Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 1000 Enduring Shame and Humiliation

1000  Enduring Shame and Humiliation
"Miss, here's 20 million for you. Please leave this place immediately," Vinna said with no expression 
on her face.
Cinta felt her heart hurt so much that it felt like she couldn't breathe. She really wanted to scream 
and even kill Aksa.
But what has happened is irreversible. Even if she wanted to sue him, she wouldn't be able to win.
She picked up the 20 million scattered on the bed angrily, grabbed the blanket that wrapped her 
body and ran outside barefoot.
She tried to run towards the elevator and found that Aksa was standing nearby while looking at her 
with disdain.
Cinta feels so angry. Even though she works at the club, she wouldn't sink that low to sell herself for 
some bucks. She does need money nor anyone, she already has a lawful job.
Cinta threw the money in Aksa's face, but the elevator's door had closed and prevented the money 
from hitting her face.
The red hundred thousand notes were scattered on the floor. Before the doors closed, she could see 
the look on Aksa's face that was pretty much very insulting to her. Cinta immediately shouted with a 
hoarse voice. "You bastard!"
Vinna stood in the corridor while taking out her cell phone silently. He recorded all the events until 
Cinta took the money that was scattered on the floor in a sad way.
When Cinta raised her head, Vinna pretended to play her cellphone nonchalantly. But her eyes could 
still see the other girl's face which was full of tears and sadness.
Cinta doesn't know who she really is and she needs a lot of money for her recovery. She wanted to 
quickly remember who she was and find her family.
But who would want to help her?
Only Maddison and Henry were willing to give her a job at the club so she could survive. Cinta tells 
herself that everything has happened and can not be undone.
This money is compensation for the loss. She trembled with anger as she took the notes on the 
ground. Tears of shame and humiliation enveloped her as she lowered herself to do it.
Vinna could see that there was something different about Cinta. This woman bit her lip until blood 
flowed from the corner of her mouth. While hating and cursing Aksa, she also endured the shame 
and humiliation of picking up the money that was scattered on the floor so that she would not suffer 
Vinna knows Aksa very well. Even if he is drunk, he will not bring any woman into his house, let 
alone have anything more than that.
There are no red marks on Cinta's neck, chest or back. But the wound on her knee made Vinna 
Last night, did something happen? Or maybe nothing happened at all?
But this is not her business since she is just an assistant, "Miss, your clothes have been thrown away. 
There's a new change of clothes for you in the room."
Cinta said nothing and went back into the room with the money. She closed the door and ran to the 
bed, crying out loud.
After crying, she put on the clothes prepared for her and left Aksa's residence with a pair of red and 
swollen eyes.
The weather that day was quite sunny. The sun shone brightly, though it wasn't too hot and didn't 
overheat people.
But for her, she really felt cold as if she was in the polar ice. She was so cold that her body was 
As she was waiting for a taxi by the side of the road, she kept rubbing her hands. But she was still 
cold and the chill from her heart had completely frozen her.
Finally, an empty taxi passed by. She immediately hailed it and went inside. After telling the driver 
the address, she leaned back and hugged her knees, hoping that doing this would make herself feel a 
little warmer.
Her knees hurt a lot, but her heart hurt even more. She snuggled up to the car's door and trembled.
The taxi driver was a middle-aged man. Seeing her behave this way, he looks worried. "Miss, are you 
"I'm cold," Cinta's voice sounded trembling.
"Do I need to take you to the hospital?" The driver asked anxiously.
Cinta shook his head. "No need. I just have a little fever."
The driver immediately turned off the cooler so that the temperature inside the car became warm. 
But Cinta still feels cold. The coldness even pierced her bone.
When Cinta arrived home, Maddison was waiting for her downstairs. Cinta walked with a limp leg, 
which made Maddison rush over to her and ask anxiously, "Cinta, where did you go last night? Why 
are you like this?"
"Sis Maddy!" Seeing Maddison, Cinta immediately burst into tears and ran to hug her.
Maddison hugged her gently and patted her on the back. "What's wrong with you? Tell me."
"Sis, I…" Cinta wanted to say what happened last night. But looking back on the relationship between 
Maddison and Aksa, what can she do?
She couldn't say anything.
"Last night, some people from the club couldn't find you in the staff room. They're worried 
something happened to you. I came here to wait for you. What happened? Whose clothes is this?" 
Maddison realized that the clothes Cinta was wearing had changed.
"I'm tired. I just want to go home and rest. I want to sleep. It's all over," Cinta lowered her head and 
limped as she walked forward.
"Cinta, are you okay?" Maddison asked anxiously.
"I'm fine. Thank you. Go back to work, don't worry about me," Cinta tried to hold herself back.
Maddison escorted her to her home. As soon as she arrived at the door, Cinta took her house's key, 
but her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't properly put the key in the hole.
"I'm worried about you. How about we go to the hospital?" Maddison took the key and opened the 
door for Cinta.
"I'm fine. I'm just not getting enough sleep and a little fever. I will recover by resting," said Cinta with 
a smile.
Maddison was still worried. She took the opportunity when Cinta was not ready and immediately 
took off her clothes. But after realizing that there were no signs of anything suspicious on her body, 
Maddison felt relieved.
Cinta's heart tightened as Maddison did it. "Sis, what are you doing?"
"I studied medicine with my mother and wanted to see if you had a rash on you," Maddison said 
seriously. She held Cinta's hand as she said it and then checked her pulse. "You do have a fever. Go to 
sleep and get some rest."'
"Thank you. Really, I'm fine."
After that, Cinta fell asleep until the day turned dark. She was sweating a lot and her head was still a 
little dizzy, but she was much better than before.
She rushed to the bathroom for a warm shower and after that, she felt much better.
While she was taking a shower, she felt something was wrong. If she and Aksa really did something 
last night, shouldn't she feel some kind of side effects?
Why didn't she feel anything?
Cinta tried to find information from the internet and found that she was fine.
Is it possible that nothing happened last night?
But if nothing happened, why would Aksa take off her clothes? Why didn't Aksa explain it properly?
With a heart full of doubts, Cinta changed her clothes and went to work. She decided to look for an 
opportunity and asked him directly.
Seeing Cinta coming to work, Henry immediately asked with worry, "Cinta, are you sick? You can't 
drink, but why did you drink last night?"
"Sorry, I made you worry. I'll be more careful next time," said Cinta.
"Eat first," Henry smiled gently.
He is a warm person and a very generous boss. The club provides free dinner and breakfast, as well 
as a dormitory behind the main building.
Cinta is a chef, so she has her own place to live and the facilities she gets are quite good.
Today's dinner was delicious. Cinta eats voraciously and after eating it is again filled with energy.
She tied her hair high and shaped it into a bun. After that, she covered it with a chef's hat so that her 
hair would not interfere with her work.
All the maidservants were doing their makeup. Cinta also drew her eyebrows and put on lipstick.

"Chef Cinta's eyebrows are so beautiful. Unlike my thin, shapeless eyebrows," said a maid enviously.
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"Use ginger to grow hair on your eyebrows. Ginger can make hair thick," Cinta said with a smile.
"Not only the eyebrows, Chef Cinta is also very beautiful. If she serves in the front, maybe she will 
get a promotion quickly," another waiter said.
"Chef, do you really like the kitchen?" Someone else asked.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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