"Number 1 would be Ted, he gave you a message about thanking you for the opportunity that you are giving him", Stella said.

"No one can say that I wasn't good to my friends", I said with a smile.

"Moving on, Origin is now official in the R&D stage as of 8:00 am today. Howard Stark is taking the personal leadership in this after he returns from his vacation from the Bahamas"

Origin is a company that is a combined venture between Stark Industries and The Carter Pharmaceutical Company. Once fully operational, Origin will become the subsidiary company of both Carter Pharmaceutical and Stark Industries.

Origin was based on the company from my previous life, Theranos, and 23andme. Theranos, the company that wanted to revolutionalize blood testing by only using a single prick of blood, and 23andme the company that allowed you to check your genome. The technology in this life is more advance than in my previous life but Origin's technology still needed to be research and develop. Howard Stark and I both believe that the company will be 100% operational before the 2000s. The money that Origin will generate in the future would be astronomical, just by opening blood testing throughout the country alone would land both the Carter and Stark companies billions.

For me, that was only the second agenda in making Origin. My main agenda in making Origin is that it gives me the ability to test the d.n.a. of people who will be using the services that Origin will provide.

I wanted to have a secret database that collects their blood sample or genome for one purpose, I wanted to keep a list of individuals that have Inhuman DNA. No one aside from me knows that this is my secret agenda for Origin.

'Having a list of people that has Inhuman d.n.a is money well spent', I thought to myself.

"Multiple drugs had been approved to be in the market, your COO said that it will begin production of these drugs next year, due to this news that market value of Carter Pharmaceutical, rose 12 points in NASDAQ. Also before I forget, your COO said to enjoy your vacation", Stella said.

"Vacation, I'm still working here in my lab", I said to Stella sarcastically.

"That's your fault. Do you have any plans for Christmas?" Stella asked.

"I'm going back home to enjoy Christmas with my family. You should too Stella"

"I rather not, ever since I came out to my parents the family dynamic we had is kind of toxic. I'll spend my vacation with my girlfriend though", Stella said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Stella had been my secretary ever since the company opened, she is in her early 30's right now. Her resume and her recommendations spoke volumes about her capabilities. She wasn't a "yes man" kind of person, which I like. Throughout the short years of me knowing her, we had developed a unique sort of friendship. The friendship we have allows us to banter and make jokes at each other without my rank as her superior being an issue.

"Buy yourself and your girlfriend a Christmas gift on me", I told her.

"I already did", she said.

Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by the telephone ringing.

"I'll answer it", she said.

While Stella answered the telephone I read what I had written prior to her arriving in my lab. I wanted to make a drug that combat's all kinds of cancer cells. Before I could flip to the next page of my notes Stella said something.

"Howard Stark died last night!" Stella said.

I stop focusing on my notes and I look at Stella as she answered the phone.

The death of Howard Stark was a key event in Marvel as well as my plan. True, I could have saved Howard Stark and prevented his death but I didn't want that. For my plan to work I needed him to die.

After the Inhumans incident I realize the babysitting all the key members in the MCU is not possible, I needed to both change and allow events to happen. This is one of them, I allowed the death of Howard Stark.

Stella ended the call and said, "Howard Stark and Maria Stark both died last night. They were said to be en route to the Bahamas and it is believed that Howard lost control of his car which lead to their deaths".

I nodded and said to her "I want you to send two flowers to Tony. 1 on behalf of  The Carter Pharmaceutical Company, as well as 1 from me personally, express our condolences for his loss".

Stella immediately left my laboratory and proceeded to do what she was told.

Bucky Barnes is probably on his way to Siberia right now. With him is the 5 super-soldier serums that Howard was able to recreate.

I unseal a box from a seal I wrote in my belt. Contained in the box was a small coin. The coin was connected to a seal that I place on Howard Stark during the opening ceremony of Carter Pharmaceutical Company.

The seal was my own creation. I named the seal "Death Tracking Seal". The seal was not designed to track the person who the seal was placed on. No, the seal was designed to track the killer of that individual. That was the reason why the seal was named "Death Tracking Seal". The second component of the seal is the coin. All I need to do is channel chakra on the coin and it will vibrate if the killer is near the coin. The more chakra I place in the coin, the more distance the coin will cover.

"Death tracking seal" was made for this one purpose. For me to be able to track and find the location of hydra's base in Siberia.

After the funeral of Howard Stark, I will be going to Siberia to proceed to the next step of my plan.


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