Here, Have a Cookie a Pokemon Fanfiction

Chapter 13

May’s POV

Any and all bravado May was able to build died as she looked up at the towering monstrosity in front of her. Were all Onix this massive? Screw type advantage, how the hell was Bulbasaur supposed to deal with something fifty times its size!

“Saur!” Bulbasaur shouted anxiously.

May snapped her gaze back down toward her recent capture.

“You got this, Bulbasaur. He’s just a really big target,” May encouraged, doing her best to sound confident.

Bulbasaur whipped his head around and stared at May in disbelief.

“Onix, set the tone for this fight. Stealth Rock,” Roxanne said calmly.

Onix’s eyes glowed as his tail slammed into the ground, breaking the ground and kicking up several stones of varying sizes.

“Don’t let it set up for free, Leech Seed,” May countered.

Bulbasaur thankfully listened and launched a single seed from his bulb as the rocks glowed a faint white. Vines started to sprout as they fell to the ground.

Onix didn’t even try to dodge. Considering its body took up half of the arena, May started to wonder how well it could dodge.

“Onix, Smack Down,” Roxanne ordered.

“Vine Whip, pull yourself to safety.”

Two vines shot out from Bulbasaur’s back towards a large stone pillar as Onix raised his tail directly above him. Bulbasaur launched himself upwards, narrowly dodging the tail as it slammed into the earth below him, cracking the ground on impact. Stones and dirt exploded outwards from the crevice as Onix pulled his tail back.

“Poison Powder while you’re airborne.” May ordered, slightly pale at seeing what Onix just did to the ground.

“Rock Blast. He’s a sitting duck,” Roxanne countered calmly.

Onix swept his tail along the ground, scooping up the debris he had just created and launched it, running his tail through the falling powder in the process. The stones giving an audible crack as they were sent towards Bulbasaur. The stones slammed into Bulbasaur, sending him careening across the field.

“Saur!” Bulbasaur cried out in pain as it rolled twice before launching a pair of vines out to grab a pair of rocks jutting out of the ground. A large, angry red bruise marred his face as he glared up at the titan in front of him.

“Now, Screech.”

May’s eyes widened. “Tie his mouth shut.”

Bulbasaur’s vines lashed out and rushed toward Onix, barely managing to beat the scream. Onix pulled against the vines, but Bulbasaur held fast to the ground.

May noticed a few vines planted in the ground and smiled. “Nice idea, Bulbasaur. Now, Absorb.”

Bulbasaur focused and his vines glowed green. For the first time in the fight, Onix winced, and May grinned as the myriad of scrapes, cuts, and bruises that adorned Bulbasaur’s body rapidly started to heal.

Roxanne sighed. "Leech seed, Ingrain, and health draining moves to go along with poison. You might be one of the most annoying trainer’s I’ve fought today,” Roxanne complained. “Onix, stop resisting. If they want a closeup of your skull, give them one. Skull Bash.”

Bulbasaur almost launched itself backwards as the force it was fighting against rapidly reversed the direction it was going. Onix slammed into Bulbasaur with the force of a freight train, tearing his vines out of the ground and launching him through the air. He slammed into the psychic barrier in front of May, before sliding down to the ground. May stared at the scene, eyes wide with fear and worry.

“Bulbasaur! Are you alright?”

Bulbasaur slowly pulled himself up, his legs shaking. He once again glared up at the giant rock snake, who, at the very least, didn’t look like he was in the best of shape. Onix’s breathing was shallow, and the vines that had sprouted from Bulbasaur’s Leech seed were digging into Onix’s body a little bit deeper.

“Do you want to keep going?” May leaned in, before wincing as she contacted the barrier.

“Bulba!” Bulbasaur defiantly slammed his feet down.

“Then let’s give it our best. Like Joern taught you. Razor leaf!” May bit her lip. This wasn’t exactly perfected yet, but...

