Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Chapter 80: Chapter 77: Benemune

~Takumi Katsuragi~

"Good evening, Sekiryuutei, I am Benemune, the Chief Secretary of the Grigori. I heard you wanted to meet me?" She said in a light and slightly teasing tone. Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

Something weird had absolutely awakened in me after I had the ol' carnal tussle with Rayne. I refused to be blamed for this, blame this world for making all of the older women unreasonably attractive, I am just acting like the average sociopath my age.

"Likewise, Miss Benemune, I am Takumi Katsuragi Goch, excuse me if I stared too much, your beauty just took me off guard is all." I tried to lay on the butter but from her giggle, I felt I was just like a child that was trying too hard.

...I mean, comparatively, of our age, I kinda was. Still kinda getting used to most of the people I am making deals with being older than the country Japan.

"You are a flatterer aren't Sekiryuutei? No need to be so formal, I know you are well acquainted with Azazel and a friend of the Grigori. In fact, I would prefer a more intimate and casual setting, I don't get much time off after all." She is speaking my language.

"Alright then, Benemune, would you like some wine while we chat? While there is business talk, it isn't urgent." Benemune nodded, a bit too excitedly for the wine as I snapped my fingers and a Homunculi waiter walked in with fancy wine glasses and a bottle of Hyacinth Wine.

I mean, last time went a bit wild but hey, if I drank in moderation everything should be fine right?

"Thank you very much Sekiryuutei, your wine is truly the best I have tested, it certainly helped me get through the tough days. Also, I am curious, why do you keep using the name of the Heavenly Dragon? I thought you would name your auction house after yourself." She took a sip of the crimson red wine the homunculi poured and sighed in contentment.

I also took a sip of the strong yet flavorful wine before speaking.

"Well, without the Boosted Gear, I wouldn't have come this far, it can't be denied that it's an essential part of my being, and Ddraig helped me along many times. It's my way of paying respect to him, besides, the surname of the Heavenly Dragon invokes way more respect than some random one like Katsuragi." I was glad that the Boosted Gear was currently off because this was kind of embarrassing.

"Huh, I didn't think you were the sentimental kind Sekiryuutei. I am surprised considering how much of the underworld you are monopolizing." Benemune made a vague noise before smirking while I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I don't bring emotion into business and I also don't bring business into emotion, or at least I try to. It's a good work ethic. Speaking of work, I trust that that briefcase has what I want inside of it?" Benemune nodded.

"Indeed, Divergent Avatar was truly difficult to track down and we may have stepped on the toes of some Church branches but in the end we have it, it is inside this briefcase. And as for the other part of the deal..." Benemune smiled, her cheeks flushing a little from getting tips after downing a few glasses. She unbuttoned her overcoat and put it away, accentuating her giant breasts even more.

"It's getting a bit hot in here, I wonder if it's the drinks or something else?" I think it's actually the drinks because I also feel warm, and my house is supposed to be at a comfortable temperature at all times. I had to unbutton the front of my shirt, but I was too stubborn to command my homunculi to tinker with my thermostat, only I touched my thermostat.

Seeing me nod Benemune fanned herself before standing up.

"Yes, it's indeed a bit hot. Say, why don't we move this 'discussion' to your bedroom, I am feeling a bit bothered." I raised an eyebrow at Benemune after understanding the implications almost instantly. I mean, I had hoped that I would get to fuck Benemune but that easily?

Seeing my doubtful expression she giggled.

"What is that look for~? I am not exactly a prude and you are quite good-looking yourself, besides I haven't had a good lay in years, you have no idea how busy I have been. And you know, I fell because I had sex." Benemune added an extra sway to her hips and I was sold. I chuckled and stood up.

"Well, if you are offering there is nothing that can stop me from refusing an offer like that." Before following after Benumune I took one more sip from my glass. Woowie, that's strong.

Maybe I should dial the alcohol back a little next time or get myself some juice next ti-


~3rd Person~

Benemue looked around the master bedroom with slight anticipation bubbling up in her chest, it had been years since she had a good lay and now not only did she get to drink the best wine she had ever found but also she would get to lay with the cute young devil.

Hopefully, he was as good in bed as he was in shaking the entire world with his brews. Either way, she planned to rock his world.

He was a young Devil while she was a Cadre who had fallen due to lust.

But something that she had noticed was that while following her his aura had changed once he downed the last glass of wine, his steps gained weight and he had an aura of determination and confidence around him.

Well, it was quite attractive, she turned around and faced the young man who had an aura of utter seriousness in his eyes for... some reason.

"Well then, aren't you going to do something? Or did you get cold feet? It's rude to keep a lady waiting you know~" Then Takumi started... stretching? As if he didn't hear her words.

"You have the entire night free right?" Benemune raised her eyebrows, well, wasn't that a confident statement?

"Yes, you sound pretty confident~ I would love to see if you can back them up." Takumi, as if he didn't hear her words looked up at the ceiling and reminisced.

"You see, I lost my first time to a Fallen Angel of Lust when I was still a human, obviously, a spongy inexperienced human against a thousand-year-old fallen angel of lust went about as expected. It was then I realized, when challenging a mountain it's best to stick to your own strengths and their weaknesses. That's why..."

'What is he doing? Monolouging?' While Benemune stood there confused Takumi pulled a shining red potion out of his inventory and downed it.


[Indomitable Invincible Mountain King Brew]

|Tier: High|

All day, all night, every day, every night

Imbues your body with the power of the Indomitable Invincible Mountain King, for the duration of 30 hours your sexual endurance is virtually limitless, supercharges your vitality and instantly recovers from sexual fatigue.

