Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

Date 2


“Do you…know each other?” I asked as Saya pulled me along through the hordes of people. 

“NO!” Saya rebuked, turning to face me with tears in her eyes. 

I was stunned into silence as Saya dragged me into an alleyway. 

I was thrown against a wall, my back hitting the cement wall with a thud. 

“I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” Saya screamed as she swung her fist at me. 

I did my best to parry the torrent of punches Saya was throwing at me, but a few punches managed to slip through and hit me. “STOP!” 

“SHUT UP!” Saya responded as she continued wildly swinging at me. “LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!” 

“STOP FUCKING HITTING ME!” I grabbed Saya by the arms and pinned her against the wall as she flailed around. 

Saya bit my neck as I screamed in pain. I felt the warm liquid oozing out of my neck. I managed to free myself from Saya’s clutches. 

I took a step back and examined Saya. She was almost snarling at me, revealing her blood stained teeth. And she had a feral look in her eyes, causing her to appear like a rabbit animal. 

“COME ON!” Saya screamed as she struggled in my grasp. “FUCK ME UP! I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!” 

“I’M NOT GOING TO HIT YOU!” I screamed in Saya’s face, cutting her rant short. “WHAT’S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING SHIT LIKE THIS?!” 

“You don’t love me..” Tears flooded Saya’s eyes and started streaming down her face, making a mess of her makeup. “I want to fucking die..” 

My chest tightened as I watched Saya breakdown and start bawling her eyes out. 

“I saw the way you looked at her…” Saya struggled to speak, her crying causing her words to be incoherent. “Why don’t you look at me like that???” 

Saya’s eyes trembled as she stared directly into my eyes. “Why don’t you love me?” 

My eyes started watering and I found myself leaning over Saya as our lips crashed together. Saya’s eyes shot wide open, and she froze. 

The taste of blood filled my mouth as our tongues intertwined. At first Saya was passive, allowing me to ravish the inside of her mouth. But, only after a few seconds did she actively participate. 

Saya locked her tongue with mine as she aggressively took the lead. Her moans leaked out as she sought out my tongue. Her voice was muffled, but I could occasionally hear ‘I love you’. She licked my gums and my teeth, swallowing my saliva in big gulps. It was far too much to handle and I found myself overwhelmed. 

I seperated my lips from Saya’s as she playfully bit my tongue to prevent me from leaving. 

I filled my lungs with air, my heart beating nearly beating out of my chest. 

Saya’s cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink, and her sultry breath steamed as she struggled to catch her breath. As I stared into her eyes, I could see the pink beating hearts. 

My stomach churned, the heavy feeling hitting me like a lead weight. But, I had to do it. “I love you Saya.” 

Saya’s chest heaved up and down, as she tried to fight back her tears. She closed her eyes and buried her head into my chest. “I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” Saya whined as her tears stained my shirt. 

Saya cried as she softly kissed and licked the bite she left on my neck. 

I’m going to be littered with bites and scars at this rate. 

I internally sighed as I hugged Saya closer to me, slowly running my hand through her silky hair and rubbing her head as she wailed. 

“Please don’t leave me..” Saya whined through her sobbing. 

“I won’t.” I replied, blinking the tears away in my eyes. 

I let Saya cry in my arms until she was able to compose herself. But that wasn’t the end of it. 

“Bite me.” Saya said as she pulled down her hoodie, revealing her delicate porcelain neck. 

I can feel a headache coming on. “I’m not doing that.” I replied sternly. 

“Please?” Saya asked, her eyes watering. 

“Why?” I asked, completely bewildered.

“Because I did it to you. Saya replied with a downcast expression. 

“It’s not a big deal.” It actually is, but I don’t want to go down this rabbit hole. 

Saya stared directly into my eyes, refusing to budge. 

“You’re so weird.” I let it slip out. 

“Do you hate that?” Saya asked, her voice cracking. 

“No! That’s not what I meant! It’s just…” I realized that I would only end up going in circles at this rate. 