“SAUR!” Bulbasaur extended a single vine out but kept it close as he started rotating it around his bulb. Several sharp leaves were launched out sporadically, pelting the entire field.

Fortunately, Onix took up most of said field.

May smirked as the Onix roared in pain.

“Don’t take that abuse, Onix. Rock Tomb, trap it.”

Onix didn’t respond.


The leaves stopped, and Onix swayed drunkenly, before finally giving up the fight against gravity. It slammed into the ground, hard enough to cause the building to shake.

“Onix is unable to battle.” The ref declared, and Roxanne looked shellshocked.

“Bulba!” Bulbasaur cheered, before realizing the energy surplus he was getting from Leech Seed had stopped. Bulbasaur slumped forward and passed out.

“Bulbasaur is also unable to battle.” The ref raised his other flag. “Onix fainted first, so the Gym Leader will send out her second Pokémon first.”

“Return,” Roxanne called out. The massive boulder snake disappeared in a flash of red light as it got sucked back into its ball.

‘How Poke Balls can hold something that massive I will never know.’ May thought as she returned Bulbasaur. “You were incredible.” May smiled at the poke ball forlornly, before staring across the field.

Roxanne rotated a pair of poke balls in her hand. May wondered if she wasn’t sure what to send out.

“Gym Leader Roxanne...?” The ref called.

“Shhh... I still know which Pokémon is in which ball, I want my next choice to be a surprise.” Roxanne smiled as she explained.

The ref groaned and massaged the bridge of his nose. May felt her left eye start to twitch.

“Pick your damn Pokémon, you vapid, annoying, bitch!” May screamed, before covering her mouth with both hands.

Roxanne laughed. “Fine, fine, spoil my fun. Alright, class, bonus points if you know what this Pokémon is.” Roxanne said. Contrasting itself to her previous choice, this Pokémon was small. It had a host of silver spikes on either side of it, and a pair of pincers extended out in front of his body.

“Anorith.” Anorith announced itself.

“Aww.... Anorith, I can’t grade them on their Pokémon knowledge if you give the answer away,” Roxanne chastised.

‘What the hell is that thing?’ May pulled up her Pokedex. Her eyebrows rose after reading it’s entry. “How the hell do you have a Pokémon that’s been extinct for millennia?”

“The joys of fossilized reanimation. You’d be amazed how many of these guys are actually out and about.” Roxanne smiled. “Now who’s stalling.”

May scowled.

“Samie, make some noise,” May shouted, before realizing she had used a call out. Lea was going to make fun of her for that later, wasn’t she?

“Pinch?” Samie looked across the field in confusion as May groaned.

“You’re supposed to be intimidating.”

Samie rushed back to May and nuzzled her pant leg apologetically.

“You’re ruining our image!” May cried.

“Pinch!” Samie cried before turning around and facing the Anorith. The referee coughed.

“If everyone is ready to go...”

Both May and Roxanne laughed nervously.

“Then round two can begin.” As soon as the words left his mouth, a group of white stones rose and slammed into Samie. Samie just shook his head wondering who threw rocks at it.

“Let’s shake things up, Magnitude,” May ordered.

Samie lifted his head up.

“Jump, Anorith,” Roxanne called out.

Anorith slammed both of his claws into the ground, and the force sent him several meters into the air. Samie’s mouth slammed into the ground, and the earth SHOOK.

“Wha... holy hell!” May shouted as she tried, and failed, to maintain her footing. The earth cracked and split from the impact, mini fissures opening across the arena. Roxanne was knocked flat on her ass, and despite dodging most of the assault, Anorith landed in the worst of the aftermath as a several piles or stone collapsed around it.

“Ow... Why can’t I ever get that lucky when I use that move?” Roxanne complained before lifting herself up and dusting herself off. “Anorith, are you alright?”

“Anorith!” The rock bug type shouted defiantly as he raised his claw into the air, knocking away a few rocks.

