Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 2: Advent of the Chosen Ones

Chapter 2: Advent of the Chosen Ones

Time passed quickly and in the blink of an eye, the opening period for〘 Satisfy World 〙had finally arrived.

At exactly 12 o’clock noon, UTC-4, on June 1st.

Cracking his fingers as he stretched inside the Capsule Connector, his phone was buzzing wildly with notifications from the various social media apps, and he knew the time for the Launch was nearing.

I always entertained the thought of enrolling in the Army since the pay was higher, but mom forbade me even thinking of that. At least in this New World I can experience what is like becoming a Soldier and if not even a Knight.

Waiting for something that you expect the most could be your worst enemy at times. It was like the feeling of someone punching you in the stomach. A feeling, or better said, is something that probably anyone experienced once in their lives, and even has to combat it to this day.

【Welcome to the Satisfy World.】

He logged inside the game, but was shifted from the ‘Preview Room’ to another location that was reminiscent of a White Room that only contained the sound of a ticking clock.


Odin walked around the plain room, but the tickings made it rather frustrating, and he couldn’t help but lament a bit his impatience. But, it was better to steal the start and not overlook the possibility of a loading que for the rest of the players, which was unlikely.

Better be safe than sorry. Mom always told me that.


Looking at the time, he felt bored and began doing some deltoid stretches and also an Warrior Stance, as if to exercise his movements of this Avatar, he tightened his muscles a bit to feel their sensation.

The responses are just as I think. Did S.A Group integrate the NeuralX technology of X Company for such a connection? You couldn’t even make the distinctions between what’s real and fake.

Then out of nowhere, with a loud bell dinging, his vision shifted, initially turning blurry before finding himself standing over the horizons overlooking a landscape reminiscent of the ‘Preview Room’ but his eyes could inspect further, akin to an Eagle.

A small map was morphing in front of his eyes that only contained the basic information of the Starting Areas, similar to what was revealed online by the Beta Testers.

【Welcome to Satisfy World, Odin. User has completed the Avatar Creation Phase and Name Assigning. Direct Access to the starting Spawning Points has been granted.】

Great. This is clearly stealing the start.

【The highlights shown on the continent are the kingdoms users can choose.】

【From the Saharan Empire that sits at the center of the world responsible for the users to the 16 kingdoms. Gauss on the North West of the continent, Eternal at the North Central part of the continent]

【Rottemon, Arc, Glusian, Hakken, Murrey, Ultima, Belto, Media who sit at the eastern part of the continent, along with Greenich, Kaysang, Ulterna, Pault, Violet who are close to the Empire.】

Noisy. Nonetheless, it is standard to offer some introductions to this Fantasy World, afterall, no one is an hardcore lunatic.

【User may take his time to pick accurately the Starting Location. Each one of those locations will have their bonuses to deliver the best playing experience to any type of user.】

Morpheus abruptly ended his informative message related to the Starting Spawn Locations, along with other reminders that his choice will have a consequence and he shouldn’t regret his choice for rushing it.

Looking at the continent from a ‘God’s View', Odin told the ‘Watcher’ of this World.

“My Starting Pick will be the Saharan Empire.”

【Your choice has been registered. The User will be teleported immediately to a Random Starting Point of the Saharan Empire.】

Wait, isn’t everyone teleported to Titan? The Queen of the Ancient Cities?

Why leave it to RNG? Auch, I think this is a change from the Beta Phase where everyone was summoned in the Capital Cities of their designated Kingdoms…

Dang it, this will change my plans a bit to gather a Legion of players to clear out most Hunting Zones and Dungeons. If I don’t meet anyone that reaches out to me, I’ll just play solo, until we reach the point where we can team-up.

Feeling almost betrayed by this overlook on his end, Odin’s vision from the omniscient God’s View parted ways, and out of nowhere.

Suddenly, Odin’s consciousness shook, and an indescribable sense of weightlessness permeated into his whole body, while his brain turned blank in an instant… akin to someone reaching a higher dimension on a mushroom trip.

No, it could be said that it felt as if he’s traveling through time and space, speeding through the endless voids of the universe at the speed of light wherein time was immaterial.

When his consciousness cleared once again, Odin found himself in a vast and magnificent alien-like world.

Accompanied by a melodious classical BGM, several wondrous scenes unfolded before Odin’s eyes such as the history of the Saharan Empire, from the chaotic timeline where all of the Warlords were waging wars to unify the Continent, with a man enveloped in Crimson Lights, Domineering and Regal like a Tyrant finally shattered into pieces.