It might just be better to give her what she wants. 

I took one last good look at Saya’s face. Her eyes were puffy red and she looked ready to cry any second.

I sighed deeply. 

I can’t believe I’m about to do this.. 

My cheeks started burning, but I pushed the feeling away. I pressed Saya’s body against mine and brought my face to her neck. I hesitated for a moment, before I finally gathered the courage to sink my teeth into her neck. Not hard enough to break skin, but hard. 

Saya winced in pain, but surprisingly grabbed the back of my head. “🖤Harder🖤

She.. likes this? 

It took me a moment to process things, but I did as she instructed. Biting down harder on her neck until I could taste blood. I felt her heartbeat increasing as her breathing grew rough and erratic. 

Saya.. moaned loudly as her body trembled. I unlatched my mouth from her neck, and Saya collapsed to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

I looked down at Saya in shock. She was resting against the wall with a bright red face and an erotic elated face. She was smiling ear to ear, and drool was spilling out of her mouth. 

I was speechless as I watched Saya with a complicated feeling in my chest. 

How did I let her convince me to do that? 

I wanted to end the date after that, but Saya insisted. So we ended up shopping for her clothes again. Saya happily held my hand tight the entire time, as if I would disappear if she let go. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but it wasn’t bad. 

Currently, Saya and I are sitting in an ice cream shop. She ordered a strawberry cheesecake double scoop ice cream, and I ordered a double scoop fudge brownie ice cream. 

While I was devouring my ice cream in glee, I noticed that Saya barely even touched hers. She was too busy staring off into space. 

“It’s going to melt.” I said. 

Saya twitched and she made a shy expression. “Can we try something?” 

“Such as..” My skepticism seeped out unconsciously. 

“Can we feed each other?” Saya asked, throwing puppy dog eyes at me. 

“I…” My voice trailed off as I glanced around the shop. 

“Please?!” Saya screamed as she banged her hands on the table. 

“Why?” Saya asked, on the verge of tears. “Why 

The people around us started turning to see what the commotion was. 

“Maybe next time. Just eat your ice cream.” I tried to calm Saya down.

Please?!” Saya screamed even louder this time. 

Saya didn’t budge a muscle, she continued staring at me, waiting for my answer.  

I looked around at everyone staring at us, before finally accepting my fate. “…okay.” 

Saya’s eyes lit up, and she scooted as slow as possible to me. “She got a spoonful of ice cream before shoving towards me. “Say, ‘Ahhh’.

“..a..ahh.” I opened my mouth and Saya pushed her spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. I slowly chewed on the strawberry cheesecake. “It’s good. I should have got this.” 

“My turn!” Saya shouted, shifting back and forth in her seat like a giddy child. Not caring whatsoever for the people watching us and snickering.

Blood rushed to my face, and I wanted to hide in my shell. 

Just get it over with. Just get it over with. 

I followed Saya’s instructions and gave her some of my ice cream. 

~So goood~” Saya exclaimed as she wriggled in her chair. 

Thus, this is how our time passed in the ice cream shop. Despite my uncomfortability, it didn’t seem to faze Saya one bit. She was actually pretty happy. 

I couldn’t leave the ice cream shop fast enough! I desperately wanted to call it quits and go home. But, Saya insisted profusely, to which I gave in once again... 

Saya dragged me around with a renewed vigor. It was like she had turned into the energizer bunny. 

“Let’s go! here” Saya yelled as she pulled me into an arcade. 

I haven’t been to an arcade since… 

Electro music played in my ears as I bumped into people one after the other. They were cursing at me and yelling, but I’m too tired to care. We headed to the counter where we were greeted by a brunette woman who exchanged our cash for quarters and held our bags. 

“Ouuu that looks fun!” Saya exclaimed, as she pointed to an arcade machine in front of us.

I looked up to see an arcade machine decorated with zombies and toy pistols at each side. 

