Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 119. Night in the Chamber

In the darkness of the Chamber sat Luna and I. My self restraint waning in her presence. With my hand gently resting on the nape of her neck, my thumb keeping her golden locks from tickling my face as we slowly drifted closer to one another. My other hand was holding hers in the same fashion I had begun to hold Pansy’s, fingers intertwined with affection. However the thought of Pansy gave me another moment of pause just as I felt her warm breath down my neck. “Can I do this to Pansy…?” I muttered, guilt already brimming at how close I was to Luna.


Luna opened her eyes, blinking them a few times, before removing her hand from mine. Thinking I ruined her mood, I was prepared to have her storm off, but her hand instead rested overtop my heart. It gave me pause, bringing attention to my heart that I didn’t notice almost beating from out of my chest. Her large unfathomable eyes staring deep into me as she spoke. “You’ll either hurt yourself, or Pansy… If you wait… Normal male werewolves are much more violent than female counterparts… You and Chiara are different… But a beast is still a beast… If you bottle it all up… You won’t be able to stop…”


I gulped, grasping at her hand over my chest, before slowly sliding my hand down her arm, following instinct as I rested it down at her waist again. She was right, I was finding it harder and harder to keep my sanity with the growing desires planted in my mind last summer. The swirling chaos of uncontrollable hunger at Pansy had to be let free or I’d risk fulfilling my own lust in spite of her unknowing what I truly was. As I slowly leaned over Luna, letting her descend onto her back, I looked down at all of her. 


Her glowing hair scattered around her head, like liquid gold forming a pillow for her as she waited for me to approach. Her long flowing robes loosely hanging onto her body through her arms still through the sleeves, yet widely open enough to be mistaken for a large blanket to cover her backside from the silk laden floor. Her blue and gray vest angled neckline deepened enough to showcase her open white shirt; haphazardly tousled about and unfurled. Her clavicle and neck were exposed, something I didn’t realize until now, making me wonder if this was perhaps another reason she came down here, aside from Gaynor (who I now noticed skittered away to give us some privacy). 


Finally was Luna’s large azure eyes, looking up at me; almost as if she was waiting. Every portion of her grew more alluring to me than the last, I gasped taking another deep breath to keep up with my racing heart. “I… I need…” I said through panting breath, grasping at my chest in some stupid attempt of quelling my heart to ease the tension now felt through every fiber of my being. But a cold hand resting on my cheek brought me back, a miniature smile froze my body as I gazed at Luna’s understanding eyes. “I know what you need Lucas…”


She gently guided my head closer to hers yet again resting my forehead against hers, our lips glancing off one another as I continued to gasp, unable to keep my breath in carnal excitement. Through closed eyes Luna spoke in a slightly different tone, her aloof sound made way for a slightly different one. One that no words could ever truly describe its magical enchanting tone. “I’m happy to help you…~”


With those words, the last chain in my mind snapped. I gently placed my lips overtop of hers, letting the intoxicating feeling wash over me. However it wasn’t enough. Raising my head back up, I gasped for air, mirroring Luna heaving for breath underneath me. I descended back down, aggressively snatching her lips as mine. With each fervent kiss I gained the need for more. My tongue caressed her gums, wordlessly telling her to match what I was doing. 


Luna let out a small hum in agreement, unclenching her jaw and carefully invading my mouth as I did hers. While we continued, her arms tightly grasped around my back, instinctually grabbing at my robes to keep her voice down in ecstasy. With each moment we returned to a more primal state, my buzzing brain unable to think of anything else at the moment. All that I desired laid underneath me with open arms, each step downward taking me further into the abyss of depravity. I could only take small breaks to give her time to breathe, but the moment she began to regain her focus, I aggressively continued my assault; nothing but carnal fulfillment in my mind.


Only after I finally felt my heart rate slow, and the need abate, did I stop. Luna laid underneath me, gasping for breath as I had in the beginning. Her distant and hazy gaze lazily matched mine as her chest bounced for vital oxygen. Without a word, she moved herself, her arms quivered from lack of strength, but she persevered. She unsteadily dragged me onto the ground, and slumped herself down to lay beside me, resting her head on my chest. With nowhere for my hand to go, I rested it just beside hers, letting her grasp it and intertwine her fingers with mine.


