Heleion Archives

On Strange Frozen Waters

18th of July, 97th of the Neo-Dawn Era. Far Northern Heleion, at the Maelstrom.

            The Maelstrom, a magical storm that appears in the shape of a long, dancing cone of darkness connecting the frozen waters with the void high beyond the heavens. It gifts sometimes precious rocks floating in the Void Between Worlds, sometimes curses with horrors beyond one’s imagination.

Besides, it also changed the surroundings. The snow gained a darker, rotten hue with some in tandem with ice and water floats in the air. The local fauna, what little remains from the original, mutated into strange creatures, resulting in their madness to attack on sight usually.

“I could never get used to this place.” Botildvara, a petite appearing snaelv elven Kvinneriar said. Her body clad in her raven black uniform, a slight modification of the Aegriar uniform, mostly differing at the neck. Like that one having wave motifs, the Kvinneriar jacket’s neck while round in shape. It twists softly resembling a whirlpool with the tips and top slightly curved outwards where the snow silvery metal coating represents the borders where it starts to drag in ships.

The two strands of her frost hued hair tied into a long, hanging ponytail scraped the top of her jacket’s neck as she turned facing the bed. Her elongated icy blue eyes stared at her superior with cold discipline.

“Thankfully, if everything goes well, we won’t have to.” Frayaira said while stretching her arms high in the air with a gaping yaw as she slowly got up from her bed in the tent. The comb on the nearby stand flew into her right hand and she gently ran it through her seamless, long platinum snow white hair with a thick fringe from which her pristine white horns sprouted from her head with a majestic rocky texture. Like two magi towers, they stood proudly beside each other while heading towards the roof.

“Do you think it is a good idea to follow after the trail? Most here have no experience in dealing with fiends.” Botildvara asked as Frayaira slipped into her aetherna satin blouse dyed in silver gray, inspired by the waters around Hoshigawa during the winters when the Silver Moon shines strongest over them.

“Well, there is a first to everything. And these ladies fought during the Great War so it isn’t necessarily different from fighting a clever enemy.” Frayaira spoke with her sweet, honeyed voice slightly interjected with the sound of the corset vest’s zipper. As if living, the piece of nid (faux) leathery clothing tightened onto the aetherna satin blouse as she folded down her blouse’s collars.

“True, but fiends are still a bit more chaotic then an arghyrian legionary I’d say. But I digress.” Botildvara said as she lowered her head slightly. Meanwhile Frayaira slipped into her Aegrieth Type-V coat, a piece inspired by the long-robes of ancient sea witches. Modified for this accursed weather including the Yehiornid fur at the top of the collars, end of the sleeves.

A large, round neck reminiscent of the hundreds of kilometers wide and long maw of charybdises stalking the waters of north and south. From the inside, eight straight and long bands with raven black leathery frames extended out, flailing on the imposing walls. Their shiny surfaces laced with thorny runes curving like their tentacles dragging escaping ships into their putrid maws. The bottom itself cut into three, embroidered with the same runes.

“Well, hopefully this will be a short trip into some long forgotten ruin. But I get you, stepping into this snow is disgusting. Like walking through a field covered by oozes.” Frayaira said with her alluring, devilish elven face grimacing as she recalled stepping down first from their sea vessel.


“Okay ladies, I will need two volunteers to stand guard here.” Frayaira yelled as the mushy snow storm rage worryingly increased. Their small group stood in front of an ancient mound built by naurdian’s who often sailed these waters eons ago, before the Maelstrom itself appeared. The ancient structure itself was carved into the lower walls of the Eptirrion mountain, close to a former settlement hidden under the tainted snow.

The entrance frames engraved with ancient runes, serving as protection against the harsh elements of the far north, still active even against the cursed storm.

“Good. Thank you. As usual if we don’t return in an hour and half go back and leave.” A winterborn seossurian and a naurdian with mesmerizing, youthful complexion raised their hands. Strands of their hair, free of their leathery ushanka danced in their faces. At the center, covered in the same faux fur, a badge shaped like a shield from its center, four dragon heads of differing kinds sprout with long necks, swirling around the edges. Their jaws open as if ready to spew flames forth.

“The rest after me and Botil.” As she spoke her flailing bands on the jacket’s neck lit up with a bluish white light as she turned around. The hard shadows parted, bathing the old walls in the light, then as the two kept their eyes on them, the shadows move back in, swallowing their slender forms slowly.


“How accurate is their scope?” Tonenis, a fellow snaelv elven Kvinnerine asked as their footsteps echoed through the hollow halls. Her indigo blue hair flowing out from under her ushanka neatly framed her tempting pale elven face adorned with white eyes.

“Well, according to the Void-Gazers, theirs is one of the best in the country. So whatever fell, should be here.” Elsinar, a snaelv elven dracorith with aquamarine eyes, scale and long hair matching her rank’s blouse said while her attention wandered from statue to statue. Each one was a finely carved maiden with an arm spread invitingly, a raven resting at their wrists. Weirdly, lightly dressed if one counted that even before the Maelstrom, freezing temperature ruled this section of the world.

Then as they entered further in, statues of warriors slowly replaced the maidens. They stood solemnly with their weapons held like a cane an elderly uses to rest after a long journey. Faces barely carved with detail, except for wrinkles, scars and their eyes closed down as if sleeping.

“It is definitely here. Raya mentioned seeing a hole in the mountain side high above the entrance, clearly made by something that fell with great velocity.” The sole dark elven member of their entourage interjected recalling one of their Sisters who scouted the ruins from not too far.