Your mountain is one that will never crumble.



Takumi crushed the bottle in his hands before disintegrating it and the wind blew away the dust. Then he gripped his clothes and with herculean strength tore them away from his body completely, leaving him completely naked.

'O-oh my~'

~~~~~~r18 - Start~~~~~~

Takumi's invincible dragon stood up, emanating power and virility, it was one of the biggest Benemune had seen on a humanoid, reaching up a solid 10 inches and as thick as her fist, any normal person wouldn't be able to take even half of this beast but instead of Benumune felt her lower body heat up.

Takumi's gaze met hers, a gaze full of determination and endless hunger ready to devour.

"I trust you won't mind if I get a bit... rough?"

Benemune smirked.

"Oh, now you are speaking my language~ I'd welcome it-" The moment the words left Benemune's mouth Takumi closed the distance between them and gripped Benemune's clothes and tore them apart, leaving her only in her sheer purple lace panties since she did not wear a bra, and instantly Takumi gripped her large and plush ass before claiming her lips, but Benemune did not fall so easily unlike Rayne.

She wrapped her arms around Takumi's neck and reciprocated the kiss, their tounges wrapped around each other, making sounds of obscenity, Benemune's skilful experienced tongue against Takumi's fierce and passionate one.


Benemune moaned as Takumi's hand tore apart her panties and his hands sunk into her tender ass, mauling it while his other hand's fingers slipped into her asshole and played with it, at the same time she felt an invisible force tweak with her nipples like a pair of invisible hands.

As their lips separated Takumi gave her a predatory gaze that made her spine tingle.

"Enough, I want to fuck you now." Takumi grabbed Benemune and flipped her around as she smiled, anticipating what he planned.


Benemune was taken by surprise as Takumi bent down and swept her ankles before lifting her up by her knees, holding her back against her chest while baring her naked away from his body like he was wrestling her.

A Full Nelson.

"A-ara~ what an imaginative positio- Ugh~!" Benemune felt the breath leave her Takumi dropped her onto his giant cock while thrusting up, burying himself in her incredibly tight insides in one motion. He felt her insides grip him like a vice, her inside was indescribably soft and wet yet it gripped onto his shaft like it was trying to strangle it.

Plap! Plap!

Noises of violent copulation sounded out as Takumi slammed Benemune onto his hard cock, drawing out bestial moans from her while he grunted in extortion, he put in every bit of strength he had into his thrusts, all 511 of it. Knowing very well that even if he tried he couldn't hurt Benemune he put his all into her.

"Ah~ Ah~ So rough~~" Benemune's legs dangled and her breasts jiggled as roughly fucked her silly, she could feel all 10 inches of him inside of herself, filling her up fully, hitting every spot in her, she liked being manhandled like this, she felt his rock hard cock her deepest depths.

After fucking her roughly for several minutes Takumi moved even rougher, as if trying to breed her.

"I'm cumming! Take it!"

"Hnnggh~~ Cum in me~!"

Takumi's penis erupted like a violent volcano, sending unusual amounts of cum flooding into Benemune's vagina, to the point even her waist bulged ever so slightly, then after fully emptying his balls inside her Takumi pulled Benemune who was riding the aftermath of her climax off his cock and let the cum drain out of her pussy onto the floor.

"Haa~ that was real goo~-! Hnggh~ What~!?"

Benemune couldn't even finish her sentence as without even a moment of rest Takumi plunged himself in her again, this time claiming her asshole. Sinking into the depths of her anus but Benemune quickly adjusted, clenching her anus and tightening around Takumi's penis as it railed her.

"Ough~!" Benemune let out an undignified noise as Takumi thrust into her hard once more, jolting her body and making her toes curl. She felt a pleasant numb sensation on her ass as Takumi's hips slammed into them. In reality, as Benemune relied more on her magic the gap between their physical abilities wasn't insurmountable, albeit large.

Plap! Plap! Plap!

Takumi held Benemune tight as if she were a doll, pumping his dick into her slit over and over like a machine without rest, his energy never dying out while Benemune tried to stave off her orgasm as much as possible but the wine made it almost impossible to do so.

And yet again.


"I'm cumming too~!" Benemune felt Takumi pump her full of his semen again, feeling it fill her ass up to the brim without restraint or modesty. After his cock stopped filling her Takumi pulled it out before setting Benemune down on her knees, without letting her even letting her breathe he put his dick against her face.

"Suck it."

Benemune felt herself get even hotter at his commanding tone, she felt his cum sloshing inside of her and the smell of his overpowering musk mixed with her and his cum right by her nose made her mouth water. Smiling Benemune licked her lips.

'I really like this play~'

~~~~~~r18 - End~~~~~~


~Takumi Katsuragi~


My fucking head...

...I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much. At least I didn't get lethally drunk, what even happened last night?

Just as I went to put my hand down I felt it grab onto something, looking down I saw a very naked Benemune lying spread eagle completely asleep next to me.

Then the memories of what happened last night came to me.

'Oh fuck.'

I had, indeed, fucked.

A/N: Takumi drank and the entire world cowered. A drunk Takumi who just got his hands on a new toy and new samples from a Cadre of all things is definitely a recipe for joy and jubilation. It's impressive how much you can change when you take the insecure and paranoid wreck out of Takumi and make him drunk. Well, what do you guys think Drunk Takumi did this time around?

Also, what did you guys think of the smut scene this time around? I'd like to hear your thoughts about it.


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