Saya dragged me to the machine and inserted some quarters. Soon after, sinister music started playing before zombies started digging themselves out of the ground.  

“Hey.” Saya whispered. 

“What?” I answered lazily. I’m not big on anything other than H games, but whatever. 

“Let’s make a bet.” Saya responded with a smirk. 

I had a bad feeling, but I was also too curious to not dig further. “Like what?” 

Saya leaned over and brought her mouth right next to my ear. “If I win, let me suck your dick.” 

A tingle ran down my spine and to a very private area in between my legs. “Uhh…”  

“It’s starting!” Saya screamed joyfully as she started shooting the zombies on the screen. 

“Shit!” I started shooting zombies as well, doing my best to catch up to Saya. 

This is harder than I thought. And if I don’t hit them in the head they won’t die! I’m just pointlessly wasting bullets! 

The toy pistol vibrated in my hands as I continued missing my shots. 

Well, there’s no way Saya can be doing better than me, right?

I peaked at Saya’s screen and it was a complete 180 from mine. She was focused like a laser and her aim could be said to be the same. She was flawlessly wiping the zombies out one after the other without breaking a sweat. 

My mouth hung open and I stood in awe as I watched Saya work. I only managed to snap out of it once she threw me a sidelong glance and winked at me.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went back to screen. The zombies were on the verge of overwhelming me, so I fired my pistol without abandon. 

Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! At this rate- 

A red message popped up on my screen, signaling that I was out of bullets. Shortly after the zombies swarmed me and killed my character. 

“GAME OVER!” The arcade machine announced. 

“Yes!!!” Saya screamed as she raised her fist into the air, jumping up and down. 

If it had been any other time, I would have thought her display of excitement was cute, but knowing what she wanted as reward brought home some complicated feelings. 

The people around us were watching in laughter and amusement, and I could see the jealousy hidden in the guy’s faces around me. 

Yeah, that’s right! I got a girl who can kick my ass in video games! 

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I watched Saya’s genuine display of joy. Saya finally finished celebrating. She dipped her head and upturned her eyes at me, sucking me in per usual. “You know what this means right?” 

Blood rushed to my face, and my heart started pounding. I swallowed hard before I started speaking. “Yeah, I know.” 

Saya looked surprised, and it took a moment to actually speak. “Really?! I can?” 

“Uhh.. yeah.” Looking at Saya’s pleading expression, I realized that I shouldn’t give into her demands so easily. “But!” I cut in, causing Saya’s expression to grow nervous. “If you don’t skip at all during this week.” 

Saya winced, as if I had just struck her. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She bit her lip, as though she was making a difficult decision. 

I really thought this would be a no brainer. I can’t believe she hates school this much. 

Finally, Saya sighed before speaking up. “Deal.” 

“Deal.” I extended my hand out and Saya took it almost instantly and shook my hand. 

Quicker than I could react, Saya pulled me in close and whispered into my ear. “I get to choose when.”


Saya pulled away from me with a mischievous smile, leaving me stunned. She did a twirl before eyes landed on another arcade game. “That one!” 

I was thus dragged along by Saya to another arcade game. 

This time, it was a dance machine. 

“Ohhh…” I unintentionally let out. 

“What? Doesn’t this look fun?” Saya asked, her lips curling into a smile as she eyed the machine in wonder. 

I have the condition where I was born with two left feet. “Yeah.. I think I’ll-” 

Saya ignored me completely and dragged me onto the dance machine. She excitedly pushed quarters into the machine one after the other, occasionally dropping quarters in the process. 

“Okay!” Saya exclaimed as she struck a pose with her hands on her hips. “You want to bet again?” 

“No!” I’m done with taking bets that I’m going to lose. 

“Please??” Saya batted her eyes at me as she did her best cutesy voice. 

I looked the other way and didn’t respond to her provocations. 

No lie, I almost fell for it.  

The music cut on, and I prepared myself as best as I could. 

“START!” The arcade machine announced. 