Then the focus was shifted to a woman wrapped in holy golden light as she presented her Grace to the Mortals beneath her, ushering into an Era of Peace under the Goddess name, Rebecca.

Meanwhile, Odin watched this all from a bystander’s outside perspective, and was taken aback knowing that this cutscene wasn’t present in the Beta Phase, this stirred his ‘Lore Geek’ side and he stopped in place, contemplating what he saw as the recording of his capsule was on all this time.

The quality of the cutscene was very high, and Odin did not choose to skip it as it might present him with additional information regarding the Main Questline of the game.

Two minutes later, the cutscene finally came to an end…but Odin was still not satisfied and wanted more. It felt like being transported into a movie-set and watching the actors play from the perspective of a movie director.

With the tune of solemn music playing in the background, the world before Odin’s eyes changed once more.

This time, he found himself transported at the entrance of a small-sized village or town, he couldn’t quite tell from a distance, but it was reflecting an Feudalistic Era that Humanity has experienced in a by-gone Era of their history.

Finally regained control over his own body, and could hear the players chattering like chatterboxes about the cutscene they were presented as a Gift by the Developers. Some were excited and pumped to clear out this game, while others choose to skip the cutscene and stole the start by rushing toward the Guards of this Village and inquiring about where they could begin their starting questline.

“Oh a cutscene! The very first cutscene!”

“These CGI’s for sure are so realistic!”

“Hey, haven’t you already seen the trailer before?”

“The bgm is so beautiful… Ah… I feel like my emotions have been infected.”

【Welcome to Gravelmark Village】

The sound of the wind and the warmth of the world welcomed him, along with the birds chirping and the players who spawned in the same place as himself.

- “Man, those assholes are cutting in line and are already starting questing. I’ll not wait in line to kill some slimes or goblins!”

- "Woohoo, finally!! This time, I shall be the Dragon King!”

- “Get lost, it is I who shall be the Dragon Born!”

- “Let's go start the first quests and rush to a higher level ground. Everything will be contested soon enough when the whole player base jumps in.”

- “This place seems like a small village, not like the cities we saw the beta players enjoying."

The exclamations of the enthusiastic players came from left and right, building up the excitement all over the entrance of this Starting Zone.

Meanwhile, Odin, similar to the other players, was excited, but showed an indifferent expression as he looked around himself for familiar faces. With his calm green eyes exploring all he could see, the environment that greeted him was a simple place, the entrance of a modest Village.

In the distance was the view of a mountain dwarfing over this entire region, but this didn't affect Odin.

Odin felt a surge of energy within him and then as if on instincts, stretched out his hands to closely examine it.

They were the same hands as in reality since he chose not to alter his avatar, but keep it 100% real to his outside mirror, unlike some players that he could see even put on some fancy hairstyles and various coloring, along with copious amounts of body enhancements to soothe their egos.

Nonetheless, as he examined his body, there was some kind of indescribable power coursing through his veins. It was subtle, but he could feel it circulating in his body, like a current circuit with the source stemming from his heart.

Could this be the Mana those Beta Players tried to describe?

He then touched his whole body, and the sense of surrealism made him feel as if he had actually transmigrated, similar to the protagonist of those infamous isekai stories.

At this moment, all previous doubts within his mind were finally dispelled.

A sense of child-like excitement like finding a buried long lost treasure arose from deep within his heart, causing Odin to exclaim in utmost delight.

“This game truly is a masterpiece! The character designs are extremely realistic! And it fully recreates human sensation as well! Furthermore the sense of gravity here is so similar to the real world, it’s so freaking unbelievable!”

He then pinched his face so hard that he felt a sting right away.

“Ouch… The sense of pain appears to be very realistic as well! Why, if I didn’t know this was a game, I would definitely mistook that I somehow really transmigrated into some otherworldly planet!”

“But luckily, it seems that pain can be adjusted in the system settings, and the minimum pain threshold can be set to even as low as zero percent.”

He then brought up his Status Screen.

[Name : Odin / Class :None]
[Level : 1 (0/100) / Title :None]
[Health : 113/113 / Mana: 24/24]
[Strength : 11 / Stamina : 9]
[Agility : 8 / Intelligence: 12]

I don’t know what to say… Seems like a decent structured system.

Thinking about how he should start in this ‘Gravelmark Village’, it was a no-brainer that he had to get his Starting Quest, either from the Village Head or the Knight or Squire of the Village that ensured the safety of the people, just like how the rest of starting players in this area were doing.

