because I was now sure that Snape hadn't teleported away. As for how he killed him, there were multiple possibilities. He most likely didn't use the killing curse because that, with how alert everybody was, would have been perceived by someone.

When we arrived, Flamel didn't ask questions; looking at the urgency on our faces and then the map alone was enough to realize the underlying issue. He only nodded, letting us in before, which I didn't expect. I thought he would think it was a ploy that I may have come up with. Huh...

"He is taking a detour." Neville spoke, glancing at the map.

"There has to be a secret entrance." Quincy answered him, which made sense. If anybody, he has to know the castle so well he could traverse it with his eyes closed.

"Should we take the wand?" Zevron raised the question, but before I could say my thoughts, McGonagall's lips moved faster than mine.

"I know Albus enough to understand that there has to be a hex placed on it... it is better not to touch it before him."

"We hide." I exclaimed as we did not have much time left. "Use your most potent spells to make sure you are concealed! He may be unable to use high-level detection spells to not alert Flamel, who is standing outside... We can't let him touch the wand, so the moment he nears it, attack! Neville, you have the map; you will move first. We follow your lead!"

"Um." He nodded, looking determined, knowing that with this, I also gave him the chance to disarm Dumbledore instead of killing him outright.

When it came to hiding away, Quincy quickly turned into an owl, perching up on the tower's highest point and melting into the darkness. Soon, it became just as deserted as before when I pulled out one of old Peverell's prototype invisibility cloaks, disappearing at last. While I remained motionless, standing before the main telescope, facing the box where the Elder Wand and the Philosopher's Stone were, I would stay invisible. While standing straight, I was just as hidden as Dumbledore was right now. The difference was if I started moving, the distortion in the air where my body was would instantly reveal my position.

I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous. My heart was racing because this was a pivotal moment, a chance to end everything and let the world return to normalcy. If this is finally done, I can start living with Quincy without worry... It had to work. There was no other option before us. I will make it work...

While thinking about it, I held my wand in my right hand while the left gripped the Resurrection Stone in my pocket. I didn't even realize that I was doing it, not until I felt a presence behind me... It was someone who I recognized without turning around, and the moment he put his hand on my shoulder, I felt my anxiety disappear and was able to focus on the moment.

"I believe in you... Son. Unlike me, you are not alone. Make me proud!"

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