Fury was quick enough that he was able to jump out of the helicopter before it crash-landed and he immediately took out his gun and began firing at Loki and the agents that he had controlled. But it was pointless, Loki was still able to escape.

"Director? Director Fury do you copy?", Agent Coulson said to his radio.

"The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?" Director Fury replied on his radio.

"A lot of men still under, sir. Don't know how many survivors", Hill responded as she got out of the car that she used to escape the destruction of the Joint  Dark Energy Mission Facility.

"Sound the general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase", Fury said.

"Roger that", Hill responded in her walkie-talkie.

"Coulson, get back to base. This is a LEVEL SEVEN. As of right now, we are at war", Fury said through his radio.


"I have found him. He is in Midgard", Heimdall said to the people that were with him; King Odin, Thor, and Commander Tyr.

"What!", Thor said, shock at what he heard.

"The mortals had the Tesseract, but Loki had taken it from them", Heimdall stated.

Thor held Mjolnir tightly with anger and he said, "Loki means to take revenge on me by hurting those I've sworn to protect". Suddenly lighting seems to sparks from Thor's hammer and with anger, he said, "I have to stop him!".

Heimdall looks at Thor and said, "The observatory is not yet complete and without the Bifrost...I do not see any way for you to go to Midgard".

Thor had angry look on his face, he felt hopeless that he could not stop his brother from creating chaos on earth.

"There is another way", Odin stated to the group.

Thor looks at his father, and slowly his hopelessness vanished and he wanted to ask his father questions about what he meant but King Odin stops him from asking anything by raising his hand.

King Odin then said, "I will need time to prepare, I will contact you when I am ready". King Odin then left Heimdall and Thor in the rainbow bridge, Commander Tyr accompanied the All-Father as the two of them left together.

Thor looks at his father leaving and then he looks at Heimdall and said, "Keep us posted".

Heimdall nodded in response and Thor soon left and returned to the palace.


"Seriously, WHY DID YOU BUY THE HOSPITAL I WAS WORKING AT?!", John said through the computer screen.

Right now, John and Ethan are skyping and John is extremely pissed at his brother.

"Do you know the rumors that are spreading in the hospital right now? Do you know how I'm being attacked by my colleagues for this?" John said with anger in his voice.

"Look, you don't have to worry about it. It's not that big of a deal--"


Before John could continue his rant, Ethan muted him, and then he sighed. After a few months of negotiation, Ethan was finally able to buy the hospital from its previous owners. Before he bought the hospital though, he had made some queries and he found out that the staff of the hospital were quite tense.

This is understandable, cause if someone buys a company, there was a huge chance that new management would release a number of individuals from their jobs, making them jobless.

Now that it was made public that Ethan bought the hospital, John's staff members might be really pissed at him for causing them unjust fear. Plus, they think that John knew all along that Ethan wanted to buy the hospital but didn't tell them. So, most of his colleagues consider this as a breaking of their trust.

The moment John stops ranting, Ethan unmuted him and said, "Look, I --", but before he could say what was on his mind, Ethan received a message that was shown on the side of his screen. It was a message that came from Howard.

He read the message and said to John, "Look, I will be in Seatle Grace Hospital in person, tomorrow. I will explain some of my plans for the hospital then.  As much as I like to continue this conversation, something important came up".

"No---", That was the last word John could say before I ended our call.

Ethan made a clone and left him in his office while he went to the Lighthouse. As a matter of fact, his clone will settle the problem with his brother. There are more important matters for him to handle personally.


"Alfred, update me", Ethan said as he walks in the hallway. Alfred was able to hear anyone as long as they were in the Lighthouse.

"Sir, Loki has stolen the Tesseract, and right now we have lost track of him as well as other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that he has controlled", Alfred stated.

"What is S.H.I.E.L.D. doing now?", Ethan asked.

"Agent Coulson has been tasked to get Tony's help on the matter and Coulson also called Romanoff to return to base immediately. Based on the information that Sitwell has given us, Director Fury wants her to get Dr. Banner", Alfred responded.

I nodded and went to the command center of the Lighthouse, I could see Howard and Enoch standing there.

"Do you wish for us to help in this matter?", Enoch asked me.

"Not right now. I want no Chronicom's involvement for the time being", I responded to him.

"What do you want me to do?", Howard asked Ethan.

"I need you to contact everyone, except Ava. Bring them back here and have them on standby", Ethan said to Howard.


Fury woke up from his bed in the Triskelion. He decided to not go home last night due to the issue at hand. He seated himself on the edge of his bed, then he felt something...like he was being watched.

He immediately began to hold the gun that was hidden under his bed and he stood up and scanned his surroundings. He saw no one, but he could feel someone was staring at him.

He scanned for a while and then he sighed and said, "Perhaps I'm just paranoid".

"No, your not", a voice in his room said.

Fury held his gun tightly and he said, "Show yourself".

"Relax Fury", Zero said as he showed himself to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fury rested his gun and asked, "Why are you here Zero?"

"I'm disappointed in you Nick. One year, that's how long you had the Tesseract. Then it was stolen from you", Zero said in a sarcastic tone.

"A minor setback", Fury responded.

There was a moment of silence and then Zero said, "I'll prepare for the worst, Nick". After saying that Zero soon vanish leaving behind a somewhat angry Fury.


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