- “Make way you bitches!! I’ll be first to Kill the Boss of this Area Point! The Black Company rules over this location.”

I guess, I wasn’t the only one who thought of grouping up from the start. Should check for those who wanted to join my Guild.

Odin could see that people were already forming parties, rushing like fireflies into the sun, while he calmly proceeded with adding everyone who requested his friendship in Satisfy, and slowly but surely, he was among a handful of people that remained behind at the starting point as others joined the game, and rushed to grab their quest.

There was a frown on his face when he understood his situation regards to his possible guildmates.

⤷ Demacia: Brother, I don’t know this Gravelmark Village of yours, but I think I hit the Jackpot. I’m inside fucking Titan of all the places! I don’t even know where to go to grab my starting quest. Help a brother in need and share some wisdom, o ‘Great Father’ Odin.

…This ass from the 10 people I talked to just now, he’s among the luckiest ones. I just figured that the probability of starting players being drafted to Titan Area is smaller than the small villages and towns like Gravelmark.

⤷ KebabforLife: Kardesim (Bro), I feel bad for you for being drafted into that backwaters. As a City Boy myself, I can’t help but appreciate that I don’t have to deal with the hassle of escaping the pigstays. I’m already enjoying Life in Gelder Duchy Capital.

⤷ Hairylegs: Dude, I can feel your pain. I also got drafted to some village in god knows where in the Empire. See you in Titan, and don’t forget to add me to your Guild once you form it officially in the game.

At least I’m not the only unlucky jackass from the group. Let’s get going with the grinding. I can feel my liver squirming a bit at the thought of killing endless hordes of goblins.

Walking with an increased pace, he looked at the NPCs that ignored the majority of the players that got into their faces, demanding Quests like they were some brainless code programmed by the Devs.

Ahh, that expression of scorn and disdain, feels so realistic. Those morons probably had their favorability with those NPCs plummeting to (-100).

Let’s see if I can find some NPCs that look available and would require a hand in their activities. Being interactive and proactive grants a higher chance of triggering Quests from NPCs, or so the theory of the Beta Phasers says.

“Come on you dumb bitch! Don’t you want me to clean around your House or take care of your Farm?”

The chaos of the launch of〘 Satisfy World 〙couldn’t be understated. It felt like the Scourge Army of the Lich King was unleashed upon this world, with endless hordes of zombies, ghouls and skeletons begging and inquiring about Quests from the belligerent NPCs who didn’t know how to escape them.

Before his eyes, various players attempted to steal from the NPCs but were quickly suppressed by the Militia of this Small Township as he learned after talking a little bit with a NPC Guard who stood by the settlement's entrance.

“Chosen One, if you want to help our Town, you should speak with the Chief. There’s a lot of tasks that require your assistance, as the wild beasts of the Mountain have become more aggressive and rampant.”

Hmm, is this the standard dialogue line for this NPC? Let’s probe further, maybe I get to additional dialogue lines.

“Sir, can you give me some directions? Where is the Chief located? I’m willing to join the cause of the Town and fight against those beasts.”

“I’m glad to hear that! As for the Chief, follow the road toward the center of the Town, and you’ll spot the Manor of the Chief. Is the biggest compared to others.”

“Thanks. By the way, do you need some assistance with your job? Want me to run some errands for you?”

“... There’s nothing much you can help me with. I’m just a Guard stationed at the Entrance. However, if there's something coming up and I need additional hands, I’ll send people to find you. From the many Chosen Ones that have talked with me, and passed me, you seem reliable.”

“Oh, much appreciated. May Goddess Rebecca watch you.”

The middle-aged guard looked at the ‘Chosen One’ who he initially thought was just like the rest, lacking attitude and being rude by demanding all sort of things from him, instead of talking calmly and acting like civilized people, was lost of words when he saw the tall youngster talk with a respectful attitude akin to a senior.

But what baffled this simple-minded guard, was how the ‘Chosen One’ already knew a custom in the Empire, and observed the symbol of Goddess Rebecca being formed by his hand.

“Likewise, Chosen-One. May Goddess Rebecca watch you!”

【 Guard Wex favorability towards you has increased by 20 points, and your relationship has reached ‘cordial.’ 】

That was unexpected. Is this guy actually such a simpleton? Just because I know some tricks from the lore of this World, regarding the Goddess and her Church, doesn’t mean I’m faithful to her faith. I barely believe in some Deity-like entity that holds Supreme Authority.