“So are we going to go up or down?” Tonenis asked as she stopped for a moment while hearing soft sounds a bit resembling footsteps.

“What?” Botildvara noticing her stopping turned around with a questioning look.

“I bet a round that we’re being watched, maybe even measured.” She answered while her right hand reached for the handle of her sword resting on her side.

“That is true. Keep vigilant, they may attack at a moment’s notice.” Frayaira said while the grave wind blew on her coat’s shoulder straps. A mildly satisfied look on her face as she was quite bored from all the walking.

Then as they arrived to a large round hall, pyres placed all around at the edges with a large glass circle at the center. Light shining upon its dark surface from high above the clouds, traversing through a vast and hole traversing towards the peaks themselves.

As soon as they stopped at the center, the sounds of distorted, fiendish screams echoed from all four pathways. “Ready yourselves.” Frayaira said as she held out her left arm, her thumb and two nearest fingers glowing ethereally in an arcane light. Her body rotated around, drawing a ward around themselves. While the ward’s wall rose slowly, the others kneeled down and aimed their Dyatlov RMGs at each entrance. Their weapons lit up as Frayaira continued, enhancing their firepower and accuracy even more.

Then the first dozen fiends appeared from the shadows. Lemures, former mortals who fell victim to fiendish contracts. Malformed elves, humans and other kin, with liquefied skin and stretched, broken maws from which their soul shaking veils escape. With each step they leave behind a bloody footprint, their tortured phalluses and vulvas exposed. The bones in their torso breaking through their melted flesh, covered in their tainted blood. Smoking tears flowed on their tortured faces, their eyes screamed for the mercy of death.

Which they received as soon as they reached within fifteen meters. Water burst forth from the ground, completely enveloping them. With every fiber of their agonized being, they tried to escape their watery cells. Their screams muffled as their bodies dissolved as the water itself turned acid of a deadly ooze.

Others met their demise in a much less painful manner, torn onto two by exploding air bullets fired from the Roses RMGs. Others frozen by ice, piercing into not just their flesh, but their being. The last few dozen ended up as sizzling cadavers hitting the ground in the entrances, jolts of lightning stroke at last remaining Lemures reaching the end of the path. Their flesh melted into black puddles on the floor, crooked bones breaking slowly apart.

“There it is.” Frayaira said with relief, sensing a high ranking fiend approaching them. A fiend with a feminine body flew out from the darkness, then landed gracefully with her dark wings wrapped around like a cloak. Her skin as red as a carefully skinned corpse, burning eyes filled with lust and anger. Horns sprouting forth from the top of her forehead, intertwining above her head like passionate lovers.

And as her wings unfolded, she revealed her chest adorned with six breasts with the size shifting between those who gazed upon them. A slit grin exposing a grim smile, rows of razor sharp teeth and long tongue slithering out like a serpent, shaped like a phallus which itself slits open into another maw. Finally, her dark hair made of bodily fluids spreading down onto her glistening body, moistening it completely while permeating the air with a sweet, inviting scent.

Everyone except Frayaira gazed upon this fiend’s form with adoring, charmed eyes, ready to be swallowed by the sea of desires. “Not on my watch.” Frayaira yelled while her mana flew through her body, and the fiend towards them while cackling in a variety of voices, all a pleasure to the ear.

Then it suddenly stopped, her body in the air frozen in a block of ice. Ice that slowly shifts in to flames of white and golden, creeping towards her unholy body. Her infernal screams reverberate through the hall, as the flames bit into her body and being, sending her screaming back to her Lord of Tortured Desires and Submission.

“Shit, that was a close one.” Elsinar said as she collapsed down onto the cold floor covered in ice and fiendish blood.

“Thanks Fray.” Botildvara said as she was panting, her desires for lecherous punishment slowly decreasing as her sanity returned.

“Need a break or continue. It is not too far.” Frayaira said with a frown desecrating her face as she sensed what they were sent here for.

“Let’s move on. The less time we spent in this place the better.” Botildvara said while looking at the others in a similar state of hers, disappointment visible on some even. They all looked at her, then to Frayaira and nodded in agreement.

For the rest of the way, they remained silent and vigilant, then they all let out a sigh of relief as they reached the second hall. In its center a large coffin of infernal design crashed into the dark glass center.


The door slid open to the cabin. It was not too big, but not too small. Still it was bigger than on most ships thanks to the enchantments expanding its natural space. Stepping through it Botildvara let out a sigh as she zipped down her jacket, letting the blouse collars spread like the wings of a bird.

“Oh Mistress, that was truly… magnificent.” She said as her calm, cold look turned to one filled with madness born of desire. Her left hand squeezing her own chest layered under the vest and blouse. The right slipping into her pants, while her breathing turned rapid, her tongue made turns around her plump white lips.

She continued her act of self-pleasure while walking slowly towards the bathroom. With each step, a soft yelp filled with all her vile devotion escaped her lips.

“MMhnph nrm mnn nnnng.” Then as the door slid open, it revealed herself in the bathtub, completely naked. A wide strip of silver sealing tape pressured against her cheeks and lips. Her sizeable elven breasts pressured by the glistening tape running around, pressing her arms onto her sides. Her thighs and ankles similarly locked together as the tape wrapped around them tightened onto her smooth, snow white skin.

“There is a long way home. And I better present you to the pleasures she offers.” She said to Botildvara with a crazed smile.

“Mmnfm mm hm.” Fear formed in her eyes as her own insane reflection creeped ever closer…

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