“Good, then show them you’re not one to be bullied. Aqua Jet!” Anorith pushed itself forward in a flash of speed before surrounding itself in water.

“What kind of rock type knows water moves!? Samie, Dig, now!” May shouted frantically.

Samie disappeared underground. Roxanne groaned.

“I’m not going to be able to use this field for the rest of the day, am I? Zero badge trainers aren’t supposed to cause this much collateral damage, ya know?” Roxanne quipped.

“If that Onix was approved for zero badge trainers, then I'm the fucking queen of Galar.” May deadpanned. “And you’re the one that did most of the damage!” May shouted.

“Your majesty.” Roxanne just whistled innocently as she curtseyed. “I had no idea.”

May felt her left eye twitch. “Samie, Chomp!”

Samie erupted from the ground in an all too familiar explosion directly under Anorith and bit down. Hard.

“Rith...” Anorith cried out in pain.

“Anorith, Struggle Bug. Make it regret biting you.”

Anorith vibrated as his claws and legs shifted rapidly. Samie let go and May blanched as she saw a bit of blood fly from Samie’s mouth. Anorith beat Samie away with her claw and Samie sailed away from the ancient Pokémon and landed in a small pile of rubble.

“Are you alright, Samie?” May asked. Samie bashed the rocks away and glared angrily at the Anorith, who raised her claw in mock challenge. Samie charged.

“Stop,” May ordered.

Samie complied instantly, and May breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sand Tomb.” May ordered, doing her best to sound confident. Just because the attack didn’t form all that fast in the training field, didn’t mean-

“Pinch.” that it wouldn’t work here, where the ground was already more or less destroyed. Samie didn’t have to work that hard, and it showed, as Anorith was trapped in a sand pit almost instantly. Anorith floundered as it desperately attempted to climb its way back up.

“Now, that it can’t escape, Magnitude.” Samie raised his mouth into the air once more.

“Iron Defense. Brace yourself.”

The tremors weren’t anywhere near as severe as the last one, but its impact was felt on the already tattered field. Several areas of the field collapsed in a long line and May assumed that was where Samie had dug before. Anorith held on, and it was slowly digging its way out.

“Again,” May ordered.

“Stop destroying my arena!” Roxanne shouted. “Brace for impact one last time. I know you can get out.”

Samie slammed into the ground again, but the earth barely moved this time. May groaned at the low roll, and Anorith finally pulled itself free of the sand pit.

“Aqua Jet.”

“Underground again.” May shouted.

Roxanne sighed as the attack sailed over a newly formed hole. May grinned, happy others were experiencing the same frustration she felt when she caught Samie.

“Fine, two can play at this game. You dig too,” Roxanne ordered.

May frowned as Anorith burrowed. The arena stood silent.

“So... what exactly happens now?” May asked.

“Well, I assume they fight it out for subterranean superiority,” Roxanne shrugged. “This doesn’t really happen all that often.”

A single area of the arena bulged a bit before it settled back down.

“How exactly will we know if someone wins? We can’t exactly recall someone from underground,” May needled.

“Look, you started this. Don’t whine at me that we can’t see anything,” Roxanne argued.

May had a new idea though. She didn’t know how fast Anorith could move underground, but she was willing to bet it wouldn’t be as fast as Samie.

“Samie, double time it to the surface and hit the ground with your best Magnitude. Give it all ya got!”

Roxanne blanched at the command.


“PINCH!” Samie once again exploded from the ground, its jaw already glowing white as it brought itself down to the ground and slammed into it. The field shifted once more, and the tunnels that had been dug collapsed.

The only difference now was that there was something in them.

A single mound of dirt slowly began to push up from below as a single claw rose from the depths, and Anorith collapsed in a heap as it emerged.

“Anorith is unable to battle.” The ref announced.

