Chapter 27: Lost In Lust
A silent tension clung to the apartment living room, softened only by the warm breeze drifting in from the open balcony.
Seated at the table were Caspian, Yuta, and Suiko, while Genos busied himself preparing tea for the group, and several bottles of water specifically for Yuta. After all, having her voluptuous body pressed against Caspian had completely shattered any semblance of her composure. It wasn't until an hour later, after tiring herself, that she finally relented and agreed to Caspian's proposal for a proper conversation.
Caspian's gaze flickered between the two beauties. Yuta sat in a lotus pose, eyes closed, a frown etched on her face. Suiko, in contrast, lounged with a carefree ease, one arm resting on the low table while the other draped over her knee. She leaned back slightly, one leg bent, the other stretched out, meeting his gaze with an unreadable smile.
What am I supposes to say? Letting women attack me is so much easier than talking…
"I guess the first thing to ask is why did you two come looking for me?"
Yuta let out a cute snort. "I didn't come looking for you."
Suiko slammed her hand against the table, jolting Yuta's eyes open, her frown deepening. "Time to wake up," she said, grinning. "Anyhow I didn't come looking for you either, but I had planned to soon. Today, I'm actually on my first mission as a Hero, which led me here."
"Let me guess, A-Class Rank 40?"
"Hah, close. Rank 39. My status as a Hero is already spreading fast."
Caspian glanced away from her, his attention shifting toward the approaching Genos. "Yeah..."
"Here are your drinks," Genos said, placing a tray on the table and then handed Yuta several bottles of water before taking a seat.
Suiko swiftly grabbed her cup and took a sip. "Thanks! This is pretty good."
Yuta, meanwhile, scrutinized the bottle of water before downing it in one go, a mumbled 'thank you' trailing after.
Another stretch of silent tension captured the small room.
Suiko shot Caspian a mischievous look before leaning toward Yuta. "What are you doing in Z-City Ghost Town?"
"None of your concern."
"You're here for Caspian, aren't you?" Suiko pressed. "He saved you from some monster, and now you can't get him out of your mind."
"Master has that effect."
Yuta's stern mask flickered.
"Why so secretive about it? I admitted to wanting to come see him. Just be honest." Suiko's grin stretched wider.
Yuta kept her silence, a hesitant look struggling to break through on her face.
Caspian, recovering from that remark, watched Yuta intently—until she began to fidget, the world around him growing hazy. Her swaying breasts, exposed navel, and the curve of her hips (the most pronounced he'd ever seen) held his mind. Blood rushed downward as his imagination spiraled: Being inside her… filling her with his seed… having her bear his children…
"Is anybody home?" A bronze hand snapped in front of his face.
Still in a trance, his head turned, eyes dragging over Suiko's bronze-toned physique. Her lavish perky breasts seemed to beg for his mouth, and his gaze dipped lower, tracing her exposed abs, itching to follow them all the way down to—
"Do you mind?!"
Like a rush of wind, the world snapped back into focus for Caspian.
What the hell just happened? I was pulled straight into that lustful state. My instincts are screaming at me to act, as if some great reward awaits if I give in to these desires. I should trust these instincts, but… Couldn't it also be that I'm just really pent up? Well, it's been a while since I've had the chance to... Enough!
Snapping out of it, he glanced up, and noticed the blush on Suiko's face, her expression alluring.
Turning his attention to Yuta, whose words had broken his trance, he expected her to be furiously looking at him because of his wandering eyes just now, but instead was focused on Genos, who, for some reason, was sitting extremely close to her. As close as he could be without touching her.
Caspian, confused, asked, "Uh, Genos, what are you doing?"
"Following your teachings." A proud look adorned Genos' face.
"What perverted teachings are you imparting?!" Yuta cried out as she sprung up to her feet.
"No, wait! Genos, what are you talking about?"
Genos tilted his head. "I'm training my willpower. What else? You told me I should make myself uncomfortable. And I admit it has been effective."
Understanding washed over Caspian, it appeared his worries weren't unfounded, Genos had in fact misinterpreted what he me meant, actually did he?
"You expect me to believe that nonsense?" Yuta asked, hands resting on the hilt's of her swords.
"What's so unbelievable about it?" Suiko's grin had returned before she downed her cup of tea and placed it on the table with a gentle slam.
Yuta looked down at Suiko. "Of course you would believe it. You have been drooling all over him."
No! They need to get along.
Suiko remained silent for a moment before rising to her feet.
Caspian had a bad feeling. Please don't fight.
Yuta and Suiko stood, their heights almost identical, eyes locked onto each other.
"Is that composure of yours a facade? Do you always express yourself through emotional outbursts and combat? Anyway, I'll fight you anytime you want."
Yuta bit her lush bottom lip, Suiko's words striking somewhere along the borders of truth.
Must it always come down to fighting? Considering my assumptions about Yuta's character were way off. Her attitude is similar to Tatsumaki's, but with a mask of collectedness…
Caspian decided it was best to calm them down before they wrecked his apartment. As he stood, from the corner of his eyes, he spotted Genos rise in unison with him.
Genos had been acting strange this entire time. Was it entirely because of his training advice he received or was this a peculiar side of him that Caspian hadn't considered?
"Ladies, hasn't there been enough fighting today?"
Suiko brought her hands to her hips. "Sure. I can spar with her another day. In any case, she worked up quite a sweat going at it with you for so long earlier."
Yuta gritted her teeth before calming herself with a deep breath, did not miss Suiko's words' double meaning.
Yuta then gave a Caspian and Suiko a deep look as she said, "I'll deal with the two of you some other time." Following that, she left nonchalantly, leaping off the balcony.
To Caspian's surprise, Suiko sauntered up to him and poked his chest. "I'll deal with you alone next time."
She's a playful little thing Caspian thought, as he felt himself disappearing into her big blue eyes.
With a final smug smile, she turned and strode to the balcony. Caspian's eyes snapped downward, locked onto the hypnotic bounce of her fit backside beneath those tight, black pants she wore so well.
"Good job Master. I believe you made good progress today."
Genos' words jerked Caspian back to a reality where he now stared at an empty balcony.
His thoughts churned. How horny could he be? In both lifetimes, he had never been so consumed by lust that he outright lost awareness of his surroundings. Right now, however, wasn't the time to dwell on it, not when Genos was just standing there silently, staring at him.
"I hope the progress was good..."
Genos' hand shot up. "Ah! I have matters to discuss regarding tomorrow."