Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 58 The Vampire Broker

Chapter 58 The Vampire Broker
"You want a raise?" Yesenin put down the newspaper and looked at Chen Yingxiong who was sitting opposite.

Chen Yingxiong nodded: "It's only five hundred euros a week, I think it's really too little."

Yesening nodded in agreement, and he also felt that only five hundred euros a week was too little for Chen Yingxiong.Although he does not need Chen Yingxiong to pay his current salary as a Russian teacher and translator, but he lives with Chen Yingxiong, so living expenses must be paid, right?
And he also knew that Chen Yingxiong was still sending money home to help pay off the debt.

He still appreciates Chen Yingxiong very much, and it is also one of the reasons why he is willing to help Chen Yingxiong.A player who has become famous, has not forgotten his origin, and would rather be nervous than help his family pay off the debts. There are not many young people like this.

"But first you need an agent," Yesenin said. "You didn't have an agent when you signed with Zenit, right?"

"No, I signed it myself. Where can I find an agent now? I don't know anyone..." Chen Yingxiong felt strange, it doesn't mean that as long as you become famous, there will be a large number of agents coming over, hoping Do you sign with them?There will even be a legendary beauty agent...

When he recovered from his fantasies, he found that the person sitting opposite was not Yesenin, but a middle-aged man in a neat suit, with blazing eyes and a firm expression. The lines of his face seemed to be carved out with a knife. The same, sharp edges and corners, deep sea blue eyes seem to have breathtaking power, straight nose bridge, sexy lips slightly upturned, always seem to have a faint smile, just like a charming gentleman .It is very different from the slightly wretched yesenin before, if this middle-aged man walks on the street, he will definitely make many young women look jealous.


"What do you think of this manager's image?" the handsome uncle spoke.

It was only then that Chen Yingxiong realized that the person sitting opposite him was Yesening, but he had changed his image—this guy's ability to transform at will really surprised him.

"No!" Chen Yingxiong shook his head and firmly refused.


"If you are so handsome, how can you let me mess around?" Chen Yingxiong didn't want to get a girl after so much trouble, but then kicked himself off after seeing his manager...

Yesenin curled his lips: "Don't be so jealous..."

"I'm the protagonist, okay?" Chen Yingxiong rolled his eyes.

"Okay..." Yesenin raised his hands in surrender, "Then what do you want? Beauty agent?"

"If I'm looking for a beauty manager, I won't look for you." It's not bad to develop a relationship with a beauty manager, but it's definitely not with a hermaphrodite who can change from male to female at any time...

"Oh, just an ordinary one is fine, an ordinary...but don't be too obscene." Chen Yingxiong actually doesn't know what a manager should look like to like him.

"Ordinary? How can it be considered ordinary?" Yesenin was also very confused. Just mentioning this request was like not mentioning it.He thought about it. "Just let me let you choose."

Then in front of Chen Yingxiong, Yesenin began to change his appearance quickly.

Chen Yingxiong already has immunity, otherwise he would be scared to death seeing the person in front of Xianghe constantly changing his appearance.

"How about this? How about this? What about this? And this?" Yesenin kept changing, and then asked Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong just shook his head: "Change!"

He feels like he chooses the character image before playing the game, but he can't combine it by himself, he can only choose it randomly. If he is not satisfied, he has to change it all the time...

After changing dozens of them, Chen Yingxiong couldn't pick the one that satisfied him.In the end, he got annoyed: "You can change quickly, and then I close my eyes and call stop, you just stop, what is shown is what it is!"

He's playing lottery!
Yesenin also thought it was better. "You start and I start, and you stop and I stop."


Yesenin's face was reorganized at a rapid speed, disassembled and reassembled, and countless faces appeared on his face in a very short time.

Chen Yingxiong closed his eyes and shouted: "Stop!"

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a bald man with a fleshy face and fierce eyes...

"Are you a skinhead! It would be even better with some tattoos..."

Sure enough, a lizard tattoo appeared on Yesenin's neck: "You mean so?"

Chen Yingxiong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm being sarcastic! Sarcastic! Can't you hear it? Change! Do it again!"

After tossing and tossing several times like this, he finally finalized the image of Chen Yingxiong's manager.A middle-aged man with pale face, straight nose, thin lips, high cheekbones, and sunken eye sockets appeared in front of Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong is satisfied.

"This is not ordinary at all." Yesenin looked in the mirror.

"but I like it!"

Yesening had nothing to do with Chen Yingxiong's out-of-the-ordinary thinking.

"You are my manager? But your name is Yesenin?"

"Of course not," Yesenin replied. "Yesenin, as your Russian teacher and translator, will disappear from your side after the task is completed, and there will be no more contact. As your manager, my name is..."