Seeing the black-haired guy depart, entering the maw of the beast that were the endless amount of people rushing inside the village like predatory beasts, he was reminded of one of his solitary seniors who always complained that he lacked people to help him with the crops cycle.

“Hey, you! Chosen-One! I think I have something for you. Since you insist on wanting to become helpful to the people here, if you go around searching for senior Mavrik, he might have work for you.”


【 Hidden Quest Triggered: The Farmer in Solitude(B)】

【Quest Description: Guard Wex formed a good impression over you, and believes that you’re not a bad character and could be entrusted with some tasks of assisting the villagers of Gravelmark. Rumor has it that an senior who bears the marks of a Warrior on his body, has transformed his life into that of a Farmer and complaints have reached Wex that this farmer lacks workforce to turn his crops around.】

【Quest Objectives: 1. Find Mavrik and plead your case. 2. Don’t antagonize the old farmer.】

【Quest Rewards: Possibility at attracting Mavrik’s curiosity.】

【Failure Penalty: Reprisal of Guard Wex. Losing (-10) favorability points with Mavrik】

The tall youngster turned around at Guard Wex who was speaking behind him, and he could spot a curious expression on his handsome face.

A Hidden Questline from the start, man, and I was thinking my luck was shit for being at a backwaters Village in God knows what corner of the Saharan Empire. I should see where it takes me, and later rub salt on that Demacia guy. He thinks being in Titan is all that cool, but good luck getting quests from level (+180) NPCs.

However, planting some seeds for the future might sprout some other quests regarding Gravelmark.

“I was thinking that maybe I would help with the garrison, but I don’t complain even if its farming work. Thanks a lot, sir.”


“My name is Wex, Chosen-One.”

“Ahh, but of-course. I’m going about being called Odin. Guard Wex, I’ll not disappoint your trust in me.”

With this said, he accepted the quest, and even bowed to the Guard, turning some heads from the other players who had mocking expressions akin to annoying, spoiled brats who didn’t understand what he was doing.

Ignoring all of the stares thrown at him along with the chaos of the starting day, he began looking around Gravelmark Village for the NPC bearing the name ‘Mavrik’, but this time luck wasn’t in his sight.

The villagers were reluctant to talk to him, ignoring him just like the other NPCs, and he couldn’t help but attribute this reaction to the assholes who were entitled to quests even though those NPCs weren’t even quest givers.

From the center of this small town at the location mentioned by Guard Wex, he could see people pushing each other like ragdolls attempting to skip the line at receiving an audience with the ‘Mayor’ or ‘Elder’ of this starting location, but were unsuccessful and even got roughed up by other players who outright began performing acts of player kill.

Amusing. They actually formed a line and are waiting to receive their tasks from the Elder. Those who stole the start by skipping the cutscenes were sharp… they managed to get first to the Elder and start the starting Questline.

Seeing the sulking faces of those roughed up for their attempt at skipping the line made his day, especially when he saw some drop their attempt at starting a quest, and just move out from the village and search for monsters, and grind their way into levels.

It's a matter of skills. Simply put. Skill Issues, bro.

The que stretched out for thousands of players, it felt akin to the early days when the Black Friday was implemented in Europe around the 2010s, where Ques at discount supermarkets were endless.

I think grandpa has lived in that era? Ahh, no, that was his ma and pa, who shared stories from the Commie Era.

Odin didn’t feel like adding another single digit to a thousand que, and smartly enough with a lot of resolve at suppressing his sheep-like mentality at waiting in line, he instead began wandering in other parts of the village, seeking his gold mine.

It went on like this for maybe 20 minutes, until he appeared at the periphery of the village as searched around the farmlands, but among the NPCs he spotted none were called ‘Mavrik’, it was until he spotted in a lush greenery space of the picturesque farmland the muscular figure of an elder doing farming activities.

[Mavrik -LV???](Purple)

Purple? This means he’s at least an unique NPC, and should have some importance to a questline. Doubt it's related to the main questline since you would need to interact with a Golden named NPC to proceed with the Main Questline progression.

Nonetheless, this being a Hidden Questline, it makes sense for the NPC to be of worth.

…What was the advice from the description? Be respectful and not antagonize the man? I mean, why would I even do this? I used to help the old man with his gardening hobby back in the countryside.

Might as well have some fun role-playing as a farmer and share the video with grandpa. I’m sure it will raise some eyebrows and interest in him to start playing Satisfy now that he mostly lazes doing nothing but watch weeds growing on his property outside of Bucharest.

