Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 106. Quidditch World Cup! Beginning Year 4

Hey Everyone! Calvin Here! Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a good holiday. The votes have been tallied and a decision has been made. Fleur and Nyx are going to be much closer to Lucas over the next years. Just be be upfront, both are going to be on the back burner while the main cast of girls you have gotten to know so well. This year will be mostly about them, with Nyx and Fleur having the sparks that grow over time. Also, since we have caught up to my personal first drafts, unfortunately the updates will be coming much slower than previously before. Anyway, since it was Christmas I felt that I should give a small gift to all the readers that helped me make it this far. I hope you enjoy the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts!

“Must we really go?” My mother groaned, placing the last finishing touches to her tied up hair. My father’s neutral scowl deepened slightly, clearly unhappy with having to leave as well. “We were invited by the Malfoy’s, it would be rude to turn them down. I assume you know to be on your best behavior as well, Lucas?” I held back a sigh, finishing the knot on my tie as I spoke. “Of course father.” He sternly nodded, heading towards the flu in search of his jacket and umbrella. “The Ministry prefers to hear that we are not such a family uncaring of national sports, so that is what we shall be.”


I nodded in agreement, just glad that both my parents didn’t care much for Quidditch either, only showcasing their appreciation for it in public, and not dragging me to any Quidditch matches. However, this time Lucious Malfoy had formally invited us since he had good seats with his own family. It would be nice to see Draco again, a few weeks early, however that was offset by his loud and obnoxious behavior during the sport’s match.


“Oh, your tie’s a bit crooked dear, here.” My mother suddenly spoke, grabbing my neck tie and straightening it for me. A sigh escaped my lips at her embarrassing gesture, one that she glared at me slightly for, as if daring me to speak up to her. I didn’t, glancing away to avoid her gaze, allowing her to finish. She giggled slightly, before wrangling me into a hug, one in which I was starting to reach her same height. She groaned after pulling away, looking me up and down with a slight pout. “You're growing up so fast, you used to be only up to my waist only a few years ago.”


I shook my head, avoiding speaking in fear of starting a conversation over the topic. “Onward now, we’ll be late if we dally on much longer.” My father spoke up from the other room, granting me a wave of relief as my mother took my arm to lead her towards the flu. After standing in front of the flu, my father took a handful of powder, but paused, glancing back at the two of us. “Any last questions before we depart?” He looked at each of us, my mother finally raising her finger as she embarrassingly whispered her response. “What were the teams again…?”


After arriving at the VIP entrance, I glanced around at the other floo networks that all encompassed around us at this Quidditch world cup event. “Ah! The Petersons!” Through all the mumblings of every other family high in the Ministry, I heard a familiar voice yell out our name. I turned to look at Lucius Malfoy walking over, his arms raised for this joyous occasion. “It’s great to see you Darlene!” Mrs. Malfoy cheered as she walked over beside her husband, both mothers hugging one another as the fathers spoke.


“Well, well, well…” Another voice ominously started, emanating from behind me. I glanced back to see Draco crossing his arms, a cocksure smirk planted on his face. “Look at you… At a Quidditch game.” I scoffed at him, causally patting his shoulder as I shot back. “I’m assuming it was your idea to drag us here?” Draco knew that my family weren’t much of Quidditch fans, only wanting the connections of ‘The wizarding pass time’ as something to bond over with other families.


He shook his head, waving away my accusation before angling his head towards his mother. “She said she would only go if she had your mother join us, as someone to talk to.” We both chuckled as Luscious began leading us towards our private box seats to enjoy the match. “So how was summer?” Draco asked, clearly pointing me towards discussing Val.


Valdemar had been getting too big for me to keep hidden under my clothes. His last molting at the end of our third year proved that, his length beginning to overtake my height. To keep him hidden he would have needed to constantly drink shrinking potions, which could permanently hurt his growth if used too much. As I was also too sick back then to even make the potions needed for him, it was decided to have him stay at Hogwarts for this summer, leaving him in the care of Abarrane.


We were both saddened to say the least, but I felt it was right to let him stretch his tail in the lake. His almost aquatic habits, and larger size would be too confining for him at home. Against Pansy’s wishes, I brought him to the waters myself on the last day, using her for support the whole way there and back. Everyday, whenever my mind had a moment to itself, I would always worry if Val was happy and safe.


I sighed, playing with the necklace tucked under my suit. The necklace I had kept the singular Basilisk fang inside, still reddened with Hemrione’s blood, as a keepsake for her courage. An old habit from when it carried the unicorn’s blood. Instead of clutching my chest with unease, I grasped at the small leather pouch over my heart. “Val would have loved to see this.” I muttered, looking at the large open field near the staircase we were climbing.


Draco scoffed at me, patting my back with his gloved hand. “You sound like my mother.” He teased, making me push him away to silence his words. He laughed as we climbed the next flight of stairs. Beginning to explain his own summer to change the topic. “Well, my summer has been very uneventful. This was the large and only event we had planned, my father being busy with the ministry again for some reason.”


I nodded along, remembering my own father being late at home recently as well. “So has mine. Do you think anything is going on at the Ministry?” I asked, grabbing at the opportunity to speak of anything to take my mind of Val. Draco shrugged, before opening his arms to the massive crowd of eager fans crying out in excitement for the near match. “I can only imagine everyone is working hard to have free time for such an event like this.”


I nodded at him, but inside I felt conflicted. I knew my father wasn’t one to shy away from using his work as a shield to avoid outings he deemed unfitting, or in other words, nothing to gain. ‘Maybe he deems the Malfoys as a very good connection to keep pleased.’ I pondered to myself, heading up the steps higher to the VIP viewing box, unaware of the three gazes piercing into me from afar.


From the bleachers just under Lucas, as Harry, Hermione, and Chiara got settled along with the Weasley's along with the Diggory's and the Lovegood's all around them, Hermione and Chiara’s eyes wandered above. “There’s Lucas!” Chiara yelled into Hermione’s ear, stealthily pointing towards where she could feel her strong connection to Lucas. Hermione, still embarrassed and unsure how she should act in this ‘feelings’ triangle situation. She glanced to her other side, seeing Luna already staring up at the above balcony, her neutral expression revealing nothing of how she felt.


Finally after wrestling with herself, Hermione looked up, only catching a glimpse of Lucas, smiling widely before disappearing into the private viewing boxes, the image of his large smile making her chest clench. Neither Chiara, nor even Luna spoke a word about their previous declaration since that train ride back home just before summer started this year. Even after all meeting together at the Weasleys, none of them even thought to talk about it until Chiara suddenly mentioned she could feel Lucas close beside her.


Now that he was gone from sight, Hermione looked at both her friends. Chiara matched her gaze, before blushing and quickly turning away. Luna not even looking towards her, just focusing down at the grass on the field. All close friends with each other, now all in a strange competition with one another. Hermione didn’t know what to do, they only discussed it after not having to see each other again for a long while, but now it was shoved right back in the forefront of each of their minds as they were forced to sit right beside each other.

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