"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop", Steve said to Tony. Right now, Tony, Steve, and Romanoff were delivering the captured Loki to the Helecarrier.

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?", Tony responded in a humorous manner.

"What?", Steve asked confused.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle", Tony said.

Steve looks at Tony, and he realized that the man is egotistical. Perhaps much more than his father.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in"

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you", Tony responded.

Suddenly lightning and strong winds seem to appear out of nowhere which causes the plane that they were flying in to shake violently.

"Where's this coming from?", Natasha said as she looks out of the window. She was quite bewildered that the possibility of a thundercloud could appear out of nowhere.

Thunder continues to rumbles in the area. This causes Loki to intently stare at the window. The Asgardian was worried about something.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?", Steve said as he noticed that Loki is fidgeting in his seat.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows", Loki responded as he already knew what was coming.

A BLINDING LIGHT hits the plane. Not a light. A King. THE MIGHTY THOR. Thor OPENS the ramp and grabs Loki by the throat and flies out. Steve and Tony are left dumbstruck. Tony puts the IRON MAN helmet on.

"Now there's that guy", Iron man said.

"Another Asgardian?", Romanoff asked.

"Think the guy's friendly?", Captain America asked back.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost", Tony said as he turns and gets ready to jump off the plane to chase after Thor.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!", Captain America shouted at him.

"I have a plan. Attack", Iron Man simply stated.

IRON MAN jumps out of the jet and chases after Thor. Cap grabs a parachute to follow after them.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap", Romanoff said.

"I don't see how I can"

"These guys come from legends, they're basically gods"

"There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that", Captian America said as he jumps out of the jet.

The moment Romanoff was alone on the plane, she turned off her S.H.I.E.L.D. communication device and she activated another one.

"Hello, Miss Romanoff. How is your day?"

"Hello Alfred, thank you for asking. Can you contact Ethan for me?", Natasha said through her communication devise.

"Of course Miss Romanoff. A moment please", Alfred responded.

"What's your report, Natasha", Ethan said in the other line.

"Well, we had Loki a while back ago but another Asgardian took him, so there's that", Romanoff stated.


"I have a question", Romanoff asked.

"What is it?"

"Why did Loki give up so easily? Based on the ability that he has shown in Germany, he could have easily manipulated all of us there. He can make projections of himself after all", Romanoff asked. This question wasn't just in the mind of Steve, it was also in the mind of Romanoff. She has read the file that S.H.I.E.L.D. has on Thor, and she knew what the Asgardian could do. So, she expected something more from his brother.

Ethan was silent for while and then he said, "I do not know. I may seem to know everything Miss Romanoff but as a matter of fact, I only act like it".

Romanoff remained silent but she knew deep inside her that Ethan wasn't being completely honest with her. She just can't think of any reason why that would be though. She was eventually removed from her own musing when Ethan ended the call.

Soon Loki was brought back to the plane, this time Thor was with them.


Ethan sighed and after he ended the call with Natasha. He had thought about telling Romanoff why Loki did what he did in Germany, but after thinking about it, he decided against it. He believes that Romanoff would be able to figure that out by herself.

"Alfred, how is everything in Jersey City?", Ethan asked his trusted AI.

"Everything is going in schedule sir", Alfred responded.

Ethan had prepared a conference in Jersey City. A location that was nearly 1 hour away from Stark Tower. The Umbrella Corporation had made the conference happen and the key individuals that were invited were doctors, Trauma doctors/surgeons in particular.

Ethan wasn't egotistical enough to believe that he could help everyone in New York City when the Chitauri attacks. So, he planned to gather the majority of the country's best or at least decent Trauma Surgeons in Jersey City. So that they could help the hospitals that would surely be pack with multitudes of injured individuals estimated to arrive during the invasion.

He had also gathered the necessary supplies that the hospitals would surely require during a mass casualty.



The Helicarrier was currently being attacked which causes the agents as well as the people gathered in the laboratory to be thrown a few feet due to the explosion.

"Attention all personnel, Number 3 engine is down. We need someone to patch that engine or we won't be in the air for long", Agent Hill said through her earpiece.

Romanoff found out what was Loki's end goal was but before they could properly discuss and place countermeasures to Loki's plan. The team had a huge argument about the weapons that S.H.I.E.L.D. were developing using the Tesseract.

Right now, due to the explosion that happened, Romanoff was dropped to the lower floor of the laboratory, together with her is Dr.Banner who was slowly transforming into the Hulk.

Romanoff spotted the timid scientist that was turning green and she said in a sarcastic voice, "Great, my lucky day".

As each second pass, Banner's body became greener and his muscles began to enlarge which caused him to destroy his clothes. Gone was the timid scientist, what replaced him was now a creature with anger management issues.

"ROAR!!!!!!", The Hulk's roar could be heard throughout the entire Helicarrier.

Romanoff stood up from her position and she threw multiple capsule-like device at the huge creature. The device began to release a thick smoke that covered the entire area. The hulk frantically swang his arms to get away from the smoke but Romanoff wasn't going to let him wreak havoc in the ship.

Romanoff took out another device but this device looks like an ordinary pair of shades.

"Alfred, destroy all the camera's in this location and give me thermal vision", Romanoff said.

For a while the shades made multiple beeping sounds and a voice came from it, "Done Miss Romanoff".

"Thanks Alfred", Natasha replied.

With thermal vision, Natasha could see everything even if the smoke was incredibly thick. She saw the Hulk frantically trying to get away from the smoke and getting pissed as more time passes.

"Here goes nothing", Natasha said to herself as she was about to do something stupid.

Natasha ran towards the hulk and at the last moment she slid down between the Hulk's legs and she jumped on his back. She immediately placed both her hands in the side of the Hulk's neck, she was struggling to maintain her hold due to the hulk trying to remove her from him.

"Go to sleep, doc", Romanoff said. Suddenly out of Romanoffs hands, electricity was released. She used this electricity to electrify the hulk and hopefully make him unconscious.

"AH!!!", The hulk screamed in pain as he tried to get Romanoff off him.

A few years after Romanoff joined the team, Ethan asked her if she wanted a boast in her fighting capabilities. After a few days of thinking about it, she agreed to Ethan's proposal. This led to Natasha being implanted with Inhuman DNA, the DNA came from the inhuman that was named Lincoln Campbell.

During that time Lincoln was still a doctor and he had no idea that he was an inhuman. He was just a man that was fascinated about his ancestry so he availed the services of Ethan's company. This led to him being placed on Ethan's Inhuman list, and one night Ethan made a clone and collected blood and DNA samples from the man.

With this power, Romanoff hopes that she could stop the Hulk from destroying the Helicarrier but that was wishful thinking in her part. The Hulk grab her and threw her to the side of the room with so much force that she knew that she would die.

But lucky for her, Thor was able to catch her before she would have hit the side of the room.

"Thanks", Romanoff said to Thor.


She looks in the direction of the roar and she said to the Asgardian Prince, "Yeah his all yours", Romanoff quickly left the area after that. She had her fun with the Hulk, she was relieved that it wasn't her turn anymore.


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