May couldn’t help but fist pump the sky. Her celebrations were cut short as she looked down at Samie and winced. Either Anorith got the upper hand in a few of the underground tussles, or the last Magnitude aggravated the wound, but Samie’s mouth looked terrible.

“Roxanne, please send out your final Pokémon.”

Roxanne sighed as she pulled out Anorith’s ball and recalled her. “That was my screw up, I got impatient, and it cost us.” Roxanne spoke into the ball. She also pulled out her next ball, and this one looked different. A single blue and white ball with a pair of orange lines on top expanded in her hands. “Don’t think this is over just because you’ve got a lead. We’ll take this down by a nose if we have too.” Roxanne released her final Pokémon, and May groaned at the pun.

“Nosepass.” May rubbed the bridge of her nose as the odd Pokémon slammed into the ground. “I’m sorry, I just... I can’t take this thing seriously.” May giggled a bit.

“Your loss.” Roxanne said, a confident grin spreading across her face.

“Begin!” The referee shouted.

“Magnet Rise.” Roxanne shouted the second the referee lowered his flags.

Nosepass lifted both of his arms and his whole body glowed with a blue light as she slowly levitated upwards.

May lifted Samie’s ball and recalled him.

“Pinch.” Samie sagged in relief as the red light hit him.

“Get some rest. We’ll get your mouth fixed up soon,” May whispered into the ball as she pulled out Suzy’s Poke Ball.

“You forgot to teach your ground type non-ground moves, didn’t you?” Roxanne smirked.

May snapped.

“SHUT. UP.” May screamed, her glare focusing on the gym leader that had done nothing but haggle her since she stepped on the field.

“The challenger has used her single switch. Please send out your final Pokémon.” The ref shouted.

May frowned. Even though the score favored her, this was functionally a one vs one now. Samie wouldn’t be able to touch Nosepass, and May didn’t feel comfortable sending her back out.

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll just kick her ass twice as hard. Suzy, come on out.” White light faded to red as Suzaku ignited the air around her on entry.

“And of course, you’ve already evolved your starter.” Roxanne sighed. “Why do all Birch’s prospects have to be so annoying to fight?”

“Nosepass vs Combusken, begin!”

And once again, the rocks slammed into Suzy as soon as the match started. She let out a pained wheeze as the stones dug into her abdomen, before coughing a few times.

“Rock Tomb while it’s getting its breath back, let’s make this quick,” Roxanne ordered.

“I know you’re struggling right now but jump!” May shouted. Suzy jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the forming pyramid as she desperately tried to catch her breath.

“Rock Blast through the pyramid, Nosepass,” Roxanne ordered with a smile. “Make the whole ground explode!”


“Busken!” Suzy shouted, cutting May off as she crouched down and jumped, this time with focus, over the volley of rocks and shrapnel, and towards the floating rock type.

“Double Kick!” May shouted, capitalizing on her momentum. Suzy’s feet glowed white as she drew closer...

“Double Team.”

Only to be met with air as his attack passed through an afterimage. Several copies sprung out in a line, and Suzy grit her teeth.

“Flame Charge, use this as a chance to gain speed.”

Suzaku lit herself ablaze as she rammed headfirst into another copy. The second charge came out almost instantly, and Suzy covered the distance between her and the next copy in half the time.

“Don’t let them set up. Ancient Power,” Roxanne ordered.

May stared on in shock as eight boulders rose around Nosepass.

“Jump as soon as they launch.” May shouted desperately.

Suzaku nodded, and thankfully her speed leg strength was enough to sail over the assault.

“Rock Throw.”

A volley of smaller rocks formed and were quickly launched forward. The stones slammed into Suzy in midair.

“Busk!” Suzaku cried out in pain as the attack sent her backwards. She collapsed into the ground as Nosepass slowly started to fall to the ground, the Magnet Rise wearing off.

“Magnet Rise again. Get back in the air,” Roxanne shouted as Suzy pulled herself up from the ground.

Nosepass started to glow.

