Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 38 I love Russia!

Chapter 38 I love Russia!
Surrounded by reporters, to satisfy their curiosity, Chen Yingxiong was the last of the team to go back to the locker room.

When he went back, the head coach Advocaat was not in the locker room, he had rushed to the press conference.

At the post-match press conference of this game, the reporters obviously would not let the Dutchman go easily.They're like little kids with 1 whys to ask Uncle Advocaat.

As soon as Chen Yingxiong went back, he was pulled aside by Denisov.

"I've already spoken to the two Alexanders! They're both members of the Zenit St. Petersburg Skittles now!"

Chen Yingxiong quickly reached out to shake hands with them: "Welcome to join the organization!"

"Okay!" Denisov clapped his hands. "To celebrate the first goal of the hero's career, and to welcome the new members Aleksandr Anyukov and Aleksandr Krzakov! I decided to go to the Oriental restaurant for dinner tonight , and then go to the Northern Pearl nightclub to have fun!"

Chen Yingxiong and Kerzakov raised their arms and shouted: "Ulla!"

Unexpectedly, Anyukov frowned: "Pearl of the North? That place is too low-grade, Igor! It's an old nightclub with very old decoration..." Then he turned his head and introduced it to Chen Yingxiong .

"But that is the most representative nightclub in St. Petersburg!" Denisov said, "Of course you have been there, but the hero hasn't been there yet. Naturally, we must take him to see the most representative place. Just It’s the same as when tourists come to St. Petersburg, they will go to the Winter Palace.”

"I think we'd better go to Katyusha..."

"Are you the leader or am I the leader?!" Denisov glared, and Anyukov raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay! The leader has the final say!"

Chen Yingxiong found it interesting to watch the two of them arguing, and suddenly asked, "Anyukov, are you not from the local area?"

Anyukov shook his head.

Denisov explained: "This kid only moved here last season, and he only spent half a season exploring all the interesting places in St. Petersburg. He could find them with his eyes closed."

Anyukov sniffed triumphantly. "Because I have a nose like a hound!"

"Fart, you obviously brought your own red-light district compass!" Denisov sarcastically said.

"It's not all because of you. I think how pure I was when I first arrived in St. Petersburg..."

Denisov raised his middle finger at Anyukov: "Do you know what this means, Anyukov? If you are pure, my 88-year-old grandma will be a virgin!"

While Zenit St. Petersburg Snack Band was bickering over the arrangements for the evening, Advocaat was bombarded by reporters at the press conference.

Not surprisingly, almost all the problems are related to Chen Yingxiong.

"Can you introduce the number 99 player who scored the goal in detail? We only have some basic information."

"I don't have much more information than you." Advocaat spread his hands.

In fact, he certainly knows a lot, such as how Chen Yingxiong came to the club.But for the purpose of protecting the rookies, Advocaat didn't want to talk too much about Chen Yingxiong.Such intensive media attention to him will bring him endless pressure, which will affect his performance.And... he was worried that Chen Yingxiong would lose his way if he became famous too early. He had seen too many stories of geniuses who became famous at a young age and finally became ordinary people.

He was already thinking about increasing the amount of Chen Yingxiong's training after tomorrow, so that he could devote all his energy to the training, so he didn't have time to think about it.

"This is impossible, Mr. Advocaat! You are the head coach of the team, how could you not know your subordinates?"

"In fact, it is. I took over this team halfway. And before I came, the hero was already in the youth team. As for how he got here... I think you have to ask the former coach Pei. Tezera..."

The cunning Advocaat kicked the ball off the football field.Petzera has been dismissed by the club and returned to his hometown in the Czech Republic.In other words, if you reporters want to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, then go to the Czech Republic and ask!

But he underestimated the minds of the reporters.They quickly found the key word-"youth team" from this answer.In other words, before that, Chen Yingxiong stayed in the youth team!The coach of the youth team must know about Chen Yingxiong, right?They don't have to go to the Czech Republic thousands of miles away, they only need to go to the other side of the Yudeni Park training base, find the director of youth training Kennedy Popovich, and they can find out about the hero.

"After Tyke was injured, you arranged for a rookie who had just been transferred from the youth team to start. Is it a little risky?"

"I admit it, but I won the bet!"

"What do you think of the hero's goal?"