Arrows floated onto the screen and I did my best to move my feet to match their directions. Blimps exploded onto the screen telling me how good of a job I was doing. 

This isn’t that bad. I think I’m pretty good at this. 

I turned to see what Saya was doing and she was stumbling over herself. She looked frustrated, but refused to give up. 

I let out a laugh, and Saya threw me an angry look before going back to focusing on the game. 

I guess I’m not so bad after all! 

I turned my attention back to my screen and continued following the directions. The arrows started speeding up and I found myself in the same predicament as Saya. 

This time it was Saya’s turn to start laughing. “See? Not so easy, right?” 

“Shut up!” I couldn’t help but to crack a smile at Saya’s remarks. 

The game only grew more difficult as time went on and we found ourselves bumping into each other frequently. It got to a point where the game couldn’t even be considered fair, but we still tried our best. Despite how idoitic we looked. 

This isn’t so bad. 

The game finally ended and our scores were exactly the same. We stepped off of the machine exhausted, but full of laughter. 

After we got off of the machine, a guy hopped on with mysterious enthusiasm. Or so I thought until he started dancing on the machine. Compared to us, he looked like a professional and we looked like toddlers. 

I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing, causing Saya to follow suit and grab on to me to keep herself steady. 

We played a few more random games around the arcade. To which Saya tried to bet on every single game. Fortunately, I turned down her proposals, choosing to focus on the fun instead. 

Now that I think about it.. She didn’t offer me anything for winning. 

We got our stuff and left the arcade with smiles painting our faces.   

“You looked like a crackhead.” Saya teased as she lightly rubbed my chest. 

“That was my secret move.” I responded with a soft laugh. “It was meant to distract you.” 

Saya burst out laughing sas she clung to me. “You’re so full of shit!” 

We’re currently riding the train back home. It’s bumpy and the seats are hard, but.. It’s not so bad. 

I honestly don’t want to go home. 

I looked at Saya’s cheerful expression, and the way her nose cutelly scrunches up when she laughs. 

A thin smile took over my face, and I enjoyed the bubbly feeling in my chest. 

“Thank you.” Saya’s voice entered my ears. “I’ve never been on a date before. Thank you for making it so fun.” 

“Same here.” I replied. 

Before I knew it, Saya and I were making out on the train without a care in the world. No guilt, no anxiety, nothing. Just two people enjoying each other's company. It’s...really nice.

 By the time we made it back home it was dark. We walked through the doors all over each other, I had to practically peel Saya off of me. 

“I’ll take a shower after you.” I said as I separated myself from Saya. 

“Just take one with me. Who cares?” Saya replied, clinging to me like a spoiled child. 

Saya finally gave up with a huff and stomped her feet as she headed to the guest bedroom Kenzie set up for her with her bags in hand.

I headed upstairs to my bedroom. It was surprisingly quiet and no one had come out to greet us. 

I opened my door and fell backwards onto my mattress. 

I let out a yawn, my exhaustion finally kicking in. A smile crept onto my face as I looked up at the ceiling. 

That wasn’t too bad. I want to go again. 

The thoughts of Saya freaking out at me in the alleyway resurfaced and I frowned. 

Saya isn’t a bad person. She’s just complicated. Today has shown me that. She just needs time. 

My eyelids were getting heavy, and tried as I might, I lost the battle to keep them open.

Later on in the night, as Jeff soundly slept. Saya stood over him, silently watching him with a crooked smile. Occasionally she let out a soft chuckle, but constrained her voice so as to not wake up Jeff. Slowly, Saya climbed on top of Jeff. She delicately wrapped her hands around his throat. For what seemed like an eternity, Saya stayed in the same position. Finally climbing off of Jeff and laying by his side.

Saya placed a very gentle kiss on his cheek whispering softly into his ear. “I won’t let you leave.” 

If Jeff were awake he would have heard the announcement going off inside of his head. 

★★Congratulations Player! Lady luck has shined her light upon you! Death flag avoided★★


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