Hogwarts: Dyroth Grindelwald Rise From Nurmengard

Baby Ron


Ron snatched away the textbook that Dyroth had placed on the ground, riding on his broomstick with a proud expression. It seemed that taking something from Dyroth gave him a sense of accomplishment.

"Mr. Weasley, I advise you to put it down," Dyroth's cold voice sounded. "Otherwise, I guarantee you will regret what you've done!"

He didn't want to act childish, but Ron repeatedly provoked him. Dyroth had no intention of holding back anymore.

Ron shuddered, shrinking in fear at Dyroth's tone. But with so many people watching, he gritted his teeth and held on for the sake of pride. "Who cares about a book?" he sneered. "Come and get it if you can!"

With that, he shot off on his broom, flying into the distance.

"Weasley, stop!" Draco called, grabbing his own broom and taking off in pursuit.

Fueled by inner anger and Draco's superior flying talent, he quickly closed the gap between them. Even though he started late, Draco's skill gave him the advantage.

"Weasley, you really disgrace your family!" Draco shouted, his voice filled with contempt.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron snapped back. "Your father's a Death Eater, and you're bound to follow in his footsteps! You're just as disgusting as that friend of yours!"

"What did you say?! Say it again if you dare!"

"A dark wizard's friend is a dark wizard! You're all rotten!" Ron yelled, fueling Draco's rage.

Draco's face flushed red with anger, and he surged forward, determined to catch up. The two were so engrossed in their chase that they completely ignored Madam Hooch's earlier warnings, flying higher and farther away from the castle.

But Draco's flying talent far outmatched Ron's. Among their classmates, only Harry Potter could rival Draco in the air. In no time, Draco was right on Ron's tail, reaching out to grab him.

"Weasley, stop this now!"

Ron twisted and struggled to get away, their broomsticks wobbling dangerously as they flew. The students below gasped in shock.

"Dyroth, nothing bad will happen, right?" Daphne Greengrass asked, her eyes filled with worry. As Draco's future sister-in-law, her concern was evident.

Dyroth's expression remained cold, his tone brimming with confidence. "As long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

In truth, Dyroth didn't harbor any ill feelings toward the Weasley family. The Weasleys, except for Ron, were brilliant in both talent and strength. Charlie raised dragons, Molly killed Bellatrix with three silent spells, and Percy defeated the puppet Minister of Magic... Ron, however, stood out for all the wrong reasons—his jealousy was overwhelming.

Dyroth concealed his wand under his robe's wide sleeves, his eyes locked onto Ron and Draco in the sky.


**Up in the air**

Ron twisted left and right, trying in vain to shake Draco off his tail. But Draco stayed on him, getting closer and closer. Ron, panicking, began circling the castle, hoping to escape.

"Don't let me catch you, Weasley!" Draco yelled, his anger driving him forward.

In his panic, Ron's hand slipped, and he nearly fell off his broom. By the time he righted himself, Draco was within arm's reach. In desperation, Ron threw Dyroth's book into the air and stopped mid-flight, glaring at Draco.

"Keep chasing me, if you dare!"

"Idiot!" Draco muttered, his gaze shifting to the book as it tumbled away in the wind. His face darkened, and he turned to chase after it.

Draco's green Slytherin robe fluttered in the wind as he streaked through the air. Despite Hogwarts' outdated brooms, Draco's flying talent shone through. He was inches away from grabbing the book when—crack!

The broom snapped in two.

Hogwarts' brooms, used by countless students over the years, had grown fragile and worn. Draco plummeted toward the ground, the speed of his fall increasing with each passing second.

Gasps echoed across the lawn as students realized the danger Draco was in. At this speed, the impact would be devastating.

"Transfigure!" At the critical moment, Dyroth's voice rang out, casting a transfiguration spell that turned the grass beneath Draco into soft mattresses just before he hit the ground.

Even with the cushioning, Draco was still battered by the fall.

Dyroth's eyes turned cold as he watched Ron hovering in the air. He stowed his wand and cast another silent spell.

"Expulso!" The force of the blasting curse struck Ron's broom, and without warning, Ron plummeted from the sky.

Unlike Draco, Ron had no safety net.

With a resounding 'thud', Ron crashed into the ground, his limbs bending in unnatural ways. A howl of pain tore from his throat as the students looked on in horror.

Dyroth didn't spare him a glance. He walked calmly to Draco's side.

"How do you feel?" Dyroth asked, kneeling down next to him. "Don't move, I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey."

Draco, dazed and confused, saw Dyroth holding out the book he'd just retrieved.

"Dyroth… your book," Draco mumbled, wincing from his injuries.

Dyroth's initial anger dissipated at the sight of Draco's wounds. His eyes softened as he looked at Draco. "Next time, don't risk your life over something like this. It's just a book," he said quietly. "As long as you're okay, that's what matters."


"Merlin's beard, what happened here?" Madam Hooch's sharp voice rang out as she arrived, surveying the chaotic scene before her.

After listening to the students' explanations, her face turned white with anger. She rounded on Ron, who was still writhing in pain on the ground.

"Mr. Weasley! Did you not hear a word I said earlier? Disobeying class instructions, acting out of jealousy, insulting your classmates, and stealing from another student—this behavior is disgraceful! Fifty points from Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindors groaned in dismay, glaring at Ron with disgust. Even though they had a rivalry with Slytherin, Ron had crossed a line.

Madam Hooch, known for her fairness, narrowed her eyes at Ron. "I will be reporting this to Professor McGonagall. And you are no longer welcome in my class, Mr. Weasley!"

Ron's face fell, his reputation at Hogwarts plummeting in an instant. His Quidditch dreams were shattered by her words.

Madam Hooch then turned to Dyroth, her tone softening with regret. "Mr. Grindelwald, I apologize for what happened. I will personally see to it that Mr. Weasley apologizes to you once he recovers."

Dyroth shook his head slightly. "There's no need to blame yourself, Madam Hooch. You couldn't have predicted this." He paused. "Besides, I haven't lost anything."

"Such a gracious gentleman," Madam Hooch said with a smile, relieved. "And for your bravery in saving your classmate, ten points to Slytherin!"




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