Making up his mind, he approached the older farmer as he avoided damaging his handiwork as if afraid of touching plague, and his actions of preservation of the plant life and grown cabbage was satisfactory for the elder who noticed him walk carefully in his direction.

Still, Mavrik looked upon the tall youngster with his skeptical look, even doubtful since it was a new face that hadn't been spotted inside Gravelmark.

“Excuse me for bothering you, sir. Are you by chance, Elder Mavrik?”

“... And what about it? I’m pretty sure I didn’t rack any debts from Grenhal City. You also don’t look like an Adventurer from those clothes you’re wearing. No armor, no weapons, quite pathetic if you ask me.”

“So? Who are you, and what do you want, Stranger?”

“Elder, you can be at ease, I’m not here to cause trouble.”

“Kid, I’m not even riled up. But I would have been if you were to step on my precious cabbage. I give you that at least, you know the boundaries of not messing with a farmer’s cabbage.”

What the fuck is going on here? Is this old man… does he have any screws loose or something, or is married to cabbage like Emperor Diocletian? Forget it… act nice, and butter him up, I’m sure he’ll loosen up with the modern techniques of lip service. This is for the Questline.

Apart from this, this old man reminds me of an old asshole I know. Is that you, Pops?

--Cough-- Faking his cough, to clear this uncomfortable air, Odin proceeds by telling his story. “Mister Wex noticed that you’ve been having a hard time with your cabbage field, and instructed me to visit you, maybe I can be of help around your farm.

“Hmm? Is that so? That lazy bum kid, Wex, even after I give him some points in his shabby swordsmanship, he declines helping on the field, and helping me with my kimchi.”

“But then again, boy, you do look like a beggar. Are you sure not some thief, eying my cabbage?”

A vein prompted on Odin’s forehead, but he didn’t get worked up by the obnoxious words of this old man, and instead went along with his planned script.

“True, I do look a bit sketchy, but once I get some dinars… no, once I get even a bit of talons, I’ll be able to afford new pairs of clothes. This is all I have on me” said Odin with an awkward tone as he checked his attire again.

Odin, still in an awkward manner, requested the elder. “Mister, would you mind if I helped you pick up the cabbage from your field? I fear it will soon dry-up under this screeching sun. If I’m not wrong it's best that cabbages and salads are harvested quickly to keep them fresh.”

“Ohh, you know about farming. Interesting. However, I'm a dirt-poor farmer. I don’t have money to pay you. If you want to be helpful go to the Chief, I’m sure he’ll assign you something that can give you money for a pair of new clothes.”

“That’s unachievable, sir.”

“Why not?”

“The waiting list would have me wait at least one week, if I’m lucky to be in the first thousands. I’m not mentally impaired to wait that long for a couple of talons.” responded Odin bluntly escaping this random thought out in the open, and explaining the situation to the elder.

The old farmer took in his response, and with a cabbage in his calloused hands clearly distinct for those who wielded weapons in their arms, he stared with a focused gaze in his green eyes and out of nowhere Odin could spot a flash of blue light in his irises.

Did he use a clairvoyance skill or something?

“Hah? What the fuck? Why are there so many people inside Gravelmark? I thought this place was a quiet place to retire.”

“Ahem, don’t you know about the Oracles of Rebecca’s Church? The Advent of the Chosen Ones?”

“Should I?”


“We’re agents brought by Goddess Rebecca. Her Champions that are willing to fight for the sake of this World and defeat the Evil God and Demon King, or whatnot.”

“Hahaha, cut the crap, son. No one believes that nonsense. Now, that I think about it, I do remember some rumors that on a certain day a great scourge would hit Nihilaine, bringing great chaos into our lives.”

“... We’re not that dangerous. Not bringing chaos. For now. We’re like a bunch of adventurers on a quest to greatness and richess?”

“So, you’re after my cabbage?”

“No, sir, no, I’m not after your cabbage. I just want some work to get myself started in this journey of mine.”

“Fine, I believe you on that. You even got Wex’s referral. If you mess up with me and my cabbage, I’ll make sure to work both of you to exhaustion.”

“Sure thing, sir. I think Wex might pass on your offer, but I’m down to plow your field.”


【 Hidden Quest: The Farmer in Solitude(B) has been cleared】

【You have gained (+15) favorability with Mavrik. You have unlocked the Hidden Questline belonging to NPC ‘Mavrik’.】

“Alright, follow me, boy. I still have to give you some equipment to help me on the field. Also, carry along those large baskets with cabbage. Be ready for a long work on the field. No complaints allowed.”

【 Hidden Quest: Cabbage Work(E) has been generated】

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