I walk in a dark space, not knowing how I even got here in the first place. I let my feet decide where to go, cause truthfully I don't know the difference between left or right, up or down in this place, so I continued walking. I tried to remember what happened, but that knowledge seems to elude me. But I know for a fact, that I had already walked this place, how? I do not know, only that I do.

After an unknown amount of time walking, I saw a woman bound by chains of golden color, her eyes were green with ferocity in them. I wanted to speak, to tell her something, but I could not move my mouth, and I just stared at her with pity. I could feel her deepest emotions, she was showing rage, but deep down sadness was in them, I could feel her pain radiating to me, I felt sad for her. Somehow, I believe that she knows what I was feeling, she became even angrier the longer she looked at me.

"Sir, your heart rate is elevated".

I tried to find where that voice was coming from, but in this place aside from me, only the woman I could see.

Then I saw the chains that were binding her becoming tighter and causing her pain, I saw her mouth moved to show that she was screaming but I could not hear any sound from her. Even her scream was inaudible to me.

"Wake up, sir".

Again that male voice is echoing in the surroundings, I tried to find where it was, I look, but there was no one there.

"Sir, Wake up".

"Wake up Sir".

"Sir Ethan, Wake up".

"AH!", I suddenly screamed as I seated myself from my bed with heavy breathing.

"That dream again, sir?", Alfred said through the speaker in my masked. I had rented a room in one of the motels in the town of New Mexico while waiting for the Destroyer to come. I had stored all my clothes and henge to an ordinary-looking individual while I place my mask on the table next to my bed. Before I slept I had placed barrier seals in the room just as a precaution; such as silencing seals and detection seals.

After the events of the Stark Expo, I had asked Howard to make me a mask that can connect me directly to Alfred, similar to Tony's Iron man suit.

"Yeah", I said weakly as I rub my face and sighed.

Ever since the first time I saw Hela, I had been having those dreams. At first, it wasn't clear who the person in front of me was, but somehow nearly every night the image of that person became clearer. Until eventually the image of Hela became clear to my eyes. Most nights she was quiet, sometimes she would talk, other times she was angry at me. Most times I could feel my mouth moving as if I was speaking to her, but other times I was incapable of talking to her, just like my recent dream of her. I could not talk but I could see her and I know that she could see me as well.

I didn't know why this was happening to me, I had a theory though. I died once perhaps there was a link between me and her through her ability which is connected to death, I'm not sure of that though.

"What time is it?", I asked Alfred.

"10:02 am sir"

"Are the Asgardians here yet?"

"No signs of them anywhere sir. There is also no change in the atmospheric data near our location", Alfred responded.

"Okay", I said as I stood up from my bed. I wanted to meditate to clear my head when suddenly Alfred said something.

"Sir,  looks like the energy readings that you just asked happened approximately 15-20 miles northwest of your location.", Alfred said.

"hmmm....", I nodded and took all of my stuff from the motel and paid for my stay. I left behind a clone to make sure to help the civilians escape when the destroyer comes later in the day.

I arrived at the location where the energy readings were located and waited for the eventual arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not far from where I was standing I saw the Warrior 3, as well as Lady Sif, walking towards the town. It was clear that it was them traveling through the Bifrost that caused the energy readings a while ago.

"Where is Coulson?", I asked Alfred.

"They're on their way here sir", Alfred responded.

All that's left to do now is to wait for the Destroyer and see what's happens. Hopefully, Thor can beat it, so that I won't intervene but after this event, it doesn't matter if S.H.I.E.L.D. knows of my existence. The Destroyer will reveal the truth to the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


S.H.I.E.L.D arrives on-site and Coulson immediately went towards the markings on the ground and he said to Agent Blake, "Get somebody from Linguistics out here", Agent Blake nodded and he went to his car to contact the based when all the agents in the vicinity suddenly heard rumblings in the sky.

The Bifrost was opening and it causing a cyclone to appear in the sky above. Coulson and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents scramble for cover, the windshields of their vehicle shattering as the cyclone grows in strength.  Finally, the hole in the sky overhead opens, and the funnel cloud EXPLODES out of it, touching down onto the desert floor. Coulson and the Agents shelter their eyes from the maelstrom.

Once the dust disperses in the air, they saw a tall humanoid robot-like machine.

"Is that one of Stark's?", Agent Blake asked Agent Coulson.

"I don't think so. But the guy doesn't tell me anything", Coulson responded as he took out a megaphone from his car and said to the gigantic robot in front of him, "Hello! You're using unregistered weapons technology. Please identify yourself".

The robot did not respond to Agent Coulson but instead, it started charging an attack.

Coulson who saw this immediately started running and shouted, "Incoming!".

The robot began firing burning rays of fire beams towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.



A number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents died because of this, some agents fired back but their guns and bullets weren't doing any damage at all. Coulson saw this, and he thought that he would die today, when suddenly the robot vanish from its position and what replaced it was the figure of Zero, with his classic black attire and ripple design mask.

"Wow you guys nearly got toast", Zero said as he looks at all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents remaining.

Agent Coulson immediately got his bearings back and look at his surroundings. It was clear to him that he had lost more than half of the agents that were with him.

"What was that?", Coulson asked Zero.

"That is the Destroyer, the guardian of the vault of King Odin", Zero responded plainly.

"What did you do to it?",

"I sent it towards the town", Zero said.


"Relax Agent Coulson, I have a plan to keep the civilians safe", I said to the worrying Agent in front of me.

Coulson was relieved that at least the civilians would be safe, but just like a federal agent the man began to ask questions, "Why did you show yourself here?". Coulson wanted to know why Zero would show himself in front of multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, in all the times he had met with the man, 2 times to be exact, this was the 3rd time. This is the only time the man didn't care enough to knock out other agents that were with him, Zero always made sure to keep his identity a topmost secret. This baffled Coulson.

"Cause it's useless now, Agent Coulson", I paused for a while and look in the direction of the town, and continued talking, "You should go find a car. You'll see something interesting in town" I soon vanish from where I stood.


MC loves interest is HELA!!!!!!!!!

(Why? Cause the MC likes them crazy! hahahahahaha)

(I am not a fan of HAREMS!!!! )



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