Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 67. Welcoming Ceremony

The opening ceremony was sung by the choir of students directed by professor Flitwick, all in celebration of our new students arriving this year. ‘However it is much fewer than before, perhaps the chamber being opened last year wasn't good publicity?’ Pansy was one of the Slytherin’s of the choir, my eyes focused on her carried voice that enraptured the room. Her proud smirk at the ending made my own lips curl in pride for her, wiping away the horrific experiences we all endured just moments prior.


As Dumbledore gave his greetings, Pansy sat next to me in her usual spot. Draco, along with a few other girls in Slytherin gave their whispers of her magnanimous performance. “Well done…” I whispered, Val hissing his agreement from under my sleeve. Pansy giggled petting Val before smiling back at me. However the moment of happiness was then shattered into worry at the mere mention of the name uttered from Dumbledore’s lips.


“Dementor’s of Azkaban. Until such a time that Sirius Black is captured… The dementor’s will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds… And whilst I’ve been assured that they will not disrupt our day to day activities, a word of caution… Dementor’s are vicious creatures, they do not distinguish from those they hunt, and those who get in their way… I must ask from each of you, to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor, to be forgiving…” I felt a chill run up from my arm, and down my spine. The cold yet burning sensation of my left wrist had returned just remembering the image of my attacker on the train.


During the hushed meal, rumors and secrets passed from person to person. Through whispers and mutters I could see eyes beginning to gawk from other tables as well as my own. It had quickly spread that both Potter and I had shared the same experience on the train. Glancing over at the Gryffindor table, I could see the usual trio quickly turning their gazes away from me. Leaving me to wonder if perhaps Harry and I were more similar than I realized. ‘Is he…? No, he couldn’t be.’ I shook away the preposterous thought, but the idea laid buried in the back of my mind.


After it was done, I began heading towards my House. “Lucas Peterson!” However, my name suddenly was called from behind, pausing me in my tracks as I turned to look back. There I saw Dumbledore motioning me with his finger towards the teacher’s table at the head of the room. Many others around, looked at me with no small amount of interest, Pansy and Draco were hesitant to leave me, Pansy especially, but after a few words I convinced them I would be back soon.


The other teachers left, the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts giving me a squinting gaze as he walked by me, last of the teachers to leave. Suddenly it was just the headmaster and I in the Great Hall. The usual sounds of life had gone silent, nowhere to be found. “Can you tell me what happened on the train...?" He asked, with worry filling his gaze, reassuring me that nothing would be proclaimed as my fault. I explained in as simple words as I could, trying not to leave anything out before the burning question I had finally bubbled to the surface. "Do you think they are targeting werewolves?" Dumbledore immediately shook his head, silently humming in thought to find his words before explaining his thoughts on my hypothesis. "As I'm sure you are aware... Harry Potter was also attacked on the train... And his fate is different from yours..." I slowly nodded with confliction, part of me wanting to have someone similar to confide in.

"However..." Dumbledore continued, recalling my attention again. "Your condition may attract Dementors... I believe that in light congruent with recent events on the train… The shack is now quite dangerous for you at this time…” I frowned, part of me dreading the idea of finding another dementor. “And I’m afraid we have no potions for you to remain in control…” Dumbledore finished, putting the final nail in the coffin of my hopes.


I sighed, and shook my head, suddenly the image of Gaynor came to my mind. “Perhaps, I can stay in the Chamber of Secrets instead? Closing the vault seal makes it, nigh impossible to open again without Parseltongue.” Dumbledore nodded with a calm smile, both of us knowing it was quite impenetrable since I allowed him inside the Chamber to inspect it for anything else Pansy may have left out in her confession before letting me remove the Basilisk scales and letting Gaynor nest there. “My thoughts precisely…” He said, before sending me on my way.