“Don’t give it time to breathe. Double Kick,” May shouted.

Suzaku blitzed the floating rock and managed to connect with her feet this time. Despite the size differential, the dual kick combo knocked the moai head out of the sky and sent it hurtling into the arena floor.

“Kick him while he’s down, Low Kick.” May said unashamedly.

“Rude. Magnet Pull to escape.”

Nosepass’s nose glowed, and his entire body skidded across the floor towards a pile of rocks as Suzaku’s attack hit the ground. “Now, Rock Tomb.”

“Crouch and use what you learned.” May said, slightly nervous Suzy wouldn’t understand. Four walls of solid stone shot out of the ground, and Suzy ducked under and made the pyramid her new home.

“Checkmate. Nosepass, Ancient Power. Blow it away!”

A ring of boulders once more rose from the dirt. Nosepass rose both of his arms, and the attack was launched with the force of a cannon toward the pyramid. May braced herself, as the prison was blasted across the field, slamming into psychic barrier.

Suzy was nowhere to be seen.

“What the... how?” Roxanne shouted. “Where...?”

As the dust cleared, a single hole stood where the prison had been.


The ground below Nosepass exploded, and Suzy slammed into Nosepass in a shroud of half melted soil.

“BUSKEN!” Suzy shouted her war cry as she rotated in midair and slammed her foot into Nosepass. The rock type groaned as its body violently changed direction and slammed into a pile of stones. Hard.

“Nosepass?” Roxanne asked worriedly.

No response.

“Nosepass, are you alright?”

The stones shifted this time, and a Nosepass pulled itself out of the rubble. There was a single crack on his left side, from where Suzy had connected. May heard a weird sound flit through the air, like a weird, grainy pant. It took her a bit to realize that was what it, in fact, was.

Nosepass, though battered and exhausted, still stood, and Suzy looked to be in about as bad of shape. May now noticed a few ruffled feathers on her back, and May winced as she realized that Suzy hadn’t dodged the Rock Tomb completely. Her right leg also had a rather large red welt from where she had hit Nosepass. Her gamble paid off, but not without a price.

“You good to keep going?” Roxanne asked worriedly.

“Pass.” Nosepass’s voice echoed throughout the arena as he forced himself to stand up straight.

“Same question.” May asked.

“Com.” Suzy leaned forward and brought her arms out in front of her, wincing slightly as she put pressure on her leg.

“Then one last Rock Tomb, Nosepass. Bring it home,” Roxanne shouted.

“Jump.” May countered.

Nosepass brought up his arms again, but it was sluggish, and Suzy jumped into the air with her good leg, narrowly avoiding the pyramid of stone. The firebird’s jump lacked the power it did earlier, but it still got her in striking distance.

“Low Kick with your good leg. Don’t put any more strain on your other leg than you have too,” May shouted.

“Rock Throw, pelt it.” Roxanne countered, not even trying to dodge at this point.

Five stones shot out toward Suzy as she swung her leg out to sweep. Three found their mark before Suzy could connect. Both Pokémon cry out in pain, before collectively collapsing into the dirt. Roxanne and I both stop for a moment.

Neither one moved to get up.

“Double knock out.” The ref called out. May didn’t move as she looked up at the ref in shock. “As the challenger still has Pokémon in reserve, I am pleased to announce that May has successfully beaten Roxanne and earned her Stone badge.” He swiped down with both of his flags in a flourish.

“We... we won?” May asked into the air. Surprised to hear the words come out of her mouth. “We won!” May quickly pulled out Suzaku’s poke ball and returned him before running along the outline of the battlefield toward Roxanne. “How’s that whole picking on your colleague’s kid working out for you?”

“Alright, calm down.” Roxanne smiled as she recalled her Nosepass. “The fight’s over, and considering the trash talk at the start did its job and got you to loosen up, I’d say it’s going pretty well.” Roxanne pointed at May. “For your first gym battle you did a phenomenal job.”