"It's beautiful and unexpected. To be honest, I didn't expect him to score in the first game." This is the truth. Chen Yingxiong's goal surprised Edvocaat, otherwise he would have It's not like having an encounter with the reporters at the press conference... Everyone is not prepared.

He also thought that according to the general rules, a rookie like Chen Yingxiong would definitely be nervous and excited when he first appeared on the stage. In short, his emotions affected his performance, and then his performance was mediocre. Any attention.This game gave Chen Yingxiong a chance to experience the professional league, and then returned to training and continued to practice hard, looking for a suitable opportunity to push him to the front stage again.At this time, whether it is myself or the hero, they have matured and are ready to face everything that may happen next.

This is why he arranged for Chen Yingxiong to assist Kerzakov with the ball.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong played his cards completely unreasonably. He scored a goal for the first time in his first appearance and goal!

When the excitement was over, Edvocaat remembered that it was terrible.

This incident reminded him of the scene where Chen Yingxiong tampered with his arrangements during training and scored with a header.

He had a vague idea in his mind—maybe this kid won't be easy to discipline in the future...

When Advocaat pulled out all the stops to get out of the press conference, he returned to the locker room.

After praising the players for their performance in this game, he announced his disbandment.

But he left Chen Yingxiong alone again.

Contrary to what Denisov said, Chen Yingxiong turned to look at Denisov.

Denisov didn't know what the head coach meant by leaving Chen Yingxiong alone. He gestured at Chen Yingxiong and lip-synced: See you at the hotel!
Then withdrew.

Chen Yingxiong turned his gaze away from the door.

Now it's just him and Advocaat in the locker room.

"You did a good job, hero. To score in the first game is the start that many young players can only dream of."

"Thank you, sir." Chen Yingxiong had no choice but to deal with it.

"But I hope you will not be complacent. After all, this is the first game, and your career is still long. You may perform perfectly in this game, and everyone blows you up. Or you may be in the next game. The performance of a game is useless, and every newspaper you open is full of articles scolding you. The reality is like this, I hope you can keep your feet on the ground and be down-to-earth."

"I will, sir!"

"Okay. Tomorrow the team will have a day off and have a good rest." Advocaat said to Chen Yingxiong.

Knowing that the conversation was over, Chen Yingxiong quickly nodded and bowed to express his gratitude: "Thank you, sir. I will remember every word you said to me! Goodbye, sir!"

After speaking, he turned and slipped out of the locker room.

In fact, why can't Edvocaat see what Chen Yingxiong is thinking? This kid wants to go out to play... Look at his anxious look, as long as he is not an idiot, anyone can see it.

But it doesn't matter.A child who has just experienced the first official professional game in his life and scored a key goal in the game.For this outstanding performance, he has worked hard for two whole weeks--Advocaat thought that Chen Yingxiong's crazy extra training was to get a place in the team as soon as possible.

It's okay to let him relax and play.

Just...don't take it too far.

In the dark nightclub hall, loud music resounded, and demons danced wildly on the dance floor.

Denisov was dancing next to a scantily clad woman with a red afro on the dance floor, holding a wine glass.

Kerzakov next to him was still booing: "Put it up a little more! Put it up a little more! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Anyukov pushed Chen Yingxiong next to him down: "Go, boy! Feel the enthusiasm of Russian girls! Hahahaha!"

As soon as Chen Yingxiong went down, he was immediately dragged into the dancing crowd by a woman with long hair and shawl.

"Don't scare my friends! Haha!" Anyukov waved at them.

They all drank too much.Chen Yingxiong was poured a lot by his enthusiastic teammates. Of course, the excuse was: "To celebrate the hero's first goal! Cheers!"

Glasses of vodka were drained in one gulp.

Chen Yingxiong had never drank such strong alcohol, and his mind was almost unconscious.Everything in front of him presented a bizarre image in his mind.

He only knew that there was a woman with heavy makeup in front of him, and she smiled coquettishly at him.Then the whole person jumped up.

The last sobriety made Chen Yingxiong feel how soft and hot the woman in his arms was.

He moved his wine-smelling mouth closer, and his hands automatically climbed to the firm peak and slender waist.

The woman kept twisting her body in his arms, and her clinging lower body rubbed against his sensitive parts back and forth, making him feel ecstatic.

Fuck it, this feels...awesome!

I love Russia!
(End of this chapter)

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