Dumbledore watched as the young Lucas hurriedly left the Great Hall to meet up with his friends, but the moment Lucas left the room, his gaze moved behind himself towards the window. Dumbledore's careful eyes squinting with focus, caught a glimpse of a black shroud hovering just out of the lights of the castle, before disappearing back into the blackness of the night. Dumbledore thought back to what Lucas explained, and how Lupin differed in understanding, only seeing the Dementor's back and assuming it was trying to give the fatal kiss. A Dementor, a dark creature very little is truly known about, changed its behavior to something completely different than ever seen before. Dumbledore took a deep breath, trying to ease the worry in his chest again, Lucas' affliction was the most probable cause for this. A piece of him resonating with the darkest and foulest creature ever created. 'It seems as if I must keep a closer eye on him than previously planned...'


Entering my house, I let out a sigh. ‘Just after I spent a long while cleaning that shack, now I’m barred from using it. I hope I can create something comfortable.’ “Lucas! Is anything wrong?” Pansy asked, grabbing my left arm, and glancing at my wrist again where the dementor grabbed me, Draco standing right beside her. I gained a smile, having two close friends worried for me. Even if they didn’t know I had a monster living inside of me. “Dumbledore was just making sure I was okay, and told me to be wary of the school grounds.”


“Well, at least he tries to take care of the students, even if he fumbles at every turn. Anyway, I want to see Val again!” I fooled Draco quite easily, and happily changed the topic away. However a quick glance towards Pansy, showcased she wasn’t so trusting. We both looked at one another, an instant understanding of lies was communicated through our irises. We sat down on the black leather couches, Pansy sitting right by my side, her leg slightly touching mine. 


I lied about what I spoke of, and she lied about believing it. This was now how our friendship was built. A knowledge that I would lie constantly while Pansy would silently move closer to me when I did. With every lie she discerned, she pressed closer to me, demanding for contact. I was confused when she first started, but the images of her demanding for my honesty while in my arms gave me some insight. She felt she was losing my trust again, and wanted to stay close for our friendship to stay together.


I felt sick to be causing her grief and stress, but the deep fear I had for her eyes to look at me with the same horror as Hermione did when she first heard what kind of being I was sent worse chills down my spine than reliving my first experience of transformation I had mostly blocked out of my memory. I leaned further against Pansy beside me while I spoke to Draco about Val, wanting to be as close as Pansy wanted in payment for my dishonesty. ‘This is all I can do…’ A somber thought I pushed down immediately while Pansy shivered with what I assumed was a mix of depression and worry.


After everyone had gone to bed, Pansy left for her room. Entering inside, she glanced at the window towards the murky depths surrounding her. A tendril passing by reminded her of who the owner of that tendril was going to see. The warm feeling of arm against hers was still lingering. Pansy rubbed her arm with a satisfied smile. ‘It really works…’ She thought, remembering what her mother had taught her during summer. Keeping a good man was easily done through guilt. 


If he felt guilty enough, he would do just about anything as payment. Pansy knew that first hand, she felt she would do anything when she felt him pulling away last year. Pansy wasn’t one to be easily hurt and cause his guilt to flare, but knowing he was still lying wasn’t pleasant. She had quickly noticed her subconscious action of clinging to him when she noticed his lies were soon being reciprocated. A dark thought in her mind soon asked her a question. ‘How far would he be willing to go?’ She licked her lips and gulped, thoughts of their embrace came to her mind. Just tonight, he moved closer to her before pushing his shoulder against her own. 


Pansy really did feel sadness when Lucas lied, part of her wondering why he was so untrusting towards her, however some part of her wished for him to lie more so she could collect her payment. Pansy sighed while hopping atop her bed, now dressed in her PJ’s. “I guess if we are both being taken advantage of, then…” She felt her arm, the lingering feeling of having Lucas’ touch now fading, now leaving her cold. She was left unsure which was being more taken advantage of at this point. Lucas and his constant lies that hurt her for himself, afraid to let others in. Or her, who let him know of her insecurities so she could retain him for herself.

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