"Dracula! Your name is Dracula!" Chen Yingxiong gave Yesenin a name.

Yesenin thought for a moment and accepted: "Okay, my name is Vlad_Dracula."

Yesenin—oh no, it should be Dracula now—said, "When do you want me to talk to the club?"

"The sooner the better."

Dracula nodded: "Very good, but in order for the other party to believe that I am your agent, we must first sign the contract."

"Of course."

So Dracula took out a stack of papers from his pocket, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a prepared contract!
Chen Yingxiong was very interested in what kind of dimensional space was inside his clothes, so he opened Dracula's suit with his hands - there was nothing inside, no different from any ordinary suit.But he didn't give up, and put his hand into the inner pocket of the suit again, but nothing happened that his hand entered a void, half of his palm was inserted to the bottom.

"This pocket has nothing to do with the one on Doraemon's stomach." Dracula looked down at Chen Yingxiong doing this, and did not stop him, but explained.

"Uh..." Chen Yingxiong withdrew his hand resentfully.

"Just sign your name." Dracula pointed to the place where the signature was placed, "and then press a fingerprint."

"Don't you need to look?"

"You can watch it if you want."

Chen Yingxiong gave up after reading only two lines—the legal clauses and sums were written in English, and his English level could never understand difficult legal clause words.Not to mention it was written in English, even if it was written in Chinese, he might not be able to understand it...

"Okay, I'll sign." He turned to the last page, signed his name with the pen that Yesenin handed him, then dipped in the ink pad that Yesenin handed over, and pressed the red handprint on the name .

When he raised his thumb, a burst of colorful light flashed, even shaking the unprepared Chen Yingxiong to tilt his head and squint his eyes.

"What's that?" When he came back to his senses, everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Would you believe me if I said it was a soul contract?" Dracula said solemnly.

"Ghosts believe it!"

Dracula nodded. "Fine. It's really just a fancy trick. Make it fun."

Chen Yingxiong didn't think much, he returned the contract to Dracula.

He watched Dracula put the contract directly into the inner pocket of the suit like that. The inner pocket would definitely not fit such a large contract text.That's why Chen Yingxiong didn't believe that the pocket was fine...

"Do you have any requirements for salary, hero?" Dracula asked after accepting the contract.

"The higher the better!" Chen Yingxiong is crazy about poverty. If he can make a lot of money earlier, he and his parents can be liberated. The reason why he was able to go out with the Eat, Drink and Play Band was because he was short of money...

Dracula nodded again: "I see. Leave it to me."

Konstantin_Sarsania (Konstantin_Sarsania) received a call claiming to be Chen Yingxiong's agent.

On the phone, the agent named Vlad Dracula said that his player wanted to renegotiate the contract with the club.

Who is Chen Yingxiong? Sasania knows very well that he is the hottest striker in the team's first team.In fact, after Chen Yingxiong performed a hat-trick, he, the general manager of the Zenit club, also checked Chen Yingxiong's information, which naturally included the contract he signed with the team.

When he saw that the weekly salary of Chen Yingxiong's contract was [-] euros a week, he had this premonition-the player would definitely take this opportunity to ask the club for a salary increase.

He's been a scout, he's been a coach, he's been a sports manager, and he knows exactly what players think.

So he was not surprised.

He then told Edvocaat the news.

Advocaat was not surprised by the salary increase itself.To his surprise... When did Chen Yingxiong get an agent?Chen Yingxiong trains very hard every day. After training, he has to practice extra. I have never seen him contact any agent...

Is it really the agent who came to the door by himself?
A salary increase is a legitimate request, and Advocaat also feels that Chen Yingxiong's previous salary was too low.

He agrees with this.

Since everyone has no objections, then talk to him.Sasaniya and Dracula agreed on a time, and the two sides decided to start negotiations.

Originally, when Zenit knew that Chen Yingxiong's agent was going to talk to them, they had already prepared a contract in advance, raising Chen Yingxiong's weekly salary to [-] rubles, which is equivalent to about [-] euros. .

Compared with Chen Yingxiong's previous salary, it has increased several times.

They think this salary is enough for Chen Yingxiong, right?
But they were wrong.

The man who looks a bit like a vampire and whose name also looks like a vampire's agent, Vlad Dracula, opened his mouth wide open.

The weekly salary is [-] euros, and the bonus treatment has been greatly increased. The appearance bonus is [-] euros, the goal bonus is [-] euros, and the winning bonus is [-] euros.

And this condition is the highest in Zenit St. Petersburg!

Not even Arshavin.

(End of this chapter)

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