Like that we laid in silence, our minds abuzz in euphoria. However, slowly things came back into focus in my mind. The horrific realization of what I had done behind Pansy’s back wrenching my stomach into a knot. “Oh what have I done…?” As the guilt of what I had forcefully done to Luna also came crashing down on top of me. I was only brought out from my spiraling mind with Luna’s supple lips gently resting against mine, reminding me of how visceral I was just moments before.


She leaned over me as we connected once again, and the moment I began to lean into her, my primal hunger stirring, she pulled away. She now had my full attention, both of us gazing into the other’s eyes. “Back to blue…” She muttered, looking deep into my eyes, causing me to hurriedly look to the muddled waters surrounding us as a mirror to check the color of my eyes in shock. My eyes were indeed mostly blue, just the hint of green I was accustomed to, making me wonder what they looked like before. 


“I can see you are not ready to tell Pansy of your condition…” I glanced at Luna’s reflection in the water, her warbled gaze matching mine as she spoke. “That’s okay… Chiara hasn’t told Ginny, Harry, or Ron either…” She slightly nodded, not knowing exactly what either of us were going through, but doing the best she could by using us both to measure each other. “But what about you?” I asked, turning my head to look directly at her. She tilted her head in confusion, unsure what I was referring to. My face burned with shame and anger at myself for letting myself succumb to temptation; morphing her desire to help me into something more lustful.


“This can’t be easy for you either! What we did! If it means nothing then-!” I began yelling, unsure how or what ‘this’ is, only pausing after her hand gently patted my head like one would tousle a dog’s mane, a tiny smile adorning her usual bland expression. “This means something… You mean a lot of things to me… That’s why I want to help you…” I sat frozen, staring at her in silence, disbelief etched in my mind. Was she being a very close friend, or confessing to me?


“I- I can’t let Pansy go.” I whispered, firmly making my stand that I would never abandon her, perhaps just to remind myself. Luna didn’t bat an eye, her small smile never dimmed, like she was expecting me to pull away once again. She nodded at me, and moved over to the side of me once again, laying her head down on the silken ground while staring up at the ceiling. “I knew that from the beginning…” I silently shook my head in confusion, unable to comprehend any of her actions. Was she trying to be a good friend in helping my relationship with Pansy, or trying to take me for herself?


However, her final words removed the doubts clouding my mind. “You don’t have to let go… Only listen to your instincts…” I blinked in silence, staring down at her unmoving gaze heavenward. I couldn’t let Pansy go, not with all this affection I had for her. Seeing her become a better person, and helping me to do the same, allowing me to lean on her anything I would ask her to bear. It was my own shortcomings that I was hesitant to tell her what I was. I wouldn’t let her go. However, looking down at Luna, the girl I had grown accustomed to, and shared the same passions in life for…


Licking my lips, I still had the aftertaste of Luna’s; a stark reminder of what I had just done. I wouldn’t have even considered doing this with a random girl. I had only let myself surrender because it was a girl I had gotten close to and trusted. Chiara, Hermione, Luna, the idea of their help for this particular newly growing need sat wrongly right with me. I knew I had been corrupted by my curse, but couldn’t stop myself slowly descending down beside Luna. I sighed, brushing away some of her hair from my face as I leaned closer to her body. She took a deep breath, and scooted herself closer into my front. Not a word uttered between us as I rested my arm around Luna’s waist, and closed my eyes.

Hey Everyone! Calvin here! Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you all think it was worth it. I just happened to read a recent review and want to just reaffirm my stance on Hermione and Chiara. NTR is not something I like, and will not be happening. Hermione and Chiara will like one another, on top of Lucas (Pun not intended). Once a relationship is set and established, that will be the time for boundaries to be put up between all parties. Yes, Luna and Lucas will be sort of dancing that line of cheating, but Lucas still likes Pansy, that won't go away for anything. Pansy isn't and wont be replaced in Lucas' mind. Boy... Trying to write realistic harem is difficult...

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