May blushed. “I... Thank you.” May stuttered.

“At any rate, here’s your Stone Badge, a TM for Rock Tomb, and about ten thousand Poke.” May’s eyes widened.


“Yeah, I may have thrown in a little extra,” Roxanne said. “You... might have been right about the Onix.” Roxanne looked away from May. “Just a little bit. He still meets league qualifications, but he’s probably ready to go up a badge level. I just really wanted to use him for this fight.” Roxanne pushed her index fingers together nervously as she said this.

“I accept your hush money.” May laughed.

“Fantastic!” Roxanne cheered. “It really was a good match. It’s been a while since a rookie’s been able to put up a fight that good.”

“Thanks, but if you think I'm good, then wait till tomorrow.” May smiled devilishly. “Both of the people I'm traveling with are solid trainers, and they’ll blow you away, especially Lea.”

Roxanne looked a bit nervous.

“Hell, Lea’s probably better than me,” May said excitedly, eager to see her friends bout.

Roxanne lifted her hands to stop May from talking.


“Did you see that?” I asked, bouncing up and down in my seat so fast I was half worried I would break it. “That trick with dig was so clever. Roxanne was like... and then May just... and then-”

“Breathe.” Wally chastised for the third time. “Yes, I did in fact watch May win her first gym badge.”

“But she was so COOL!” I gushed. I probably had stars in my eyes, and I didn’t care. “And Suzy kicked so much ass. I didn’t know Combusken could move that fast! And Bulbasaur took down a fucking skyscraper! I was so worried they weren’t working together well, and they go and do THAT.” I was bouncing again. “No way he doesn’t want to stay with us, now. Which means May gets to pick a new nickname, I’m so excited!”

“We’re aware,” Wally deadpanned.

‘Painfully,’ Emilie groaned as she clutched her head. ‘Could we maybe turn down the hype? Just a little bit.’

‘Can’t stop. So happy. Only hype! Tomorrow’s going to be so much FUN! Oh, I can’t wait. Roxanne’s team won’t know what hit it!’ I stopped bouncing as I noticed Roxanne start to head back to the double doors. May looked sad. I don’t like that, she just kicked major gym leader ass, she should be ecstatic right now. I quickly got up and started to jog toward the steps.

“Hey, wait up,” Wally complained. “I’m not supposed to push my lungs right now! Don’t make me run!”

“Ugh, fine! Walk fast though. We’re grabbing May and celebrating,” I shouted, glaring balefully at Wally’s legs.

“Shouldn’t we get an early night for tomorrow? Our fights are in the morning...” Wally trailed off as he took in my glare. “Celebrating sounds good. I saw a nice barbecue place that looked fun. Eh he he.”

“That’s more like it.” I shouted as I jumped the last step and started filing toward May. “Well, I hope you don’t mind slumming with us no badge losers for the night. I know we’re not as cool as you now, but it’ll only last a night, I swear,” I joked.

May turned, and I frowned at the expression on her face.

“What’s wrong? Do I need to hurt someone? Cause I'll do it, I don’t care if she’s a gym leader. Emilie and I can take her,” I said, slamming my fist into my palm.

‘Please don’t involve me in this,’ Emilie begged.

“Sorry, it...” May trailed off. “Please don’t threaten gym leaders on my behalf. I’m a big girl, I can beat up my own gym leaders.” May sidestepped the question.

“Obviously, which means it’s time to party!” She can tell me later if she wants. “Come on, Wally wants barbecue, and we can watch your match back on Sergei. We’ve got video evidence of you being a bad ass by the way.” Speaking of...

Sergei dropped out of the sky and landed directly into my open hand, before displaying a video file and its location.

“You... taped my gym battle?” May asked nervously.

“Yup!” I bounced on my toes a bit before leaning forward and grabbing May by the hand and dragging her out of the building.

May just killed the hype.

