High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Fated to be a Bully II

"Brand-chan d-don't do anything, I will call-" Shizuka shivered in fear, she saw that situation going out of hand and suggested going and calling another teacher but I had to grasp her wrist when the other three bastards surrounded us, it seems they don't regard her as a member of the school's directive at all.

"Oi oi, and who are you? wait, I remember you... you're the Gaijin from Sarashiki Primary School, the wannabe gangster" He joked, so that's how it is, that's indeed how I'm called... my western looks draw a lot of attention to me, some of it is good, but not all of it.

Most people don't believe I'm half Japanese.

"Wannabe?" I smirked at the way he worded it out, you're about to see whether I'm a 'wannabe' or not, boy.

"We're from the primary Ishiyama... there were some rumours about you but, you don't look like anything big now that I'm looking at you" He got closer and the loser went as far as to go on his toes only to look more imposing with his hands in his pockets, ridiculous.

You lower your guard like that in front of me, that's like asking to get beaten.

"Leave this teacher alone, I don't care whatever you do to anyone else, but she's with me" I gave him my last grace, the last opportunity to back off, I want my time in school to be different from before.

"And what if I do-?!"



I resisted the urge to sigh and punched his head right away, right on his temples; knocking him out. He fell like a corpse on the floor as the students around us gasped. There are four of them and a single one of me, I don't care if the move is shady or unfair... if I can lower their numbers and increase my odds then so be it, they don't look like they're up to chatting anyway.

I just ruined my reputation again, but... I'm not about to allow Shizuka to get disrespected by some punks, let alone... they're disrespecting me as well.

Let me show them who is the 'wannabe' gangster here.

"Brand-chan!!" I pushed Shizuka away towards the groups of people while the other three lunged at me, this is going to be a difficult fight... I know how to fight but this body isn't ready.

As proper gangsters, they weren't ready to play fair; the circle around us formed with students yelling in awe; a fight broke out on the first day of school, what an event.

There are three of them, lunging at me at the same time, I had to spend a lot of energy evading them and looking for an opening, I can't even run because these bastards have us encircled, Shizuka went away, possibly to look for security or another teacher.


I took a fist to my ribs and grunted, holding it in.

"YOU CAN DO IT, BRAND-KUN!" I heard Yuuki cheering on me... but when I looked at her she was smiling, do you think this is some fucking TV match!?

The next blow I delivered was to the face as well from the second goon after blocking and evading the three of them, the moment they stopped my movements, I'd be finished; my arms were numb from so much blocking, my fist didn't knock him out but gave me the chance to lunge forward and kick his head with my knee. This time it did it.


He fell down and started to shiver and twist in pain, the sight was so vicious that it deterred the other two from going forward, I hope didn't just smash that guy's skull inwards.

Two bodies down; two to go. But... I'm already tired, this is what I was fearing, stamina.

Many eyes looked at me from the distance I caught the glimpse of the purple-haired girl from before, she had her arms crossed while looking at us while smiling, I see, so she's that type of person too.

The pink-haired girl as well as the group of guys who I recently met were there as well. The two remaining guys were careful, they noticed that my fists were skilled and didn't lunge arbitrarily, using their heads for once.

"STOP THIS!!" Someone yelled and I lowered my guard, immediately, raising my hands as if I had been called out by the cops.

It is either a male teacher or a director, he came running with Shizuka in tow; the beautiful nurse was sobbing as she inspected me, "Shizuka it's oka-"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Brand-chan..." She kept repeating amidst sobs, treating my bloodied nose, how troublesome... the woman has been deluding herself by thinking she's 'useless' and now this happens, it isn't her fault, she did what any teacher would have done, protect a student that was being bullied.

She was just unlucky enough that those students were gangsters but well, she was lucky enough that I was there too.

I received a blow to my face while I blocked it so my nose was bleeding a little, as for the two guys on the ground... well, the one whose head I kneed was still shaking, I think I overdid it with him. As for the first goon leader, I hope he didn't break his skull with that fall.

So much for trying to be polite; guess another life of mischievousness awaits me.

My reputation got ruined on the first day, but the rest of the day continued without a hitch, one of the guys had to be taken to the paramedics, and the one I kicked with my knee... that guy wasn't right.

The director met me together with Shizuka who explained to him what had happened, it was self-defence, but even then... they also recognised it was me who gave the first blow.

There were several other students who served as witnesses, between them were the purple-haired beauty, Busujima-senpai and my classmate Saya Takagi. The words of the latter seemed to carry weight and I was allowed to go with a minimum suspension... I'd attend school for this week as it is the first, but then... I'd be unable to attend until the week after the next.

During the rest of the class, I was ignored by the guys who had initially desired to be my 'friends'... Komuro, Miyamoto and Hisashi.

It seems they don't want to be acquainted with a troublemaker which is fair enough.

"Thanks for helping me, Takagi-san".

"It was nothing, try to keep yourself out of trouble, Mercer-san..."

I thanked the pink-haired girl who looked at me with a smirk of her own, making my eyebrows tilt wondering what she was thinking.

Departing the classroom I had to walk carefully in case either the goons or Yuuki Miku tackled me to the ground, eventually reaching Shizuka's car, she had been waiting for me.

"A-Are you okay?"

"I am... I don't want to talk about it, let's just go..." I sighed and she nodded.

That was my first day of High School, an experience to remember.

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