Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

To The Heart of The Beast 2


~Queen B, want no smoke with me~” Riri was dancing and singing happily.

Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be a problem. So why was it a problem now? Well, I’ll tell you.. the problem with this situation was the fact that Riri was driving and didn’t have her hands on the fucking steering wheel! 

~I’m a savage! Classy, boujee, ratchet!~” Riri turned my way, still dancing. Maybe expecting me to join in. “~Sassy, moody, nasty!~” 

I’ve been trapped in a car with this maniac for at least 15 minutes now. In those 15 minutes, I’ve personally seen her break more laws than I can count. Running red lights and stop signs, switching lanes without signaling, and-

“Fuck you!!” Riri stuck her hand out of the window and threw the middle finger up at a woman that she had almost caused to crash when she cut her off. “Idiot fucker! You old bitches need to get the fuck off the road!” 

And of course road rage... 

Riri turned my way with a scowl. “Did you see her?! That old bitch was driving like a fucking turtle!” 


“Shut the fuck up, this is my part!” RirI cut me off. “~Talkin to myself in the mirror, like, bitch, you my boo~

Riri started screaming and stomping her feet as the course continued to play. 

The car started swerving out of the lane. The oncoming traffic beeping their horns at us. Riri had her eyes closed, and wasn’t paying attention. 

“Uh.. Riri?” I asked, trying to get her attention. 

~actin stupid, what’s happenin?~” Riri continued singing, completely ignoring me. 

The car's horns were blaring and now we were in the other lane entirely. But, Riri still hadn’t noticed.

“Rir?!” I screamed.

~Bitch, what’s happenin~” Riri screamed back. 

I grabbed Riri’s steering wheel and brought us back into our lane. 

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. My heart had nearly exploded!

“Hey!” Riri screamed as she smacked my hand away. “What the fuck are you doing?!” 

“We almost crashed!” I snapped back. “How did you not notice that?!” 

“I know what the fuck I’m doing!” Riri screamed as she whipped a corner. “Don’t touch my radio or my steering wheel! If you do anything like that again, your ass will be walking the rest of the way!” 

Please let this end soon! Oh God, Mizuki! She’s going to have to deal with this!  Maybe I should walk instead! But then she won’t give me her address! Shit!!! 

We finally arrived at the station. I got out of the car, experiencing motion sickness for the first time in my life.

Ouuu sing it! He ain’t got no money, yeah~” Riri was still singing. I’m not sure if she was even aware that I had stepped out of the car. 

I walked up the train station platform and eventually found Mizuki sitting on a bench playing with her phone. 

I got right behind Mizuki, and she still hadn’t noticed me. Just before I said something, a mischievous thought entered my mind. 

Hmm.. maybe I should teach her to be more aware of her surroundings. Though, I might be the wrong person to say teach her? 

“Hey!” I yelled right next to Mizuki. 

“Arghh!” Mizuki screamed. Throwing me off of my game completely. 

She turned around to see me standing behind her and made a relieved face. Then, with a frown, she clutched her phone against her chest. “What are you doing?!” 

“What’s on your phone?” I quickly changed the subject. 

“Don’t worry about it!” Mizuki yelled. “Why are you late?!” 

“Oh! I got a ride from…” What is Riri to me as of now? Certainly not a friend… 

“From?” Mizuki asked impatiently.

“From.. an acquaintance.” Yeah that’s what she is.  

“So they dropped you off so we could take the train back home?” Mizuki asked. 

“No. She offered to take you back home.” 

“She?” Mizuki asked, as if she couldn’t believe what I had just said. 

Hey! I am capable of having female acquaintances! “Yes..”

“Okay…” Mizuki’s words trailed off. “So where is your acquaintance?” 

“Back in her car. Come on, let's go.” 

“Alright.” Mizuki announced as she stood up and dusted herself off. 

“You should be more aware of your surroundings.” I playfully teased. 

Mizuki looked up at me with a frown. “I didn’t know I had to be. But, I guess creeps are everywhere.” 

“Ouch.” That one really hurt! 

We exited the station, and started walking over to Riri. As we got closer to her car, we could hear her singing. 

~I’m good without you, but I’m fucking with you regardless~” 

After seeing Riri dancing and singing in her car, Mizuki looked…confused. “ friend?”

“Acquaintance, but yeah.” I want to make that very clear. 

“She..she has a really good singing voice.” Mizuki commented as we got closer.

“Yeah.. she does.” I wasn’t saying that just to agree. When Riri puts her all into it she’s a really good singer. 

“Hey!” I called out to Riri, hoping to get her attention. 

~Sorry that you can’t keep up! You’re lookin like you bit too much! Boy act right cause it’s cool! There’s just too much sauce in the food for you~” Riri didn’t respond and continued singing.

I didn’t know what to say, and I looked at Mizuki who was watching Riri with a confused look. She looked up to me, and I shrugged. 

Mizuki and I silently got into the car while Riri continued singing. 

Riri finally turned the music off, and turned around to face Mizuki who was sitting in the back passenger seat. 

“Hello.” Riri suddenly announced, as she turned her music off. 

“H-hello!” Mizuki responded as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

“This is your little sister?” Riri asked as she turned toward me with a raised brow.  

“He’s my step brother!” Mizuki suddenly interjected.

“Oh.” Riri eyed Mizuki up and down, as if she was scrutinizing every detail of her. 

Mizuki averted her eyes and looked down at her lap as she sheepishly squirmed in her seat. 

What’s up with this awkward atmosphere? Should I say something?

“I’m not impressed.” Riri announced with a snort, before turning back around in her seat. 

Mizuki's eyes widened and her mouth hung open. She looked at me, but I didn’t have any idea what that meant or where it even came from. 

Riri turned her music back on, and started dancing and singing without a care in the world. “~La la la la la la! Yeah Bitch I got your man-an-an! Since you bad, hoe, come catch him if you can-a-an~"

Riri skirted off, causing Mizuki and I to almost hit the window. 

“Kya!” Mizuki screamed before looking in my direction. Her eyes said, ‘What’s wrong with her?’

I weakly muttered sorry before turning around in my seat and tightening my seat belt. 


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