The hype is buried out in the backyard next to Eve’s dead planter.

“So, to clarify, we DON’T have to stare down an Onix the size of a small skyscraper to claim our badge?” Wally asked.

I ground my teeth.

“Probably not, no,” May responded, giving me nervous glances as I stared down at my plate.

“I’m okay with this,” Wally said.


“I don’t want to fight a gym trainer,” I whined. “That’s so fucking lame.”

“Look, they’re gym Pokémon. They’re from the same list that Roxanne pulls from for zero badge trainers,” May argued. “And honestly, I don’t think gym leaders put much effort into fights against noobs, so it really shouldn’t be that different.”

“Were we at the same gym battle?” I deadpanned. “I have it in 4k, we can watch Roxanne put effort and strategy into her battle against you with awesome Pokémon.” I waved Sergei around to emphasize my point.

“I... doubt everyone who fights Roxanne for their first badge deals with THAT,” May mumbled.

“Yeah, hell, she even cleared her schedule to fight you. I know for a fact that the Trainer School held classes today,” I ground out angrily.

Honestly, this just wasn’t fair. May winced.

“I’m sorry. I wish...” May trailed off.

Emilie punched me in the side of the head.

‘Calm down. You’re very close to saying something stupid,’ she said angrily in my head.

‘What, that May’s going to be the only one to actually EARN her badge and it’s because her dad’s a gym leader.’ My scowl worsened. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid. Not May’s fault Roxanne’s a bitch, anyway. Still pisses me off that-’

“I... that’s just-” May sputtered.

“Huh? May, what’s wrong?” I asked confused. ‘I didn’t say any of that out loud, right?’ I asked, worried about a repeat performance of the contest incident. Emilie shook her head no.

“I need a second.” May pushed herself away from the table, a few tears in her eyes. “Excuse me.”

“Huh, May, wait.” I cried out. “I don’t know what I did, but whatever it was, I'm sorry!” May all but sprinted away from the table. “That was... odd. Wally, I didn’t say anything to out of line, did I? I’m angry at Roxanne, not May.” Wally shook his head.

“I don’t think so? That last comment about Roxanne clearing her schedule felt a little... personalized, but for the most part it was just your usual whining and complaining,” Wally explained.

‘Go after her,’ Emilie commanded.

‘Huh? Emilie, I don’t think she really wants to see me right now.’

‘What people say and what people want are two different things.’ Emilie smiled. ‘Go after her.’

I pushed myself out from the table and stood up.

“Wally, just hang out here, I’ll be back in a moment,” I said.

“Don’t worry about it, just cheer her up. I don’t think making people cry is a good way to get them to go out with you,” Wally quipped as he popped another fry into his mouth.

“Please don’t say things like that.” I pleaded before turning around and making my way toward the doors. May hadn’t walked that far off, thankfully. Unthankfully, as I walked outside, she turned and stared directly at me.

It suddenly occurred to me that I had no idea what to say. I felt like a Stantler caught in a set of headlights.

“Hey...” Legends above, I’m pathetic.

“I’m sorry...” May apologized, and I felt like I missed the memo entirely. Why the hell was she apologizing to me? “You’re right, it isn’t fair that Roxanne singled me out. For you or me. I just... don’t know what to do about it.”

“But I don’t blame you for that, May. It’s not your fault. I should be the one apologizing. We’re supposed to be celebrating your win right now. There’s a rack of ribs in there bigger than my head that I'm supposed to eat in your honor,” I shouted worriedly.

“That... that’s not what you said earlier.” May looked down and away. “I don’t like being lied to, Lea. I can deal with the other stuff. I’m a big girl.”

‘Okay, could you indulge me for a second. I think I know what happened, but... I just need to confirm it cause by all rights it is WAY too soon for you to be able to do that.’ Emilie shook her head. ‘Ask her what the last thing you said to her was. In the restaurant I mean.’

“May, this is going to sound weird, and I'm sorry if it sounds mean, but Emilie thinks it’s important.”

May looked at me for a bit before nodding.

“What was the last thing I said before you left the restaurant?” I asked.

“I... You’re right. That is mean. What you said... hurt.” May cleared her throat before continuing. “You said I was the only one who’d earn their badge here, and that it was only because my dad’s... who he is.”

‘How the hell are you already this strong!? I can’t even push my thoughts into another normal human’s head when I focus. How can you do it on fucking accident!?’ Emilie screamed and I clutched my head as her thoughts bounced around inside my skull.

May walked towards me.

“Lea, are you okay?” I nodded before squaring my shoulders.

“May, I didn’t say that-”

“I said stop lying to me!” May shouted. “What you said hurt, but you’re right! I’ve worked my ass off these last few days. I earned my badge, and it feels fucking terrible because you’re fucking right! If Dad was anyone else, I'd be fighting a gym trainer tomorrow with you guys.” May broke eye contact and sniffled. “I just... didn’t know you felt that way.”

“I don’t.” May just shook her head in response. “And you’re going to listen to me now, because what I have to say is important.” I swallowed down a lump that formed in my throat. ‘Can I do it again?’ I asked Emilie, desperately hoping the answer was yes.

‘You did it by accident, so doing it on purpose should be a cake walk. Visualize the message you want to convey and who it’s for, then push the thought out of your head,’ Emilie instructed.

I focused on May and made sure her eyes were locked to my face. That she could see exactly what I wanted her too.

‘I didn’t SAY anything of the sort.’

May’s eyes become as wide as dinner plates.

“You... How?” May asked in wonder. I didn’t have an answer for her.

“Emilie thought I was... treading dangerously close to opening my mouth and eating a five-star shoe buffet, so she told me to watch myself. I said the most asinine, idiotic, stupidest thing I could have said and told her she had nothing to worry about, because I would never say something like that to you.” I smiled at May reassuringly, but she still didn’t look convinced. “Oh, I also called Roxanne a bitch, and that it’s not your fault she can’t see a good challenger like me coming.”

May laughed at that. It sounded a bit forced, but I smiled that I was at least able to cheer her up a bit.

“I’m mad at her. I don’t know why or how I pushed that message to you, but I'm sorry you heard it and I'm sorry it made you this-”

“But... do you think that?” May asked and the words died on my tongue. “You thought it. Even if it was in response to something else.”


“Be honest,” May commanded.

“It... bothers me.”

May sagged.

“It bothers me that people treat you differently, and I... get jealous, sometimes,” I confessed. “I know it’s stupid, and I try not to feel that way, but...” I trailed off and Emilie patted me on the shoulder reassuringly. “Feelings don’t always listen to reason.”

“I’m... thank you for your honesty.” My stomach felt hollow. “I can try-”

“Like I said earlier, it’s not anything you’re doing.” I cut her off. Her blaming herself for something she had no control over was the last thing I wanted. “It’s other people. I wanted to kick Roxanne’s ass earlier. She put you in the gym leader’s daughter box and brought ringers. If you didn’t train your ass off, you would’ve gotten rolled, and that pissed me off.” I ground out. “You should have a chance to enjoy a normal adventure.”

May’s eyes widened at my choice of words, before pulling me into a rather painful hug.

‘I... who... uh...’ I couldn’t seem to get my brain to work right now.

Emilie smirked. ‘If a single hug does this too you, I wonder-’


“Thanks. I think I needed that,” May said.

“Right, so... we good then?”

“We’re good. Even though this was hard, I think this was a good thing.” May smiled. “At any rate, congrats on being a telepath?”

Oh. Right. That was a thing now.

“Does this mean you can include me in your conversations with Emilie now?” May asked. A cold shiver ran up and down my spine and I turned to observe the Cheshire grin adorning Emilie’s face.

“I’ll get back to you on that.”

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